Open Onderon The Best Medicine

Falynn Tikarsis


Character Profile
May 5, 2020
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It was as if Haji had awoken from a trance. All of the objects clattered as they returned to their original positions. The boy reeled backwards against the window, not yet fully back to the present. He was in a state similar to that of a patient waking from anesthetics, and clearly in much pain. Between what Corran had told her back at the screening center and Haji’s reaction, it wasn’t difficult for Falynn to piece together what the boy had likely just experienced.

Ranger Velt assured Haji that he was safe and his abilities would not have to be exposed. When Bast saw Haji’s reaction, she scrambled to get out of bed, making Falynn wince inwardly. Although she had good intentions, the ranger was recovering from an extensive injury and her trying to exercise muscles before they were fully healed would not make the recovery any quicker. Leaning back against the bed, Bast spoke, her words confirming Falynn’s previous thoughts.

Once the situation had calmed down a bit, Falynn gave the news on Tippie. “It’s alright now Haji,” Falynn spoke soothingly hoping not to startle him as she drew closer. “Look, I have some great news for you. Tippie has been cleared and is free to visit any patient. You can bring her to Nora’s room whenever you like. The nurses shouldn’t give you any trouble once they see Tippie’s identification.” She showed Haji the new tag around the chicken’s leg. “If they do protest, feel free to let me know and I’ll see what I can do.”

Upon approaching Haji, Falynn paused. Knowing he was a force-user, it would be wise to be cautious around him. There was much unknown about his abilities. Yet as Falynn analyzed the boy, she also felt the urge to comfort him in his pain. He was young enough to possess an air of innocence, now tainted by the events he had just witnessed. So, against her better judgement, Falynn gently placed a hand on Haji’s shoulder and reached out with her other arm to hand Tippie over. Speaking softly, she assured Haji that everything was alright. “Tippie did wonderfully during the screening. I’m sure Nora will be very pleased to see her when she wakes.”


Haji Sigidi

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
May 7, 2020
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Bast's collapse back onto the bed caught his eyes, pulling him out of himself. He watched her with baited concern, seeing her speak but not quite hearing her words. Yet he felt her spirit, softening to her kindness. She was kind, he determined then. He believed, under it all, she understood him. And then, when she summoned him, he eased to a stand, relaxing his arms to his sides, and shuffled over to her. Spiritless, quiet with his head hanging heavily, he stopped before her, just standing there and staring at the floor.

Haji nodded to Bast's reassurances with the crown of his fuzzy head, delicate and docile. Even the man's assurances comforted the little Jedi. His eyes snuck a curious peek at the man, but quickly retreated back to the floor. But Haji had left the window open. He liked the cold air. He felt less claustrophobic, putting his mind at ease with a way out. His past lingered there, out there in the beyond. The others might close it, perhaps symbolically putting an end to his running and forcing his pledge to connect with these people. But he could not take the leap himself. But Corran was right, phrasing it in a way that put Bast at risk. And so Haji begrudgingly turned around and marched back to the window and reached for the panel. He hesitated, sighed, and then shut it, closing the way to his safe solitude.

He stood there, back to the room, defeated and reluctant to join this welcoming environment. He stared out the window, watching the rain streak through the dark and run down the glass.

News of Tippie peaked his interest. He watched Falynn's reflection as she drew nearer with Tippie in hand. The sight of her, coupled with news of her clearance and the opportunity for reunification, inspired a smile to grow. A tear trickled down his cheek. Her hand upon his shoulder was the final catalyst, melting his newest wall down. And he finally turned back around, to embrace Tippie.

"Tippie," he choked out with failed breath. He looked around the room from Falynn to Corren and Bast, and his sad smile grew larger. From one to the next, "Thank you. Thank you. I'm sorry, for your loss and for the window. Thank you."

He stroked Tippie gently, a giggle slipping out when she clucked conversationally.

"Can you forgive me, for intruding," he asked Bast in reference to both the scene of the window entrance as well as his invasion of her mind, but more to the second. Then he asked Corran, "Were you there too?" He wasn't exactly sure where there was or when, if all the images were of one place or many. And he lacked the maturity to feel embarrassed for asking something so personal. But he was pulled by the mule of his whims, an animal of instinct in the moment. So not a thought crossed his mind, instead only filled by the comfort of Nora's chicken and the compassion in the room.


Bast Emblai


Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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There was little for Bast to forgive. After all, Haji had not hurt anyone and as far as she knew, there were no laws against climbing through windows to retrieve chickens. For the first time since she stepped off the ship at the pirate station, the ranger felt comfort. She felt less like a burden on the rangers, less of a liability. Not that anything had changed, but she was reminded her brothers and sisters wouldn’t abandon her on a whim. For all their efficiency, it seemed the Sector Rangers had heart. Haji, the force user, seemed gentle and innocent. Bast only knew of force users through her encounter with a Sith during the prison break. They had brought destruction and pain. But if the boy cared so much for a chicken, surely he was not the type to slaughter citizens aimlessly.

Bast’s breath caught slightly when the force user asked Corran the question. The one that most people knew was insensitive to ask. Part of her wanted to spit a withering retort and save her friend the need for answering. However, that would break Haji’s heart. He was already skittish. Civilian relations were of great importance and they had not gotten off to a marvelous start with their unexpected visitor. Instead, she attempted to make eye contact and communicate a calm strength, hoping the blonde ranger would understand. The other woman, Falynn‘s, presence filled the room with calm and a light scent of Nova Lily.

A gentle but firm knock sounded at the door, and, without waiting for a response, a nurse entered.
“Visiting hours are over, I’m sorry.” Then he did a double take, looking at the wet floor, the chicken, and the three others. Baffled, he stumbled over his words. “Uh... I believe you have exceeded the maximum amount of visitors as well.”

“These are my colleagues. They are all cleared. Including the chicken, but I thank you for your concern” Bast ended her sentence with a tight smile. The nurse, taken aback at her sudden and direct correction, turned pink and exited. Turning to her visitors, she offered a genuine smile and addressed each individually.

“Corran. Thank you for the flowers as well as the visit. You have stayed with me even when I was emotionally or physically compromised. I owe you. Ranger Tikarsis, I appreciate your visit and your help with Tippie. Please visit my room more often. Haji, well, I cannot say I was expecting you, but you sacrificed. You did... something that calmed me. You did not have to. You appear to have a good heart. Now, I should rest if I plan to get back to work on schedule.”


Corran Velt


Character Profile
Jan 7, 2020
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Corran was admittedly disarmed by the younger man’s question. The concerned uncertainty being rapidly replaced by confused curiosity. Did Haji mean Outpost Blue? How could he have known? Corran glanced from Haji to Bast giving a measured stare right in the male Ranger’s eyes. An uncomfortable silence filled the room. The nurse interrupting the discussion gave Corran the free pass out of the conversation.

As Bast has so firmly shoo’d the medical professional away, Corran helped ease their concern. “I’ll be leaving soon anyway. Just a few more minutes,” The Ranger said waving off the nurse, even though Bast had done the most booting them out.
Despite the intense vocal removal of the unwanted attending nurse, Bast had no trouble taking the time to show gratitude to her first visitor of the day. Corran was starting to wonder who the true Bast Emblai was. The sweet, almost motherly figure or the rigid and disciplined Ranger.

“You don’t owe me a thing, Ranger Emblai. I consider it my duty,” Corran replied, “You’d the same for me, I think.” In such a short while, the pair had been through quite a bit. Low-level Spice busting in the Outer Rim to the harrowing assault in the Manaan system. It is said that Sector Rangers typically don't make friends for very long. Distance, departure, or death eventually ends all connections. Maybe Bast would be different though. Allowing a smirk, Corran tapped his hand on the wounded Ranger's own reassuringly, "Get well, Bast. Take care."

The male Ranger took a few steps to leave but stopped abruptly, apparently remembering something. Reaching into his jacket, Corran pulled out two contact cards and left them on the nearby nightstand. “Ranger Tikaris. Haji.” He began, nodding to the two individually, “Just contact this number should you need me.”

The man secured up his jacket and marched out of the room with a crisp turn in the hallway. Corran figured he might stay on Onderon for another day; try to wrestle some shut-eye before taking to the stars again. What had started out as a friendly gesture between wounded partners had certainly taken some turns - both new and mysterious. What lay ahead would be left up to chance.


@Kestrel @FireSong @Styx

Falynn Tikarsis


Character Profile
May 5, 2020
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Falynn was pleased to see Haji comforted with Tippie by his side. She did not, however, expect the next question he directed towards Corran. A long silence ensued, and Falynn would have said something to ease both him and Haji had not a nurse entered. He looked around, quite astonished at the sight, then gave her a questioning glance. Considering how out of order the room looked, there would need to be some good explanation for the mess. “Yes, one moment, and I’ll report to the main building to clear up some details.” The nurse walked away, not looking too happy at having been directed out of the room for the third time.

Bast then began addressing each of her visitors with sincerity. When she spoke to her, Falynn nodded in acknowledgment. “Of course, Ranger Emblai, it’s my pleasure. I do hope you have a safe and quick recovery.” She had no doubt that although her spinal injury had been a setback, Bast had the resilience to overcome it as well.

Shortly after Bast had expressed her gratitude, Corran moved to leave, but stopped short. Curious as to what had made him pause, Falynn eyed the ranger as he turned around and left something on Bast’s nightstand. Were those contact cards? Falynn had to admit that was a pleasant surprise. “A contact card, huh?” She glanced up and smiled at Corran but said nothing else about it.

When he had left, Falynn also began to make her exit. “I’ll take my leave then. Haji, I’ll be around if you need any other assistance. Nora is lucky to have a friend like you. Bast, take care, and I’ll be sure to get someone in to clean up the floor.” With that, Falynn left the room, taking Corran’s card and slipping it into her pocket. She made her way to the volunteer desk, as it was already past her volunteer hours anyway. Patiently, Falynn explained to the bewildered nurse what had caused the mess in Bast’s room, leaving out the more personal details. The nurse still seemed puzzled, but was content with the explanation and sent for a maintenance worker to clean up the wet floor.

Once everything had been settled, Falynn exited BactaCorps. She planned on tying up a few things on Onderon and then flying back to Coruscant. What had happened during this hospital visit had been unexpected, yes, but it had turned out well. Falynn knew she wouldn’t mind seeing Bast, Haji, or Corran again. Yet, only time would tell what the future held.



Haji Sigidi

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
May 7, 2020
Reaction score
A stall in comprehension lead to an eventual smile, realizing Bast was complimenting him. He hadn't registered the nurse's words, having been through quite a trial in his visit to Nora and Bast at hospital this day. He hadn't caught Corran's silence either. Too much had transpired in such a short time, and now it quickly winded down to the end of his visit.

He admired Corran's goodbye and inquisitively watched him leave, until he stopped. What he said next inspired an even bigger smile. But then Haji quickly stifled it. This man could not be trusted, and Haji didn't know whether he liked him or not. He lifted a contemptuous chin, wearing his best poker face, and turned his eyes away. Falynn seemed content to receive his card though, which drew Haji's attention and he studied her smile with interest. She made him loosen up a bit, her energy reflecting in his expression.

After the first had left, Falynn then said her farewell. And her offer to Haji made him quite pleased. She had helped him greatly today, and he'd never forget it. Because of her he could keep his promise and not upset the balance of this place. No doubt this hospital benefited greatly from her presence. He knew he did. "Thank you."

Finally, Haji stood there all alone in a pleasant trance. And then he realized he was standing there like an idiot.

"Oh! Visiting hours! Nora!"

Haji took off for the door, but arrested his momentum with a skid. He slipped up some slick steps, twisting back around and making for the contact card. He made eye contact with Bast as he swiped it up with a free slapping hand and stuffed it into his back belt pouch, letting on a grin that shared his secret desire to stay in touch with them all, just between the two of them.

"Get better, miss Bast."

And with that, he was off out the door. Right into another nurse. He ducked under their tray, which they dropped. Tools splashed and clamored all over the floor. But he had already made his quick escape. While the nurse cursed and looked around, Haji was darting through the other door. And a feint and warm "Nora" greeted his friend in her room. All was well. And it did end well.

After what time Nora could spare, this Jedi would have to return to her apartment to retrieve his lightsaber he'd hidden there. Hopefully he'd hid it well enough. For what he'd find was yet undetermined. But his time on Onderon was coming to an end. Whatever came next, his feelings told him they'd be seeing him again. Tippie? Maybe not.



Bast Emblai


Character Profile
Feb 24, 2020
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Bast closed her eyes as the door closed behind Haji. She was exhausted. It had been a long day, all with a stray chicken, flashbacks, and break-in through the window. The ranger reviewed the recent events in her mind. The force user had smiled at Corran, despite his attempt to hide it. And had Velt just given Falynn and Haji his number?

The sun was setting but the rain still poured down, almost drowning out the sound of a datapad chirp. Bast, of course, did not miss it. Scooping up the datapad from a slot beside her bed, she looked at the message. It was from command, an update on the trafficking ring in the Coruscant underworld. A new shipment of slaves had arrived. The message said nothing explicit, but the woman knew the sonner she got on the case, the better. She would once again be under cover, and would have a small team. One that she promised herself she would not let down, She had a few ideas of who she would request assignment with.
