Vayate Merrick

Vayate Merrick

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
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Vayate Merrick

NAME: Vayate Merrick
FACTION: None...yet.
AGE: Nineteen
HEIGHT: Five feet, Eleven inches
WEIGHT: One-hundred and fifty-five pounds
EYES: Sterling blue
HAIR: Chestnut brown
SKIN: Peach
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: He has a two inch long by half inch wide scar upon his left cheek. A remainder of the battle of Corellia, and Sith power.

STRENGTH: Vayate posses the strength of any other human male his age, that is physically well maintained. (7/10)
DEXTERITY: Vayate posses the agility or nimbleness of any other human male his age, that is physically well maintained. (7/10)
CONSTITUTION: Vayate is not as hardy as most, having grown up without the healthiest nutrition, this causes him to be prone to falling ill at times. (5/10)
INTELLIGENCE: Vayate has average intelligence, however he is above average if not excellent at combat based knowledge. (I.e he reads a lot about how weapons work, and how armor stays you know.... armorey.) (5/10)
WISDOM: He relies more on gut feelings then cool and logical thought processes. (4/10)
CHARISMA: He is charming only if one finds Sarcasm, Stubbornness, and Coy responses charming. (6/10)

Vayate is coy, stubborn, sarcastic, and loyal to a fault. He doesn't do half measures. He struggles with being kind and generous to those in need, as well as rigid and indifferent to those with the ability to help themselves, but yet still may need aid. Vayate grew up during the take over of the Sith. He never knew peace, only strength, brutality. Death. Being Corellian however, once his mind is made up on something, he doesn't waver. He will never give up, never surrender, even if it kills him.

Seeing his would be master die, defending a civilian who had only moments before, verbally accosted the man, has given him a certain level of respect for Jedi that can only be described as reverence. This moment in his life has been at the very least, impact ridden. Something about sacrifice in the defense of another just seems to push people to incredible heights, if not lofty goals, Vayate being no different. At times Vayate can seem rough because of his stubbornness, but at its core it is based on his intensifying need to do what is right, at any costs.

Vayate grew up on Corellia as a street urchin. His parents simply didn't exist to him, as he never knew them. This lack of parental guidance drove him to less then legal beginnings. Early on he learned that his fists were his best friends, this caused him to hone his body with consistent physical activity. This also led him to illegal street fighting. He and other children of the physical inclination, would fight to the near death in back alleys so that their sponsors, and more importantly meal tickets, would earn some credits. He and the other children were little less then entertainment farms for some of Corellia's underworlds worst. By the age of Seventeen, Vayate had left his old life of back alley street fighting behind him, only to become a Corellian resistance fighter.

During the early part of the resistance campaign a handful of Jedi had come and gone, most dying in battle, or commandeering squads of resistance troops only to never be seen again. Jedi Knight Jodar Merrick however... He was a different story. He stayed, defiantly as a Corellian would, throughout most of the campaign. He led several dozen squads at varying points during the five year conflict. Yet.. he never took credit for any single action of his own. He always gave credit to the squad he was with at the time, conveying the importance of team work and collective will. Everyone he served with had some story of him that seemed so simple yet so heroic at the same time. During the final weeks of the conflict, Vayate and his rag tag band of teens, who also wanted to defend their planet: had been assigned to Merrick, to assist with supply run sabotaging.

On a routine sabotage run Vayate and his squad mates were under fire from a couple of heavy gunners. Merrick was busy keeping a Sith apprentice with too much bluster occupied. Every passing second the makeshift hole his squad had found themselves in shrunk from blaster fire, within moments, Vayate knew the ground would give leaving them exposed to the fire of the heavy repeating blasters. Struggling to think of a way out, Vayate panicked, causing his superior, a slightly younger and much smaller boy to stand up, attempting to fire back at the Heavy's. This however ended with the lower half of the boy crashing down beside Vayate moments later. Struggling to find his resolve Vayate knew only one thing. He wouldn't die there, and sure as hell not like his superior. Finding a well of courage bubbling up inside him from deep within, he asked for his remaining squad mates thermal detonators. After receiving them, he took in a few deep breaths and centered himself, knowing fear was not an option any longer if he wanted to live. As the seconds passed he began to feel a tugging feeling in his gut and then reportedly jumped out of the dwindling foxhole much higher then should have been possible. As he vaulted through the air, apparently he had tossed the thermal detonators into the entrenched position of the heavy gunners silencing them with seven loud explosions. However, his squad mates did inform him that they found him lying on his face, so apparently even though he possessed acrobatic mastery he didn't know how to land. Merrick had witnessed this after quite literally disarming the Sith apprentice. Knowing that the boy must be force sensitive, he began to have a personal interest in Vayate.

During the final weeks of the Corellian conflict, Merrick had taught Vayate the beginning principles of the Jedi, and how to harness his raw power and use it for good, and with control; or at least however much was possible with only having a few months of tutelage. The Sith had begun to win over some of the remaining population. One such man was at a besieged outpost that Merrick and Vayate had found themselves defending. The man had spit in Merrick's face, calling him scum and other choice insults. Basically blaming the fall of the republic, and everything else negative including stubbing your toe, on the Jedi. Merrick simply took it, showed no sign of anger, or any emotion besides sympathy. As the man had finished the walls were breached and bolts hurled through the air into several of the guardsmen and civilians. A Sith stormed the hole in the wall and charged directly at the man in front of Merrick, lightsaber first. Merrick moved deftly in front of the man taking the Sith's blade into his left lung as he drove his own lightsaber into the Siths heart. Vayate stunned at the loss of his perspective master rushed to his side as Merrick slumped to the ground. Merrick struggled to breath as he told Vayate to find the order, assist them, learn from them, wherever they were, and bring an end to the empire however he could. Giving his Saber and launch codes to Vayate, Vayate led the evacuation of the outpost and fled on Merricks ship, taking Jodar's last name as his own. Not knowing where to go or where to even start, Vayate went into Hutt space, looking for any shred of information he could whilst doing side jobs just to get by. For two long years he has searched.

Force Push
Force Pull
Force Jump
Force speed (MINOR)

Military culture
Unarmed, Melee, and Blaster rifle proficiency as well as average explosives knowledge.

Shii-cho (Very Preliminary, as it was barely touched upon by Jodar, simply enough to begin learning how to use a lightsaber. )
Stubbornness to a fault, but as such he doesn't give up unless rendered completely unable to continue.
Combat training as well as unpolished experience driven style.
Hardheadedness, he is very difficult to sway once he has made up his mind, even if he is a hundred percent wrong.
He doesn't know the finer parts of life, like proper communication, listening, interaction, pretty much anything civil that is related to dealing with others in a healthy way.

Jodar Merrick's Lightsaber - A simple yet slightly adorned hilt of the curved persuasion. It's beam glows yellowish-gold, almost maze in color.
Vayate's Outfit - Simple yet effective. He wears
leather boots, form fitted military pants, a sleeveless white uniform shirt, with a black leather vest. He has a utility belt that holds Jodar's Lightsaber as well as a standard issue blaster pistol. Overall he looks as if he is wearing tactical, yet flexible clothing, fit for running and fighting in.
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SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
Reaction score
eerm I keep reading his name as Vitiate.


Swell character.

Vayate Merrick

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
Reaction score
Thanks! It's actually from Gundam Wing. I have an unhealthy obsession with that damn show.
I hope I get to use him before the new timeline. However I have another Jedi in the workshop already!
Do you still play SWTOR?


SWRP Writer
Oct 18, 2012
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@Vayate Merrick

Not for a long time, I just love the era and the story so I watch the cutscenes on Youtube haha. I just got a new computer though so I hope to start playing again soon!

Vayate Merrick

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
Reaction score
Well! If you do let me know ^^ I play both Empire and Republic.
I also find that era to be fantastic. It is easily the best, story wise, outside of the Yuuzhan Vong arc. Plus! Bane happens close to that era.


The Avenging Son
SWRP Writer
Jul 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hey, how does he end up finding the Jedi? Or do you plan on RPing that?

Vayate Merrick

SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
Reaction score
I want to rp it. I feel as if that would be a fantastic start. Even though it won't matter for long.... It'll still be a great way to kick off my time here! ^^ Maybe some hutt space oriented people could or would want to help a brother out.