Ask Troubled Tradesmen in need of Treatment

Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
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Location // Tepasi, Industrial Districts
Participants // @M.D. Blec Croncu

Kotru could not have thought of a faster job that had gone sideways.

It was a simple smash and grab. Some goons had snagged some rather compromising info on a local fixer, and he was one of the ones hired to snatch it back. He left with a speeder bike, his blaster pistol and a hunger to spend some job money on something good to eat tonight. What the Zabrak wasn't anticipating on the other hand, was for a competing fixer to hire extra help.

A well-aimed javelin through the engine block and a hail of crimson bolts later, and Kotru found himself sprawled out in an alleyway with the sour scent of twisted metal still hanging in his nostrils. The man's only saving graces being luck and well-practiced crash training.

Not to say it completely saved him. A shot had seared straight though his jacket and left flaring pains in his side and the crash had definitely cracked something. Every attempt to get up barely lasted a moment before the man was sent tumbling back into the duracrete's cold embrace. Every inch he had gained with painstaking effort, dragging himself away from the wreckage and from the few curious eyes that bothered to follow the figure.

After a few tries, Kotru was able to adjust his position upright, supporting himself on one side of the alley. With himself out of sight and very little blood trailing him, the man began to fumble with his datapad with the remaining hand not clutching onto his blaster wound.

Local hospitals were out of the question. All it'd take was a concerned look and a holdout blaster to finish the job there. Kotru doubted that Nooma would simply ignore whose side the man took.

So, it was time for an independent contractor. UTHZ-112144-113112.

It was a real pain in the ass to put in between flares of pain and frequent fumbles, but he was soon able to send out a distress call.
//Zabrak Male. Blaster wound above left hip. Fracture somewhere in left leg, I think? Tepasi, Industrial district. Kuhana Street, alley on the left after the first block. Turn into the first side-alley.//

With the message sent, all that remained was to stare at the screen in hopes of seeing a reply sooner rather than later.

M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Blec landed on Tepasi to replenish his cybernetic storage, which had become nearly empty after visiting several planets with limited infrastructure. Upon receiving a space assignment at the industrial district's spaceport, he immediately began inspecting the cybernetics crate, aiming to restock before the next emergency... hopefully.

He ordered and paid for it via EZ-Phone and was efficient in organizing his resources. Given the bustling nature of the planet and the core worlds' short hyperspace travel times, quick action was essential. "OK, Dopamine, close the ship once we leave the cargo lift. I'll contact you after we finish shopping," he instructed while activating the cargo lift to descend with "CARGO-1" and a cargo stretcher. Dopamine confirmed the order. Blec was somewhat excited to explore the planet, having never been here before. He placed his emergency pack, full of medical equipment, onto the stretcher.

They exited the cargo lift, which then ascended back into the ship. With the ship appearing secure, Blec checked his EZ-Phone to locate the prepared medical equipment. "CARGO-1, take the cargo stretcher and follow me," he instructed "CARGO-1", who responded with a brief "Affirmative".

En route to the medical shop, Blec was interrupted by a familiar alarm from his EZ-Phone in his pocket.


Rolling his eyes, Blec muttered, "What now..." He checked the EZ-Phone and discovered that a male Zabrak with a blaster wound and a possibly fractured left leg was just around the corner. He used the navigation feature to respond immediately. With a single press on the EZ-Phone, an automatic notification was sent to the patient, informing them of their imminent arrival. CARGO-1 followed closely.

They reached the scene within minutes. Entering the alley, Blec saw a badly damaged speeder bike in the middle, surrounded by a crowd. The crowd scattered down the alley at the sound of approaching fire department sirens. Reaching the first side alley, Blec found a young man clutching a blaster wound, his leg visibly deformed — likely a femur fracture.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Croncu. You called for emergency services. Can you tell me what happened?" he asked, pulling on single-use gloves to assess the patient's condition.


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
The footsteps from outside the alley had only gotten louder despite his dazed state. He had presumed emergency services had finally started to arrive, taking the moment to turn the Zabrak's gaze out from his hidey hole and back into the alley. What few scarlet shades left in his wake had already blended into the shadows and dirt, leaving very little to follow.

Save for the instructions sent out.

Kotru didn't realize the echoing footsteps as they drew closer, pain stifling his reflexes and only eliciting a short jump as the Cerean's imposing figure loomed overhead. A pair of icy orbs widened slightly, relaxing when he realized it wasn't the barrel of a blaster returning to finish their contract.

"Hff- Hey, Doc," The young man responded tiredly, taking a moment to slowly move his hand from the wound. Fresh air on the Tibanna-fried skin had brought out a hiss from the Zabrak before he took a moment to speak again. "Job went s-ssouth. Knocked me off'a my bike."

His condition certainly could have been worse. It looked like he had dismounted before the vehicle caught flame, although the shredded look of his left side clearly indicated that Kotru had taken quite a slide on the duracrete. Numerous cuts and bruises formed across his left leg and arm between the threads of his garment. The former limb was bent at a nasty looking angle.

"Went for- Yor mirfik!" An Iridonian curse slips between his lips and interjects as a slight jostle sends a fresh wave of pain coursing through his frame. "Quite- Quite a tumble."

@M.D. Blec Croncu

M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
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He listened closely to Kotru's words, checking for signs of a traumatic brain injury. Although the patient had slurred speech, the absence of head wounds didn't necessarily indicate such an injury. 'Do you have any chronic illnesses? Any contagious illnesses?' he inquired, grabbing the mediscanner from the emergency pack.

'Okay, sit still,' Blec said, as the portable mediscanner scanned Kotru from head to toe. The device then summarized Kotru's injuries: '1x blaster-inflicted wound, Depth: 3.0 cm, Length: 6.0 cm, Width: 3.0 cm; 1x distal femoral oblique fracture with lateral displacement, neurovasculature distal to fracture intact; Estimated blood loss: 1 litre; Patient condition: stable, yet urgent care required.'

Without hesitation, Blec grabbed a bacta spray and applied it immediately to the blaster wound. He also took out an I.V. Securer, which would place an IV line automatically and administer medications to facilitate Kotru's transfer to the cargo stretcher.

'Okay, listen to me, I'm going to take care of you. You've got a badly fractured leg and a blaster wound. The leg is more concerning at the moment, as it needs immediate attention. I'm going to give you a powerful analgesic for the procedural pain you might experience during the transfer to the cargo stretcher. I'll also apply a traction splint to stabilize your leg, preventing further damage to the surrounding vessels and nerves,' he said, preparing the I.V. Securer.

He started the I.V. Securer, establishing a safe IV line within a second of skin contact. After administering the analgesic to relieve the patient's pain, he applied the traction splint. Then he summoned 'CARGO-1' to help transfer the patient safely onto the cargo stretcher.


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
"N-Nnope, not a-" Kotru's reply was once again interrupted with a whimper as the teal mist of Blec's bacta struck his wound. The cooling mist would feel better soon, but right now any touch sent a new wave of pain cascading across his nerves. "ONE!" He yelped.

At least the Zabrak kept still.

His mind raced as each injury was listed off, adrenaline that once burned through his heart finally starting to trickle with each forced and measured breath the man made.
'Okay, this is fine,' He tried to muse internally, forcing himself from the confines of anxiety and back into the moment. 'He only got one shot in. Leg sure don't sound good, but it could be worse. Voa's tits, does Soso know where I am?'

His sapphire orbs snapped to Blec as the Cerean secured the drip in place, his eyes following the IV's hoses to distract him. The clear fluid entered his veins and steadily dulled the sharp pains. A sigh of relief escaped Kotru at the sensation, trying his best not to move the leg as the splint was secured around his lower limb.

Except for a short twitch, that only elicited a grunt compared to the Zabraki curses that had been escaping him until now. The flecks of red escaping his leg stained the whites of his stretcher, Kotru doing his best to remain still. His right hand would slowly move to his gut, almost protective of his wound.

"Yeah- Yeah," A rushed tone replies, giving a weak nod. "Thanks, Doc'. Sooner we- Ah! Get out of here, the better."


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Once Kotru was on the stretcher, they wasted no time in getting the injured patient to the ship. CARGO-1 immediately began pushing the stretcher as soon as Blec gave the order. While monitoring the unlucky biker's vitals on the screen, Blec was relieved to see they were not deteriorating... yet.

"Do you have anyone you'd like me to contact?" he asked Kotru, walking alongside the stretcher. He was fully prepared to fulfill such a request but would also respect the patient's wish for privacy.

As they swiftly left the crash site, Blec used the EZ-Phone to call "Dopamine", instructing them to prepare the OR and activate the droids.

They soon arrived at the ship. With a simple touch of a button on the EZ-Phone, the cargo lift descended immediately. As they ascended into the ship, a 2-1b Surgical Droid marked "TRAUMA-1" began scanning Kotru's vital signs again.

"Welcome back, Dr. Concru. The OR is ready for the patient. 'CRNA-1' is waiting in the OR, and 'ICU-1' will also be prepared for you," the medical droid said in a friendly tone.

"Good," Blec replied briefly. "Let's start a quick consultation for the procedure, and then we'll be set. Transfer the patient to the ER first, get him ready for surgery. I need to change; these streets are filthy," he instructed "TRAUMA-1," then turned to Kotru, adding, "I'll be back shortly."

Kotru was transferred to one of the ER beds, which were far more comfortable than the stretcher. The transfer was smoothly facilitated by a hoverboard, a safe and gentle method.

As the droids wheeled the bed into room "E-1," TRAUMA-1 said to Kotru, "Hello, my name is TRAUMA-1. I am a 2-1b surgical droid responsible for your care. I will attach this vital sign sensor to your left upper arm. You might feel a slight pinch for a second. This will help us monitor you effectively. Do you have any questions about your treatment?"


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
The steady hum of grav-lifts easily hoisted the Zabrak on the stretcher, his head briefly turning to the side as he watches the streets roll on by him. It didn't take long for the Cerean to once again enter his vision with a question of his own. "I'd need someone for you to contact. So, hah- nah," Kotru replied as medicine dulled both his pain and voice. His reply came out strained, exhaling his words through gritted teeth.

Listening to the sirens fade into the distance, the man would turn his thoughts inward.
'Soso is more likely to secure his package before coming after me. Should give a couple hours. Medical teams on the local cam-net means he'll be checking hospitals first...'

Seemingly having zoned out, Kotru jumped slightly as he was brought back into the moment by a looming durasteel figure that began going over his wounds again. There is a short-lived spike in his heart rate.

Blec is given a short nod as his panic is once again thrust deep within himself, the Zabrak remaining cooperative as he checked again and moved to a much more comfortable bed. His seafoam orbs would glance up towards the droid's amber bulbs, shaking his head. There is a short wince as the sensor is stuck into his limb, kicking the pain from his impact back to life.

"Nah, not er- Not really. Never been great with the whole medicine thing. Just run me through what you'll be doin'."


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
It wouldn't take long for Blec to come back and see the patient prepared for surgery. TRAUMA-1, the medical assistant, would have helped Kotru with changing the patient's clothes, and the droid would safely store the patient's belongings. As Blec entered the room, he carried a datapad and started to evaluate the situation. He asked a series of questions: "Can you give me your social insurance number? Have you had any surgeries in the past? Were there any incidents noted regarding general anesthesia? Do you have any allergies? When was the last time you ate something?", He checked the boxes on the datapad as the patient answered.

Then he continued, "Well, I'll walk you through everything. You will receive both general and local anesthesia. General anesthesia is like a deep sleep state; you'll wake up when we decide. The local anesthesia will be useful after the surgery to reduce the need for painkillers. You will be able to move your leg and the pain experienced will be limited. Now onto the surgery part: Your bone is fractured in such a way that it won't heal correctly without surgery, and you might suffer from permanent deformity. The procedure is quite simple: I'll apply a bit of bacta to each end of the broken parts and stick them together, almost like glue. This way, we won't need to fix your bone with metal plating. BUT, you must wear the T.R.A.C.-Splint for 24 hours without putting any strain on it. After 24 hours, you can walk normally, bearing your full body weight, but you will have weightlifting restrictions (max. 15kg). After 2 days, this restriction will be lifted, and you can resume normal activities. So, as the final question: Do you agree to this therapy?"


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
Kotru played nicely with the droid while alone, swapping his garbs out for the simple pale blue gown that preserved his frame. His right hand did seem to clutch close to his thigh, where the holster was not missing from. As much as he would deny it, the unshakeable vulnerability he felt without his ever-present weapon was apparent. His index would idly tap at his relatively undamaged side.

"Sure," The Zabrak began, listing off a series of digits that pertained to his account with Edge's Assurance. It was a common choice for people who lived on the outer edges of the galaxy. "Blaster wound patch about five months back, none and about seven hours ago."

His head nodded slightly in tune with Blec's explanation. Being knocked out for the surgery wasn't something he was exactly fond of, but it was for the best.
'No strain means I'll have to cut back on throttle on my way out of here, but I can probably work wit' it...' He mused internally.

Kotru's internal dialogue would result in an affirming dip of his head.
"Yeah. Guess it's either that or I'm down a leg, 'n I need that for flyin',"


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Blec smiled and simply answered, 'Haha, yeah, but don't worry, you'll be fine. I recommend staying here for 24 hours, and then I can safely discharge you. If you don't want to stay, I can't force you, but I highly recommend it.'

Blec respected the patient's decision, whether he chose to stay or not. He continued, 'Well, then, I think we are good to go. The droids will handle everything for now. We'll see each other after the surgery.'

After leaving the room, Blec ordered TRAUMA-1 to transport the patient to the OR. Soon, TRAUMA-1 approached Kotru, saying, 'Hello, you've been called for surgery. I'll escort you to the mobile OR-table. Please keep your hands to yourself during transport.'

They left the room, and shortly after, another medical droid, CRNA-1, greeted Kotru. 'Good day, sir. I'm CRNA-1. I'll be administering your general anesthesia. Please lie flat; you'll be moved onto the OR-table shortly. Just relax.'

The two droids exchanged essential information about the surgery. A transport mechanism gently slid under Kotru, moving him onto the OR-table where he was covered with a warm, green blanket. 'Please don't move,' CRNA-1 instructed as he began to assist Kotru out of his hospital clothes, preparing him for the OR.

The OR was exactly as one might imagine: white, sterile, with multiple working lamps, and a central table. CRNA-1 maneuvered the table so that Kotru's feet faced the door he had just entered.

If Kotru had chosen to look around, he would have seen a ventilation machine to his right and CRNA-1 looking down at him. 'I will hold this mask over your face. It's only air, no anesthetic. Please, take a few deep breaths in and out,' CRNA-1 instructed, starting a device filled with ampules and I.V. fluids. Kotru might have noticed a monitor atop the ventilation machine, echoing a rhythmic beep synchronized with his heartbeat. 'Try to relax. We're starting the general anesthesia now. Think of something beautiful or happy. Sleep well; we'll take great care of you,' CRNA-1 said soothingly.

Kotru didn't feel the medications being injected, but he soon felt overwhelmingly tired.

(At this point, Kotru was under deep general anesthesia and completely unconscious.)

CRNA-1 then secured his airway and began the ventilation process by applying external muscle stimulation electrodes. These electrodes deployed very small cables that navigated through the intercostal space to the main nerve, stopping millimeters from the Epineurium. With low voltage, they caused the diaphragm to contract.

CRNA-1 scanned Kotru's broken leg to locate the Zabrak equivalent of a femoral nerve, where the droid then administered a local anesthetic.

As the patient was prepared for surgery, Blec arrived at the OR theater, having meticulously scrubbed in. 'OR-1', an FX-series medical assistant droid, awaited him, safely handing over the surgical gown. Blec, already wearing a surgical mask that combined a respirator with eye protection, gratefully accepted. 'Thank you, OR-1. Let's get this bone fixed,' he said, slipping into the sterile gloves handed to him by OR-1.

'Okay, OR-1, punch it,' Blec commanded. The droid obliged, activating the OR's music system.

‘OK, CRNA-1, team time out,’ Blec began. ‘This is Kotru Eabrod, a male Zabrak who suffered a speederbike accident, resulting in a left distal femur oblique fracture with lateral displacement. We'll employ a minimal-invasive approach with bacta and non-plate osteosynthesis. We anticipate a full recovery.’ He paused, awaiting a briefing from CRNA-1.

‘Positive patient ID. General and local anesthesia administered without incidents. Three units of artificial pRBCs prepared. Antibiotics administered. You are cleared to start,’ CRNA-1 responded.

‘OK, OR-1, scalpel, please,’ Blec requested. Once he received it, he announced, ‘Incision.’

This marked the surgery's commencement. Blec made three small incisions at the proximal and distal ends of the femur, as well as at the fracture site. The bipolar scalpel sliced through muscle tissue effortlessly. Upon reaching the bone, he carefully spread the three areas apart. He then applied two pliers, one on the proximal and one on the distal end of the femur, and requested a live-feed bioscan to monitor the bone's movement in real-time.

‘Can you carefully stretch the leg?’ Blec asked OR-1. A small robotic arm on the table began to gently extend the patient's leg. With the gap widened, Blec safely rotated the bone as guided by the bioscan for optimal positioning. ‘Now, ease the stretch slowly,’ he instructed. As the tension was gradually released, the bone moved back into position. Blec ordered a halt with a 3 mm gap remaining.

Using a small needle, he injected sterile bacta into the bone gap. ‘Continue easing the tension,’ he directed. The bone aligned perfectly...

‘We’re done here. Stitching up,’ Blec announced to CRNA-1, signaling the surgery's conclusion. He removed the instruments and began stitching the wounds with dissolving threads, applying bacta-plasters afterward. ‘Thank you, everyone, for your excellent work. Wake him up, apply the T.R.A.C-Splint, and transfer him to the ICU. I'll see him there shortly,’ he said, undressing and leaving the room for post-surgical documentation.

The surgery took only 40 minutes and was a complete success. Kotru was soon awake, the intubation tube removed so swiftly that he hadn't even realized it had been there. He found himself fully conscious and comfortably lying in a bed in the ICU.

Not long after Kotru awoke, the door opened, and a doctor with a broad grin entered the room. ‘Okay, the surgery was a complete success,’ the doctor announced cheerfully. ‘Now, tell me, how do you feel?'


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
"Nah, that's fair. I ought to stick around anyway. My ship doesn't really have a livin' space," Kotru gives a small smile. Living out of a starfighter was certainly liberating, but the opportunities for a restful sleep on a bed were a commodity he had grown to miss on the longer Hyperlanes. He would be grateful for the chance to lay himself out rather than curl in his crash couch.

The Zabrak would remain cooperative as he was transported, the pain easily stifled under exhaled and hushed curses.

Keeping his gaze upward, the Zabrak watches as the monitor blipped to life. The chart would bounce between both of his hearts, the synchronized song of his organs ticking away almost like a lullaby as the mask was settled over his mouth. It only took a lungful of the gas for exhaustion to strip away his consciousness.


"You and I both know that intel was bad! How was I supposed to know they had turbo' emplacements?!"

"The choice to engage that freighter was reckless!"

"Zurscat! You saw what they were packing! That entire district would've wound up as glitter-goons!"

"Not only did they get away, but your wingman is dead! You are lucky you are only being decommissioned!"

"...Your badge, Officer Eabrod. Come on. Don't make this any harder on the both of us."

"Choke on it."


Feeling the steady movement of the cart below him, Kotru would let his vision waver for only a moment. When he felt both sensation and sight start to come back around the Zabrak would look over with a short nod. His time out had left an imprint on him, his movements a bit slow and sluggish as he tilted... well, more like flopped his head over to look up at the Cerean.

"Don't hurt no more. Might still be the meds," The Zabrak nodded, resting his hands over his gut. "Feelin' good, though. Thanks."


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Blec grinned, clearly pleased with the outcome of the surgery. "Well, the local anesthesia is still in effect, which is why you're not feeling any pain at the moment. Can you wiggle your toes for me?" he asked. After Blec examined the foot for any signs of neurological damage, he noted that a more thorough sensation check would follow the next day. He also mentioned that he was checking the foot's pulse to ensure blood was still flowing properly down the leg.

He then turned his attention to the three patched-up wounds. Using a Medscan, Blec looked for any signs of infection or leakage. Fortunately for Kotru, there were none. "Good, I expect a full recovery. So, you mentioned living on a ship? Is that a personal choice, or are you experiencing financial difficulties?" he inquired.

As the clock neared 6 p.m., Blec's stomach started to growl. Shortly after, ICU-1 entered the room and served Kotru a tasty yet simple dish. Kotru was given a small floating table, allowing him to eat comfortably in bed. "Okay, I'll leave you to your dinner. If you need more food, just call ICU-1, and the droid will bring you more. I'll check on you again just before bedtime," Blec said before leaving.

Blec then made his way to the upper deck of the ship, where he prepared his own meal.


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
With a nod of his head, the Zabrak flexed his toes. The five tiny digits at the end of his leg rolled once, twice and gave a couple affirming flexes. "Alright, that's good. I need those to kick the stabilizers," Kotru hummed, looked back up as the light blue haze of Blec's scanner ran over his injured limb. Without any red blinking to be concerned of, Kotru let his numb limb tilt down to the side once more.

"That'd do it. Damn fine work there," He sighed, lifting an eyebrow when the Cerean asked about his place of residence. "Oh. Nah, I travel a lot for work." Kotru excused. "Apartment wouldn't exactly work well f'me. Kind of liberatin', too. Takin' wit' you only what you can carry..."

His brief ramble was cut short by Blec's stomach protesting, a short chuckle escaping the Zabrak's lips.
"Alright. Best that happens 'fore I talk your ears off." He hummed, tucking into his food. He had been living quite frugal already, so the break from nutrient bricks was definitely welcome.

Kotru more or less kept to himself once finished, taking the peace and quiet of the medical ship as his chance to fiddle around with his datapad. Mainly browsing jobs and trying to find the next safest one.

Today has been... humbling, to say the least.


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Blec respected Kotru's lifestyle, which was quite similar to his own. However, Blec had a well-paying, reliable income and the right amount of amenities at his disposal.

Blec devoted some time to charting, primarily because the insurance company required documentation for this type of surgery. The costs were relatively low compared to other surgeries. While eating his space waffle, he also closely monitored the biker's vital signs, which remained stable throughout. Just before bedtime, Blec visited him again to ensure he was doing well.

"Hello, how was the meal? Do you feel okay?" he asked, while checking the medications and fluid intake Kotru had post-surgery.


Kotru Eabrod

Freelance Pilot

Character Profile
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
The Zabrak tapped the durasteel edge of his device thoughtfully.

His browsing had borne some fruit, that being a simple escort job through some Inner Rim systems. Unlikely to run into any trouble, but if he did get into a dogfight... Kotru knew his maneuvering pedals could be finnicky at times. Not to mention the G-Forces he'd be exposing himself to.

It was a... what, fifty-fifty chance he'd snap like a twig?

When the Cerean returned to the man's bedside, Kotru looked up to watch him fiddle around with the various drips going into him. The Zabrak nodded in confirmation.

"It was pretty solid. And... feelin' fine, I guess. Still a lil' sore but that sorta comes wit' it."


M.D. Blec Croncu


Character Profile
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
Blec adjusted the pain medication and then said: "Good night, we will see each other tomorrow."

Kotru Eabrod spent a painless night, due to Blec Croncu's intervention.

Kotru Eabrod made a full recovery after this incident. Blec gave him several advices about work safety and discharged him the very next day.

--- End of thread ---