Soth Nuevole

Soth Nuevole

SWRP Writer
May 3, 2017
Reaction score

Name: Soth Nuevole
Faction: Jedi
Rank: Knight
Species: Mirialan
Homeworld: Mirial
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Force sensetive: yes trained

Height: 6'1
Weight: 190
Hair: black
Skin complexion: olive
Soth has long black hair down to the middle of his back. He has small dots that line under his eyes running parallel across his nose. Every being upon the planet has these marks which makes them easy to notice. He is physically fit, very muscular due to his workouts and training. There are a few small scars on his face but barely noticable. Soth is almost alwasy adorned in an ornate armor he had aquired from his travels. He knew it would be essential to survival to wear some protection. It holds no special ability, a basic medium armor. Able to withstand 2 blaster bolt shots on his chest piece and back piece, and one shot on all other armor pieces.

Physically strong
Quick learner
Efficient in lightsaber combat

Relies on force powers a lot which can weaken him in battle
Somewhat impatient. He needs to learn to let things progress instead of just getting his way
Overly confident in his abilities
Still is concerned about loosing his family and freinds
Sometimes lets things go in one ear and out the other, needs to pay more attention.
Rushes into battle without planning, which can hurt him in the long run
Willing to trust anyone, giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Soth is very happy to be a Jedi. He wants to learn all he can about the Force. Since the death of his old master, she instilled in him to strive for greatness and he alwasy carries that with him. He believes there is good in everyone, even a SIth. If only shown the propper path, they can be shown the light. Soth believes that the even though the Jedi have taken a terrible loss on Tython, they can rebuild quickly and destroy the sith, bringing balance back to the Force.

Soth was a student of the force at a young age. He had studied the ancient art at the Jedi temple on Tython. He was recuited by Jedi Master Estelle Russard. She had found him on his home planet of Mirialan. She had been sent to the planet to aide one of the many farmers that occupied the planet and grew vegetation for the species. The Nuevole Family were very wealty. Their children were very well manered and were very smart. The five children were home schooled, the mother insisted on it. She loved the family and wanted what was best for them.

Master Russard felt a tremor in the force as she spent time with the Nuevoles. Especially the middle child Soth. After she had taken a midi-chlorian count on the boy, she learned of his strong connection to the Force. The Jedi Master spoke to the family and soon her and the boy Soth were on their way to Dantooine.

Soth spent many hours in study or in training. He would often think of his family, this alwasy saddened him because he missed them. The Jedi Master had instilled in him that he was encouraged to love his family, but his duty was to the Jedi. Soth accompanied his Master on many missions, learning how to use the Force and how to become a better Jedi. He was very glad that she was his teacher.

Master Russard was given a mission. She decided to go alone. Soth started training with other Masters as he progressed. He wasnt the most advanced but was alwasy striving for greatness. He quickly caught onto the teachings he was given. After two weeks, the Jedi Master that had continued his training walked into his small dorm. "Soth, we have some bad news. Master Russard was killed in battle. We don't know how she encountered the Sith, but she was over run. I know that you have grown very fond of her. She will be missed."

A small tear ran down the olive skinned cheek as he heard the words. He had thought of Master Russard as a second mother. He had grown to respect her and care for her. This was a blow, but he had remembered what she had told him long ago. "Do not mourn for the loss of loved ones. Rejoice. They are in a better place."

"I will be continuing your training from now on." Soth nodded to the Master as he turned and left. The Jedi continued to train and go on missions with other initiates, learning new abilities and techniques with his lightsaber. Soth had trained on Dantooine for many years.

"You have been a great apprentice. There is little more you can learn from me" the Jedi master said as the two walked the halls. "You will become a great Jedi, and you are a far better man than I." Soth bowed to the Master. "Please master, I am only the man I am because of your training. You have made me the Jedi I am today."

"You are ready for the trials Soth." Soth looked at his Master. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. "Thank you master. I will not let you down." The Jedi master smiled as the two walked. "I konw you wont."

The next day, Soth passed the trials and became a Jedi Knight. He is and alwasy will be forever greatful to the Jedi for helping him become the man he is. The Jedi he is.
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Valen Pelora

Mike, Joe Swanson
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2016
Reaction score
Hey man!

I have a few comments before we can approve this for the Jedi.
  • Species: I notice he is Mirialan but there is no mention of the facial tattoos. That's a critical part of the Mirialan culture. You could probably flesh out his appearance in general.
  • Armor: Is the sword blow just a vibrosword blow? How many blaster shots can it take? It might be best to categorize it as just generic medium or heavy armor. I don't see any further mention of the armor in the history. If he left at a young age, why would his father give it to him?
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: The weaknesses sound like what you might tell an employer to make yourself sound good. An example would be "I work too hard." We encourage characters to have real weaknesses. I am also concerned with "using being a Jedi to his advantage." That is a particularly un-Jedi attitude. It is not really fleshed out in the Bio either.
  • Bio: The "attack" on Tython that happened before the TimeSkip was not an invasion of Tython. The Sith used a complex ritual and massive Kyber crystal to roast Tython like a marshmallow. There was no warning it happened. So that part will have to slightly changed. (There was a prior attack on Tython where the Temple was bombed but that was far before the TimeSkip). If he was an Initiate or Padawan when his Master died it's unlikely he would be a Knight at the current time. "Self-training" is incredibly difficult. With no instruction or anything to learn from, it is close to impossible. He would not have been able to attain a Knight level skill all on his own while hiding out on a primitive moon. Finally, we need some information on how he rejoined the Order. The Jedi would be highly suspicious of an Initiate just showing up after being MIA for 5 years and joining the Order. They certainty wouldn't just promote him to Knight.
Tag me when the changes are made! Or PM me with any questions! @Soth Nuevole