The Township

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SWRP Writer
Nov 19, 2010
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The Township


Manufactured By: Chiss Engineering Systems (CES)
Model: Township-Class Cruiser
Class: CAIN Operations Mobile Headquarters
Length: 2 kilometers in diameter, by 700 meters.
Crew (And Passengers): 55,000
Speed: 1,500 G
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.5
Shielding: Equipped (Heavy Strength)
Hull Strength: Heavy

- Type-17 Heavy MegaMaser Batteries (50 Batteries, 4 Cannons per Battery)
- Type-62 MegaMaser Batteries (75 Batteries, 4 Cannons per Battery)
- Type-13b Ion Cannon (50 Batteries, 4 Cannons per Battery)
- Mk. 2 Assault Concussion Missile Tubes (30 tubes, 10 missiles per tube)
- SV-34 Point Defense Maser Cannons (200)


- Mk. 4 Clawcraft (480)
- Nyr-class Bomber (100)
- Transport shuttles (30)
- Assault Troop Transports (25)


The Town Ship is a massive construct, with many purposes. It is the mobile headquarters of CAIN, actively moving through Chiss Space on a confidentially predetermined route. The vessel serves as an emergency backup location for the seat of Chiss Government as a contingency plan, while heavily equipped with an advanced research facility and engineering lab. The Township also provides CAIN Operations with an effective center of intelligence throughout the Chiss spy-network, relaying information from and across Chiss Space, funneled through the primary headquarters on Corbenic. The ship has many levels, with the upper segments being used as the standard embassy level. Many Chiss worlds have representatives on the Town Ship, each accommodated with a personalized living quarters apartment and standard office. Capable of holding a great number of people inside of it, the Township acts as a moving city for the Chiss Ascendancy. The vessel operating as a public settlement with active setting for business officials and entrepreneurs or opportunists seeking independent contracts, specializing in anywhere from political bureaucracy to progressive merchandizing. The was not designed for combat, but contained many unique features to allow it to survive a sustained offensive in the case of an attack. The ship is quipped with a vast number of escape pods in the case of an emergency evacuation and is capable of detaching the structure into a number of sections. The Forward Bridge of the cruiser holds the primary center of command directly above the fighter hangar. The launch tunnel leads behind into a large maintenance area for the ships while storing them in the rear of the section. The Forward Bridge is equipped with an individual hyperdrive and engine propulsion unit, and an emergency backup system mimicking the Engineering Level's priorities, in the case of needing to detach from the ship.

Combat features:
1. Its most prominent feature is its hyper drive. The speed of the vessel is not as fast of most cruisers, but the Town Ship's speed is made up for with quick reaction times. The ship holds pre-programmed emergency jump coordinates under heavy encryption in its navicomputer, and the hyperdrive unit is designed to remain spooled up as a precautionary evacuation procedure. The continued readiness of the hyperdrive allows the ship to activate its jump speed at a much faster rate, but requires a heavier energy output level. The ship's speed while in hyperspace is traveled at a much slower speed than normal cruisers, however the ability to reflexively jump to the emergency coordinates upon the detection of a gravity well generator's activation is a unique and vital trait.

2. The Township's shields are first rate updated technology from Chiss Engineering Systems. The cruiser holds four shield generators in the Engineering Level that expand and overlap across the Township's hull. Two generators are designed to interrupt and disperse energy and plasma weaponry, while the other two primarily deflect physical matter such as rockets, torpedoes, or missiles. Each of the types cover one half of the ship, defending its entirety with the exception of the Forward Bridge. The detachable segment of the diplomatic vessel holds its own pair of overlapping shield generators, powered by the primary power source from the Engineering Level, but retains its own emergency support system. The ship is able to deploy its fighters and bombers while diverting power from the offensive weaponry as a reinforced defense. By doing this, the Township is able to take large amounts of damage before failing during the prolonged defense, before resulting in the protocol defense procedures. This allows the vessel to withstand heavy bombardments and still make its escape.

3. The offensive weaponry systems have been upgraded to the latest developments in Maser and missile technology, implementing the Smart Targeting program into the automated security defenses. The internal protection against possible boarding parties, and to enforce a sense of calm rationality among civilians, contain just enough fire power to be able to ward off intruders and effectively seal the breached areas In the case of an on board intrusion, the ship engages a state of lock-down, where only approved security teams or individuals with clearance are permitted to roam the ship. The manual control over the maze of hallways and corridors throughout the Township are directly controlled from the Forward bridge, also accessible through the backup command center in the Engineering Level. Clearance from this level requires the access codes given to the ship's captain, or higher ranking officials.

4. The vessel's hangar contains four squadrons of Clawcraft Fighters and ten Nyr Bombers. In the event of an emergency, these fighters/bombers are trained to hold back an offensive attack near the ship as the vessel retreats from the battle, preparing its defenses or jump to hyperspace upon calling for reinforcements.

Ship Levels and Internal Security Systems:

Bridge Level: Located in the front of the ship, the bridge level is a highly secured area of the ship. It is able to be fully self sustaining for a matter of weeks. Able to be cut off from the rest of the ship, it has its own energy supply, air supply, kitchen, bunks, recreation areas, refreshers, medical bay, and other needed facilities. This allows the ship to still function, even when boarded. It contains massive blast doors, impenetrable even to light sabers and explosives. The Bridge level is also home to the fighter hangers.

Embassy Level: While the security of this level is very high, with Chiss security patrols, public access cameras, blast doors, and security checkpoints, it is still the most public of the entire ship and takes up the most space. Nearly every world that the Chiss own, and many that they are allied with, have an embassy on board the ship in this section. It allows the Chiss to keep a close watch on their allies, and be able to respond to situations on their held planets swiftly and effectively. In case of destruction of planetary governments, this level can act as a continuation of government site. It also contains the shuttle hangers.

Engineering levels: Like the Bridge level, this is a fully sustained and operated with automated maintenance droids. It contains a massive security outline system, ensuring the proper distribution of equipment and assignment of responsibility for fear of sabotage or faulty performance. Only those with a high security clearance are able to work or access this area. It contains a back up bridge with complete control over the ship's functions and systems with the proper clearance codes. These terminals may not be accessed for more than normal basic commands, reinforced by a heavy encryption code containing a series of viruses. These software programs are designed to trigger upon detecting certain hacking devices or a breach of system security. This level controls energy, shielding, life support, engines, sensors, weaponry coolant, and comm unit systems. This is the heart of the entire ship.

Research Levels: The Research and Development Level is the most classified segment of the Township. Most individuals residing on the ship do not know this level exists. This is the secondary function of the mobile CAIN headquarters, hosting a number of fully equipped laboratories for progressive discoveries and developments. The most sensitive research takes place among the Chiss's top scientists and engineers, designing and producing prototype weaponry and defense technology to undergo surveillance and testing in a private facility. The security systems in place are second to none, fully protecting the occupants with a sense of secrecy in their work. With research into engineering, biological weapons, interrogation, spy technology, genetic manipulation, war vessel upgrades, troop equipment, and facility research and design, the research level is perhaps the most important function of the Township. Additionally, this level provides an area for the upper end of CAIN Operations to conduct its business with privacy. The Research Levels also serve as a mobile deployment location for agents in the Specialist Division, allowing the operatives a safe haven checkpoint. This place contains access to the entire Chiss Spy network, information databases, and other important information networks. As the center of CAIN Operation's Black Ops takes place in this area, the database heavily guards any vital information with numerous coded encryptions, split among half a dozen saving devices. Only when put together, could any single document be deciphered.

Overall, this ship is the most technologically advanced ship of the Chiss fleets. Its sensors, communications, shielding, security systems, computers, and other systems are all state of the art. It is able to act as many things at once, making this ship invaluable to the Chiss Ascendancy.
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