The Nameless Gladiator


I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score

The Nameless Gladiator


"There Is No Hunting Like The Hunting of Man."

Name // Unknown
Alias // Gladiator or G
Age // Twenty Five Years of Age
Height // Six Feet Exactly
Weight // One Hundred & Seventy Five Pounds

Holo VLog Upload #0085

I Am Gladiator -

"The Nameless Gladiator" thats what they called me during my time in the Colosseum. I can't say I miss it mind you, the poorly kept weapons and the ill fitting armour wasn't the most glorious of scenarios to find yourself in, and a warrior of my calibre was certainly...

"Are you honestly talking about your 'glory days' yet again? You fought beasts and peasants for Christ Sake... your hardly the next Mand'alor"

Ha! That was just one of the guys. They love to give me grief but I personally think its jealousy!? As I was saying - A warrior of my calibre was certainly wasted in that place. Sure, my opponents weren't the most memorable and sure some of my opponents weren't even sentient but I once slayed a rancor single handed! Single handed! - With a sword and a spear for crying out loud!!

Ain't many men I know who could pull that off I tell ya! That's got to count for something right.


STOP RUINING MY HOLO VLOG DAMMIT! - Long story short, I earned my freedom from that damned place a few years ago and have been putting my talents to good use.

"Don't you literally work for a pest control agency? 'The mighty rancor slayer' works in pest control. Pahahaha! You're funny, maybe hang up the armour and become a comedian."

'Sigh' I hate you. I'll show you! I ain't no scrub and I certainly ain't a joke!!

Holo VLog Upload #0087

Seriously, I'm A Hunter Now! -

Right, I've got the ship to myself today! Thank god. Won't have to put up with anyone shouting over me in this video.

So here is the big announcement; I'm going to be a Bounty Hunter. I've been looking at this all wrong! There ain't no money in pest control or hunting pets, beasts and monsters. All the REAL money - Its in Bounty Hunting!

I'm going to start out small you know, just some small time hunting. Get myself in the swing of things, but i'm going to make it big. I know I am!

I've already got myself a new set of armour and a decent place to work out of, I've got to look the part haven't I and sure as hell could use the upgrade! Check it out!

Screenshot Uploaded


I've even added some fur from some of the beasties I slew back in the day! I think that this will be the last time I upload a Personal Holo VLog for a while, so till the next time I do - Gladiator Out!

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I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score


The Lair of a True Hunter

Location // Undisclosed

Main Security System // Bio-metric Scanner
Secondary Security System // Voice Recognition

Main Generator // Main Planetary Power Grid
Back Up Generator // On Site Power

Consumables // One Months Supply
Water Supply // Planetary Water Supply

The Location -

Holo VLog Upload #0086

I am so hyped that I have managed to find myself the perfect spot to become my base of operations! I know, I know - It doesn't look like much now, just a bunch of old pipework that has been renovated beneath the city but it has potential!

The only downside is it cost me an absolute bomb. Pretty much blew most of my savings slash winnings on the joint. I'll have to wait to do it up but i'm sure it wont be long till someone of my skill is cashing in the bounties left ,right and centre!

Haha! I'm going to be rich!

Facilities & Rooms -

Holo VLog Upload #0088

So welcome to my Galactic Television Crib Tour... Just kidding, but seriously I've just moved in and the place is even better than I remember. Maybe it's because I've taken a bunch of my trophies out of storage to hang in my main hall though. I like to call it 'The Hunters Throne' mainly because it has that cool ring to it! I've got all of my old memories in there, including a few things I've had taxidermied and of course the head of that rancor I told you about that one time.

No time to stand and admire my work though, there are a few other rooms I have started doing up also! Do you see what I mean about the old pipework though? It's so spacious and there is tons of room for customisation - Not to mention the fact that it is made out of reinforced durasteel. Those old engineers didn't mess around back in the day I tell ya!

So that through there is the bar. Well its going to be the bar anyways. I don't really have the money right now to make any improvements on it. My money is better spent elsewhere to be fair... like this place! Ta Da! This is probably my next favourite part of the place. 'The Cell Block' and it will certainly come in useful in the future when I become a renowned and feared bounty hunter! Its only partially working at the moment, in that I have the cells - but the ray shields are busted which ain't to helpful really.

The last room is just back the way we came, again, its nothing special but this is all a process and I certainly plan to iron out the kinks. I call it my 'Command Centre' ... its just a bedroom really with a couple of high tech computers in, but I feel like giving things a name that adds that extra bit of homely flare you know?

Anyways, this was a long holovid, so I'm going to say peace out and go finish polishing up that Krayt Dragon Peal of mine in the main hall!

Security -

Holo VLog Upload #0089

I don't know if its a smart idea recording about my security, but who is really going to be stupid enough to come here and try and kill me right? 'Scoff'

So there are numerous entrance and exits to this place, it is a old pipeline after all, but luckily I don't have to keep to much track of the entrances. This place cost me so much because of that piece of mind! It has a two tier security system. The first is requires a scan of my eye, and my hand, both of which are tested for signs of life i.e. a pulse and reactivity to light. The second is a voice recognition system, it will ask me for a password that ONLY I know.

I've got an array of blast doors, that can be activated to add that additional security! I do plan to add a few more Gucci features but - for now, this will do!

Ain't no fool getting into my place!


Servants and Personnel -

Holo VLog Upload #0090

This place does get a bit lonely at times, its nice having a bunch of cool stuff and all, but it would be nice to have some entertainment. When I get round to fixing up the bar I'm sure it will bring in some people who I can get acquainted with!

For now though, I've got a few droids knocking around. A Astromech I like to call Roller, he just kind goes around the place fixing a few of the electrical problems, A Protocol droid called Dave who is a bit malfunctioning, every now and then thinks he's an assassin droid and tries to kill Roller. Then there is Greed-0 the security droid, a previous owner painted him green and gold but assured me that regardless of his opponent, he will always shoot first.

At least add a little bit of life to this place! Even if their twisted circuits do keep me on my toes.

Building & Creation Threads

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Scrub Squad Threads & Journey

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Bounty Hunter Progression Threads

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I'm Warfare Not Welfare
SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2015
Reaction score

The Story of Lost Heritage


"It Takes a Monster, To Defeat a Monster."

I am so hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped! So hyped!
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