Armor Underworld Police Armour

Rebel Trooper

SWRP Writer
Nov 6, 2019
Reaction score


Surviving the depths of Coruscant's underworld mega-structure is a challenge not to be taken lightly and the Coruscant Security Forces take the survival of their underworld officers seriously. A sturdy mixture of durasteel, synthmesh, leather and plastoid come together to provide the wearer an elevated rate of survival and excellent degree of anonymity, while denoting an authoritative presence.


Restricted. Given the controlled nature of the armour it's fairly difficult to obtain by any normal person. Though in some places, it can be regarded as a quick path to recognition to come back with the armour of a dead cop.


To provide those that desire to play as Underworld Law Enforcers a standardised armour.


Type and Coverage

Type: Heavy Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Durasteel-Synthmesh enclosed helmet with mechanical eye covers.
  • Torso: Durasteel-Synthmesh apron.
  • Back: Durasteel backplate.
  • Upper Arms: Plastoid pauldrons.
  • Lower Arms: Plastoid bracers.
  • Lower Legs: Plastoid boot armour-ups and shin guards.


Function 1: Scout HUD
  • Scout HUD - Contains a 4x magnifier and Compass.
Function 2: Voice Scrambler
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
Function 3: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
Function 4: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
Function 5: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
