The Sith Intelligence Collective

Chance Mills

SWRP Writer
Apr 30, 2017
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In the Sith Pyramid on Korriban, in a dark room, sat several hologram projecting pedestals surrounding a central, larger projector in a circle. As the door to the room opened, a ray of light from the entrance would shine in. When the door closed again, the central projector buzzed to life with a deep tone signaling it's activation. What appeared on the hologram was a red map of the galaxy, made into a grid with significant planets shown as larger dots on the plane.

On the far end of the room was a pedestal with a control panel, the one where a tall figure would stand and program the controls to send out his transmission. When the transmission began to record, the being would speak, and his face would be shown in the light.

"Greetings, my Sith brothers and sisters. My name is Geroin Sep." The Muun was tall at seven and a half feet, with an elongated head and limbs, and dressed in the black uniform robe of the Sith, but a red cloth with the imperial logo on his right shoulder held with a long pin. He continued, "I send this message to any and all members of the Sith Brotherhood of the rank Sith or above who are out of combat. This is an invitation to a data pool that may assist those of us in difficult campaigns, to share what we know for the betterment of the empire and ourselves. we will discuss strategy where it is needed, and share knowledge of our enemies to exploit their weakness for our benefit. If you feel obligated to, you are not required to show your face. By no means are you required to attend, but I would hope you do for your own sake."

As the recording ended, he sent out the transmission en mass. Any Sith who returned the invitation would appear on one of the holographic pedestals surrounding the room. He entwined his fingers withing themselves, and patiently waited for his response.

@Taz @Ecclessey