Teelo Swan


I suspect fowl play.
SWRP Writer
Mar 25, 2017
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Initiate Teelo Swan

Jedi, Human, Female, 16


  • [fancybox4=http://i.imgur.com/vt9jxzs.png?1]

    Standing at just 5'2", Teelo does not cast an intimidating shadow. Her short legs lead to a squat torso, on which sits a round head framed by sandal curls. The average on looker would immediately dismiss her as entirely non threatening, and they would probably be right. While not unhealthy, Teelo is not in perfect physical form and often struggles to keep up with her tall, athletic peers. However, this does not lower her spirits, as can be seen in the frequent smile emerging underneath her protruding nose, complimented by the bright, mobile eyes which search curiously around her environment.

    Teelo tries to keep things minimal, in both possessions and clothes. Depending on the weather she wears her Jedi robes or a simple linen shirt, usually with durable trousers and large, leather boots. Her bag carries essentials such as food, water and medical gear, and her training lightsaber almost never leaves her side. Apart from these she has very few keepsakes or heirlooms to speak of, travelling light for convenience and necessity.

  • [fancybox4=http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/z/1eIAAOxyRhBSslFl/$_35.JPG?set_id=2]

    Ever since she was a little girl, Teelo loved to explore. She was born on Corellia, but her dreams would carry her to distant planets, meeting crazy new people and learning new things. With her imagination she could travel across the galaxy, even if her home kept her confined. This love of learning new things has stayed with her as she has grown up. Recently, she has relished the prospect of expanding her horizons and will jump at the chance to spread her wings and explore new worlds. Teelo has a deep fascination with maps and cartography, which runs hand in hand with her strong imagination. She is enthralled by the idea of recording new, unexplored locations, rife with dangerous creatures and hostile environments, relying on her own wit and survival instinct to make it back home. However, she hasn't yet had the real experience of hostility and danger and may find that her expectation is much higher than the reality.

    This naivety has sometimes led Teelo into trouble, especially when she leaps head first into situations without knowing the true consequences. She easily trusts people and has been led astray in the past because of this. Often she lost credits, possessions or just her dignity to dodgy con artists frequenting the Corellian markets. Whether it's her natural tendency to believe what they say and help people in need, or just a desire to avoid confrontation by placating and agreeing, she is very easily convinced and manipulated. This can sometimes work in her favor though, as other people find her very easy to trust as a result. This is partially due to her stature and demeanor as a rather non threatening individual.

    One of the reasons for Teelo's success in her life so far and her substantial rise in status is her graft, her natural tenacity. If she wants something badly enough then she can be as stubborn as a mule, refusing to give up until she has reached her perfectionist standards. This extends to her own work ethic towards education and training. Seen as a bit of a "teacher's pet" by her peers, she is eager to gain recognition for her hard work and so goes the extra mile to please people of importance, often losing respect from her peers and superiors in the process. However, Teelo takes great pride in her diligence, especially in the areas important to her, such as her recent Jedi studies.

  • [fancybox4=http://i.imgur.com/peNni8n.png?1]

    Growing up on Corellia meant Teelo didn't have much of a childhood. A family torn apart by unexpected pregnancy, her mother and father were much too young to care for her, so she was left in an orphanage when she was barely born. The other children grew quickly and Teelo quickly realised she was not meant for the city life. As a small child, she hated being kept inside, always trying to sneak out and explore the city around her. She would stand at the iron fence, watching the people bustle past, always busy, always in a hurry. Each person had their own story, their own fears, their own lives. Just to talk to them, discover what they loved and what they hated, was a more urgent and pressing desire the older Teelo became. Finally her curiosity got the better of her.

    It was the middle of the night and the orphanage was deathly quiet. Her dorm, normally buzzing with activity from a dozen young people, was peaceful and serene. Teelo was accustomed to these long quiet nights. She knew each creaky floorboard, each loose window hatch and each slippery brick on the climb upwards to the roof. The metropolis stretched above the fourteen year old into the vast expanse, steel and concrete as far as Teelo could see. One day she would visit all of these buildings, she promised herself. Some day she would touch the great lights in the sky. Every night for as long as she could remember, Teelo would make her secret way up here to stare at the stars and every night she promised herself that one day she'd make it off Corellia and to those distant stars. The first step was leaving the orphanage.

    The roof was high, high enough to jump over the fence and take the first step. Teelo stood up, taking a step toward the edge.

    She leaned over the edge, the night's chill urging her to hop over.

    One leg out.

    Teelo Swan jumped out, bracing her bare feet for impact.

    The first step of the rest of her life started with a bracing pain shooting up Teelo's right leg as it gave away underneath her. In a few hours the rest of her life until that point would be waking up and Teelo would be stumbling, not safe but not dead either. For the first time in her life she would be truly alive, in charge of her own future. But she was fourteen and didn't have a plan, a way to get food or a place to live. In fact, without a piece of incredible good luck, she may have been forced to go back to that orphanage and leave her future behind.

    As she stood up, putting pressure on her throbbing ankle, the sudden realisation of what she was doing finally hit her and she was filled with excitement and energy. The road away from the orphanage trickled round a corner and she could not see what was coming next, but she almost ran towards it, fearless of what could be waiting for her. Each step brought a jab of pain but when any other person would have stopped to check on their injury, Teelo persevered. She was only a couple of feet away from the end of the road when a large man in a dark robe came crashing around the corner, bundling into the young girl and sending her sprawling on the floor. She cried out in pain as she landed heavily, the dark robed man spinning around to look at her. He had dark skin too and bright, piercing eyes which seemed to stare at her for an eternity before tearing away to where he had been running from. Shouts in another language than basic hurled themselves down the streets, the night's gentle hum cauterised by the uglu dialect and now the unfamiliar zaps of blaster bolts. They had begun to fire at the dark robed man. Just then the light hit his belt and Teelo saw a flash of azure light, which cut through the darkness and illuminated the man's face completely. The man held up the glowing sword. It seemed to radiate power and Teelo was instantly breathless. She felt that she could instantly trust this stranger. Two more shouts came and two more red blaster bolts zipped towards the man. With a swift slice through the midnight air, the bolts were sent flying, fizzing out against the surrounding concrete and steel. Two more shouts, slightly more desperate than the last but equally less intelligible to Teelo. The first bolt went high and the second low, but with a simple flick of his wrist, the dark robed man dismissed these attacks. Teelo didn't hear the next shots, she could only sit up to see the first assailant just out of sight and his blaster raised. He fired two shots and from out of sight came another two. They fizzed through the air again, but it seemed like a lifetime before Teelo realised they were heading towards her.

    The small red dots increased in diameter slowly, their descent towards her chest marked with a low zap and a crimson streak of light. The dark robed man was busy deflecting the two headed in his direction and so Teelo could only watch as the two attackers ran forward in slow motion, twin bolts stretching through the air to reach their target. She braced herself and turned. It seemed like she was moving through thick treacle and her ankle shouted out in complaint as more weight was distributed to it. Teelo Swan turned her face away.

    And nothing. The dark robed man held out one forceful hand and the men were flung to the ground, their weapons skidding in the clear night. Two red bolts sat in the air like two identical puppies, awaiting orders from their master. Suddenly, they flew off to either side of Teelo, only harming the road she laid on. The dark robed man stood and stared, sending out another wave of energy to quell the two on the floor. He walked over to Teelo and knelt, offering his hand.

    He was a Jedi, and this was Teelo's first step on her path to becoming one too.

    It seemed like this piece of good fortune had given Teelo a second chance in life and she didn't have to be asked twice to take full advantage. She was a Force Sensitive, or so the Jedi told her once they returned to his starship. It took a while, but in the long journey they had to the temple she started to ask questions and the more comfortable she became, the more questions she asked. The man was a Jedi Knight, a member of the historical army of Force Sensitives and they were headed to the temple on Lothal where Teelo would be looked after and trained. That feat she performed on Corellia was the Force and, although she had no control over her power at the age of fourteen, it wouldn't be long before she had reached at least a novice level.

    And he was right. A month later and Teelo was well established on Lothal. She had her very own dormitory, with a vast window so she could see the stars at night, and she no longer dreamed. Every day she would wake up as early as possible, sometimes beating the sun to rise, just to spend longer on each day. Her studies were difficult: she'd never had to work particularly hard at anything before, so the first few weeks were a big shock. However, the longer she spent working at something, the better the outcome was for her. She focused heavily on lightsaber combat, enthralled by the memory of that Jedi's azure blade on Corellia. She was taught
    Shii-Cho and realised she was falling in love with it. The subtle movements of the wrist and the timing of the swings were drilled into her through hours of practise alone in her dormitory. One thing that hadn't changed was her number of friends. She simply preferred the company of herself to anybody else. This suited her fine. It gave her a chance to delve deep into reading and studying, diving headfirst into this challenge. By the time she was fifteen she had an intermediate understanding of her form and had even started reading a little into Soresu, though even at sixteen she was still at only a basic level. She perfected simple telekinesis, manipulating the objects around her room to dance in intricate patterns, and her fitness levels were improving, if not fully improved. In the two years she spent on Lothal, she made more progress than any other time in her life.

    Teelo didn't really get into trouble ever. She worked hard and was eager to please, which made her fairly popular within her teachers and mentors. In particular she managed to spend some time with her rescuer. His name, as she found out, was Elok Katarn and he was a decade older than she was. He had spent his entire life around the Jedi and knew the importance of hard work and dedication in the movement. He taught her the basics to Form III and it was he who, on her sixteenth birthday, presented her with the hilt she still carried today. Polished silver, it glimmered in the sun and exposed a short, viridescent blade when activated. It's brown leather grip fitted perfectly into one hand or two, and its emerald core glowed faintly in the night as it rested on her desk, painting her little room in a comforting green.

    That gift only fueled her diligence even further and for the next six months she fully immersed herself into this world. However, now when she looks out of her window she sees buildings never visited and stars never orbited. Teelo Swan has started to feel that familiar wanderlust in her very being and she has started to dream again.

  • [fancybox4=http://i.imgur.com/mlszE8v.jpg?1]


    - Becoming Lost is the First Step in Finding Your True Self - Ongoing

    - The Dua-wurm - Ongoing

    - As the Force Wills It - Closed

    - The Start of Something New - Ongoing


Last edited:

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score
Hey @Swan

Profile looks fantastic, and I love the use of tabs. I have just one small comment before approval. It looks like she left the orphanage when she was 14 and met the Jedi in the street. She is 16 now. I'd like to see a little expansion on what she has been up to for the last 2 years, and how she came to join the Army. It's a little unusual to join the Jedi at 14, so it would be helpful to explain a bit after that. It doesn't need to be a whole lot, just enough to give me an idea of how she joined the Jedi Order, what has been going on, and how she joined the Army.


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Her theme is one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs. Also omg profile so pretty e_e

Awesome job, especially for a first character.



A bowl of lentil soup costing 2.99 plus tax
SWRP Writer
Jan 1, 2016
Reaction score
Wow amazing sheet, great job. I'd love to thread sometime.

(Also did you accidently post that twice @Relent?)


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
Reaction score
Her theme is one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs. Also omg profile so pretty e_e

Awesome job, especially for a first character.

why u comment same comment twice


I suspect fowl play.
SWRP Writer
Mar 25, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks for the nice comments everyone! @Relent especially for your two comments, it means a lot ;)
@Valen Pelora I've added some details of her last two years in training. Hope that fixes it for you and I hope to get involved in threads with all of you!


Coming to a planet near you!
SWRP Writer
Nov 13, 2016
Reaction score
Please let me steal the code for this please. Please?


I suspect fowl play.
SWRP Writer
Mar 25, 2017
Reaction score
Feel free! Just put my name at the bottom or something please :)
@Tray Tor