Interest Check Senate Committees


SWRP Writer
Oct 6, 2021
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Hello everyone! I'm posting this to see if there is any interest in some realistic political role-playing. I would like to have some committees in the Galactic Senate, so that we can make some bills and resolutions. I know this was an idea that was implemented in past timelines, and that it spawned some good content for the Republic at that time, so I would like to see if it could return. The idea for this is to have at least 3, and at the most 7, members for each committee, and for every senator to be eligible for enrolment in 2 committees in total. Currently, I have five proposals:

  1. Committee of Agriculture, Nature & Rural Development: this is pretty straightforward. The members of this committee look at things like food quality, access, and storage; as well as nutrition, livestock, and food safety; rural economies; forestry, conservation, and climate; and rural trade, economy, and energy.
  2. Committee on Budget: This committee specifically looks at the Senate budget, the Treasury of the Senate as it is officially called. This committee proposes a 'budget resolution' each year for the branches of government, which is then voted on by the Senate, and becomes the official budget of that year.
  3. Committee of Trade and Science: This committee is in charge of the galactic policies on commerce; the duties of the scientific community; the laws regarding hyperlane and in-system trade; and tourism and communications.
  4. Committee of the Judiciary: This committee looks at the protection of civil rights and liberties; legal and regulatory reform; crime and terrorism; corporate laws concerning concurrence and anti-trust; and oversight of the Ministry of Justice.
  5. Committee on Interstellar Relations: this committee looks at the foreign policies of the members of the Senate, including Diplomatic services; War and Peace treaties; International relations; Interplanetary cooperation; and arms control and disarmament issues.
That will be all for now. I don't know if anyone will be interested in this. I would first like to know from the moderators and the Supreme Chancellor if this is an idea that they would wish to see implemented, and if so, to what extent?

Then, if this is accepted, I would like to see which Senators want to be in which committees.


SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
Feb 13, 2012
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I don't want to be a buzz kill here, but the Senate is the UN in space, not the US legislative house in space, so most of these committees would have nothing to do.