Soran Jace


SWRP Writer
Aug 30, 2019
Reaction score



► 22
► Human
► 184cm/6'1"ft
► 82kg/179lbs
► Grey
► Black
► N/A
► Male
► Galactic Alliance
► Jedi Padawan
► Yes

Soran Jace was born in space, his earliest memories were of the tight quarters, which back then felt huge, of the freighter his parents operated. The inside of the ship was Soran’s entire world. Worried about exposing a young child to the dangerous environment of most of the planets they made port at, Soran’s parents almost always confined their son to the ship. Yet, as far back as Soran could remember, he always felt “aware” of what went on outside the ship. His mother used to say that as an infant he would cry when the ship was approaching an uncharted asteroid cluster or a patrol likely to not take kindly to the Jaces’ business. To Soran, this awareness was all he really needed of the world outside the ship, to feel the world outside from the safety of the womb that was his parents’ ship was surely much more satisfying than to have to go out and interact with it physically.

Soran occasionally did go out, once he was old enough to help his parents with some of the workload, though only in locations his parents deemed safe. Most of the time Soran preferred working on the ship, sorting out data on terminals or fixing up whatever else broke on the freighter.

All things come to an end however. It was a few years ago when Soran’s parents were on a smuggling run, outside the ship dealing with some port officials, that the young man felt true dread for the first time. He did not know what the feeling really was, what it meant, nor why. By the time he realized and looked outside the ship through the cockpit canopy, it was too late. A group of Sith enforcers stormed onto the port and began rounding up everyone there, Soran’s parents tried to run for the ship, but they were simply mowed down by blaster fire, mere metres away from their ship. In a panic and through more instinct that practical knowledge of piloting Soran took the ship’s controls and took off.

Where he was going, how exactly to get there, Soran had no idea. He had heard stories from his parents of people fighting the Sith. Soran wasn’t sure he wanted to fight, he wasn’t sure of anything really. Soran managed a few hyperspeed jumps, never really knowing what he was doing or where he was going, but he couldn’t think of anything else to do. How he ever managed to get anywhere was beyond him at the time.

But arrive somewhere he did, which planet it was, Soran did not know, the exhaustion and hunger had pushed him past the point where he could properly recall what happened. He remembers being hailed by an Alliance craft in orbit, after that everything is a blur. A boarding, being taken to a medical centre and then just dark and sleep.

After a few days, some strange man came over to Soran and explained to him he was at an Alliance outpost and was curious how one young teen managed to get there. Soran did not have an answer, but the man did. He talked to him about the Force, for hours Soran just listened quietly to the words of the stranger in robes. Once the man had finished his story he simply asked Soran. “Do you wish to learn more of the Force?” For the first time in his still young life, Soran felt an urge, a push towards something more than just sitting in a ship and taking in the outside world from the safety of within. So he said yes.

The following four years of Soran’s life were dedicated to training. Learning of the Force, of Lightsaber combat, of the galaxy as a whole, and how to interact with others. Now a proper Padawan of the Jedi Order, Soran Jace sets out into the stars.


Soran is not very talkative or prone to any kind of rushed decisions. He liked to think carefully of any action he might take or words he might and of the consequences of such. He has learned to try and let the Force guide him and follow his instinct more but fundamentally he still finds it hard to act with any kind of spontaneity.

Soran is still most uncomfortable in large social situations. While again, he has learned to make the most of it, and in fact can hold conversations like a normal person if required. He still naturally pulls himself aside of social gathering preferring to look in from afar.


Of slightly above average height for a human male, Soran would have been considered passedly handsome by most standards. His black hair cropped short with the telltale Padawan braid dangling from the side of his head. His eyes were clear grey and contrasted his olive skin in what most found an unusual way.

Of a naturally slender build with long limbs Soran was not imposing by any stretch of the imagination but the past few years of training had filled him up with muscles, making him a bit stronger than one would have assumed from looking at him.

Soran rarely shows much expression, more often than not looking simply aloof or deep in thoughts; or otherwise looking directly in people’s eyes when actually in conversation.

Power and Abilities

Soran is naturally gifted in the Force, most notably in his sensory abilities, being able to feel the, position, movement, intent and feelings of most things around him. This, coupled with his great patience and capacity for thinking ahead has made him a gifted tactician.

Soran’s prowess in the other aspects of the Force have proven much more limited, while he can do most things expected of him with to satisfactory standard he does not show the same gift he had for sensing the world through the Force. Most notably he truly struggled to learn to reach out and move objects with the Force.

Soran had no real inclination for Lightsaber combat at first, first thinking of Focusing on Form VI but his lack of power when it came to the more offensive aspects of the Light Side of the Force quickly made it obvious this would not be the right choice for him. However his sensory abilities and patience turned out to make him most suited for Form III Soresu.

From his childhood Soran has also learned some degree of many of the more common Alien languages like Twi'leki, Huttesse, Torgruti and also Binary.



    • One Green Bladed Lightsaber
    • Jedi Robes

    • Round One ― Spraaing Session with Reuben Azari. Made a Friend ― • Done
    • A Minor Operation ― Dispatched to Dantooine with Avan Azari to rescue slaves ― • Done
    • Break a Few Eggs ― Extracting information from a criminal about a conspiracy ― • Ongoing
    • Frozen Memories ― Looking for Jedi Artefacts on Rhen var ― • Ongoing
    • Title ― Description ― • Thread Status
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