Armor Tyr'dins Concealed Armor


SWRP Writer
Mar 14, 2022
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Tyr'dins Concealed Armor

A Trademark Scatterweave Jacket in a flamboyant black and white with a high collar and faint blotches of camouflage that serve no purpose other than to stand out, the Scatterweave applys only to his Jacket and therefore only applys its effects on his Torso.

Thrown over the Jacket is a sleek rigging marked out with a Crimson and White Ace of Spades. Beneath the Jacket is worn a Modified Light Trooper Front and Backplate made of Duraplast that was salvaged from Legacy Conflicts on Tattoine aswell as half of the armguards of Trooper Armor along the left Arm.

This is a unique design to Tyr'din himself and was cobbled together by himself, while it is generic in function and form it carries a spiritual and personal uniqueness to him.

Belting, Boots and Pants are kept in similiar Colours but offer no additional Protection or Functions aside from a Holster along the left Hip.


Concealed Armor, therefore very likely scrutinized by authorities and more than likely illegal on civilized Worlds.


This serves as a reference Page for Tyr'dins Armor.



Type and Coverage

Type: Light

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Torso: Salvaged Trooper Duraplast Breastplate beneath Scatterweave Jacket
  • Back: Salvaged Trooper Duraplast Backplate beneath Scatterweave Jacket
  • Upper Left Arm: Reinforced segmented Duraplast along upper Arm and Shoulder.


Function 1: Scatterweave
  • An incredibly rare and expensive material. Scatterweave is a coating that reflects very little light, making it extremely useful for sneaking at night. It also "scatters" the wearer's heat signature, making it difficult for automated sensor systems or thermal visors to get a precise fix on the wearer's location without intense scans.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 2: Computer Spike
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes