Interest Check Sith Field Trip: Lothal


Veteran Member
SWRP Writer
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score


With Sidious, nothing is ever as it seems. We must be this way as all.
- Darth Maul

Professor and Sith Champion @Iymril is taking a handful of Acolytes to Lothal. This is no vacation, as they will be delving into the bowels of the ruined Jedi Temple. There young acolytes will learn about their ancient enemies, the Jedi. What it means to be Sith throughout the ages. And how they can shape the Galaxy through their actions. Perhaps they may even walk away with more than just instructions and lessons.

Posting rounds will be 48 hrs. If there is a failure to post, the character will be skipped and consequences suffered.

This field trip will be open to three (3) acolyte rank characters. Please use the following format to sign up:

Character name: @insertcharacternamehere
Character profile link:
Ooc account name:
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