Spirits in the Dark


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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OOC Thread - Link

~ Theme Song ~
Umbara - P10

A world shrouded in darkness, known as the Shadow World throughout the galaxy, it's bleak atmosphere was staved off by it's intimidating landscape. Every bush and fungus looked as if it would turn around and bite you if you got too close. Still, there was something about it all that comforted the Sith. Sarisa had not been the first to feel this way, the world had a rich history of Sith presence, chances where the Empire would seek to dominate the world in all of it's shadowy infamy once again if given half a chance. However, that is not what brought Sarisa Sannin to Umbara, at least not today. Today, she and an acolyte named Malek Maldor, a man similar in age to her, had come searching for something far more useful.

Sarisa sat cross legged on the ground, meditating in an attempt to discern which direction they needed to go in. Sith tombs were often hidden, it was no different with the one they had set out to find. Sarisa had come for two things, an ancient sith text, and the skull of the one who had stolen it. It had been interesting for her when Malek had requested to join her, she didn't make a habit of sharing her secrets, but she saw no harm in it and opted for the company. If nothing else, he was easy on the eyes, which while such things played a very little part in her life, it was no less a welcomed desire. All she needed from the sith text was a single ritual, the acolyte could keep the rest of it, sith sorcery was not something Sarisa wanted to delve to deep into.

Focusing her mind and searching for any sign of a dark side presence, Sarisa raised her hand, feeling the Force tugging at her fingers. When she opened her eyes she saw they pointed towards a nearby mountain, a quick look at the map Malek held would tell them that there was a small valley just beyond. Sarisa had no doubt that is where her treasure would lie. Turning her empty gaze towards the acolyte, Sarisa asked. "Shall we?" Her words help no emotion, but she made sure her aura gave off a strong sense of sorrow, nearly dread, but not fear. If anything, Sarisa was glad to finally be moving forward with her plans, locating the ritual she sought after, as well as the skull of the oe known as the Mindstealer, it would prove a major boon in the times to come.

@Comrade Matt
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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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The bleak landscape was no problem for Malek, who had already had enough action for some time. Of course, he knew there was more to come, but the peaceful and dark Umbaran landscape gave him a sense of sorrow, a feeling that he was wallowing in. He was surprised at how edgy he had become, but after losing his leg to Mandalorians, and escaping from one of the most feared prisons in the galaxy, he decided he deserved to be able to be a bit edgy once in a while.

He had come to Umbara seeking a way to empower himself, and increase his Sith sorcery knowledge. Bringing a book about necromancy to Darth Cain would certainly earn him some points in the man's book, and an ally was what Malek was desperately in need of, not to mention a mentor. In the dog eat dog world of the Empire, he needed to never relax until he was the most powerful. Snapping him out of his thoughts, he looked around to find that they had been dropped off. The nearby plants gave him an uneasy feeling. As he took out his map, he angled it so that his companion could see it, then gazed up ahead. No problems made themselves obvious at the moment, but he suspected the fun would start once they were inside of the valley.

"Yes, let's go," he murmured, folding the map and putting it in the pocket of his dark cloak. His lightsaber hilt lay on his belt, and he wore his body armor today. No need to lose another limb.

The two Sith began walking, and Malek made sure to avoid the wildlife. At their pace, they should reach the valley soon.


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
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It was funny, how a simple scouting mission could lead to an outcome like this. The force worked in mysterious ways indeed. She'd come merely to look around, to observe for herself the devastation and horror the Sith wracked upon the world and boy oh boy had she. The world and its inhabitants had proved most sobering, most sorrowful. Even from above the twisted machinations of the dark side had been apparent, and seeing it from the ground made the familiar rage boil up in her chest. Then and there she'd reaffirmed her commitment to the light, and to stopping the menace that was the Sith. No sooner had she renewed her pledge, then she'd sensed something a bit off from the rest, roaming about as if searching for something. A bit of searching had revealed the source only a short distance from where she'd landed, the scum of the galaxy themselves, no doubt come to lord over their predecessors handiwork, lucky her.

Hidden within a large outcropping of trees, blending in spectacularly with the shadowy environment, Gren sneered down at her newfound targets. Two Sith, one in a sitting position whilst the other prowled about nearby, pretty much the most significant details she could see from the several dozen meters that separated them. They seemed to be stagnant for the moment however, so she took the chance to turn aside and check her equipment. Thankfully she'd come well prepared, all her usual arms and armor on her person, everything she needed to deliver justice. Even better, supposedly there was another Jedi around to help out.

Keeping an eye out, Gren keyed up her comlink, setting it to a common Jedi channel as she spoke into it. "This is Army Initiate Gren, I have eyes on two Sith in my vicinity, is there anyone else out there?" Suddenly they began to move again, heading towards a small mountain in the distance. Hissing softly and keeping to the tree line, Gren began to follow them from behind. Lowering her voice, mostly to avoid predators, Gren called out into her comlink as she moved. "I have movement, they are heading out."

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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OOC: Besides his standard equipment Valen has brought 2 TD, 2 EMP Grenades, XPC Blaster Rifle, and 1 wrist mounted rocket launcher.

General Valen Pelora hunkered down in the foliage of the forest. He was up against a small hill, carefully, and painstakingly hidden on the forest floor. The Lightside was pulled in tight around him. He used every inch of his skill in the Force to hide his signature. His mental walls were built high. A highly-trained Force sensitive would have to be very close to sense his presence. His targets were not nearly close enough.

The Army had received troubling news out of Umbara. The planet had fallen to the Sith, consumed by the Darkside. Sith cared little for the people of the planets they conquered. They preferred to take, drain, and destroy. The people were suffering. It was heartbreaking. Umbara needed hope. He had sworn the Jedi would not forget the fallen worlds of the galaxy. The Jedi would show the galaxy they still fought. Word had reached the Peacekeeper of an ancient Sith tomb and the secrets held within. He had seized the chance to act. They would give Umbara hope.

Destruction of the tomb and whatever evil inside would strike a blow against the Sith on Umbara. It would give the people of the nocturnal world some small solace. A reason to fight. He would not fail. Valen would make sure the Sith left empty handed, or not at all. He kept his eyes on the two Sith, one sitting and one stalking about. His com crackled to life within his helmet.

“Jedi Gren, I read you. This is General Pelora. Get ready and we have a friend coming.” He had requested the help of his favorite intergalactic pop star. Unfortunately, Vesper was touring but she had promised a reliable friend. He oddly trusted the woman.

Valen watched the Sith begin to head towards mountains in the distance. They were out in the open, totally exposed. A year ago he would have never considered this. A year ago his stomach would have turned at the thought of death. A year ago he was a different man. The Sith were 40 meters from his position, he watched them walk by. The Sith’s backs were to him, still about 40 meters away. He raised his wrist and used his HUD to calculated the distance. The rocket popped out and fired. The rocket was set to detonate at 40 meters if it didn’t hit the target. He aimed for the back of the male Sith but if the attacked succeeded both Sith should be caught in the blast radius. He began to move from his position, seeking additional cover in the forest.

@Prudence @Narsi @Comrade Matt @Undine


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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OOC: First off, rude, the lot of you. Sure it's an open thread but at least drop a profile message or something. ;) Also, @Valen Pelora When was Umbara conquered by the sith? Just fyi, I hope you guys like ancient Sith spirits, this thread wasn't named "Spirits in the Dark" because I was just planning on walking into a bunch of sith tombs all willy nilly. Be prepared for spirit stuff. I also want to point out, this is not a sith mission, this is a thread set up by me and @Comrade Matt for our own personal interests. You're all welcome to die by our blades, but this is not a faction sponsored mission in anyway.

Rockets did not make silent weapons and Sarisa remained attuned to the Force, more connected to it then normal. Having just finished meditating, scanning the surrounding areas within the Force in her attempt to locate the ruins of an ancient sith temple, and more importantly yet, the tombs buried deep below them, is was no surprise she felt the Force warning her of danger, merily a moment before the sound of the rocket buzzing in the air toward herself and her companion.

Sarisa used her temporarily deepened connection to the Force to leap a away from her position, the obvious area of impact for the rocket. Turing around with a slight urgency, Sarisa looked to see if Malek had managed to evade the blast as well. It had sent dirt and random bits of burning foliage flying in it's dying fury. It hadn't been a hard landing, but the hastened nature of it had left her impact slightly twisted, no real injuries, but it did cause her left knee to ache somewhat.

Sarisa immediately dropped low to the ground, rescanning the horizon in all directions with her inferred vision. Whoever had shot the rocket was far away enough that their heat signature blended in with the wildlife and foliage of the surrounding area, but there was a rather large figure a few dozen meters out, attempting to hide themselves behind tree cover. They would have to be a rather large individual for Sarisa to pick out their heat signature from this distance though. Considering the distance and location of the one she'd already located, Sarisa expected the other to be roughly the same distance out.

The fact that only one of them had taken a shot indicated that either the one was waiting to shoot when they were focused elsewhere, or that they needed to close the distance for a melee attack. It would have been far too simple for a melee attack, as Sarisa doubt the ranged target to continue firing if their own ally was in the kill zone. Tree cover would also be a benefit to them as well so Sarisa decided going after the one in the trees would be the best decision. "Acolyte, keep close to me, we have multiple opponents. I've located one but the other is hiding, most likely Force sensitive, expect a Jedi assault." It wasn't until now, now that she was running at top speed towards the treeline that the sith inquisitor reached for her lightsaber.

She didn't concern herself with making sure Malek had heeded her words, part of her didn't care if he lived or died, yet he'd prove useful if there really were multiple opponents. At the very least he could prove a distraction for their attackers, allowing Sarisa to focus on one opponent at a time. Above everything else, she wanted that book, needed it, it was the first step in a grander plan, one she hoped would change both the Sith and the Jedi forever. As indifferent to Jedi Order as Sarisa was, she would kill anyone to see her plans move forward.​
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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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Something was off. Malek felt a slight ripple in the Force, like a spider when prey is trapped in its web. A being lurked nearby, and he could feel that it was large. However, he kept walking, and murmured to his companion.

"We're being trailed,," he muttered without turning his head. "Don't look behind, but be ready for combat." He focused now, drawing in the dark side energy that clung to his skin like humidity. And he realized what it was. As he turned, he yelled. As he turned, he saw an object flying from beneath foliage, but not where he had suspected their tail was. Unless... two people were following them.

"Jedi!," he yelled. His companion had seen the rocket too, and they were now both turned toward their attackers. It was about 10 meters away. He let the clingy energy penetrate his skin, and it burrowed deep inside him. Negative feelings coursed through him, but gave him strength. He switched on his repulsor boots and leapt behind a fallen log as flaming shards flew at him.

He slid his blaster out. With him, he had all normal gear ((refer to "Other" tab of character profile)). The attackers were still too far for him to attack them, and so he positioned himself low, with the pistol barrel slightly poking over the top of the log. Then, he waited.

@Undine @Narsi @Valen Pelora


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Apr 18, 2015
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The Catscratch was parked in a valley about twenty miles east to Davik's current position when he spotted the two figures walking towards his target: a Sith tomb. The Systech Representative had picked up some chatter on Dromund Kaas, chatter from the ritual-crazy Priesthood of Tund, about some ancient Sith text hidden here on the Mid Rim world of Umbara. It was a pathetic world, which had once been marginally important and some slivers of the Dark Side was rumored to still float around. Davik didn't sense it, and he didn't care. That ancient ritual text could give him a good bargaining position with the Empire's representatives, while any treasures found would increase his own personal wealth and truthfully, the catscratch had been lacking a personal touch.

Because he was expecting the need for spelunking and fighting creatures inside the tomb, Davik wore a set of UAI-19 Armor with its modular visor system and other features, including one wrist-mounted blaster and extendable vibro-blade per gauntlet, as such he was able to zoom in on the two figures to a point where he clearly saw their lightsaber hilts clipped to their belts. "Kriff"

Not being Force sensitive, Davik chose not to continue towards the tomb and hide from sight among the abnormally large roots of a tree. There he took off the Utility Harness and opened the large case attached to it. He had hoped to use it for the more restricted areas of the tomb, but right now he had to appreciate the versatility of one of his favourite toys. Linking the drone to his datapad, which in turn send the drone's electric-optic imaginary directly to his modular visor. "Let's see how many traps they can identify for us, eh?" Davik grinned towards the drone and hit the controls on his datapad.

Hovering at about four feet the little drone almost soundlessly started to close to the distance with the two Sith. "What the-" Davik killed the drone's forward motion and rose from his hiding spot to look at this himself. His heads-up display went red with warnings as an explosion not thirty feet away from him shook the air. His human features flickered as his real reptilian eyes revealed themselves in shock and his green fingers grabbed the SA-21 blaster pistol from the holster under his left shoulder. Davik grimaced before the destruction left behind by the explosion became apparent and fell back into his hiding spot, changing so suddenly was quite painful and he needed to focus in order to change back to his human form.



Narcissistic Cannibal
SWRP Writer
Jun 12, 2016
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Note: My character is wearing UAI-19 Armor under her cloak, she has one wrist mounted flame thrower, and an 5A-21 Sunspear blaster pistol~

Lanna had chosen to accompany her fellow Jedi, to the world of Umbara. It had it's special and unique features like the rest of the worlds she had been to, and she loved observing them closely. She knew they were around her, somewhere. Her suspicion was confirmed when a voice came over her communication device. Gren was the name of her current ally, and with his words came a strict warning of nearby Sith. The air around her chilled, and she felt a shudder run up her spine. The last Sith she had encountered came to a quick end, with a knife in the top of his head.

After Gren moved off his communication device, a familiar voice jumped in.

"General Valen Pelora!" Lanna said, with a touch of enthusiasm. "What a day to run into you. It looks like we've got some business to attend to-"

She was cut off when she heard the whistle of a projectile rocket burn through the sky.

"Oh... Damn."

She ducked, bracing herself, but there was little to hide from but the sound. She had her ears covered, then as soon as the blast ceased, she retrieved her light saber from her belt. The young Knight was standing between her two fellow Jedi, and behind them a ways. Fifty meters from their Sith opponents.

Lanna let out a breath, growing in tune with the force. She reached out, attempting to sense their locations, and was met with areas out there that may have been ever so slightly tainted. That was all she needed, really. It seemed as if one of her fellow companions had already spotted them, judging by the missile they had shot off. She began to move forward, and then jumped. The boots that came with her armor shot the small girl up with ease, so she could grab a low branch of a nearby tree, and pull herself up into it. It was very unlikely they would see her up there. She was just in-between the canopy and the very top of the trees.

Looking over the landscape, she caught sight of a figure to her left. Valen. She could sense another Jedi, to her right, who was probably Gren.

In front of her was one of the Sith. She ran towards the treeline, which Lanna had a clear view of. She crouched on the branch, and grabbed her blaster. Aiming through an opening in the trees, she narrowed her eyes. In a second, she fired. One. Two. Three.

She moved her aim carefully in the direction the woman was running. Specifically shooting for the middle of her body. It would be an easier hit then a headshot, which would easily kill her. She just needed to injure the woman. And it would be unlikely that she could possibly dodge all those bullets.

Just after she fired, she rolled off the branch so the woman wouldn't look up to find Lanna sitting there on the backs of her ankles. Of course, she should have been stunned anyway. With luck, she wouldn't have seen Lanna at all. She would have only been given a general idea about her location.

When the girl's feet hit the ground, she began to run to the right, towards the other Jedi. Her plan was not to necessarily meet up with him, but put some distance between her, and the location she shot from.

"Here we go."


[ All I am surrounded by is fear — and dead men ]
SWRP Writer
Jan 29, 2013
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Bloody. Hell.

Umbara would be a perfectly comfortable place to go on vacation, or even to just go for a drink. The dark atmosphere of the planet was well adjusted for hangovers, and the fact that the Umbarans couldn't breathe their own air meant that they were practically unintelligible with those tacky breathing masks. It would have been nice, except for Vesper fekking Almec had commed him at the last possible moment with a conversation that went something like this,

"Oh Kalan dear! You hot sexy strong Mandalorian man you! Would you mind helping out one of my friends? I'll make sure you get paid for it."

and a "Oh of course I don't mind."

...or something like that. Regardless of how she'd said it, she'd asked him to be here - and well Kalan had a soft spot for hot blonde girls with legs that stretched all the way from Tatooine to Coruscant. So here he was, sweating his bloody ass off in the Umbaran forests. He heard the call come out from one of the Jedi, an initiate, that was right ahead of him. Kalan picked up his pace, his A-140 in a harness on his chest and resting in his hands.

As he moved the comms filled up with more chatter, as a young female voice began chattering at one of the other Jedi that was clearly familiar to her. Fekking amatuer hour here. Kalan rolled his eyes, "Keep the comms fekking clear. Some of us here are bloody professional."

His lips pressed into a scowl as he reached the Jedi initiate that had initially called out. They were now 12m from the Sith, in a grouping of trees. Speaking into the comms, which would transmit through his helmet and thus not be audible to those not patched into their secured line, he said "Lookout, I'm sending a missile in. Move in and you'll be dead." He began securing a target when suddenly he heard one of the Sith shout Jedi and he knew he had his target. The missile sailed away at blistering speeds towards the Sith.

"Talk shit get hit."
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SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
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Well, good news was that she wasn't alone, not in the slightest. A general way off to her left somewhere, another Jedi a little bit closer to her left, and...someone else she didn't recognize but was apparently having a bad day. The bad news, apparently she still had quite a lot to learn about stealth, as she'd clearly been detected somehow. Thankfully that just gave her more good news, namely the Sith currently heading right at her. Gren hissed softly and lashed her tail out behind her in glee, how nice of them to make thing easier for her. This one must feel some form of guilt and perhaps wanted to be put down.

Still, she had some partners this time around, and that required some teamwork. So to that end, Gren reluctantly decided against going out to meet the Sith head on. Much as she liked it, her usual approach simply wasn't teamwork friendly, heck it wasn't friendly in any aspect. So instead she focused her efforts on something else, the lightsaber she could see the Sith reaching for. If she wanted to help her teammates out, surely there was no better way than relieving a foe of their weapons. Fixing a baleful stare upon the cylindered object, Gren flexed her will and mentally wrapped a fist around the weapon. Then she yanked, hard, attempting to rip the weapon from the Sith's grasp towards herself.

Hopefully she would be successful, and considering how the attack was likely unexpected, and the strength of her yank, it probably would be. Her yank would come just as she heard a few shots ring out from her left, and would hopefully make it difficult to block or dodge those attacks as well.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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The quiet of Umbara was broken. The Sith managed to avoid the brunt of his initial salvo, but the rocket had done its job. It had forced the Sith to move and separate. The man was hiding behind a log. Valen could only see the tip of a pistol. The woman was sprinting towards the opposite tree line. Her back was fully exposed to him. He quickly pulled his XPC from his back and aimed at the Sith. He had no fear of hitting his allies. His HUD had marked their location when they called in over the coms.

He had no idea what Lanna was doing here, but he would let no harm come to the young Jedi. He had a soft spot for the girl. The moment the Sith woman’s back was to him he fired 3 shots from the XPC. All 3 right at the middle of her back. He watched 3 more shots burst from the opposite side of the forest, towards the Sith’s chest. The shots were fired at nearly the same time. He felt the Force being worked as the shots were being fired. One of the Jedi was very clever. It would be close to impossible for the Sith to deal with all the shots and the Force pull. He was counting on her being distracted and unable to react to all 6 blaster bolts.

Finally, Vesper’s promised help showed his worth. A rocket whipped out of the forest towards the hunkered down Sith. Valen quickly changed his sights, focusing on the hidden Sith. The moment the man moved to dodge the rocket Valen would fire 3 blaster shots at his center mass. If all of the attacks succeeded the woman would be incapacitated, and the man would shortly join her. He was careful not to lose focus of his surroundings.


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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There were more attackers poised to ambush her and Malek then she had first suspected, she could sense another being through the Force, another Jedi no doubt, once again making no attempt to hide themselves from detection, not that they really needed to. Sarisa was running at full speed with the Force allowing her to move faster still. Nearing ten or fiftteen meters, she couldn't tell, she decided to leap once more, moving forward and upward, the sound of what she assumed to be metallic projectiles soaring through the space her body had just been, followed by blaster fire shortly after.

A brief moment of weightlessness caused Sarisa to think of a bird, the sudden lapse in concentration caused her to hurl herself into the trees themselves. But not before she felt the lightsaber in her hand became heavy, then pulled from her. She knew what was happening instantly, a Jedi, most likely the one closest to her, the large bestial Jedi, was attempting to rip her lightsaber from her. Sarisa would have grinned at the thought if she had had the time, instead she allowed the blade to fly from her grasp as she needed to focus on not impaling herself on a tree branch. It's sudden departure left both of her hands free to grasp at branches as she fell into them.

As she fell, Sarisa reached out grasping at one branch while aiming her right foot to land on another. Her momentum cause the lower branch to break, Sarisa used the rest of her moment to swing herself from the branch she had grasped with her hand, landing on a much thicker branch the next tree over. She had some minor cuts and would no doubt develop a few bruises to show for her decent, but she was otherwise unharmed. Crouching with her knees bent in case of the need to move suddenly, Sarisa rested for the moment, roughly twenty feet from the ground and around five meters from her target, and the soldier accompanying the Jedi.

Sarisa didn't know what the Jedi would do with her lightsaber, and she didn't really care. Even unarmed she would was still in possession of her most powerful weapons she could possibly need. Focusing on the Force, Sarsia moved silently down the branch of the tree, skipping from one branch to the next, tree to tree, until she came to a stop around behind the two individuals, still around five meters from her targets. She was beginning to feel the strain of her Force usage, but she couldn't afford to rest now, at least not until she managed to escape the ambush. Even if she ran, they would most likely just run her down. Instead, she climbed down from her perch and stood with her back against the bark of the tree.

She needed to distract them somehow. "A wounded ally perhaps". Sarisa thought to herself, attempting to project those words into the mind of the bestieal Jedi before her with minimal effort, what she was about to attempt would require everything she had left. She projected a Force Illusion of herself running from around a tree, toward the soldier. If the Jedi fell for it, they would see her attacking the soldier, jumping on top of him and clawing at his face. Sarisa began to feel exhaustion take hold, kneeling and then sitting, her back still against the tree.

If she had gotten lucky, the bestial Jedi would have flown into a rage and struck out at the illusion, killing or wounding the soldier in the process. Regardless, Sarisa was in no place to use the Force further for the time being, a in a few minutes perhaps, but for now she would have to sit and wait. She could help but picture her former Jedi Master, Kip Koom. It had been four years since she had last seen him. Chances were he thought she was dead. That thought had pained her since she'd left, and it pained her still. The broken heart she'd given herself had provided her with a great fuel source for her own Dark side trainings, picking up the more emotional aspects of the Dark side easily when those same emotions were present within herself.

Despite having abandoned the Jedi Order, Sarisa had no desire to harm any of the Jedi attacking her, fighting them was like fighting her own master in some small way, and the thought pained her. But now was not the time for grief, if she wanted to live, and she did, she'd have to suck it up and hurt her brother brothers and sisters. No one, not even Jedi would be allowed to stand in the way of her plans. Sarisa couldn't allow everything she'd been through to get here to be made pointless by dying today.

@Comrade Matt
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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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ADMIN: Post ruled invalid due to surpassing editing time limits.

Upset that the stupid blaster he owned was nearly useless in long-range combat, Malek holstered it and took out his lightsaber. He had no intention in getting close enough for melee combat, but it was good for defense in case any blaster shots came his way. As Sarisa disappeared into the trees, and everyone was focused on her, Malek remained crouched, letting his feelings flow through him. By the time one of the enemies (@Prudence) shot a rocket at him, he felt way more in tune with the dark side. So in tune, in fact, that as the rocket came toward him, he was prepared. He was unworried that the new shooter was a new person to deal with, and instead focused on what he had to do.

Due to his concentration with the Force, he could sense the Force signatures of most attackers except for one, whom he still had not noticed.

He used Force stealth to hide his aura from other Force users. After he was camouflaged, he then tapped into the energy flowing through him. He stood, and jumped. He used his repulsor boots to push him a bit higher, and the Force carried him the rest of the way. The rocket hit the log and turned it to shards of wood. It would be extremely difficult to spot him, due to the darkness of the planet, along with the foliage around him.

Adrenaline and dark side pulsing through him, he'd run into the foliage behind Sarisa, trailing her over to the one Jedi (@Narsi) he could sense strongly.

He planned his attack, and decided that he would go around the opening, letting Sarisa take the direct path to melee, while Malek would go behind Gren and attack. He would leap forward out of the foliage and slash at the creature's midsection as soon as Sarisa got close enough for it to attack her.

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Apr 18, 2015
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Davik didn't rise from his hiding spot after the initial explosion. Despite getting his human form back without any more surprise glitches, the ongoing sound of blaster fire, more explosions and the unmistaken sound of lightsabers igniting made a craven of the Clawdite. Whatever was going on, he didn't want to know. It was unlikely anyone had survived that initial explosion, at least, not anyone who didn't have the force as inexhaustible ally. Davik, therefore, cowered in fear hoping that whoever attacked the Sith didn't want to murder an innocent human spelunker and scavenger who just happened to be on Umbara. "Better have the droid increase security measures," he sighed as he sent the small drone back east towards the Catscratch. It could link with the droid the same way it could slice into a computer which made it possible for Davik to manually give orders through his datapad. He didn't want to find his beloved starship gone after he escaped this burning cesspit of violence. The war be damned, this was no way to do business!



Narcissistic Cannibal
SWRP Writer
Jun 12, 2016
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The girl had moved away from her current location, acknowledging the man who had come up behind her. Seemingly, the one who also insulted her over the coms, and the one that had fired off the rocket. She was starting to believe all Mandalorians were just bitter assholes who liked playing with big weapons.
At least he came in handy. The male Sith was probably dead, and Lanna was no longer worried about him. It was all on the woman now.

Their enemy had obviously stopped trying to attack. At least, not so recklessly. She seemed to submit to a tactic of stealth, and a less aggressive behavior. Judging from the sheer amount of force energy she had used running into the tree line, and dodging bullets, she would have very little to continue protecting herself.

Continuing to make her way towards her fellow Jedi, she spotted someone off to the side of her, through the trees. A woman. The Sith.

The woman was focusing on a Jedi Lanna had never met before, and then she turned away and sat down. The lady must have not sensed the young knight creeping up through the brush, and foliage due the overexertion of her force energy.

She waited no extra time to begin charging towards her. Closing the six meters between them, Lanna jumped up, letting her repulsorboots carry her up through a clearing. With her left hand, she aimed her gun at the Sith. She quickly pulled the trigger three times to empty her next round, and simultaneously ignited her flamethrower.

"She's over here!"

The woman sitting down on the forest ground, would not be standing up without some sort of injury. If she did try to stand up, Lanna would have already immediately dropped her gun, and swiped her hand forward to twist the force at her opponent's feet.

After having occupied the mind of her victim with whatever it was that inflicted it's damage upon her, she stopped spraying flames out of her flame thrower, and grabbed her light saber.

"I suggest you don't test the mercy of the Jedi, or a few burns and bullet holes isn't all you're going to get," Lanna said, with a certain venom that begged her enemy to test her. Then, with her newly ignited blade, she pointed it at the woman's chest. "Give me your wrist."

In her other hand, she held up a pair of lonely stun cuffs.

If she agreed to surrender, she would cuff her left wrist, amd with the other end, yank the woman's arm up, and lock it to the branch above them.


[ All I am surrounded by is fear — and dead men ]
SWRP Writer
Jan 29, 2013
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Kalan saw on the tactical readout of the situation that the Sith he had fired upon did not flee from the blast radius, and that he had been incinerated in the flames. He also saw a dart of movement as the deceased hostile's comrade fled the battleground. Kalan began moving in her direction, his rifle raised as he did so. He spoke calmly into the ops comms, hailing his teammates, "We have one hostile down. Moving to track the location of the second. Focus your attention on her."

He stalked towards her until he saw something spring out from behind a tree and make a beeline towards him. He fired two rounds of his weapon into the creature, but it didn't so much as slow. Thinking quickly Kalan began backing up and switched his vision to thermal, and saw nothing was there. He pushed forward, the illusion not appearing on his thermal vision, and thus not bothering him, "Be warned, the hostile has projected what is likely a Force illusion and is focused on me. That means she's distracted, bring her do-"

He was interrupted by a bit of comms chatter from the young girl he'd earlier chided, "Moving to your position Jedi three. Keep her occupied, and apprehend her if possible. I'll be there shortly."

Kalan released his rifle, allowing it to fall into his chest harness, and drew his sunspear pistol with his right hand. He would need mobility for what was to come, but also wanted to defend himself in the case that something were to happen. He could already see the brunette girl before him as he approached, behind her.


SWRP Writer
Oct 16, 2015
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A resounding boom echoed out, and through her comlink Gren heard of one Sith's demise. She paid it no mind however, her focus was on the lightsaber that zoomed through the air and towards her from the figure in the air, as if connected to an invisible winch that was reeling in. She caught in smoothly in one hand, holding it tightly to prevent it from being taken away again and then immediately returned her attention to the Sith she'd stolen it from. Almost immediately her eyes lit upon the Sith's form rushing through the undergrowth towards the warrior who'd come to help them. With a hiss she lunged forward, activating the lightsaber she'd just received as she rushed to intercept.

As the man's shots rammed into the thing, so did her new weapon cleave into it, the purple blade completing a vicious arc swung at the woman's head. The thing immediately burst into tiny motes of light, scattering into dust as her strike went through it like nothing was there, the shots acting likewise. She immediately realized what had happened, and the man's next words into her ear confirmed it, a force illusion, a nasty little trick by a nasty Sith. With a growl, Gren shot off in the direction the illusion had come from, adjusting her course once the other Initiate's message came through with the correct location. Inside she was seething, every nerve tensed and trembling with inner rage. She'd looked so stupid just then, attacking an illusion like that, of course a Sith would use such a low handed tactic. Rage lent length to her strides, and within moments, she too was upon the Sith, right behind the other brunette Jedi.

She strode up just in time to hear the end of the other Jedi's command, and see the stun cuffs dangling in the air. Gren didn't wait for a response, moving so that she flanked her fellow Jedi's right side, the young Barabel gave voice to her frustrations. Keeping the purple blade positioned diagonally in front of her with her right hand in a defensive position, Gren reached out with her left hand and used the force to attempt shoving the woman back up against the tree, hard. The enemy would likely feel as if a large wall were impacting against her chest and shoving her backwards, further immobilizing her although still leaving her wrists free to be cuffed.

Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
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Valen watched a charred corpse soar through the air. He never had to pull the trigger. The nameless Sith had inexplicably failed to avoid the fired cluster bomb. A fiery ball of death consumed the foot solider and left an unrecognizable corpse. The blackened body bounced a few meters on the ground before rolling to a stop. The familiar feeling of death spread through the Force. He recognized it all too well. Death had followed him from Coruscant to Kessel to Umbara. Warlord Szebat had been captured but another unknown Sith had died.

He wondered what kept the lesser Sith fighting. Their leaders reaped the rewards of an Empire, while sacrificing untold numbers of less powerful minions. Once, his heart had ached for the loss of life. For a life that could have been. Now, he felt little. There was one less Sith in the galaxy. That was all that mattered.

Valen was careful to keep his cover. He backed away from the hill and deeper into the forest. He slung the XPC over his shoulder. He pulled his Lightsaber from his belt and ignited the blade. Emerald green came to life with the classic snap-hiss. He scanned the clearing, and the forest, before stepping from the brush. Valen breathed in deeply of the Force and headed towards his companions. His HUD had, again, marked their location. It seemed they had caught the final Sith. He kept his eyes peeled, and the Force flung wide as he ran. He would not be caught unaware. Valen trusted Lanna, Vesper’s acquaintance, and Gren to handle the prisoner. Hopefully, they would only have to deal with the woman for a short while. He would arrive soon.


SWRP Writer
Oct 8, 2014
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~ Theme Song ~

Calm, she felt calm. It was not as she had foreseen, but the Force had it's way of pulling you into whatever place and time you were needed. Sarisa had only to trust the Force. When she had left the Jedi Order four years prior she had never imagined she'd one day face her fellow brothers and sisters in battle. Even now, having allowed her heart to grow numb and cold, there was something deep within her that resisted. After everything she'd seen and done amongst the sith, Sarisa knew she would never be able to raise her lightsaber against a Jedi. She might have left them behind, but there were still many memories of those she cherished.

The thought of killing one of the Jedi now coming to most likely kill her, she couldn't help but picture herself standing over the bodies of the Jedi she'd grown up with. Master Keriosa, padawan Faroess, even her own former Master Kip Koom. She could not strike down those nearing her position anymore then she could strike down the Jedi of her past. She felt them here, felt them within the Jedi closing in on her. Sarisa couldn't allow herself to lose focus now, she could not allow herself to be killed, there was simply to much at stake. Everything she'd put herself through would be for nothing if she died. Even if it meant surrendering herself, she would make sure she lived.

Just as the first of them fell upon her, Sarisa calmed herself yet again. Feeling disconnected from her own body's actions, Sarisa reached out with her mind and pushed with the Force, projecting a telekinetic shield they was quickly engulfed in flames as she threw her arms up to protect her face. Blaster fire ripping through her fading sheild as she felt tremendous pain tear itself through her arms and right shoulder. All three shots of blaster fire had hit their mark, leaving charred pits of flesh on her arm and shoulder. Her left arm hang limp from the elbow down, one of the blaster bolts shredding the joint of her elbow had left it useless, though she could still move her fingers. Mussels throughout her upper body and arms began to seize, adding another layer of pain to the wounds she'd already endured.

As a sense of sorrow leached itself into her mind, replacing her calm with heartache as she was forced to relive the images of her fallen loved ones again, only this time, they were not dead but killing her. Twisted and warped by darkness and anger. Sarisa remembered when she had heard news of Tython, as her fellow sith rejoiced she had secretly hoped the Jedi she had once known had survived. No amount of physical pain she had to face would compare to what her own mind sought. The attempted mind trick wasn't the most clever idea to use against a sith, but it had done it's job. What had not been expected was the telepathic assault. Sarisa could feel someone gripping her ankles through the Force, twisting them slightly to keep her from standing, her right leg caught a root of the tree and sprained itself against it.

Sarisa's breaths became sharp, she could feel her mind slipping. It wouldn't be long before she passed out. The severe amount of physical trauma she'd endured thus far left her body shaking, she always felt cold, she had ever since she'd fallen to darkness. Perhaps it was all the emotions facing these Jedi in combat had brought up within her, she couldn't be sure, but she could barely speak as she attempted to say "I surrender" before a second Jedi threw her back into the tree she'd been sitting against, this time bark biting into the back of her head and neck, her limp arm twisting the wrong way round, forcing a gasp to escape her as the pain only increased.

Whoever these Jedi were, they were not the Jedi she'd remembered. She sensed no kindness, no desire for peace, only blind hatred of her. Perhaps that pained her more then anything. She'd left the Order because she was tired of watching her brothers and sisters die as their Council did nothing to stop it. Sarisa wanted more then anything for the war to simply end, she could not bring that about by growing stagnant like the now dead Jedi Council. The Sith knew war better than anyone, only through them could she see a way to end it. Worse still then stagnation, the Jedi before her seemed to be more like the sith she'd learned to tolerate then the Jedi she'd once loved.

The larger of the two Jedi stood with Sarisa's own lightsaber ready to strike her down while the other cuffed her still functioning arm by the wrist to a low hanging branch. Sarisa could feel the calmness from before begin to return to her. The reptilian Jedi seethed with anger and hatred, Sarisa couldn't help but hear her former master's words in her mind, somehow finding the will to echo them through her own. "Be calm young Jedi, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering." She would have pointed at herself if either of her hands were in a position to do so. "Though it is an interesting twist of fate, as the last time someone wielded that lightsaber against me, I was the Jedi." Sarisa let her words sink in before she cast her gaze to the ground. Whatever her captures would deem to do with her was for them to decide, her part in it was to wait and see.​
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dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
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He was in the process of reloading when it happened. All senses going haywire, and he knew something terrible was about to happen. He stored that energy, that dread, knowing it will help him when he jumped from behind the log. He stored that energy, not knowing he will never live to use it. As he reloaded, he looked up at the sky. The shade of black calmed him. The stability of such a deep, dark color, made him feel soothed. He considered that, unaware it will be his last thought.

As he reloaded and thought about colors, an object whooshed toward him. He heard it before he saw it. If not for the relative silence of his environment, he wouldn't have heard the silent whisper that the rocket gave. Malek knew it was too late. Still, he tried to rise. As soon as he moved, it hit him. It tore his legs off, the blast burning him. His body in agony, the flames ran up, and were gone as fast as they had arrived. He flew for a bit. His mind blank, he soared through the air. Even when he had hit the ground, he still felt as though he was soaring. One of his arms was gone. He didn't care.

All he cared as he lay there, was the black sky above. He felt as though he was flying down, away from it. As his vision blackened, he thought that the sky was embracing him. He smiled.