The Scenic Route


ma malédiction est mon ange
SWRP Writer
Oct 9, 2013
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A not so respected, but nevertheless smart man once told Dana that spice may be the route to nowhere, but at least it was the scenic route. Well, Dana had been going down the scenic route for as long as she could remember. Still, she considered her use of drugs to be recreational, and didn't consider herself an addict or anything. Of course, what Dana thinks and what actually happens are two very different things more often than not. Allowing her head to slam against the table in a mixture of exhaustion, inhebration and highness, Dana said something that sounded more like Jawa-speak than anything, much to the amusement of the man sitting in front of her. Karl, her drinking partner who had spent the entire evening trying to woo her let out a laugh as he clapped his leg. Wiping away the fresh wave of saliva that came with his laugh, he proceeded to try and turn Dana's state to his advantage. "HAHA, shit girl, ya ain't lookin' good, ya know? But tell ya what; I can take ya to my place," He said looking intently at Dana, who didn't even bother to lift her face from the table. Dissapointed at her lack of reaction, Karl frowned but nevertheless continued. "Uh, well, I can get ya cleaned up 'n all 'em good stuff, ya know? And ey, who knows? Maybe you 'n me can -"

"No." Dana interrupted him, still not moving a muscle. Karl looked surprised. "Whaa? But... but think 'bout it! All da fun we could'ave." He said with a suggestive smile which only served to show his disgusting yellow teeth. Finally looking up, Dana was nevertheless unimpressed. Not the first time an idiot had tried to bed her, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. With a mixture of disgust and boredom on her face, Dana didn't even bother looking at the guy. "Fuck off Karl. You were fun to have some drinks with, but you're really trying my patience now. Your answer is no. Now, you should probably start getting your ass out through that door." she said uncompromisingly while pointing at the exit. At this point, Karl began turning red with rage and breathing heavily like a sick cow. "Well, It wasn't really a fucking question, bitch." He snapped, and in an instant he had stood up and streched a hand across the table going for Dana's hair. Moving her head quickly to the side whilst holding her own hair with one hand to prevent that slimeball from grabbing it, her other hand caught Karl's outsrechted arm just an inch below his elbow, and in one quick motion she quickly twisted it to an unnatural degree, causing a shriek of pain to escape Karl's mouth. Not loosening the grip in the slightest, Dana took Karl's inability to counter and let go of her hair. Now holding the arm with both hands, Dana gave it yet another twist and a horrible snapping sound was heard as his forearm broke. Even then, Dana did not let go even as the man kneeled, yelping and crying while the bone ripped through his flesh and came out with accompanying blood. Letting go with one hand, she picked up her unfinished glass from the table and slowly poured it down on the fresh opening of Karl's skin, causing a hissing sound as the subsatnce made contact with his exposed tissue, bringing out the loudest scream Dana had heard in a while.

Thinking she had made her point, she finally released him and the pathetic man promptly dropped to the floor whilst crying out in agony, cursing Dana with ever single curse word ever invented as every eye in the small cantina looked their way. She didn't really know how common bar fights were here in Etti IV, but judging by the way everyone went back to their business while ignoring the injured man, she figured they were about as common here as anywhere else. Looking down at the man who was now sobbing quietly, Dana smiled. "You know, I think I'm in a better mood for sex now. Too bad you won't be able to deliver now." She said while letting out a small chuckle. Karl couldn't even answer by this point.

Dana turned to the table and let some credits gracefully fall on it. The least she could do was pay the idiot's bill. And maybe something else... "And for the trouble, a round of drinks on me, fellas!" she said whilst placing even more credits on the table. A loud shout of celebration echoed through the entire bar, accompanied by raised glasses as Dana gave a light bow. Her job was done. Making her way outside accompanied by the cheering of the masses, Dana soon found herself outside staring at the streets. Dana was so full of adrenaline, her mind automically began devising ways to blow off some steam, most of which included heavy drugs and excessive violence.

"Fuck it, first I need to buy more spice."

@Relent @Marf