The Moirai's Thread


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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Mid Rim Territories____________________________________________________Hyperspace
Local Time 1606______________________________________Baan's Ship, The Trusty Steed

The iridescent light dimly illuminated the communications room of Baan's Trusty Steed. The BT-7 Thunderclap was currently on course to intercept a bounty on the 16th moon of Gromas. The query in question didn't have a name, but sources indicated that the target was force sensitive. It had been awhile since he'd had the opportunity to go up against another that was gifted in the force. His time with the BA had seen him scouting the northern portion of the republic's territory for far longer than he'd like. It was time to get back into the saddle and the only way to do that was to pull his trusty steed out for a hunt.

Baan was garbed in his usual utilitarian garb, that did double time as both his military uniform and his Jedi robes. He'd removed his weapons for the time being except for his lightsaber. That weapon never left his person. Baan had taken the time to create a makeshift meditation area out of one of the corners of the com room and was preparing to begin his daily recalibration. This ritual involved various exercises and form work before eventually ending in meditation. His time in the BA taught him the importance of staying in shape while being confined to space and he'd created a simple calisthenic workout to combat his boredom as well as improve his fitness.

The workout was vigorous and taxing, Baan's body was slick with sweat from his efforts and he greatly looked forward to the stillness of his meditation. Kneeling down and finding rest upon his knees he losed his eyes and opened his mind to the force. Controlling his breathing with deep inhalation followed by slow and deliberate exhales the former jedi sank into a trance like state and allowed the force to carry his mind into the unknown. Normally, this practice wouldn't warrant anything. He'd simply stay in this position until he felt it was time to resume normal function, but today his mind recceeded to his past.

Looking through the eyes of his younger self, Baan recognized the landscape of his homeworld Chandrilla. He was in a meadow on the outskirts of a town he couldn't remember the name of. The sight of the green blades of grass dancing in the afternoon sun warmed his heart. The smell of various wildflowers was carried on the wind and songbirds carried their melodies across the field. As a smile tugged at this lips as his eyes scanned the horizon and as he did, he came across a small being surrounded by local fauna. There was no fear from the humanoid, rather he radiated elation. Drawn to the boy Baan couldn't help but notice the young man was using the force.

Not wanting to interrupt the gathering Baan waited for an opportunity to make his presence known.

@Noire @Gamov


SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2014
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This was perfect. Nearly idyllic.

Being out here, amongst nature unspoiled by the advancement of civilization, was a feeling beyond compare. It was out here that minutes and hours were indistinguishable from one another and night always seemed to fall a little too soon. And for Alak Rhen that was simply the way it had always been. He tilted his head back, squinting at the dimming sky, and frowned before lowering his vision back down toward the fruit he was holding. It would be nightfall before too long and though he had had no desire to leave this spot he was never allowed to stay out alone so far from home throughout the night. That did not mean he would not take his time returning to the Qel Homestead, however.

Alak rolled the small pieces of food over in his hands as a small animal, one he'd seen before but never knew the name of, approached him cautiously. He winced as he extended an arm towards the creature, the slight motion reminding him of a bruise on his shoulder that a fall from a tree had earned him a week earlier, and closed his eyes as he began focusing. Alak was not certain how it worked exactly, speaking to animals and all, but it
did and thus he hardly ever questioned it. He simply understood that if he willed it he could connect with nature, all of it, and it with him. He drew in his chest as he inhaled, sensing the animal's wariness, and he soothed its fears as he exhaled.

Alak's eyes snapped opened as the creature began eating from his hand and he raised an eyebrow. He had briefly felt something, or someone, just a moment ago. Whatever, or whomever, it was had a presence that was only growing stronger, nearer, and yet an aura he couldn't quite decipher. Was it a larger, dangerous beast? Or was someone watching him? He whipped his head around, hopping onto his feet with such suddenness that it startled and scared away the animal beside him, and began nervously looking around his surroundings until he spotted a man standing silently several feet behind him. How long had he been there? What did he want?

"Who are you?" Alak questioned. He wore an expression of confidence but the lack of an edge in his voice said otherwise. Even as he asked, though, he had already made up his mind to run as fast as his legs would carry him in the opposite direction. Chandrila was always hailed as a peaceful planet with a miraculously low crime rate, but strange men still spelled danger in Alak's book.


SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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"My name is Baan." a smile parted his lips as the congregation began taking notice of his presence. It was clear to the Jedi that the young man before him was of the same ilk. He was able to emphatically communicate with the beings around him and thus had drawn these animals to his side. Baan had seen many do such a thing on Tython, but he himself never cared for such a talent. Baan was a warrior. He wanted nothing more than the power to fight against the darkside. As cliche as it sounded it was a simple truth. He believed that he'd been born to do nothing more than fight. This boy in the clearing however seemed different, purer, in some manner.

Taking a few hesitant steps forward Baan said, "I can see you're connected to the force. In that, we are the same." Baan's posture and facial features were relaxed and as unimposing as he could be. Though he wasn't as large or physically imposing as other species, Baan had a presence to his person that generally made him seem larger than he actually was.

By the time Baan reached a normal speaking distance the majority of the woodland creatures had dispersed. He still retained his amiable disposition and was patiently awaiting the young man's response. It was strange to the knight that a boy with this level of force connection would have escaped the notice of the Jedi order. For a moment Baan wondered what his life would have been like outside the order. What would he have become? Would he have been like this boy? The thought nearly made him scoff. In all of his life, the Jedi had scarcely seen a clearer picture of serenity.

It was in that moment that Baan realized that in order to protect this young man's peace he would not report his findings to the master he was working with. If this young man was thrust into the swirling chaos that was war it wouldn't be because of Baan.



SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2014
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It was instinctual; for every step forward that Baan took, Alak took a step backward. His name did not sound familiar, not even slightly, and Alak was more than convinced he should have already been sprinting away by now. But despite common sense telling him to take off running outright, the boy found himself unable, or unwilling perhaps, to distance himself from the strange man. What was the Force? This thing that Baan claimed they were both connected to? It was not the first time he had heard of it - no, Alak was aware those warriors that the HoloNews always reported about, the Jedi Knights they were called, used it. He had heard quite a lot about them too and though the majority of it was decidedly negative he couldn't be sure whether or not it was even truthful.

Alak was still studying Baan, analyzing every inch of him, questioning if he could even risk trusting him, as he spoke again. "I don't think I'm connected to the Force. My grandparent's say that the Jedi Knights use the Force and they aren't good people. My grandfather said they are always starting wars. There's a word he uses too - oh, what is that word?" Alak frowned and began snapping his fingers. He hated being at a loss for words - especially in front of strangers - as he had always been taught to think quick on his feet when speaking.

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "Assimilated. The Jedi don't want to assimilate into the Republic." He said proudly as he crossed his arms. But then his expression changed again and he peered at Baan with widening eyes. "Are you one of them?"



SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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Noticing Alek's retreat, Baan refrained from moving forward. He didn't want to scare the boy off nor did he have any inclination of reporting the child to his superiors. His features were relaxed and his composure was steady. The boy was as skittish as a squall and he didn't want to scare him anymore than he already had. The child was pointed in his speech for one his age he was incredibly eloquent. Baan was taken back by the opinion of this little one's relatives. Baan's brow furrowed slightly as he took in the child's words. He chewed on the information and wondered how he should respond. After a moment of silence Baan made his choice. He would be honest with the child and how the young one chose to react would be up to him.

"I am what you label me as." Baan's head tilted back slightly in a slight challenge. He was proud of his title of Jedi knight and would defend the orders honor with his life. "Regardless of what you think, you are connected to the force. It's how I found you. You're untrained, but connected. There is no question of that." Baan doubted the boy would listen. "I'm afraid I don't know what your grandfather is referring to. The jedi aren't starting wars. We've been fighting the same war for over a millenia. Our battle is with the Sith and no one else. As too our assimilation with the republic, we are not a force to be limited by the feeble minds of senators. Take my words as you will young one. Fear me or do not. I mean you no harm, but I will not attempt to save you from the truth that your questions pry at." His familiar frown found it's place on his face as he examined the kid before him.

Would he run? Would the truth be to much for him to comprehend? Regardless of the outcome it was Baan's turn to ask the questions.

"I've humored your curiosity and offered you my name. Yet you deny me the same. I find your lack of courtesy unsettling." Baan's arms crossed over his broad chest exposing the lightsaber at his hip. "What's your name, what do you believe, and what do you stand for?" It was clear to Baan the boy believed what his grandparents had told him. The jedi were nothing but brutes with magical power and swords of lightening. It was tiresome... constantly having to prove that the Jedi's desires for the galaxy were peace and prosperity. The order didn't seek to gain power or enslave, but to uplift and preserve. Why was it so hard to believe that there was a group of beings whose goal was to protect the galaxy. After all it's not like they'd just popped up out of no where.

Baan awaited the boy's response or flight. His arms still crossed over his chest and his brow furrowed. Even at the age of twenty he was an intimidating sight. It wouldn't be the first time a being simply cracked under his gaze.



SWRP Writer
Apr 29, 2014
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Alak raised one eyebrow as a shiny object on Baan's belt glinted briefly in the dimming sunlight. Despite the vagueness of the language that the stranger used, the object, or the weapon rather, all but confirmed it. It was a lightsaber; he was a Jedi. Alak shuddered and hooked his fingers over his belt. What had that weapon done? Whose life had it ended? He was not sure whether or not that upset him, he could not simply assume that Baan had murdered people, but having it on his person certainly did nothing to help his case as far as trust went. However, for what it was worth, Alak felt as though he could, at the very least, offer his name.

"My name is Alak Rhen," He muttered as he stole another quick glance at the Jedi's lightsaber. "And well...I believe in peace. Something tells me you might not but I find that in nature," Alak said, pausing as he gazed at his surroundings, "there's a lesson about how we should live. It's why I stay out here a lot. It's quiet, there's no need to be who you aren't already, and it's really peaceful too. And I connect with the animals! I don't know too much about being connected to the Force but I do feel connected out here. I really do. Sometimes, when I focus, I can even - ," Alak's commlink began beeping and he hurriedly fished around in the pouch on his belt for it. The second he retrieved it the small device zapped to life, casting his grandfather in a flickering blue light before him, and Alak's eyes immediately widened. What time was it?

"Alak. Where are you?" Kaeden Rhen questioned with crossed arms - not much different than Baan's current stance, Alak noted.

"Oh I...I got distracted again. Forgot what time it was. Sorry...I'm on my way home now," He responded. The image vanished and Alak pcoketed the device and looked at Baan once more before turning to leave. But then, for a brief moment, he paused. "I don't think senators are feeble. And I guess Jedi aren't the bad guys either. But no one should be fighting the same war for a thousand years." And with that the child was gone; vanishing into the night much as the sun had.
