
Ilyra Visz

SWRP Writer
Apr 6, 2019
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Ilyra was of the opinion that pirates were the worst kind of fools.

They raided because they did not have the forseit to actually make something themselves and that was fine - a lot of people did that - but what really annoyed her about pirates was their singular lack of vision. Almost universally they were blinded by the short term wins they could get for themselves. They seemed so incredibly invested in the short term goals and the instant gratification that comes with them.

But this short term goal was going to be one they couldn't reach anyway.

The pirates were raiding around Honoghr, which had been a safe target for them... until recently, when the Sith Empire took control of the area more securely and started to police it. Right now Ilyra was no the only Sith pilot sighting down the pirates in their simple fighters harrassing a few of the local freighters. As she began her approach she connected to her allies on the coms.

"This is Green Two, coming in hot." she reported over the systems, "Call out your targets guys."

She sighted down her own, highlighting it on the HUD.

"I've got my eyes on one."


Dani Kortex

SWRP Writer
Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
She was here to help a sith kill pirates, she did not really care, what they were. The empire hated them, thus This is Pink one, she said in a bubbly voice, then continued I can see six on my scanner. She then started to power up her guns, and shields. She then began to take up formation and was getting ready to break and attack. She sat her ship just behind @Ilyra Visz, to act as her wingman. She waited for her orders, partly wishing she could use her pheromones in space.

She only just graduated, but it was really some hardest training in the galaxy, to be an imperial agent.