To Save A Squid


Space Kitty
SWRP Writer
Aug 16, 2018
Reaction score
Plot Outline Submission Template: Operation: To Save A Squid

1. What is going to happen in your plot?
The main goal is to rescue/smuggle a Former Ambasador Mon Calamarian @Husfi Jadrec off of his homeworld of Mon Cala. He is defecting to the Republic, so three Jedi are called in for the mission.

2. What other players will be a part of this?
@Nommie, @One For Sorrow, @Autumn's Firefly, @Nastalle

3. Where are all the places (if more than one) that your plot will be taking place?
Jedi Temple on Tython
Mon Cala

4. Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen.

Thread 1. Contact by Republic Representative; Deeming Hasfi to not be a spy, discussing extraction and setting up the mission if the discussion has not be interrupted or discovered by this point.

Thread 2. Training; So the Jedi assigned to the mission can prepare for possible situations and hostilities.

Thread 3. Extraction from Mon Cala; that is if what is being planned and/or what is happening has not been discovered by this point. Could get nasty even if hasn't been found out by this point.

Thread 4. Introduction to the Republic Representative on Coruscant; Could be a senator, etc.

5. What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game"?
To help the dignitary escape Empire rule, and to possibly further Mon Cala in becoming a Republic planet. That is if they successfully extract the Mon Calamari.

6. Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.
Yes please.
1. General Story
2. Republic Rep
3. Hostiles (# of hostiles determined by dice roll.)


Story Admin
SWRP Supporter
Mar 12, 2015
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Hey there @Nommie!

So I'm going to have to decline this plot, and I'll outline my reasons below and hopefully help you if you want to do a different personal plot for this.

The biggest issue (and why I chose to reject it) is that the premise of the plot isn't really accurate. There's not really any need to smuggle yourself out of Imperial territory. In fact, the majority of Imperial citizens are quite happy being Imperial citizens. If your character wanted to move to a different planet, there's not really anything stopping him. Several Senators have gone from working for the Republic to the Empire without needing to be smuggled to and fro. If you're just wanting to do a plot joining the Republic for your own personal enjoyment/character development, then that's fine, but it wouldn't be a smuggling mission and wouldn't fall under the scope of an "espionage" plot as those are for specific types of plots, not just personal development.

So that's really my reasoning for rejecting it, but I'll make a few more pointers to clarify things if you opt to do a personal plot:

1) As a level 1 character, Husfi wouldn't have any sway to speak of and certainly wouldn't be able to bring a planet out from under the Empire (not saying that's what you're doing, but since you're mentioning "further Mon Cala in becoming a Republic planet" I thought I'd point out that this wouldn't really change much from the perspective of the average citizen). The average person off the street wouldn't actually know who he is, that's the essence of being level 1.

2) The Republic calling on the Jedi to help doesn't really make sense. That would be a massive violation of the non-aggression pact between the Republic and the Empire, so they wouldn't be asking the Jedi to attack the Empire for them.

Hopefully that at least helps a little bit and feel free to ask any questions or clarifications if something I said doesn't make sense.


Space Kitty
SWRP Writer
Aug 16, 2018
Reaction score

I actually understand the reasons perfectly. Me and Nastalle just thought of the plkt while I was working on Hasfi's profile and thought that it would make an interesting/fun plot.

But it is perfectly alright that it is rejected. I don't mind at all. I will think up a way/personal plot towards Hasfi joining the republic.

Thank you for the reply and giving me your reasons as well.