Claimed Artifact The Fifth Shard - Shattered Crown of Palpatine


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
Reaction score

The Fifth Shard

A lot of people want the crown,
but they're not willing to bleed for it.


The Fifth Shard was removed from the ruins of the Death Star around hundred years ago. Taken back Sith Cultists to the ancient Dark Side world of Malachor, the cultists would worship the Shard as a religious object as they carried out dark and dastardly experiments on the dead planet.


The Fifth Shard enhances the ability of ones Pyrokinesis to be on par with Sidious' immense ability in the technique, reducing the stamina needed to create flames from nothing as well as creating hotter and brighter flames, often being blue or white in colour.

Due to the powerful and corrupting influence of the fragmented soul within the shard, only a Dark Side user at the rank of Lord can use the United Crown without falling under the will of Sidious. (However one of lower rank may be able to attain it but not use it). If a Light Side user wishes to cleanse or use the power within the Crown, they will need the power level equivalent to a Master to accomplish this without falling to the Dark Side.


To add details to the Fifth Shard of the Shattered Crown, which was found by Wodan HERE

The Shattered Crown has been made to introduce a powerful Sith Artefact to the Site which can lead to a number of RP opportunities moving forward if someone wishes to claim one or all of the pieces.
