Independent Su Wrumouc


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SWRP Writer
Nov 23, 2023
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NAME: Su Wrumouc
FACTION: Independent
SPECIES: Mandalorian
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 183cm
WEIGHT: 90kg
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Personality: Cold and calculating

The story of Su's transformation from a loyal member of the Empire to a Mandalorian warrior is a tale of courage, sacrifice, and the pursuit of justice. Her resolve finally crumbled during a dangerous mission on the Outer Rim, where the oppressive grip of the Empire was felt most acutely. Su watched helplessly as innocent civilians were ruthlessly rounded up, their homes and lives destroyed by the insatiable thirst for power of the Empire's war machine. The atrocities committed by the Empire were too much for Su to bear, and she knew she could no longer stand idly by.

Su's loyalty to the Emperor shifted to a creed forged by centuries of Mandalorian tradition, a code that valued honour, courage, and freedom over blind obedience to authority. Deserting her post meant being hunted for the rest of her life, but Su was willing to pay the price for freedom from tyranny. She gathered what little belongings she could and made a daring escape through a stolen Lambda Class shuttle under the cover of darkness, leaving behind a life of comfort and security in pursuit of a higher calling.

The following weeks were filled with hunger and struggle as Su scraped by in the spice mines of Kessel. There, she found a new clan of Mandalorian survivors and learned how to embrace the centuries-old traditions of her people. Over the years that followed, she became charged with protecting her new family, fighting against the Empire's oppression and tyranny.

But the past has a way of catching up with us, no matter how hard we try to outrun it. The unmistakable silhouette of the Empire's mighty star destroyer appeared almost seemingly out of nowhere, blotting out the sun, with an angry stream of TIE fighters leaving its hold. It was a moment of dread. Su had been on the outskirts collecting a rare beast to celebrate the transition of youth into adulthood; seeing the sun blocked out, the hunting party desperately made its way back to the forge. But their efforts were in vain. As they approached, scenes of a brutal battle between the Empire and the clan lay to bear the cost of Su's actions.

Clan Members and Blaster scorch marks littered the landscape; not even the younglings were spared the onslaught. In this scene, Su knew she had failed her clan; despite reassurances from the party, the anguish building up became overpowering, and not even the centuries of tradition could hold the floodgates. Su was left to confront the consequences of her actions and the heavy burden of her past.

With what equipment she had on her, a pair of RAO-2 "Dewback" Blaster Pistols and her Heavy Mandalorian Armor, she left what was left of the clan to Tatooine. It was there that she became a feared bounty hunter.
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Good natured cowboy
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2023
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Hi there! local goober here, nice to see more mandos coming on, but I have a good wisdom for you that might help you out a ton, just a suggestion tho! You wanna make sure you at least follow (somewhat) these character sheet templates, trust me, it will be a lifesaver! 😅

from my experience it helps out tons for both other members of the site trying to understand your character, and for you so you have a comprehensive list of just who they are as a character. anyways good luck, here's the link, can't wait to see what you do!

character templates!


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Nov 23, 2023
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I'll be honest, this was a quick and dirty dump to get something down until I had more brain capacity to come and clean it up.


Site Owner
Sith Order Faction Leader
May 3, 2010
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I'll be honest, this was a quick and dirty dump to get something down until I had more brain capacity to come and clean it up.
Please use character workshops to make a place for draft profiles. Only final versions are supposed to go in the character profiles section. Thank you.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Nov 23, 2023
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Hi there! local goober here, nice to see more mandos coming on, but I have a good wisdom for you that might help you out a ton, just a suggestion tho! You wanna make sure you at least follow (somewhat) these character sheet templates, trust me, it will be a lifesaver! 😅

from my experience it helps out tons for both other members of the site trying to understand your character, and for you so you have a comprehensive list of just who they are as a character. anyways good luck, here's the link, can't wait to see what you do!

character templates!
Updated. I hope you enjoy!


Good natured cowboy
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2023
Reaction score
Updated. I hope you enjoy!
It's very good! (mostly because i'm a sucker for long bios haha!) though I do have some feedback. Keep in mind I am not staff so these are just suggestions from me personally as a writer!

  • just a few small inaccuracies, which you can easily fix with the knowledge here but ill tldr for you here real fast: In the words of our beloved newsletter, (which is still april foolsified, dont mind it) it is 162 ABY or one hundred and sixty two years after the battle of yavin, and sadly (as much as I wanna make an actual storm trooper character) the storm troopers are non existent (to my knowledge), Here is a map containing just what factions own what right now! Although the empire still does exist! Here is a write up for the armed forces.

  • A personal suggestion from me, you by all means don't HAVE to do, it's not my place to tell anyone how to write haha, but I personally recommend including things such as force sensitivity, rank (basically power level, you can start at 0-1), attributes, and skills, and appearance, here's a bio from my mandalorian to serve as a example of one, which you are free to copy and modify as much as you want! lot of folk also tend to upload a picture of their character too at the top of the bio so people know how said char looks, but its up to you!

Hope I helped out!
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