Show Us What's Behind Door #1

Aadya Drast

SWRP Writer
May 2, 2019
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The trip back to the door hadn't taken very long and thankfully had also been completely uneventful. Aadya had half expected to somehow meet a giant pack of tuk'ata out for blood to avenge their fallen. That hadn't been the case, though, and Aadya sort of felt stupid for thinking it in the first place. Oh well, at least she hadn't said anything to Ilyra about it. Probably couldn't get much more embarrassing than to have someone several years younger than you think you were lame as shit.

The tuk'ata pup Aadya had dominated stayed close to her heels the entire time they were walking, not even daring to nip at them even though Aadya knew that it wanted to. As she and Ilyra approached the door, Aadya spoke suddenly, the perfect name jumping into her head. "I think I'm gonna name it Assajj. Works for a boy or a girl, I think. Not that I have any intention of digging around the bits to figure out which one it is. Safe either way." She said simply, unsure of where the name really came from but thinking that it sounded really nice. Rolled off the tongue well. Plus "Aadya and Assajj" sounded cool to say together. Yep, that was the name.

Looking the door up and down, Aadya sighed and sort of shrugged her shoulders. "So you said you checked this thing out already. Any ideas on how to get it open?"


Ilyra Visz

SWRP Writer
Apr 6, 2019
Reaction score

Her little puppy was going to be the cutest little death machine ever.

Of course she would need to TRAIN the pupper to be a death machine but that was a problem for tomorrow - for today she had other issues to tackle. Namely how to resist petting her little puppy all the time and the big karking door that seemed to beg to be opened while also being all coy and hiding it's secrets.

It was such a tease.

With her own puppy sat on one of her shoulders idly trying to swat at her hair, Ilyra stared at the door as she hummed, deep in thought, before speaking.

"I'm calling mine Fluffy. No one ever runs away when you shout for "fluffy" to come fight them."

It was not fluffy but she did not care.

"I think..."

She hummed before igniting her lightsaber and start to stab into it.

"I think violence should work."
