Tabloid Taanab Agroecological Assembles An Army

Trenton Reed


Character Profile
The Good Doctor
May 1, 2023
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The Leeks has just gotten word that the Taanab Agroecological Cooperative has gotten their hands on a squadrons worth of military-grade walkers. More specifically, the AT-TE for All Terrain - Tactical Enforcer. These behemoths bear heavy firepower, are very powerful in combat and are over nine meters tall.

What does a corporation that deals in farming and terraforming planets need with this kind of heavy firepower? Are they going to convert their big guns into corn shooters or water hoses? No, if the wanted to do that they could have just bought a myriad of other vehicles that would be better much better at the job. They make specialized vehicles for that.

The Leeks has came to the only possible conclusion. The Agroecological company is attempt as we speak to raise an army so that they can take over the galaxy. Why? We can only speculate. But probably to defeat all the other star nations so they can turn all planets into agri worlds, and so they don't ruin any more worlds with their wars. There are rumors that the TAC got these as a black market auction of some sort and they have attempted to procure other military vehicles such as AT-STs. And if you though the AT-TE was powerful, they have attempted to get their hands on the dreaded

It's rather obvious at this point. The Leeks has reached out to the TAC now that they are exposed. We have not received a reply back after business hours.

Hyperlane Herald - The Leeks
The Galaxy's Finest Leaks​