Taras - The Manifest of Truth.


SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2006
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NAME: James Socerdos
AGE: 29-35 (With no records its hard to tell.)

STRENGTH: In excellent physical condition. "Ripped" is a good term.

DESTERITY: Extremely agile. Years of soldiering help.
CONSTITUTION: Despite a missing optical organ, rather healthy.
INTELLIGENCE: Rather smart at management, propoganda, survival and other such skills. Geophysics and astromathematical equations? Not so much.
WISDOM: With experiance comes just a hint of wisdom.
CHARISMA: His defining attribute, what he uses to recruit and fuel his crusade.

PERSONALITY: The Manifest of truth is a difficult individual. He's rather gruff, and usually humorless. His policy of tough love torward his soldiers has garnered the nickname "Father." He doesn't seem to mind.

On the field of battle, he is cool, and calm under fire. Almost too calm, as if there is not a care in the world. His complete and utter confidence in himself, and other around him is an inspiration to his men.


Our Past lies behind us! Our families lie dead, our lovers broken. Jobless, starving, without purpose or hope, we blindly serve.

Bavo Yagen has born witness to The Manifest of Truth for the last six years. To look at the current conflict, we need to go back to the beginning. To a time when Bavo Yagen's resources lay open for the taking. In a small isolated region of the planet, a science team was conducting experiments involving the planets various ores and vegetation. Largely left to their own devices the science team was working torwards a cure to a fatal disease known as Astra. Due to the large amounts of ore needed, they decided to hire a mining guild. This guild, known as the Crimson Rock, agreed to a seven year contract in the region. In doing so, they also agreed to keep the ore and mines completely secret, even the native Bavorians where to know nothing of it. Crimson Rock built three large underground mining facilities. Security and families where kept underground at all times, in areas deemed 'Vaults'. These vaults where small, and cramped, with such living conditions, families where miserable, and miners worked long hours. Yet nobody complained, the pay was worth far more than they where used too. In mine two, a young man by the name of Darren Socerdos discovered a strange thing; a relic. It was a stone slab, depicting waves and an overhead sun. In the center of the slab was a single circle, with a beam of light extending to the sides of the artifact. Mr. Socerdos brought it home to his wife, and she brought it to one of the scientists. Not entirely sure of its purpose or what it portrayed, the scientists called an outside friend, an exiled Jedi by the name of Kanus.

Kanus quickly discerned that the artifact had something to do with the Jedi as a whole, and thus, the Force. Unsure of its origins, Kanus called in some mercanaries to help him. Jilel's Mercanaries where famous, a group of bloodthirsty individuals with a penchant for violence. It wasn't long before they clashed with the Crimson Rock's security forces. The coming conflict would fuel the flames that would lead to the Taras's birth.

Darren Socerdos had a son of seven cycles of age. The boy grew up like most other miner's sons, with a distinct knowledge of mining and a lack of a proper education. At the age of thirteen, James Socerdos was becoming rebellious, striking out at the mining lifestyle. He wanted something more, something with... purpose. He stayed until he was eighteen cycles, and then he went to his parents. Despite his parents misgivings, they let him leave the planet with some friends on a transport. The deal was he would go to the famed Isle Beaches of Corellia, and in return he would come back and join his father as a miner. Two years later, his parents learned he had run off to join the military. Unsure of what and where, his parents silently fumed, but where helpless to stop their renegade son. Years went by, and the family found itself in the middle of bigger matters. The Kanus Dictorate. Kanus used his powers and influence to blackmail, bribe, and fight his way to the top of the science project. Bringing it to a halt, he started research on the Artifact. Firing all of the miners, he started to bring in more offworlders. Crimson Rock's men where not happy, and now jobless, they unified. A representive of the union went to Kanus, demanding that the miners at least be given transportation off world. Kanus refused, and declared martial law over the miners, with his mercanaries he forced the miners at gunpoint to return to the mines, in search of more clues. A strike was planned and carried out. With Darren Socerdos as a secondary to the strike leader. Melil Jewle. Jewle and his family where gunned down. Darren escaped with his life. His wife was not so lucky. She simply 'dissapeared'. In a fury, Darren started to round up close friends and fellow patriots. They would fight their way off planet, to get help from an outside source. The tiny spaceport was witness to two things. The death of Darren Marrow at the hands of Kanus, and the arrival of a long forgotten son. Word had somehow reached James of his parents plight, returning, he found himself a front row seat to his father's death.


Comrades, I am the Manifest of Truth, I am Taras, your leader and father, and I refuse to let my children be subjacated! Rise with me, fight back this oppression. Join me on the field of battle. Let us take our humanity back!

James Socerdos served in the military for two terms, a period of roughly eight years. Keeping little in the way of contact with his parents, he knew nothing of the rebellion. Instead he served as a soldier, doing various recon missions and gathering intel. The training was intense, and prepared him for survival in almost any environment. Trained in how to survive in even the most remote of regions, the soldier garnered a reputation as a 'Root-Eater' During his term, the man himself became 'grizzled' The battles where few, but fierce; the uprising on Ivan IV, the invasion of Cyrad III, and the rescue of the famed Diaso Prophet. A capable leader, and excellent strategist, the now matured man decided to reunite with his parents. Suprisingly, his father answered the call. In a few short seconds, the rebellion became the key topic. It was decided, James Socerdos, codename 'Taras' would come home.

Darren Socerdos had developed contacts all over the planet, and even a few off world. Using similiar methods to Kanus, he started to amass a small guerilla force. With his son coming home soon, the guerilla leader started to plan an operation to overwhelm the starport, hoping to secure his way off-planet. The operation went off without a hitch. Strangely, only a skeleton crew staffed the security positions. Not to be deterred, the senior Socerdos prepared for his son's arrival.

As the frieghter touched down, it was as if the enemy had been waiting. The trap sprung, Kanus reveiled himself among his infamous mercanaries. Father and son where re-united amidst gunfire. James fought to keep the enemy soldiers at a distance, so his father could get his men out. Kanus was a twirl of light, his lightsaber killing numerous soldiers. In the end, Darren found himself pulling up the rear as the massive gates closed, James was at the front leading the retreat. He only heard about his father's death afterwords, about how he had held the gate open as long as possible... only to be cut down by Kanus.

Alone, surrounded, and with only a handful of men, James took the name Taras, once a code name, it meant "Rebel". Using his father's contacts and his own charisma and methods, Taras quickly recruited a small army of loyal men, all eager to die for the famed "Manifest of Truth."

James 'Taras' Socerdos is many things to many people. Some call him a budding tyrant, others a fearless freedom fighter, and more a capable soldier, still carrying out his mission. Its been six years, and Kanus has dissapeared, and with him, the artifact that had caused so much trouble. Unfortunatly the war is not over.

You see, another artifact was found. By the most unlikely of sources; a little boy. The second artifact started to reveal a picture, a mirror into the past of the Jedi Order. A tale of times ancient, it would be the strand that pulled Taras away from Bavo Yagen. Indeed comrades, our fearless leader is taking the fight to space! Once, we where subjagated and forced to work on that miserable rock, but now my brothers, we will follow Comrade Taras into the depths unknown, to reveal this mystery, and to stop Kanus once, and for all!


Comrades! Brother's in arms! We won the fight, fought back and attained freedom. Your families are safe, and your ideals and honor secure. You have taken back what is rightfully yours! However, I fear that peace may be hard to attain. Friends, Kanus is still out there somewhere, trying to unravel the mystery of the artifact, and the tale of the ancients. Will you let him? After all he's done, will you stand by and let him enslave others? Will you let the Knights of the Jedi Order, be blindsided by this ... exile? My soldiers, we look into waters unknown, and the future seems hard to discern, but hear me! I will not let that ideological bastard strike again! Follow me! Let us search and discover this universe together! Let us bring the fight to his very doorstep, and force from him everything! The Manifest of Truth has spoken. Will you listen?
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SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Sorry. I'm sleepy. I just put a random name with something medical. Is Jack marrow real? Google has not helped.

Jaqen H'ghar

The Faceless MadGod
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
Sorry. I'm sleepy. I just put a random name with something medical. Is Jack marrow real? Google has not helped.

Oh really? I thought it was a poorly disguised attempt at Jack Sparrow.

(from somewhere in the depths of sheogoraths lair a yell is heard) "CAPTIAN! Captain Jack Sparrow!"


SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
...wow. You know, that never even occured to me.

...so the edit button is pretty awesome.

Jaqen H'ghar

The Faceless MadGod
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
lol yeah, no worries, that was my only complaint thus far, but I haven't read all of it, just got halfway through the history. I'm sleepy too so I'll finish up reading it tomorrow. I like what I've seen.

Remer Ather

Asian James Bond
SWRP Writer
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score

Not bad though, looks like you put a lotta work into it.


SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score

I'll finish it soon, just needed a break real quick.
Done. For now.
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The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I love it because of Snake.

So you had better make it an awesome profile or using that icture will come to haunt you.


The Divinity Within
SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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I hate Snake... so very much. Is he Russian? He says comrades a lot in this profile.


SWRP Writer
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
..hmm? Not like Naked Snake? How could you not wuv him?


Seriousley, tho. Tell me if the profile doesn't meet standards around here. I won't mind.

As for the russian thing..... no.

I just thought of cheap dictators and how most of the ones Ive seen usually use Communism or unification of some sort, so it seemed natural for him to preach equality, then I used the word comrade. (Seemed more fitting then calling his men mindless drones.)


The Gringhost
SWRP Writer
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I like the profile, maybe he should work for Chaskar Euronymous


Join Smash Brothers already!
SWRP Writer
Jul 22, 2007
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It's Snake!! :P