Sith Order Tycho Kordall


Space Kitty
SWRP Writer
Aug 16, 2018
Reaction score

Tycho Kordall


► 26
► Human
► 5'10"
► 173 Ibs
► Brown
► Dark Brown / Black
► Raxus
► Male
► Sith
► Agent
► No
If asked why Tycho chose the job he is working in the person will only get the same boring answer, "To serve the empire and help it rise in power." Or the "You don'tneed to know." As he takes a sip of his favorite alcohol. Tycho was raised ina family that was nothing but serving in some sort of way. Usually in the military. Supposedly his grandfather was a Sith who was killed in combat. Tycho on the other hand chose to become an agent. His father saw tried everything to coax him to join the military instead. But none of it worked. Tycho went through long and grueling training and classes. One screw up meant being permanently disqualified. Tycho worked and strived. As a result he excelled in every part of the training; intelligence gathering, espionage, hand to hand combat, hand gun / rifle training, etc. Eventually he worked his way to being the only agent in training to pass every single exam. Including one very difficult one that put everything he learned to the test, of which he passed with flying colors and even setting a record. So why did Tycho choose to be an agent? Because the deadliest weapon isn't the lightsabers, ships or whatever weapon a person can think of. It is the agent blending in with the civilian population that is the deadliest weapon. The right information sent to his commanders can be the enemies downfall. Just as equally since his job also involves things with in the Sith territory borders informationhe passes on will keep the faction safe from within as well.

Naturally because of the nature of his job, which he is one hundred percent dedicated to. Tycho comes across as cold, uncaring, skeptical and paranoid. To the point that people who try talking to him think of him as a cold hearted bastard. It is not that he doesn'twant tontalk it is just difficult to do so. Because of the nature of his job the man can't open up to just anyone. He has to safeguard whatever information he has both physically and mentally. So baturally he chooses to remain silent and only talk to those he knows can be trusted. Basically others who are working for the Sith.

While on the job Tycho remains completely focused on the task at hand. Of course he acts like a everyday civilian by interacting with others. But it is all just an act to get to where he needs to go to gather intelligence. He is a smooth talker and is able to get even the most stubborn beings to start talking to him.


Tycho's skills that he is experienced in due to training.
1. Hand to hand combat: Tycho is very skilled in Hand to hand combat being able to stand on his own two feet and get himself out of a tight situation. At times because of his masterynof Echani it is sometimes mistaken that he is force sensitive. But in reality he is just really good ar reading and analyzing a person's body language and movement.

2. Martial arts: A crucial part of his training that is crucial to his ability to stand on his own two feet when in a hand to hand situation. The form he favors using is Echani.

3. Espionage: Another part of his training that Tycho had to excel at in order to become an agent.

4. Combat: Tycho was trained how to handle himself incase he found himself in a combat situation. He can perform as well as every other trained soldier. Though he has to be more intune with the fight due to him not having any armor.

5. Intelligence collecting: His ability to blend in and gather intelligence from either everyday civilians, trusted contacts to breaking into communications or computers to gain information are areas that Tycho was trained in.

6. Diplomacy: While Tycho would rather silently gather information he knows there are times when talking is an absolute must. So the man had taught himself how to speak to others in a waybto convince them to give him the information he wants. If he does all the steps right he can get the most stubborn of beings to talk to him.

Languages: Basic, Huttese, Bocce, Bothese, Dug (He uses the languages that he knows to create coded messages to send to his superiors. The coding is changed in every message to avoid any enemies from finding out what he knows and sending.)

+ Civilian Clothing
+Smartpad- Dataphone
+ DE10 Blaster Pistol
+ Suicide Pills
+ Flash bang grenades x2


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