solemn duity


SWRP Writer
Nov 27, 2005
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The hour had drawn late within the Republic Capital's heart. However the concepts of " night" and " day" never seemed to matter much is a city so large. Where the sun failed to kiss with it's warming glow was readily replaced by the plethora of cold, yet deceptively vibrant Holo projection that seemed to swarm over the face of any solid surface like an army of savage insects single minded attacking it's prey.

Rolling her neck slightly to ease the building tensions; Jedi Master Sal-Devra Quithmaren glanced about the city scape before her with an unfocused eye from a high level pedestrian lane spanning several city blocks near the temple. Traffic of every nature seemed to dart above and below her, obscuring all traces free sky. Not that it mattered. The lights put out by the city as a whole refracted so heavily off the atmosphere that " night" was more like an overcast dusk at the clearest of nights. Nothing like what she had become accustomed to over her many years in remote locations.

The Kiffar had recently attended a meeting surrounding the concepts of a cease fire with the Hutts and Bogan. The affair was a formal one, or, branded as such and as she was accustomed to dressed to match in a short split seamed cocktail dress. Other Masters had arrived in robes, or looking as if they were off the field. She doubted they really understood why she had chosen to dress so formal, perhaps not even aware of her usual duties outside of the Order. It didn't bother her as much, she was never one for being conventional when it came to how she expressed or carried herself.

As she stood silently, ignoring the passing of speeders, and people alike a cold wind began to whip about her bare legs and open toes. Coruscant was climate controlled through centuries of weather manipulation, however hints of the late winter, early spring chill still managed to whisper it's presence. The Festival of the Stars was coming soon. A Holiday dedicated to the celebration of celebration of space flight. It was a holiday typically marked with fireworks, and many individuals taking vacation time to travel the stars. It was doubtful in such a time that many would travel, but this matter was not what sat on her mind.

" Sitting" She whispered to herself taking a few side steps as she turned her eyes upwards. Looking from left to right, the young Platinum, and violet haired Master grinned contently as she bit lightly upon her violet stained lip and raked it past her teeth, placing her hands on the safety rails and leaning back. " Never felt closer to someone than I did that night...watching fireworks then suddenly..." Sal blushed as her mind relived the moment, taking on an almost wistful demeanor as she continued to hold her ' imaginary conversation" in hushed tones " What did I do to get so lucky...and what did I do to go so wrong?" she asked.

With a sudden snap of her head, and a half spin on her heels the Kiffar found herself folding her arms over her full chest and pacing, her eyes now focused on her steps. ' A damned fool' she through to herself, allowing this to come to mind now. Sal had put so many thoughts out of her mind over the years, or so she had figured. Having returned to the center of the social galaxy had quickly showed her that these memories were things she could never suppress. Memories she never wanted to suppress. They were a part of her now, a thing that created who she was now. Even if they had to remain memories. The also offered great comfort in times when she found herself lightyears from the closest person, deep in a ruin, or tucked away in a research archive or lab.

These thoughts rose, or so she thought, because she knew she would miss the anniversary of that magical festival. Sal-Devra had plans that up until tonight nobody was aware of. The instant sensation of death and chaos echoed through the force effortlessly as the slaughter on ando prime took place. Life snuffed out in one wave after another on all sides. Those attuned to the force needed no such media device or news report to know what was happening. This had prompted her to contact the Hutt Government and seek a few days of amnesty to recover her fallen brothers and sisters. Much to her shock they agreed. She could not place why , but there was honesty behind the blessing. She had intended to leave at first dawn. Benduday was usually a light traffic day on the space lanes, and Sal had hoped to take advantage of this. The journey would take several days, and operations would take a week or more. Meaning she would Miss the Holiday that forever reminded her of her youth, of her never ending awe at the curve balls life threw out on it's journey, the holiday that reminded the Kiffar of 'her' and like the holiday that marks the celebration of freedom to travel the starts. It reminded Sal of the woman who was among the most brilliant of those stars, that taught her to be free.
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