The Artoria


SWRP Writer
Jul 23, 2015
Reaction score
Name: The Artoria

Physical Description: The Artoria are a varied species similar to that of the humans that occupy the galaxy and are almost exactly the same as them. Having evolved on a world apparently very similar to that of wherever it is that humans originally evolved, the Artoria take on an appearance very similar to that of human beings. They all possess a wide variety of appearances, but there are definitely differences between the two species if you examine the population more closely.

For instance, the Artoria are generally healthier than their human counterparts and are all at peak condition due to the way that they treat themselves. Their skin is considered some of the most gorgeous of the human-like species if the galaxy, it is almost completely flawless due to the fact that Artoria rarely scar. Moving forward you'll begin to see that the differences between the species can be slightly different to something drastically different which we'll get to later.

On that note the explanation of just how varied they can be begins to pop up in my mind, they can have skin tones and hair and eye colors that just aren't possible in humans. In fact depending on how long a family of Artoria has lived on a planet occupied by another sentient species they may begin to show signs of blending in such as children having the skin pattern or eyes of a Zabrak because of their psionic feeding. Because of what their abilities are they can be some of the most versatile beings in regards to their gene pool, even more versatile than human beings or other human-like creatures.

Slow Aging: These people sport a neat little feature that other near-human species lust after and sometimes achieve through total oneness with the force. While it, like their abilities, can be enhanced by the force this nifty little trick can already be considered the cause as to why billions live on many of the planets in the Artoria system. Put simply the Artoria have a slowed aging factor that less fortunate species can't help but to admire, and sometimes the less fortunate Artoria are subjected to tests or have their organs sold on the black market.

Generally, Artoria that appear to be sixteen can actually be ten times the age that they appear to be to others and due to their slow aging it is actually as if they are indeed sixteen. Their biology may make the Artoria age more slowly, but it doesn't keep them from acting the age that they appear despite how many more years they have experienced than their human counterparts. This allows the Artoria to learn more and experience more than most beings are able to, and due to aging ten times slower than the average human you can be assured that they are well learned.

Because of their slow aging the Artoria are considered some of the best people to go to when you need someone to be around for you, and your children, and your children's children. Whether they be your company's tactician, or your chef just remember that the Artoria don't do little people work, they do things that make the minds of others gawk and squabble looking for the right answer. Coupled with an eidetic memory and a brain complicated enough to store dozens of life times of information they can prove more than lethal in both the boardroom and the battlefield.

Durability: The skin and bones of the Artoria people are much denser than that of the average humanoid, which contributes to their weight and excellence in the battlefield. Don't get me wrong, they may be denser and heavier but they are still some of the lightest and fastest people on their feet but it's just that they sport a rather unique physiology they have adapted to. Whether or not they want to make use of this physiology through more strenuous activity is up to them but let's just say when they do they prove to be more than capable of destroying their opponents.

Artorian bones are as hard about 1.5 times harder than the average bone, which allows them to resist 1.5 times more damage but sadly it's nothing extreme. For instance when they fall from a building their bones will be broken, but they will be 1.5 times less broken which when you think about it could mean the difference between assured death and barely surviving. Despite the slight difference, the very slight difference I must add, their bones can protect them better than they can others and allow the Artoria to be rougher with their bodies, 1.5 times rougher in fact.

Humanoids have always complained about how their skin isn't as durable as it should be and when they look at the Artoria they can feel envy setting in once more. To accompany their slowed aging factor the Artorian flesh evolved to better shit the species so that they may not visibly wither away which ended with super dense skin. Their heightened level of skin cells and the closeness of them resulted in skin with which wounds that would cut an inch into human skin would only cut a centimeter into Artorian skin.

Muscle Strength: Another benefit of being one of the Artoria people is that they are able to stretch and lift unlike so many of the less athletic humanoid species. While this is in part due to centuries of the race occupying themselves with nothing but psychological and physical improvement, it is also due to the fact they continue to exercise like insane men and women to this date. Their enhanced muscle strength, like many of their attributes, can be linked to their psionic vampirism and as such strengthens and weakens based on how well fed they are at the moment.

Their muscles have evolved this way such as to support the Artorian's increased bone and skin density so that their body didn't find the need to crush itself under its own weight or become unable to support the Artorian body when their bones moved. If they hadn't evolved this way they wouldn't be alive, but thankfully this has more uses than just evolution making sure its children had survived the odd little quirks endowed upon it. The Artoria have two times the strength of a human at peak capacity, but unfortunately this means that they are almost completely incompatible with cybernetics unless treated in an emergency situation such as a lost limb, a hollow eye socket, the need to strengthen bones and other similar things, meaning they rarely undertake cybernetics unless they've lost something important to them.

Pronounced Telepathy: Telepathy is known more as a force ability than anything else to the people of the Galaxy, but that is not the case with the Artoria especially when you take effect that whether or not they are force sensitive simply means their telepathy is that much more powerful or at the same power level as the rest of the species. The Artorian people have the ability to speak to other people through thoughts and images, usually to more than one at a time, read emotions, send telepathic attacks, and at higher levels even induce emotions and create complicated, life-like illusions that can make reality all that more inseparable from your dreams if you have the unfortunate history of having come into contact with a Barosoque. It is known that on average the Artoria possess telepathic abilities on par, if not surpassing, that of force sensitives once they have trained themselves sufficiently, which is a little advantage the Artoria like to take as much advantage of as possible.

It is believed by scholars and scientist that at one point the species had access to a full host of psionic abilities, ranging from telekinesis to electrokinesis, as they had fed off of entire planets, but after the collapse of their faster than light capabilities they lost contact with their colonies, which died out, and continued feeding from their planet. Eventually these abilities disappeared, these abilities that may have been linked directly to the force after a time also left entirely from the genome of the species and hasn't arisen despite the fact they are now healthier. Whether or not these abilities are manifesting themselves in the increasingly force sensitive population or not is unknown, but what is known is that if these abilities were to return, at full, the Artoria would likely burn themselves out and face extinction once more due to the fact that they would have to feed far more than originally necessary.

Among the Barosoque the pronounced telepathy of the Artoria is noted to be about 38% more powerful than that of the average Artorian, and if one is force sensitive it lends to a increase of power of about 20% but force sensitive Barosoque are rare and more importantly their abilities are less stable than that of the average Artorian. A force sensitive Barosoque is greatly affected by their own emotions, which can lead to indiscriminate telepathic attacks launched on a radius around them which would be a most unfortunate incident if they were in a group. That's why the telepathic abilities of the Artoria, whether they be Barosoque or not, are immediately trained beginning at a young age, it's due to the fact that their abilities can be unpredictable at times.

Moving onto the Human Artoria we know that their capacity for telepathy is dulled by a hefty percentage, which means they don't have access to species-specific abilities such as Psionic Vampirism, Emotion Inducement, or Hive Mind Creation, but they can still launch telepathic attacks and inflict pain. Unfortunately for the Human Artoria their ability to create illusions is also dulled, which means they can usually only affect one person at a time, and of course that lends to the belief in their society that they are lesser beings than the Artoria. Of course if they are force sensitive there really is no limit to how powerful their telepathy can become, for one that is a Sith Master would definitely have more powerful telepathic abilities than a your average, non-force sensitive Artoria.

General telepathic abilities, such as communication, sending images, launching attacks on the mind and inducing pain or pleasure or similar things, vary in success and power with the age of each Artoria and the experience they have. In addition more advanced abilities the species has can also be affected by this, meaning a 160 (16) year old would be less powerful than a 700 (70) year old Artoria, which would be even less powerful than someone who was force sensitive and at the age of 1800 (180) years old. Overall, though, it is considered a blessing to have these abilities for whether or not you be force sensitive these abilities are potent indeed. (In addition, basically all of the Barosoque are force sensitive in a way but most of them are simply limited to their racial abilities)

Empathy: Arguably one of the more basic abilities in the Artorian arsenal is the ability to read the emotions of others, and therefore detect lies and half truths along with a slew of other things such as even being affected by the emotions of their own species to an extent that makes their empathy something intimate and personal. The Artoria rarely talk about what they feel through their empathy but from a basic understanding of telepathy most species have garnered a glimpse of the truth, and that is that the species possesses an ability always active that in fact doesn't just let them see the emotions of others but actually lets them feel them as if they are the ones experiencing the emotion. This drastic difference between the empathy of other beings and the Artorians' own means that they have to keep a tight lid over these emotions so they can prevent their own emotions being overwhelmed and inevitably replaced by the emotional states of others and therefore having their irreplaceable personalities supplemented by that of those around them.

No matter the inherent danger posed by their empathic capacity it is arguable that the efficiency when making proper use of this is undeniably some of the most accurate, and that's why the Artoria are as equally proud in this as they are in anything else.

Psionic Vampirism: The Artoria have the unique ability to feed off of the positive and negative emotions of either sentient beings or large bodies non-sentient beings instead of relying on nutrients from foods, and though they are capable of eating foods if they want to they rarely do so unless it is a formal requirement lest they seem like they lack manners. This species in particular prides itself on this advanced telepathic capability, as it's something almost everyone who's heard of the Artoria knows about and thus it is something, a great something, that keeps them safer, more powerful, more respected, and overall more likely to get their job despite what everyone else is saying about them. Of course this ability is also something that keeps the Artoria feared, so they have to be careful about how they carry themselves and how they use their abilities because other species have been known to commit genocide on races that they don't understand, or are afraid of, or even because of some ulterior motive such as not wanting someone else to rise to the point of being able to rival them; still the usefulness of their abilities is blatantly obvious and the Artoria will continue to pride themselves on it. Psionic Vampirism is an ability that fuels the Artoria, it keeps them healthy and alive and provides them with all of the nutrients that they could possibly need by a unique method that involves feeding a brain that then creates these nutrients and thus sustains the body as long as the emotions of others are being fed off of in a manner acceptable to the mind. That being said there are ways to make feeding unacceptable, such as using your psionic vampirism in combat to temporarily strengthen yourself or weaken your opponents, because these methods will almost certainly burn whatever energies that the Artoria has absorbed during their combat or exercise or any similar physically or mentally draining action.

To keep themselves sustained the minds of the Artoria convert the emotions absorbed into an energy, this energy being something that can be burnt like fat or coal or anything else to power their body or abilities and even strengthen them to a point past that which they are at during the moment that they tap into their reserves. You see the Artorian's heightened physical capabilities have a basis not only in their mind, but in the energy that they take and burn, and it keeps them stronger, faster, able to work more, more durable, and sustains their bones and muscles and skin in place of normal nutrients, this alternative feeding method has even been shown to prevent scarring which is why the Artoria aren't afraid to bleed. Their bodies store this energy in their cells so that it can be used later during the activation of their abilities or during casual activities such as any form of exercise, and even complex calculations since every system in their body runs off of the energy that they store; this means that while everything functions like that of other species they are fueled by something entirely different. Depending on how much energy they have stored the Artoria can go without feeding for a few hours to nearly a month, a month full of happiness until the end for they feel normal or a few hours of great agony is what they will experience since the energy that the Artoria have stored in their cells contributes to their emotional well being. This factor, once more, allows them to do things that other near-human species are unable to do if they are physiologically similar to human beings, and it is this one ability that has allowed them to evolve into a species with heightened physical capabilities.

Unfortunately for the Artoria they can't enhance themselves all that much, sure they can give themselves a little buff but it's mostly just a support boon that allows them to keep their abilities and bodies activated longer than most beings can, meaning that it boosts their stamina and makes their abilities more powerful in the sense that it allows them to outlast their opponents through this odd method of self-enhancement through their energies. Thankfully for the Artoria when in a group of fellow Artoria, or making use of their Hive Mind, they can in fact enhance the abilities of others by a percentage of about 30, which may seem good and all but in fact it burns energy more rapidly than making their abilities last longer because it's not a slow born of their energies, it's a rapid unyielding burn that catches flame to their stored energy and can even cause damage. That's why the Artoria have to be careful about how much energy they burn or how often they feed so that no matter what they just simply don't run out of energy, the consequences can be quite drastic in how it affects their bodies, with the effects ranging from numbing nerve damage to permanent brain damage that can result in a coma, that they may or may not come out of, or even death in more severe circumstances in which an individual breaks the “Golden Rule” and either burns through all their energy at once by tending to everyone at once or even something as extreme as burning their own cells after burning through everything they've got.

However, the danger posed by this ability is great when in the hands of a skilled Artorian telepath as it can be used to debuff opponents and cause things such as fatigue, or even temporary apathy about what's going to happen once, and the rule of combat with the Artoria is that you never let them touch your skin for if you do their vampirism will drain your emotions dry for about a week and even make your stamina seem lower.

Emotion Inducement: Artoria not only have the ability to sense and even feed off of the emotions of others, but at higher levels they have the unique capacity to induce emotions in their targets or even their loved one to invoke everything from calm, to fear, to hope, and really anything that has to do with emotions. By tapping into their psionic vampirism they can, instead of pulling emotions from others and turning it into fuel for their bodies, force the energy created by their ability back into the minds of others, and with slight modulation instead of it inducing pain it can become something that causes enemies or allies to feel fear or anger. There are certainly limitations to this kind of ability, and one not only has to be within a close range, like so many of the abilities on this list to be able to be activated and used, but it can have drastic effects since you aren't just toying with someone's mind when you use this because on top of toying with their mind you aren't the one in control of their reaction and are simply coaxing them to feel something. Simply said, while this doesn't always cause the target to do what they want, IE. a friend reacting to inducing calm by going to sleep when they were just supposed to stop crying so that the Artoria and they could go back to work or an enemy getting so angry that their adrenal gland activates, they stop feeling pain, and then they kill the Artoria, it usually gets the job done unless they're sporting a case of bad luck at the moment which can end in they're death. Overall, it's a more finicky ability but you do have some control over who their anger or joy is directed toward, meaning that they'll get a little angry at a friend for no apparent reason and it may take them a minute to reign in that anger, which is something that the Artoria are quite happy they possess the ability to do otherwise this would be an ability with a focus on suicide.

Of course many Artoria don't have this kind of control, and it is rare in those with unstable abilities but since the basis for it is psionic attack one can also say that any individual's capacity for inducing emotions might manifest should they get enough training with the right teacher so that they may plague enemies or aid allies.

Hive Mind Creation: The entire species is married together through their telepathy, and as their relationships and bloodlines come closer together something beautiful is created. The species creates a hive mind of their groups, with numbers in each of these ranging from 2 to 200,000 individuals that are intertwined with the potent telepathic abilities of the species. They enjoy being brought together in such a way that the memories of their mother and of their father are the first one they experience, they share each other's thoughts and emotions in the most gorgeous of ways.

The more powerful telepaths in the race, whether they be elders, force sensitives, or the deadly Barosoque are capable of not only reveling in this experience but also creating one of their own. They are capable of fundamentally altering the minds of those that aren't of the Artoria and turning themselves into a beacon and connector so that they can forge their own hive mind. This hive mind is different though, the hive mind is mostly for telepathic communications and whether or not the memories or feelings of others can be felt, and which individuals are able to feel these things, can be tweaked or modified by a more experienced Artoria.

This is one of the more interesting abilities of the Artoria, as it shows that after their first meeting with other sentient races the people of Artoria worked to be able to communicate with others better. Hive mind creation is how they better learned to be a social people with other races, how they learned their morals, how they became able to do more with other species than just feed off of them. The Artoria created an intimate bond between themselves and others in the hopes that one day they would be able to be more like them, and they did indeed become more civilized.

Illusion Creation: The most potent Artorian ability in their arsenal is their capability to create hyper realistic illusions for their targets to suffer through that are so real most simply can't tell the difference because of how it feels, and smells, and sounds. This ability can be used on groups or single targets, the effects becoming slightly less potent (IE. less realistic) with each person added past the number 3. I'm not going to describe this one much, since it's self explanatory, but this ability is a basic, albeit powerful, one that gets more powerful the more creative your character is so use it wisely and remember that when you're casting illusions you're more vulnerable than you originally are and that if something extreme happens to you the illusion is broken. The rule is not to lose focus, which means this is hard if not impossible to pull off when in combat unless you're a Sith Lord or have similar training.

The Castes:

The Royal Barosoque(Reserved for creator and those with permission): The Barosoque family is the royal family of the entire Artoria species, they dictate day-to-day decisions with a cabinet of their advisers and ensure that things are running smoothly throughout the Artorian Dominion lest their civilization fall apart again. The Royal Family is noted to have more powerful abilities of a significant 30% increase in their capabilities, but their abilities are dangerous when paired with force sensitivity and even more unpredictable than that of other Artoria and thus require slightly more training.

The Artoria: The Artoria are the average members of a species considered to not be so average

The Human Artoria: The Human Artoria are humans that have long been exposed to the normal Artorian's feeding upon them for millennium, and this have garnered slight telepathic abilities, the likes of which are explained in the appropriate section.

The Thoughtless: The Thoughtless are the descendants of those captured by the Artoria centuries ago, the Republic descendants have no thoughts of their own and are usually controlled by the Artoria to do work as slaves or even to “activate” the mind of those within as honorary, and still very human, Artoria in case of a family not being able to produce any more of their own children so that their 'Thoughtful Child' may continue their family line by now being allowed to breed with Artoria (without their honorary status they wouldn't be able to and the family line would likely die out, at least eventually(

Breeding: The Artoria sexually reproduce, or if there is an empty vessel available such as the Thoughtless a family can come together to create a new mind. They rarely breed with other races, though to the Artoria it is possible to be a honorary member of their species which allows you to breed with the Artoria legally now, otherwise you'd be a heretic and they'd probably kill you
Strengths: The Artorian people are known for their intelligence and computational abilities, the thing they are best known for in this area being their capabilities as assassins, or bookkeepers, or tacticians. Overall it is considered a blessing to have one of the Artoria working for you because they live to get their work done no matter the cost, it's one of their beliefs.
Weaknesses: The weaknesses of the species as a whole fall in two categories; overconfidence in themselves and their abilities and reliance on feeding. The only thing needing to be explained will be their reliance upon feeding and how it affects them, their telepathic or force abilities, and their physical state. Overall their enhanced attributes are linked to their ability to feed on other's emotions, and when they are unable to do so their physical abilities and psionic strengths lessen.

Their physical attributes can drop to subhuman levels, levels at which they are almost completely unable to function without worries of hurting themselves are also possible. Without feeding at least once a day they suffer a 5% loss in capabilities in both physical and telepathic capabilities for each day that passes, something that can be detrimental if they are held in captivity, in addition it can make them start aging along with a slew of other symptoms. On the other hand if they feed on a child or someone who is force sensitive it can last them for three days, and allows them to strengthen their abilities as long as they don't waste their energy.
Diet: How does you species sustain itself? Any specific organisms or plants?
Behavior/Temperament: Does your species have any typical behaviors or personality traits common among them?
Communication: How does your species communicate with each other or other species? Is it verbal? If so what language do they speak?
Culture: Before meeting the colonists the Artoria had no concept of morals, or religion, or anything else that is the basis for a proper civilization of anything but dirty people and bad thoughts. Their first encounter allowed them to understand these things, and they strove to become beacons of the Galaxy in language, in the arts, and in the sciences. Artoria's sentient people were effectively heathens and that was something that was absolutely unacceptable to them so they strived to become culturally and technologically advanced.

Advanced their culture became, but they sought more, they sought a religion that would define them as the religions of other races defined other races and their cultures. One day a man wise in both the force and the sciences proposed that they follow Logicism, a complicated belief system based around worshipping science as a monotheistic deity. They believed that God was science and science was God, and created a religion very similar to some ancient human religions that lasted longer than most civilizations, at least in the sense of monotheism.

This monotheistic God was a God of science as much as they were a God of morals and civilization, so they adopted the beliefs of highly civilized religions and created a book that was made from science and spirituality. Logicism spread quickly throughout the Artorian people and soon enough took its rightful place as the galactically recognized religion of Artoria and its people. Despite how odd it seems to mix science and religion, the belief itself was actually quite enjoyable to many scholars, and even non-believers, began adopting this as their religion and so it spread slowly to neighboring systems and other cultures.


The Beginning: Millenia ago before the split of cultures between the ancient Je'taii and the "new" arrivals, the original Sith, the Dark Jedi that forever changed the face of the Galaxy something happened in the shadows. A colony ship, one of many, was sent out to a planet long lost to modern data archives that housed a very special surprise awaiting the colonists to arrive. As usual in these stories the ship crashed, but for some reason there were no casualties though the sickening smell of bodies burning on one or two of the nights afterwards could be sensed wafting through the air.

There was something off about this planet, not only that but there was something off with about a dozen of the colonists for they didn't seem to be acting like themselves and this was affecting the rest of the group more than it should have. The colonists were becoming more empathic to the feelings of others in their group, and the toll on them was so great that negative emotions made the air so tense some people began doing crazy things. Out of all the things done, from self-mutilation to self-immolation, none of them were murder or rape for the feelings were too much, yet with everyone sharing emotions there really wasn't that much of a difference and everything was going as planned.

A council was gathered in secret, and they decided that they should put food and contacting their home first above all else, and then something unexpected happened. The colonists that were the first ones to act odd appeared in the clearing area and shed their false identities which proved just to be highly realistic illusions created by the minds of a very bold species with very potent telepathic capabilities. The race before them seemed to almost be human except for the fact that their eyes held a glint that seemed to be a near impossible mixture of arrogance... And desperation, though dangerous is also a word that can be used to describe the combination.

The colonists were experiencing their first face to face experience with a group of Artoria, a species now known capable of wreaking havoc on entire groups when organized. The Artoria explained to the colonists that they meant no harm and were simply trying to survive by feeding off of the colonists, the dozen or so imposters saying that they were part of a hive mind, their last hive mind in fact, a hive mind that only numbered 48 which was barely enough for their gene pool to survive. The Artoria continued explaining and the colonist discovered they had bled the minds of every race capable of the highest level of non-sentient thought dry and that their species was dying because of it.

The Artoria had realized that they were taking too much energy, and that while they were powerful they had killed all the large animals and many of the small ones off in their lust. They required a stable source, and with only 48 of their kind left the Artoria decided it best to ration themselves to keep the colonists alive. As thanks for not killing them, the colonist proposed a treaty that when they contacted their civilization and were rescued that they would take the Artoria with them, to a new world and leave Old Artoria behind. Little did they all know that their empire had split in two and one side would shun the Artoria, forcing them to the other side despite how Artorian thinking had changed and their first exposure first exposure to morals was made.

The Shunning & The Joining:

The Artoria were rescued along with the colonists but only centuries later when the current denominations of "Sith" and "Jedi" were made, they had finally been rescued by the Jedi. The Jedi had long considered exploring the now environmentally recovered planet of Artoria for quite a long time, but only now had decided to find out what happened because of the important information the ships in the colony were carrying, a selfish reason. Imagine their surprise when they found a sprawling civilization segregated, albeit in a way the colonists agreed their descendants should be treated, into inequals that were the live stock and those who fed on them.

The Artoria had tried their best not to imprint their feelings of superiority on the colonists, which forced segregation so that violence would not break out, but the Republic argued they had quite obviously failed. As such the Jedi proclaimed that the Artoria would not be welcomed into the fold of the Republic, and tried to take the colonist descendants home in something considered a failure even more despair inducing than that of their culture. The human population of Artoria couldn't possibly leave their masters to die, and with centuries of exposure to the pronounced telepathy of the Artorian people they made use of their own fledgling abilities.

The humans seized control of the starships in orbit after being transferred there, killing every single person onboard before the Jedi were able to realize their quite blatantly masked intent. With the seizure of Republic technology they began building a space port, sent a message of an "extended mission" to the Republic stating that they were going to help some human survivors, well their descendants, of an ancient colony ship build their world. Instead they had restructured and repainted the Republic ships to their liking for the next two decades, destroying every Republic convoy sent to check on them until finally a battlefleet arrived to destroy whatever was killing off their ships.

Despite the combined might of an entire planet of hive minds, and even humans with induced telepathy aiding them, the battlefleet broke through their barricade, or what was left of them anyways. With the rest of their fleet being rebuilt at the moment, the Artoria were all but defenseless and didn't know whether or not they were going to be exterminated so they sent out a distress signal in multiple frequencies. It took a while for the distress signal to reach another civilization, but once it did the Imperials arrived and a massive battle was soon fought in the skies of Artoria.

While the battle was fought over the planet, the Artoria themselves began to rebel against the martial law placed over them by the Republic to stop them from becoming too powerful. It wasn't that hard of a fight, to be honest most of the forces were considered subpar by the Artoria because of the confidence they had in their own military (that's called extreme arrogance, by the way), but you get the gist... They were assholes, and you don't mess with assholes. Not only did the Republic shun the Artoria, but they royally pissed them off and knowing how deadly the people of this planet can become when angered the galaxy watched in awe as they razed the minds of the Republic troops there and took control of their bodies, so that one day they could use them to fight the Republic itself. Not only did they take away their freedom, they took away their very right as life to even have their own thoughts as punishment.

And with the rest of it being history all you need to know is that the Artoria, their loyal human flock, now raised in status because of their bravery in battle, and their new slaves joined the Imperials and for millenia have been fighting by their side with the memories of their ancestors forever fuelling the fight they have inside of them. The moral of this story is that when the Artoria want to make friends, it's a bad idea to deny them because their sadness may make you suicidal but it's an even worse idea to betray their rights as sentients because then they will revoke the rights you have over your mind, when together that is.

All hail Artoria.

Planets of the Artorian Dominion: Artoria Prime (Capital), Artoria Alpha, Artoria Beta, Artoria Gamma, Artoria Epsilon, and their moons and the rest of the Artorian sector along with bits and pieces of surrounding sectors
Technology: Artorian technology used to be more advanced than that of many other species until the fall of their civilization millennium ago, but after gaining a hold of Republic technologies in ancient times alongside Imperial technologies and making their fair share of trading they are about as advanced as the rest of the Galaxy but possess more efficient technologies that are a mixture of the technologies of a variety of different races
Notable PCs: None, so far. Please PM me if you want to create a character using this species, I want to know so that I can add you to this list. If you want to create a Barosoque please remember you need my permission for that, which is not given unless you specifically ask for a Barosoque. That being said you don't need approval to play this species, I'd just really appreciate it if you told me you were going to RP as them, although for in-character reasons you do need approval to play as the Barosoque (A; they're rare, B; they are powerful, C; it'd be weird to create something like them and just let everyone play as them)
Intent: I created this species solely for the purpose of using them for my upcoming character and I also made them for my personal enjoyment


SWRP Writer
Jul 23, 2015
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I had to make this thread again because for some reason I can't edit thread names...


Admin Emeritus
SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
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There are way too many strengths and no weaknesses.