Tyvark Fett

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Fine Frenzy

Bran the Broken
SWRP Writer
Aug 3, 2013
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Tyvark Fett

NAME: Tyvark Fett
FACTION: Indie - Clan Fett
RANK: Verd
AGE: 23
HEIGHT: 5'10"
WEIGHT: 170 pounds
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Auburn
SKIN: White
CREDITS: 1,000
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Numerous scars, big and small, across his whole body.

STRENGTH: Moderate strength for a Mandalorian, Ty can hold his own against most opponents. (6/10)
DEXTERITY: Ty has developed into a quick, nimble sucker. (7/10)
CONSTITUTION: He's an uninjured Mandalorian. (9/10)
INTELLIGENCE: Relying on cunning in combat over brute strength requires a bit of intelligence. (7/10)
WISDOM: By far not the most wise, Ty can have trouble seeing the big picture. (4/10)
CHARISMA: Ty isn't going to be inspiring generations to come anytime soon, but he can hold a one-on-one conversation. (5/10)

Marksmanship (proficient)
Hunting (novice)
Farming (expert)

+ Holding a conversation
+/- Black and white sense of justice
- Speeches
- Handling his emotions


Armor: Personal Beskar'gam.

Ty's helmet offers a target tracking system most often used to operate his MM9 wrist rocket, but he prefers not to use it at all.

His helmet is powered by a battery located on his lower back, kind of like his own unique tramp stamp.

With armor plates comprised of durasteel, Ty enjoys protection against low- to mid-level blasters. If he were to get hit with anything bigger, however, the damage could very easily lead to his death. If a grenade were to go off right in front of him, again, the damage could very easily lead to his death. A lightsaber could very easily cut through his armor as well. Ty is very thankful he doesn't come across big guns, or grenades, or lightsabers very often.

Ty also enjoys a durasteel mesh that connects to a form-fitting, armorweave bodysuit that over his entire body, which provides protection against cuts, light blasters, and light shrapnel.

The gauntlet on his left arm comes equipped with a MM9 wrist rocket, it's payload being a Type-12B stun rocket.

On his left hand he wears an unarmored shock glove.

He is vulnerable at his joints, so anyone with the patience and accuracy could pop an elbow or knee out.

Carbine Rifle: Taskmaster Carbine

Side Arm: Taskmaster Pistol

Secondary Side Arm: Holdout blaster


Equipped with a strong sense of justice, Ty believes some people are just good, and some people are just bad, and when someone does something bad they deserve to be punished accordingly. He sometimes finds it difficult to contain his emotions when he sees someone do something very bad, believing they deserve to be punished accordingly then and there.

Some social events can be difficult for him, especially if he becomes the center of attention. He's fine when it's him and another person, or heck, maybe even two other people, quietly away from everyone else and enjoying a personal conversation.

When taking bounties or mercenary work Ty is careful to ensure that the people who are employing him are doing so for the right, well, 'good,' reasons. If he feels like taking the bounty or mercenary work is 'bad,' he won't accept it. This does limit him to a smaller portion of work compared to what his equals receive. Those more experienced than him, his elders, sometimes make fun on him for not accepting certain work. Also, problems could arise if a job is deemed 'wrong' after it's already been accepted.

Ty has developed a natural (probably healthy) distrust of other Mandalorians, having grown up in a time when the Mandalorians were always fighting each other. He also really, really despises Clan Montross for shooting his dad that one time.

Ultimately, he prefers cunning over brute strength in regards to all walks of life. Conversation, combat, etc.


Ty's earliest memory is that of his father and mother telling that the Galactic Alliance had crumbled, and it was the Mandalorians who made them crumble-- granted, alongside the Imperials and Chiss. Even so, the Mandalorians who took part in crumbling the Galactic Alliance were not to be forgotten. Ty was 13 when he got this news, laying in bed, his head aching so badly he wished he would die.

His second earliest is that of his father getting shot. It was in the knee, totally nonfatal, but before that event, Ty hadn't seen his father hurt at all. To him, his father was the galaxy's strongest man, a warrior made of stone and grit. Clan Fett and Clan Monstross has being going at it for weeks, but with their child being sick, Ty's parents had tried their best to keep the conflict away from them. Nomadic as they were, finally the conflict caught up to them.

Having traveled with a group of other Mandalorians, many members of Clan Fett and a couple from another, much smaller clan whose clan had been all but totally annihilated. Many small clans suffered the same fate as the one the couple belonged to. Ty doesn't remember the name of the clan, most don't.

After his father was injured, Ty seemed to come back to life. After spending his life almost like being lost in the deepest, darkest parts of oceans, he was finally lucid, having conversations, training with others, helping farm the land that surrounded he and those who made up their group. He was, at least in the simplest of manors, a Fett.

He was like that once before, too; so he was told, at least. On the evening that he became a man, he became a bumbling, wailing child. So he was told. Ty had difficulty remembering anything before his father got shot.

From that point on, he pulled his weight. After Clan Monstross returned to their village to finish the work they had started, Ty was one of the people that played an important role in repealing the attack. It was natural, killing those who wished to kill you and those you loved. The feel of his gun, how to grip it, how to hold your breath and patiently squeeze the trigger; it all came to him naturally, as if he had grown familiar of these things much earlier, in a time lost in the depths of his head.

Time went on, and many more died in the Fett-Monstross conflict. His mother captured, either a slave or dead. His father damaged goods, his knee having no hope of repair. Ty did his part in defending the people he was told were his, those of Clan Fett. Eventually his people would prevail, although not without much pain and suffering, and many dead.

After the conflict was finished, farm life didn't interest him much. He had a natural affinity for it, as if it were in his genes to be a great farmer, but he felt as if he needed to be out fighting someone, something. He took up work as a mercenary, but was always cautious in what jobs he took. Unethical work wasn't work for him. He hunted, too, beasts big and small.

Something was lost, though. He knew he needed something bigger, something more important to conquer. It was in his blood, his father and his grandfathers had done so. It was his turn.







Royal Henchman | Forum Drifter
SWRP Writer
Sep 30, 2011
Reaction score
I agree. Fett! <3

Your character is by all accounts approved, dude. I'll do it all officially-like in the Sign up thread once I've had some breakfast, later but indeed, consider him approved. :D

Good work!
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