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Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

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Jun 16, 2021
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Jaikus couldn’t deny that he had anticipated this meeting for quite some time. Since Atlos has begun to get itself off the ground, the Axxilan had taken business meetings and conferences with a myriad of different corporate executives and potential investors - though this was perhaps the first time he was scheduled to meet with someone he genuinely liked, when business wasn’t involved.

A fellow academic and acquitance, Korre was someone whose company the Axxilan enjoyed - and admired, both for her political and scientific achievement. The latter, of course, was far more relevant to his purposes. Atlos had only just begun operations, and finding common cause with one of the Galaxy’s brilliant minds was a boon difficult to replicate.

Much to his own pleasure, the venue of their meeting expanded past the confines of his own Thyferra office. Instead, the Axxilan had made good on a previous offer to Korre - inviting the woman to a recently-opened exhibit at the Nubian Mueseum of Fine Arts and History. As far as Jaikus was concerned, they could discuss business and enjoy the sights at the same time.

Having arrived a hair early, Jaikus stood outside the museum entrance - watching as a few high-profile individuals made their way inside. The Axxilan wore a pair of dress pants and a cardigan, with a button-up underneath. His dark hair was neatly combed and styled, while his face was freshly shaven. As per usual, his outfit was accessorized with a chrono and golden bracelet on his left wrist.

For the moment, he patiently waited for Korre to arrive - positioned not far from a Blackwell droid that acted as his security.

Korre Belasi


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Jul 24, 2021
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Korre was plenty excited to finally see this museum, especially since the invite had come from an acquaintance she'd made so long ago. She liked when she got along with someone. Not the casual, surface-level sort of way she was good at. No, Korre liked when she just knew she would vibe with someone. In her former line of work, it was difficult to befriend anyone without knowing for sure if they had unlying motives. And in her current line of work, a lot of those she worked closely with lacked the sort of personality Korre really enjoyed the company of.

The woman arrived wearing a long, blue blue silk dress with billowed sleeves and decliate flower detailing. Blues, greens and light neutrals would always be her favorite colors to wear, even if she'd always had a soft spot for pink. Korre had paired the dress with a delicate, diamond teardrop necklace and nude heals, thus eliminating the need for her to announce her presence as she approached the waiting man.

"Jaikus! Good to see you!" The warm words came paired with her famous cheery smile, something anyone who ever paid attention to politics in the galaxy would recognize. Of course, Korre did her best to stay as far away from politics nowadays. The galactic ones, at least. Now that she was in charge of the laboratories at Senta's university, there was also a bit of politics that snuck along in academia.

"How've you been? It's been a few years!"

tag: @Altaris

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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Much to his pleasure, Jaikus didn’t have to wait very long for his companion to arrive. Within minutes, his gaze was drawn towards the sound of heels clicking against the pavement, followed by the familiar voice of the former Prime Minister of the Free Worlds Alliance.

At once, Jaikus’ lips tugged into a warm smile - head tilting a bit as he stepped towards the woman, “Korre,” He began with warm inflection, “It is a pleasure to see you again. You look stunning as ever,” The Axxilan said smoothly, gesturing down to her floral gown.

“Thank you again for finally taking me up on my offer,” He grinned a bit. “I believe this museum tour is a bit overdue. And there are some things I’d like to discuss, beyond the paintings.”

“I’ve been well,”
He said, gesturing for Korre to follow him up the steps towards the museum. “And you? How has life after politics been treating you?”

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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"Aw, thank you! You look great as well." The woman took her hands on either side of the skirt of her dress and gave them a little swing when he complimented her choice of attire. If there was one thing she did miss from politics, it was getting to doll herself up for the cameras. And the after-Senate socials? She had so many excuses to wear such pretty dresses...

"Of course. I've been looking forward to the invite for a while now. I've always been a fan of museums." Even if she didn't know much about what was being presented - like paintings or art - it was always interesting to learn about things people found important enough to share.

"Better than life during politics," she chuckled in response. "There are parts of it that I miss, but what I'm doing now is much more rewarding. And it even comes with the benefit of no crazy tabloids!"

Korre laughed to herself, recalling a couple of outlandish things she'd seen about herself on the holonet. Others, too. She'd sworn she'd something about "Emryc Thorne's butt implants" a few months ago, or something. The woman was glad she'd managed to avoid the worse of it.

"I'm about three years into a biomedical graduate program, too. Maybe I'll even get my doctorate in the next ten years," she mused. The woman stopped to gaze at a painting of a Twi'lek woman painted in bold colors smiling on a swing surrounded by vivid flora. There was a man kneeling down before her, similarly smiling. It looked vaguely familiar, and Korre figured it was probably well-known somehow.

tag: @Altaris

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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As they began to approach the museum entrance, Jaikus extended an arm to politely hook with Korre’s own. The pair of security droids trailed at a reasonable distance - maintaining the line of sight from several paces back or the doorways of any room they entered. It was a detail that has become all the more necessary in recent years.

“That certainly makes two of us.”
He said with a warm smile, jutting a chin towards the impressive displays. There were a variety of paintings and sculptures on display, many of them ancient in their age. “Far more engaging than the textbooks, I find - and reveal just as much about those who came before.” It was no secret Jaikus had a passion for the histories, reflected in his voice and the glint in his eyes.

Jaikus couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Some of the things people write..” He said with a groan. Some of the tabloids and rumors about his fiance has legitimately irked him in the past. “But I suppose simply reading the crazy holoNets when they aren’t about you isn’t so bad.” He grinned a bit. “I’ve fortunately avoided their attention, in that regard.”

“Doctor Belasi certainly has a nice ring to it,”
Jaikus quipped, his attention flicking over to the painting. He tilted his head a bit, admiring the piece of art before deciding to break the silence, “The artist of this one is unknown - though the piece has gained infamy for its beauty. Several have theorized that it shows a candid moment between father and daughter. Perhaps one of them created it, or someone else entirely.” He gestured to some of the details of the painting.

After a moment he glanced back to Korre, “How goes your partnership with the University? In light of the crisis.”

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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"I know, right?" she responded enthusiastically to Jaikus complimenting her name alongside a doctorate. "Dr. Korre Belasi..." She chuckled. "Perhaps one day!"

Korre stared at the painting in from of them for a while, at least until Jaikus spoke again and asked about her partnership with her old university. "Things are... well. There is a bit of paranoia about with the Killiks and their Joiners, but Belasco has just done what it's always done and shut down its borders." Since they had to shut down their borders every seven years to prevent the spread of Septorus off the planet anyway, they pretty much just did the same for every other Galactic crisis at this point. AMS, Killiks, and whatever would be next, likely.

"But it hasn't affected my standing. I'm still in the labs nearly every day I'm home. Whether that be for school, work, or hobby."

tag: @Altaris

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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Jaikus nodded understandingly when Korre spoke - explaining the situation on Belasco. “I believe that paranoia has gripped much of the Galaxy, by now.” The Axxilan said with a small sigh. He knew that he wasn’t wrong, either. Since the multitude of Kilik attacks, planets had started taking increased military measures to ensure security, while individual citizens seemed to live in constant fear of their own neighbors. Suspicion of potential Joined was at an all-time high, these days.

He folded his hands against the small of his back, emerald eyes lingering on the painting for but a moment or two longer. “It won’t be until a cure or proper weapon is discovered, that people will begin to believe this is a threat we can beat back.”

“Which is actually,” Jaikus glanced back to Korre. “A part of the reason I asked to meet with you - besides the paintings, of course.” His request hadn’t purely been recreational, as the Belascan was soon to find out.

“As a united Galaxy, I believe it is within our best interest to advance this research as quickly and effectively as possible. My own company, Atlos, has begun making advances into the cloning and genetics field - and I intended to dedicate resources towards such a project.”
He gestured to Korre. “As one of the brightest scientific minds in the Galaxy, I propose a partnership - and would offer you a leading role in any research and development.” The Axxilan said smoothly.

“Your knowledge - both in handling Septorus and in leading the GHO - would be invaluable as we attempt to find a cure.”

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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Korre quirked an eyebrow when he mentioned another reason for inviting her here. She opened her mouth, intending to make a teasing remark, but wasn't able to find the moment to slip her comment in before he continued.

"A partnership?" Korre mused aloud, an inquisitive look taking over her friendly features. She was quiet for the rest of the proposal, only to let out a small chuckle when Jaikus finally finished his pitch. "I'm sorry," she said with a shake of her head, a smile still on her lips. "You have a politician's way of speaking, so it caught me off guard. Such a formal ask!" The woman chuckled again, then actually moved on to address his question.

"That sounds wonderful! I'd been toying around with the idea of beginning research at the university's laboratories, and a partnership would tie perfectly into that."

tag: @Altaris

Jaikus Thorne

First Gentleman

Character Profile
Jun 16, 2021
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Jaikus couldn’t help the smile that manifested across his expression - listening as Korre accepted the idea of a partnership. It was a first step in the right direction, and he could only hope that their agreement would prove fruitful. While the rest of the Galaxy seemingly slept on the idea, the Axxilan was determined to pinpoint a cure-and-or-weapon against the Kilik Swarm. It would be a boon for the Galaxy as a whole - and would help to skyrocket Atlos to new heights by extension.

The Axxilan chuckled, shaking his head a bit. “I suppose my academy days have left their mark, in that regard.” While his diplomatic work wasn’t public knowledge, the Axxilan’s attendance at one of the premier academy’s on Axxila was.

“Fantastic,” He said, extending a hand to shake Korre’s own. “A partnership it is. I believe that Atlos has the facilities to conduct such research - and we have laboratories conveniently located on Thyferra, in accordance to the new Senate regulations.” He gestured up ahead, allowing them both to continue the tour as they talked. “The University has the resources and research.”

“I believe a trip to Thyferra is in order.”
Once the formalities were taken care of, the real work could begin.

Korre Belasi


Character Profile
Jul 24, 2021
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Korre shook the man's hand. Clearly this was not so much an opportunity to tour a museum, but one to ask her to join in his ventures. She was a bit disappointed, but not mad. When you ran in circles with politicians - or the friends and family of them - this was the sort of thing you came to expect.

"It's been years since I've been to Thyferra," she mused as she began walking again, drawing them closer to the next exhibit. This one was a painting depicting an epic battle between two opposing forces; Jedi and Sith, it looked like. Korre pondered it for a minute, then turned back to start the conversation back up.

"I will speak with the university on your behalf, though I'm sure they will agree. Belasco, in regard to science, isn't quite as closed off as our borders," she added with a chuckle.

tag: @Altaris