Valedictorian on Schooling


Mr. Cheekypants
SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2010
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I agree with her that we should be taught to learn rather than memorize. However, she makes it seem like it's only the system's fault that students are being "taught to be slaves." I can't remember a single non-AP class (although there were a few AP classes where this happened) where some idiot would go, "I don't wanna learn this shit, I don't need it."

While I'd understand his/her position if it were something truly trivial, I can't help but want to punch that person whenever they say it. There is nothing, NOTHING, wrong with being well-rounded. Would teachers be able to achieve more with their students if they didn't have to deal with the people who are dead-set on being garbage collectors or McDonald's cashiers all their lives? Yes. But if you want to "be an individual" and learn nothing but the skills required for whatever job you feel is your calling, then have you really changed anything? Not only are you still a "slave" to that system, but because you didn't expand your mind to other subjects, you missed out on things you could've found interesting and maybe a possible career change. What if you fail at that pre-determined job? Now you don't have backup knowledge to get you back on track.

I dislike school in that I have to get up early, deal with idiots, and occasionally do what truly is busy work. But I love school in that I actually learn something, even if it's not part of the field I'm interested in. I just like to learn new things. I don't consider myself a slave because I like engaging in thoughtful conversations with teachers on the subjects, I consider myself a student because that is what I am.

Although I'll give her some credit and say that standardized testing is shit. The easiest load of bullcrap-for-government-funding I ever saw.