

The Logical Detective
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
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Syrax wears a solid black attire. As for his lower half, Tight black pants made from the innards of various animals stained black. They are leather feeling to the touch and have many cuts and gaps in them. His boots are also home made, and of a tougher material. Around his waist is a utility belt. White in colour and made of a braided leather. For his upper half, he wears a tight black long sleeved shirt. Made of a light leather. The sleeves continue all the way to the hands, making gloves at the end. The shoulder section of the shirt sports feathers, long and black in colour. He wears rings on each finger on both hands.

He stands an even six feet and is lanky. His hair is a blue-black colour and long. His eyes, blue and his skin pale.

Syrax is a person of understanding, that is to say he tries to understand the world around him. he does not like for things to be unknown. Logic is his best friend and what he depends on in most situations. He even goes as far as to keep droids around to converse with, because they can only speak in logical forms.

traight forward, blunt, and indifferent, cover the gist of what little personality that Syrax has. He is simply a stone slate. Bland to no end, there is little significant in his personality. No bright notable traits would appeal to anyone, let alone himself at that matter. Uninteresting is more then enough to describe the Jedi. No sudden outbursts ever come from him, no trouble, and no outstanding performances either unless driven out. By all means, he is the Jedi who walks through the sands, clad in uniform, and yet another face amongst the sea of faces.

Leaning more to the dull side of living, Syrax is a Jedi of little self importance. Due to his indifferent outlook on life, there is in fact little that he would think second thoughts on. His key points in life are notably authority, power, and orders. One must have authority to be somebody, and one must obey all authorized figures. Authority is lesser then power though, because authority is mere a title, and power is power. And finally, orders are the way of life, and guide ones day both on and off the field. Although, such personal guidelines are for the field, not life. Life is work, work is life. In which manner, his time off the bloody battlefields and piles of work are most commonly spend in a constant daze doing much of nothing at all. He loves the adrenaline rush of the fight thus when not doing anything, he is is bored out of his sane mind.

Maintaining conversations is on the list of potential awkward moments with the young Jedi, as well as making eye contact and asking questions, in which he stares and does not stop and answers in single line sentences fragments. Socially, Syrax is a disaster. Lack of self importance and indifference has sucked away the spirit of his conversations, leaving uninterested responses and a lack of conversation striking sentences. Wrapped in one large package, the only near notable aspect of his personality would be his blunt tone of voice and lack of interest into whatever in the world is occurring around him. His lack of caring commonly meshes with a sense that he is incapable of mourning, but to all logic and laws of life, sadness is sadness, and he prefers to at least follow the laws of human beings...

With no sense of self importance, in a manner, Syrax has a negative percent of self confidence. Despite rank or power, he will forever in his odd little opinions be of little importance. So in turn, surprising matters strike him as no more then average news. Surprise is common place. He's easily blunt to the mouth and slow to speak, completing a dead robotic character-type. Fast on his feet, but even faster in the head, if that is how one would like to think of it. Of his lacking social abilities, his mentality makes up for the gap. Rapid thinking patterns are in the norm, although not of an extremely high IQ, but with a simple increased rate of train of thought.

Despite his low enthusiasm to life, his work is done well and it is done right. It's needless to say that beneath his layers of indifference is the undoubted ability to proceed through any given task. His philosophy being: "It will always work out, someway, some how."

Syrax's quirky personality can be summed up with one simple word: impermanent. That alone covers it -- at least, for the most part. There's another word that comes in at a close second -- that word being, unpredictable. Unpredictability and impermanence: these are the two things which Syrax seems to be predominantly made of in the eyes of the average onlooker. It turns out that the two characteristics compliment each other; because of Syrax's impermanent nature, he is exceedingly unpredictable. He is in a constant state motion, the unpredictability and spontaneity of his life made him even more prone to change as the days go by. The pandemoniac cycle of his life continues on and on, ever uninterrupted. It makes for quite a crazy mind.

Syrax likes logic and logic likes him. He enjoys the company of Droids as they are also logical beings. They can,in his opinion, give him the type of conversation he desires. He likes the things he can understand, The Force being something he can't. While it is a part of him, he fears it. It is out of his control so he tries not to delve deep in to the powers of it. Preferring Saber combat to Force Powers.

Syrax does not have the best people skills. Since he has tried to think only in logic, this has resulted in him loosing the ability to connect with people. He is not "In Touch" with them so to speak. This does however leave room for critical thinking, even in tough situations. Pressure does not effect him like it might others. He can think critically when in a tight spot and find solutions. One might say time itself slows down when he thinks. Conversations with him are dull though, he refrains from most small talk. This lead to not having people skills and by result, not many friends.

Syrax was born on Naboo 20 years before the current stardate. He was born to two very poor parents who were not expecting him. The following is the events of his abandonment.

LeRose and Paul were not the most wealthy people in Theed, in fact they may just about have been the poorest. They had no home and had to steal what food the did get. Paul worked from time to time when he could, but who would hire a homeless man when they could have a machine do the same work for free? Of course not being well known had it's pros. It meant not many came looking for trouble, and they did not have to deal with placing shame of their families name. The other relatives had disowned them after they lost all of their possessions in the fire years ago. Now they were alone, and no one was out to help them any time soon. When they did talk to people the advice the would receive was "get of planet and to a new fresh start" Which was much easier said than done, it took money to get off world, money they didn't have.
Even if they did have it, where would they go? they new very little about the outside worlds. Let alone the other cultures or even how to get started on a new planet. There was a strong possibility that by leaving Naboo and going somewhere else could just lead to them being in the same situation on a different planet.

They were stuck and they had begun to accept that. Life was not going to change for them, they were going to die like this. There was no help coming and when they did finally die, no one would even notice. of course there was an entire homeless city so to say. The poor had built a society of their own over the years, but LeRose and Paul were not part of it, they didn't want to be. They had given up hope and now longed for life to end. life wasn't going to change for them, but they were wrong....Very wrong.

Life in fact did change for them, but not in the way they wanted. Life did not get better, only worse. LeRose was pregnant now. Of all the things that they wished would have happened, this was last on the list. A baby meant more food they had to get, more time away from finding food, or shelter. A baby needed attention,and they were not the kind of people to give it. They were at a loss, what were they to do now? Well at least they had nine months to think it over and make a plan. They had no last names, well the used to. After they had been cast out of their family, they had been tripped of the family name. Now they were nameless, it was like they didn't exist at all. It was a lonly feeling, and sure they could lie and make one up but that was not something they were willing to do.

The months passed one by one and still they had no grand scheme in mind. They had just tried there best to ignore the problem. When the time came they would not be ready, this was the same attitude that had lost them their jobs and homes. For reasons unknown they just simply gave up on life and for that they paid the price of their lives. But they didn't care. Now they lived In an abandoned house on a forgotten street. Wasting away, one day after another.

Finally the ninth month was reached and the baby was about to be born. It was at this moment they had to act. They rushed to a local medical centre, realisation kicking them in the face. A baby was about to be born. But also, they had no way to pay for it. Paul Left the centre and returned to the undercity. He met with a man about loans, and he needed alot. And at first the man was not willing to hand out anything, for he knew that Paul had no way of paying him back. Paul was panicked and had to think fast. "We don't need the debt, and we don't need the baby..." The idea was simple enough, money to pay off the debt for the baby. And without too much trouble the deal was set in stone. Paul returned to the centre to find his child, a boy, born. However there was an even scarier sight. LeRose was.....smiling.

"What do you think we should name him Paul?" Paul's eyes were wide, he had just sold the baby and here his wife wanted to keep it. He was sweating, what had he just done. Paul fell to his knees and cried, just cried. LeRose saw this and took them as tears of joy, she was in a blissful ignorance. But Paul was not the kind of man to beat around the bush to save someones feelings. Not even those of his wife. "Roza...." That was his pet name for her. "I...I sold the baby...." She stopped breathing, maybe the universe even stopped. For in that moment nothing moved. There was no noise, nothing at all. Even thinking seemed to top, and the only thing allowed in was a dark sadness. Then she cried, and cried and cried.

Days went by, and hours dragged on for weeks. The baby was gone, a man had come and taken him two days before. That was the last time they saw him.

That was 19 years ago.

The boy had been named Syrax, and he was a slave. He was forced to do much manual labour and it was hard and never ending. Life was hard but it was the only life he had. He had no family and no life. Syrax didn't care about any of this, he was feed and housed and that was all he cared about. He was never told who his parents were and he never much cared. His only friend was a Droid named L-337 an assault Droid. He could talk logic with the Droid. He came to believe that logic was the only thing to believe in. But this also led to find a new path. Logic told him, why serve these people when you can do as you please? This was logic. And he was going to follow it.

He ran away not too long after. Never to return. He did it in the middle of the night, no one would expect him to leave. So there was no security watching him specifically. He left and never looked back. He skipped town and went to a small village as far as his feet would take him. This was the place where his life would forever be changed. He only had to stay in the village for a few weeks. Soon after a man came to the village, an outsider. All he caught of him, was that his name was Anner Tahnis. He was intrigued by this, and immediately set out to find him. While on the way to find her he scooped up some rocks and made them hover above his palm. He did this usually to pass the time. But this time he was hoping to attract attention from the man. Then he spotted him, but more than that, he spotted a Lightsaber on his hip. A Jedi.

Syrax ran up to him and fell to his knees in front of him. "Please, Please take me with you. I can do things like..." He lifted the rocks again, trying to impress the man. " I will do anything you ask of me." he was pleading and he knew that, but nothing was worse than being stuck here. Without much more effort, He accepted. Anner Explained he was one of the Shade Order, and after that he was eager to join. He became his apprentice. He was going to be a Jedi. Life was not so bad.



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SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
May i suggest Syrax being sold as a slave? I believe people would be more frightened of a blaster against their heads, than of seeing a rock being lifted (Unless they're natives of a backwater planet)

Just dropping my two cents here :bitchez


The Logical Detective
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score
How do you mean? He was only used as a threat against others so that they would not go against them and sign their contracts. So he acted as an enforcer of sorts.


SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
How do you mean? He was only used as a threat against others so that they would not go against them and sign their contracts. So he acted as an enforcer of sorts.

I understood what you mean

Slave market does give good money, the point I was trying to make is that having a hired gun, an armed thug or just being dangerous yourself with a gun is enough of an enforcement if you are going for intimidation. I just saw the fact of the lifting rocks and thought of someone trying to impress you by saying he could create fire. Using a lighter.

It would have been another tale say, if you had a lightsaber and knew how to wield it, that would make it easier to believe in my eyes, even if i were to impersonate an skeptical shop owner


The Logical Detective
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score
Oh I see, alrighty I'll change it to being a slave. anything else?


SWRP Writer
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Oh I see, alrighty I'll change it to being a slave. anything else?

Just a minor one, Anner poses as a male, nobody knows its a she :bitchez (Yet at least)

Jiang Winters

Professional Cat
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Awww, I don't get to smack you with the nerfhammer. This saddens me. V_V

Nice work on your first SWRP char, by the by. I think you'll fit in nicely here.


May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Awww, I don't get to smack you with the nerfhammer. This saddens me. V_V

Nice work on your first SWRP char, by the by. I think you'll fit in nicely here.

I like him!


SWRP Writer
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Awww, I don't get to smack you with the nerfhammer. This saddens me. V_V

Nice work on your first SWRP char, by the by. I think you'll fit in nicely here.

:bitchez Bam! I was right! lol. He has successfully avoided being noob toob'd :CRawr

Good job, anywho. The profile is absolutely perfect. Well detailed, descriptions up the ass, and an interesting story being told. Can't wait to rp with this charrie, my friend.


The Logical Detective
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score
Awesome!! thanks everyone. If anyone is interested I think I'm ready to start a thread now.


SWRP Writer
Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Hell, why not? lol You want to start it?


May 12, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah, I'm sure my character Kres and your character Syrax would have awesome character development.


The Logical Detective
SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2011
Reaction score
Upon further thought. I think my first thread needs to be with Anner, so I can at least get my Lightsaber built.