The Smuggler's Association


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The Smuggler's Association

Mission Signups

"A smuggler has no friends, only interests"

The Smuggler's Association, the SA or just the Association for short, is exactly what the name says. A simple consortium of smugglers who don't even try to pretend they're otherwise operating in a loose group for increased security and profits in these troubled times. The Association started in some rundown cantina on some world no one cares about on the Outer Rim when a few individuals in the less-than-legitimate delivery business realized that they could get more credits if they gave each other tips on jobs they might not be able to do themselves. Since then it's grown into a more formal (at least by the standards of a group that started out in a cantina) outfit, able to post a listing of smuggling jobs people need done to the smugglers within the group.

Of course legitimate freight jobs are also available, but those don't pay nearly as well. Occasionally larger tasks will be undertaken by the Smuggler's Association, such as trying to break a planetary blockade, or establish a new warehouse facility as a safe place for smugglers to keep their goods. Compared to a lot of organizations out there though, the SA isn't really the most structured. There's a few basic tenets, but no ridiculous codes or secret protocol. It's not out to conquer the galaxy, or spread a certain ideology. It is a simple association of smugglers looking to make credits who'd like a steady source of work that doesn't put them under the heel of the Hutts, and gives them a nice place to lay low when the law is on them.

What the Association Does

The Association does just about everything related to the movement of goods. They own warehouses and docking bays which allow those that fly under their banner to more easily move between worlds, and gives them a refuge if they need to lay low. The most common thing they do is to act as a middleman between someone who needs cargo moved, and an intrepid pilot who's willing to do the moving. These jobs are often listed, and handed out on a first come-first serve basis. For more difficult jobs, the Association allows smugglers to get in touch with one another. If someone with another ship is needed, the SA is there with plenty of people willing to lend a hand - for a reasonable percentage of course. Everything from organizing freighter convoys through more difficult areas of space, to breaking through blockades can be done through the Association. Another thing it does is to allow for the passage of information. Not just in the sense of messages to be carried covertly, but in the sense of being able to tell your fellow outlaws what's going on where. If there's increased security at a planet, if a blockade's gone up somewhere, if the lawman has figured out a common smuggling trick, and things of that nature.

The SA also maintains its own stock of ships that can be loaned out on as needed basis. Some of these ships are actively flown by a member of the Association for Smuggling business. Unlike regular members, who might fly their own ships, these Captains are responsible for the administration of the Association, and handle most of the minimal bureaucratic work needed to run the Association.

Policies and Goals

By and large, the Smuggler's Association doesn't have a lot of policies that might interfere with how smugglers in the Association go about their business. They don't charge any fees for members, save for a small percentage of the credits a smuggler might get doing a job gained through the SA. The only strict rules are as follows.

1. Do not steal from other members of the Association
In the context of the Association, theft means that if another smuggler has taken a job on, a member of the SA won't try do it to get the money before they can. Likewise they won't steal from their cargo, their ship, poach crew members, or anything of that nature. Little things like stealing a drink, are really below the notice of the Association, and there certainly isn't a rule against stealing from those outside the Association.​

2. Do not sellout the Association, or Association members
Should be a no brainer, but if there's one thing the galaxy has in abundance it's criminally stupid traitors. The Smuggler's Association would rather that its members not sellout other members of the Association to the authorities, or the organization as a whole. Duh.​

3. Respect the Blacklist
The Blacklist is a list of people, or in some rarer cases organizations, which members of the Association will agree to not do business with. The reasoning for a name being added is usually refusing to pay upon delivery of goods, but might go beyond that. Aside from refusing to pay, doing something incredibly stupid is the next most common way of getting on the Blacklist. The list is decided by a vote among the ship's captains in the Association, but anyone can recommend a name be added.​

Violating any of these rules is grounds for immediate removal from the Association, and if you happen to rack up some damage to the Association (like say killing people and destroying things) you can count on having a bounty put on your head. Other than that, there isn't much to it. The group is a loose organization, not especially concerned with what its members are up to thanks to the generally disorganized state of the Association. No one in the SA is in the SA to further the Association in and of itself. They're in it because the Association is a means to an end, and by providing that means the Association grows. There's no philosophy to be spread, right or wrong way of doing things, or any that other crap.

By and large the Smuggler's Association is an apolitical organization. Jedi, Sith, Senators. Doesn't really matter to them, save for the fact that they could all be paying customers. The Association doesn't actively pursue the destruction of any group in particular, although they're naturally very much against pirates, and very much against taxes and customs. Anyone with an active planetary blockade and pirates are the most likely groups for the Association to initiate combat against on a large scale of their own volition. Otherwise the Association just prefers to keep making money, and let its members do whatever they want. If some don't want to work with Jedi for example, that's fine. There's nothing binding them to take on a job involving Jedi. Law enforcement isn't really considered an enemy, so much as it is simply a risk that comes with the job. The Association has a number of credits set aside to get a member out of prison, by whatever means are most convenient. Which usually means paying someone, somewhere, off. Law enforcement in its pure state might be their enemy, but the good old corrupt variant is the Association's best friend.

On the other side of the coin, the Association doesn't really do "allies" either. They don't want any corporation trying to back them or be their sole provider, and they certainly have no interest in getting entangled in other people's problems. In fact attempting to cozy up to the Association is about the best way to make sure they never trust you. Smuggling is a profession that breeds paranoia after all, and anyone that wants to be BFF's with the SA is obviously only looking for leverage over the Association. Allies, and enemies, aren't things that smuggler's in general are interested in. Moving things from point A to be point B and getting credits for doing so are what smuggler's are interested in.


The Association isn't really all that well organized. It tends to be more decentralized, with no set seat of power, no single leader, and as described above not a lot in the way of rules. The only distinction between those in Association are between Captains, and Members.

Captains are the ones responsible for the Association. They fly a ship bought and paid for by SA, and are expected to handle the grunt work of keeping the Association working in return for that, and tend to hold more of a stake in the Association than the average member. Together, the Captains, form the leadership of the Smuggler's Association, voting on just about anything. Responsibilities are usually handed to whomever wants them, and regularly rotate. A meeting of the Captains usually takes place in the back room of some cantina somewhere, and is usually scheduled to happen at the last meeting. In general it's the job of Captains to actively lookout for the interest of the Association, and in emergency situations (such as a surprise attack) authority rests on the Captain who has been with the SA the longest, unless they cede it to someone else.

Members are pretty much everyone else in the Association. The regular smugglers who own their own ship, or have one on a temporary loan from the Association, the engineers, the pilots, the medics, and everyone else. Everyone has the same level of access to docking bays, bar tabs, and job listings, and there's no preference for Captains over Members in any of these things. The only thing Members don't do really is set Association policy, or have to worry about the day to day running of things. There's no set guidelines for a member becoming a Captain. The only requirement to do so is that they must have enough credits to purchase a ship of equal value to a Trillium and give this money to the Association as a "pay in". If a Member wants to be one they will ask for a current Captain to vouch for them, and the entire Captain's Council will vote on the matter. As long as over half vote yes, then you're a Captain. It's as simple as that.


Joining the Smuggler's Association is relatively straightforward. You have to know someone in the Association who can vouch for you, and then all you have to do is not be a moron. Being a smuggler is a plus, but not necessary. There's always a need for muscle, medics, and technicians after all. There are certainly members who don't really do smuggling jobs, but offer their services as security or slicers for a cut of the credits for that do them. Generally it's hard to find anyone in the Association that's particularly young, unless they're a family member of someone in the SA. After being accepted a new member of the Association will be given papers identifying them as a member of Outer Rim Freight, the legitimate face that the Association operates behind. It might only be a piece of paper, but it at least provides them legit reasons for visiting systems and getting by customs.

16 year old Force-users who think both Light and Dark are wrong, with godlike piloting skills, excellent combat techniques, and an overly tragic history, need not apply.

OOC Note: Outside of a core group of members who will be on the roster from the beginning, there will be NO recruitment of characters on an Out-Of-Character basis. Where it says a member must vouch for you it basically means you have to do a thread with us before we let you in, and obviously something like shooting at us means we aren't likely to vouch for you, and in return accept the character. There will be a signup to keep track, but NO one who signs up without doing these things IC will be accepted. I don't care about numbers, I care about the story.

OOC Intent

The Smuggler's Association exists to provide an outlet for the alternative criminal types, a main faction for which doesn't exist. People who aren't really the bounty hunter, go out and fight, types but more in line with the classic scoundrel more worried about their own pocket book than anything else, but at the same time more down and dirty than the more corporate types. Essentially this is a faction for the blue-collar criminals, and in function it's a union of sorts that lets them get a leg up over the competition. What the faction does is to facilitate smuggling activities, providing these sorts of PC's with activities, and helping to organize things bigger than individual initiatives between a few members could do. The ultimate goal of the faction is to make money and expand, any other raison d'être would be against the main intent. Whatever aspirations the faction may have are dependent on IC activities, conflict that may generate as result of the Association's activities, and where the writing takes things.


Andrena Solus


Dyson Chanzot
Bahati Rhen
Nova Rigil Starcry
Keid Pyethell
Mathis Aeron
Lola Day
Dana Hunt



The Smuggler's Association isn't an exceptionally old organization with a lot of interesting historical facts behind it. It was founded in a rundown bar on Iego around a decade ago, and stayed there for most of the early years. For the most part it was simply back room meetings between smugglers who exchanged tips, job information, and occasionally some of its number ran together in convoys through dangerous parts of space. With war brewing on the borders of the Republic there was certainly profit, and safety, in numbers. Attempts to sellout the organization were made on a regular basis, but it wasn't really well organized enough for these efforts to amount to much, as any smuggler in it simply fled, met up with old contacts on some other world, and eventually they were back in business in another bar on another planet.

The Association only grew into what it today after breaking through a corporate blockade of Jabiim. Serving as a structure through which to organize the effort, the successful breakthrough made rich men and women out of those who lived, and with a portion of each share going to the SA itself, the Association expanded greatly. There weren't any moral quibbles over price gouging which meant that the smugglers who took part were able to charge exorbitant fees for what amounted to some food and water. Some of the participants retired, others went on to give the Smuggler's Association the shape it has today, and most lost every credit they made gambling somewhere.

Situated near the Border Alliance, and the coming conflict, smugglers with the Association are poised to make even greater profits as things escalate out of control.

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Dec 7, 2012
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As a smuggling group, the Association isn't really concerned with owning vast amounts of territory. Instead their interests are primarily in the acquisition of ships, and smaller facilities to aid in their smuggling ventures. Warehouse facilities and hangars are at the top of that list, but places like fueling stations, and cantinas are also things they'd be certainly be interested in. It doesn't really care who owns a whole planet, so long as the Association can operate from as starport without interference. In the view of the Association, borders are pointless things that don't do much more than mark a change in the color of uniform the lawman has on.

Most of its members are capable of paying their own docking fees, so it really isn't necessary for the SA to worry all that much about owning places, they're far more interested in owning ships, and only maintain facilities at high traffic areas. None of the places that the Association owns are actually held in the name of the Association, instead they all operate under the name of Outer Rim Freight, which acts as the legitimate front for the Associate should anyone nose around. Given that the SA tends to operate in lawless areas for the most part, it hardly matters however, and it's rare that they come under much scrutiny.

The area the Smuggler's Association operates in is mainly situated near the Border Alliance, where profit and danger are at their highest. Their primary centers of operation are on either side of the Border Alliance, and making runs across that territory, and into it, as well as the surrounding powers. It's a dangerous area to be in, which is another reason why they don't invest much in defending them. If a problem comes their way? Grab everything not bolted down, scatter, and regroup. It's what smugglers have been doing since the invention of the hyperdrive, and the SA isn't stupid enough to try to engage someone in a stand up fight.



Iego was the planet that the Association was founded on, and the city of Cliffhold remains a major hub for activity. The spice produced on the planet is the big draw, as smuggling spice has always been a good money maker, and the "thousand moons" are also a good reason for setting up shop. The sheer amount of bodies and debris in orbit of the planet making blockades difficult as there's any number of ways of slipping in and out by hiding in all the clutter.


The Spire

The docks that the Smuggler's Association maintains on Iego are wholly owned by the Association, and located some distance from Cliffhold itself. Built into one of the basaltic spires, the facility can service up to 10 Freighters, and has an expansive storage facility built into the base of the spire. The defenses for the docks are minimal, with no exterior weapons, and no shields. The docks instead rely on deception for defense, with the blast doors that allow entrance being camouflaged as part of the spire. While obviously, the camouflage doesn't do a lot when the Spire is in active use, given that the area of space that Iego is in, it hardly matters. Instead the camouflage is intended to buy time should someone decide to show up with a fleet, in which case the Spire can go into a lock down running on low power while ships get away via the tunnels.

The entire complex is riddled with tunnels big enough for ships to fly through, allowing for a quick escape through another hidden entrance/exit when necessary. Inside defenses are likewise light, the facility isn't intended to withstand a siege, it's intended to be abandoned as quickly as possible in the face of overwhelming force. It's simply some security guards, locked doors, and the like, nothing all that elaborate. The docks aren't intended to be used all that heavily, simply when someone needs to lay low or drop off hot cargo. Otherwise landing in Cliffhold and paying for your own docking is perfectly fine, it's not like there's a government on Iego that cares much what the smuggling outfit does.

The Broken Hammer

The Broken Hammer is the cantina the Association owns on Iego. Locared in Cliffhold itself, the cantina isn't directly connected to the Smuggler's Association docks on the planet, but is near the local spaceport. The Broken Hammer is a rough place with a tough crowd, usually spice miners and smugglers. The booze is watery, the glasses are almost never washed, and there are more than few bloodstains from more than a few nasty bar brawls. Loud and exceptionally rowdy, the Broken Hammer is a great place for those that don't want to be overheard, and the incredible ease with which one can start a brawl makes getting out a little easier.

It was in the Broken Hammer that the Association was founded, and it was the first piece of real estate acquired by the Association. During the ten years of the SA's history it's been lost and regained a number of times, but these days is well established as the Association's stomping ground. It generally has a couple of bouncers, but isn't heavily defended. That would signify to pretty much everyone that the place is more than just a bar, and that's not really what the Association wants.



Located on the other side of the Border Alliance from Iego, Axxila is home to another one of the Association's major presences, although it's more under the table. The heavily populated city world isn't without government, unlike other places that the Smuggler's Association operates, thus it must stay underground. With the size of the population however, this isn't difficult. A few bribes here, a few payoffs there, and the Association can go about its business without all that many problems. Because of its size, Axxila tends to be a bigger hub for Association activity than other worlds. It's easier to disseminate information, and gather, without drawing attention.


Chop Shops

Like on Iego, the Association mostly lets its members pay for their own docking, and unlike Iego doesn't maintain a hidden dock on Axxila. Instead in a rundown skyscraper it maintains a "maintenance and repair facility" under the Outer Rim Freight name. In reality the location is a chop shop where members of the Association can have their ships modified to help them evade the law. It is from here that most upgrades are done, and the most common tasks undertaken are replacing transponders and hollowing out sections of a ship for smuggling compartments.

The idea that the place is legitimate is mostly maintained through hefty payoffs, and like other Association facilities its defenses lie in its covert status. There are 6 active shops in total, each of which can service anything smaller than a capital ship. In the event that the shops are compromised the entire place would be abandoned, and the smuggler's would simply move elsewhere. The highly populated nature of Axxila makes getting away and blending in with local traffic easy, ensuring that losses would be minimal.

Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill

Located not far from the chop shops operated by the Association is Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill. Originally run by a rather disreputable fellow who had loansharking and gluttony as his favorite hobbies, the Smuggler's Association acquired the place after he met a most unfortunate end. No one else really wanted the job of trying to run a cantina however, so the job was left in the hands of the man's bar tending droid; Sir Mixabot. The little droid is capable of crafting over six million different types of cocktail, and has thus far run the place without a hitch.

The diminutive bot lacks a lot in personality, but he more than makes up for it capability as the droid can also cook up a mean Nerf steak as well. With no regard as to payment, Sir Mixabot's Cantina is able to put funds directly into purchasing stock. Which is good, because there wasn't a lot in the way of variety at first. Thanks to the smuggling population however, the cantina is now host to a wide array of beverages, and foods, and Six Mixabot himself is confident that if the cantina were on a Core world it would be on a "must visit" list in a tour guide.

The bar is usually very tidy, as a result of the other droids helping to maintain it. Though not an upper crust kind of place, it's certainly a step above whatever dive you'll find on Nar Shaddaa. It's usually a good place for Association business to be conducted or for a pilot to just come and relax, and doesn't have any bar brawls...well at least not very often. Security is generally minimal, unless a meeting is being held. In which case a few armed bouncers will stand guard over the back room, and the entire place will be checked for listening devices.



Located in the remote reaches of Hutt Space, Dandoran isn't a particularly exciting planet. Lots of trees, lots of water, nothing in particular that lets it stand out all that much, and it isn't very close to anywhere. Which makes it just about perfect for the Smuggler's Association. Dondoran acts as something of a distant refuge for the Association. Unlike its other locations, no subterfuge must be maintained on any level as the planet has few inhabitants and visitors.


Serdna Alsa

Dandoran is the location of the Association's main hidden refuge and storage facility, Serdna Alsa. The facility is different from that on Iego in that it has much more room available for expansion in vast caverns located towards the southern end of the Smuggler's Basin. These caverns are normally used for longer term storage, holding ships that aren't being used, and supplies that might be needed. Serdna Alsa can service 20 light freighters a a time. The place is also the best option for anyone who has cargo a little more animate that they can't just drop off anywhere, and need a place with some strong durasteel bars to hold them in place.

In general Serdna Alsa is much better equipped with accommodations for long stays, and like other Association holdings, Serdna Alsa relies primarily on being able to stay hidden as a form of defense. In its case however it's less about being seen, and more about being remote. It does have a number of laser cannons to ward off starfighters and the like, but nothing major. Internally security is a bit more tight with magseals, and ray shield traps to keep interlopers away from the storage areas deep within the facility. The entrances to Serdna Alsa are massive, and there are no blast doors or camouflage hiding them, but there are numerous hidden tunnels that go some distance from the facility allowing for escape.



The Association doesn't really concern itself with defending territory to the death. There's no point, and that's not what smuggler's are about. If an overwhelming force were to try to take something, they'd pack, leave, and set up shop elsewhere. Being smuggler's, it's endlessly easy to find a lawless rock on the Outer Rim from which to reform and operate. Most of its members have their own ships, and can pay their own docking fees, so it isn't as if they really need to have a place of their own, it's just a massive advantage. There aren't really any restrictions on entering Association's public holdings, such as the various cantinas and bars. In order to get into the back rooms for important meetings there are no silly code phrases or anything like that. It's all based on if someone knows you, and the ship you're flying, or not. If someone recognizes you, you're in. If not, you're out, simple as that.

In order for a ship to land at a hidden Association facility a special transponder installed in it must be activated. The transponder is installed at the SA's holdings on Axxila, which is a bit more lax as ship's without them obviously need to land their in order for them to be installed. The usual pretense is that ship's which are signing on with the shell corporation Outer Rim Freight must have equipment installed that will allow them to track the ship and keep freight schedules tight. Of course this a complete sham, and instead the transponder is installed in the ships of new members of the Association. The transponder cannot be activated by anyone outside of the ship, and if removed the code will be scrambled, necessitating the installation of a new one. Once a ship docks, the only thing that's checked for is tracking devices. As one might imagine smuggler's aren't really big fans of being tracked, so those tend to be a no go.

OOC Note: If you want to actually dock at an Association facility, and are a member, the SA transponder should be mentioned somewhere in your profile where your ship is mentioned, or in the tech writeup.

In terms of physical defenses the breakdown is as follows


The Broken Hammer
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

The Spire
Hidden facility
Camouflaged blast door entrances
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


Sir Mixabot's Cantina and Grill
Public facility.
Handful of bouncers (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.

Chop Shops
Public facility
Basic Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.


Serdna Alsa
Hidden facility
12 Quad Laser Cannon Turrets (camouflaged)
Advanced Internal Security (security cameras, reinforced doors, magseal locks, rayshield traps)
Guards (see NPC breakdown for details), armed with generic blaster pistols and generic body armor.
Escape Tunnels


NPC/Other Assets Breakdown

The following is a breakdown of NPC's.

__140 NPC's on Iego (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 60 Spire Workers, 20 Paid Off Officials)

__140 NPC's on Axxila (10 Bouncers, 20 Guards, 30 Cantina Workers, 50 Shop Workers, 30 Paid Off Officials)

__100 NPC's on Dandoran (40 Guards, 50 Serdna Alsa Workers)

__120 NPC's misc (smugglers, participating members of the SA, NPC's for people to use on ship crews, etc.)

The following is a breakdown of ships operated by the Smuggler's Association

__10 Alabaster-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___ORF Islandfire, Captained by Andrena Solus
___Remaining 9 available for loan or captaincy

__10 YG-300-class Escort Freighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__10 Nimbus-class Couriers (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan or captaincy

__24 NX-3-class Starfighters (modified with SA transponders) [LINK]
___All available for loan

The following is a breakdown of other equipment operated by the Smuggler's Association
__Safeguard-series Armor [LINK]
__Glie-9 Blaster Pistol [LINK]
__Sabotage Speeder Bike [LINK]
__N10-series Astromech Droid [LINK]
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Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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I'm a bit iffy on the amount of starfighers. Could that be reduced a bit to 24?


Active Member
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Dec 7, 2012
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Per site rules, I am stepping down in order to serve as AFL for the Republic and @Insoulent will be taking over and reposting the writeups when he can.