The First Thread

Díleas Nimbus

SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2018
Reaction score

Chiru Kai Club, Nar Shadda
23:43 hours


Díleas was a consummate professional in all walks of life, or at least, she tried to be. If she had a job, she got it done with as much efficiency as she could manage and, subtracting the odd bit of small talk here and there, she liked to think it was done best when your focus was entirely on the task at hand. All the same, she was still human, and she was still a part of the Cartels, she had her vice just like everyone else. She figured that her indulgences in the bosoms of all those men and women would get her killed someday, but you didn't live this kind of life and expect a long lifespan unless you were a Hutt, and that was just by virtue of having a silver spoon shoved into your tail at birth.

She enjoyed the various strips clubs that the Smugger's Moon had to offer, but this one was her favorite, with it's mellow blue lights saturating the place and easygoing music, complemented wonderfully by the various woman and men of all shapes and sizes dancing and swaying and serving. Díleas took a moment to let it all just soak in before strutting down the stairs and toward the front stage, grabbing a shot of ale on the way. She normally didn't drink, but she preferred to be a bit loose when she was in the business of recruiting.

Díleas had languished in her own laziness for too long now, years had gone by since leaving home only for her to end up working dead end jobs for kark pay. It was about time to change that, the war between the Republic and the Hutts was starting to shake things up a little, and Díleas fully intended to take advantage of the power fluctuations ahead of her. First steps were recruiting like minded individuals that could work with her to realize this dream, and she was lucky enough that one of those potential allies enjoyed a good dance and drink as much as she did.

She sat down on the couch perched before the main stage, easing back into the soft and welcoming cotton, and waited, knowing that her recent contact was due to be here soon...


Victoria Winterblaze

SWRP Writer
Aug 28, 2018
Reaction score
Victoria had been paid handsomely for murdering a senator in cold blood not too long ago. The heat gained by the murder would mean that Vic would try to lay low and away from Republic space with the hope that the Republic themselves wouldn't be able to pin the killing on anyone in particular. In these efforts, Vic sought out a business partner for a different kind of work that if things worked out, would make them both extremely wealthy at the expense of others, hah suckers.

Entering the strip club was not something high on Vic's priorities list but this was where the prospective employer had requested their meeting and thus she would attend. The proposal had been a bit hazy on the details but there was enough there to indicate that if they were indeed successful, they would be quickly in the credits as often the dirtiest work would. Many folks and factions were abhorrently against slavery as an evil practice but the way Vic saw it if they weren't strong enough to free themselves as she had from the binds of the Republic? then they probably deserved it.

As if on queue, Vic arrived and saw Díleas seated, seemingly enjoying the show put on by the club. Victoria now took a seat next to the fellow cartel member as the bar staff arrived with a drink in hand for her, which she eagerly took having paid for it as she walked in. After a short gulp, Vic turned to Díleas and finally spoke, "You have my interest, now sell it to me."
