Empire Valor Gravitas


The Man, The Legend, The Mythos!
SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
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Lt. Valor Gravitas


The Lieutenant


FACTION: Imperial Armed Forces
RANK: Lieutenant
AGE: 38
HEIGHT: 5'10” ⅜
WEIGHT: 197.4lbs


Valor, or as he is simply known as, The Lieutenant, stands at an average height for most humans with salted pepper hair that sits against his dark olive skin and steel blue eyes that are reminiscent of his homeworld's magestic sky. His form, outside of his Armor, The Lieutenant is neither thin nor overtly muscular, but fits a more physical physique none the less for someone average of his height.


The Lieutenant is a warrior first and foremost. Whether encountering the enemy in zero gravity or dropping from a transport amidst the fires of war, he is fearless. Because of this, he is well rounded. Proficient in Hand to Hand and Close Proximity Combat, he is also mediocre in Sharp Shooting and Scouting. Outside of combat, The Lieutenant is overtly observant not only with his surroundings and of threats, he also psychoanalytically observant of his peers and fellow Marines, and ensures their mental and physical fitness.


Considered a Marine amongst Marines, The Lieutenant is both fearless and adamant. But on the same token, he is also compassionate and endearing. He recently was appointed command of the The Disparaged, 7th Battalion 3rd Company, and attempts to lead it with both an iron fist and a feathered hand and has earned his stripes both through gusto and heart beside them, and expecting the same in return. Because of this, there are no names to a member of the Disparaged, only rank. And why he is known as The Lieutenant.


The Lieutenant was born on the 28th day during the third month of his homeworld's yearly orbit as Valor Gravitas, first and only child to the Imperial House of House Gravitas. As such, The Lieutenant is a staunch patriot and supporter of the Empire, having trained his entire life and underwent specific studies to be an Imperial Marine. And his personal motto translates from High Galactic to ‘My Soul for The Imperium’.

He started out as a cadet in the Imperial Academy at the age of 13 and was drafted into duty as a grunt by his 17th birthday. At first, his militaristic career was bland and held nothing of noteworthiness for the first fifteen years of service, with multiple tours in the Colonies and Outer Rim. But in the last five years, he's really stepped up as a Marine. As a former Corporal within The Disparaged himself, he recently stepped up as the former Lieutenant's replacement, making a more smoother transition of power through its ranks as his Comrades knowing place their trust in him.


The Lieutenant is efficient in both High Galactic and Galactic Basic, and enjoys reading and cooking, particularly barbecues and is rather skilled at it. He is also efficient in hand to hand combat, but holds a preference for guns first and foremost both offensively and in defense. He is also a keen tracker and scout and is known to be an avid hunter and fisherman.


Imperial Armored Spacesuit
Imperial Heavy Repeater (Main Weapon)
T-28 Sniper Rifle (Secondary)
Twin Vibro-Knucklers (Melee)

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Mr. Teatime

Story Admin
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score

Valor's gear needs to be linked tech articles from SWRP, not Fandom wiki tech. None of his currently linked equipment is valid for PvP use if it isn't in a tech article (except the vibro-knucklers). Please correct this as soon as possible.


The Man, The Legend, The Mythos!
SWRP Writer
Sep 3, 2023
Reaction score
My mistake. I was under the assumption that Wookieepedia was a valid source. I'll write up some of the tech and have it submitted sometime tomorrow.