The Wolf's Cuirass


Akaan Salyr
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score


This is the iron skin of Vraes Trenessar, Dread Wolf of Roon, and hunter of the enemies of his people. Due to the significant loss of beskar to his people, namely for the belief that the Empire could find beskar mines on Roon, his people were enslaved and stripped of beskar. In the decades since, they have recovered small caches of their precious metal. As such, only a few parts of his beskar is made of pure Mandalorian Iron.


Though not outright illegal, such heavily armed warsuits might be frowned upon in decent society.


This is to flesh out the iron skin of Vraes Trenessar as not every suit of beskar is the same.

Belonging to Vraes, this is his personal set and would require killing him in order to wear it.

Type and Coverage

Type: Heavy Armor

Coverage: Heavy is 6-7

  • Head: Beskar helm with duraplast gorget and leatharis underlay. duraplast chainmail coif for added protection.
  • Torso: Beskar/Duraplast mesh segmented cuirass with duraplast chainlinks and hardened letharis gambeson
  • Back: Beskar/Duraplast mesh segmented cuirass with duraplast chainlinks and hardened letharis gambeson
  • Upper Arms: Beskar left pauldron, duraplast right, covered by shoulder cloak. Duraplast plates filled in with duraplast chainlinks and letharis gambeson
  • Lower Arms: Beskar right bracer, duraplast left. Duraplast plates and chainlinks fill in gaps as well as a letharis gambeson
  • Upper Legs: Armorweave kama covering duraplast plates and letharis underlay
  • Lower Legs: Duraplast plates and molded cover over hardened leather boots.


Function 1: Jump Boots

  • This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down).
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 2: Armorweave acessory (Shoulder cape and kama)

  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function 3: Wrist Rocket

  • Wrist rockets have a flight range of 100 meters and have a blast radius of 3 meters. They are single-shot devices and require manual reloading after use. They are effective against lightly armored vehicles, moving parts such as gears or hydraulics, and infantry, and do equivalent damage to a frag grenade. The must be manually fired by button or trigger.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 4: Wrist Blaster

  • This weapon does the damage of a medium blaster, but is mounted on the forearm. With limited ammunition (10 shots) and range (15m), it isn't a substitute for carrying a blaster, but it is certainly very useful as a backup or ambush weapon in close quarters. The weapon must be manually activated via button or other trigger.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function 5: Grapple Line

  • Grapple lines are capable of supporting the weight of 1-2 people and can launch up to ranges typically up to 15 meters away. Once no longer in use, they are detached from the launcher and left behind. While hand-held grapple guns are capable of auto-winching, armor or wrist mounted devices lack this ability. Grapple lines must be manually activated and controlled by a button or switch.
  • Force User Compatible?: No



Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Wasn't this already posted in gentech? For future reference, that's where armor should be posted, as it theoretically uses a modular system of pre-approved functions.


Akaan Salyr
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Oh okay, Ill go ahead and repost it over there then. Thanks Fox


Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
No prob'! Archiving this version.