Saryn Karoth


SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
Name: Saryn Karoth

Faction: Fire Force

Rank: Lord Of Burning

Species: Zabrak

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Height: 2.2m

Weight: 125kg

Eyes: Yellow

Hair: none, horns

Skin: Orange

Credits: 1000

Distinguishing features: Intricate facial/left arm sleeve tattoos, reaching down to his knuckles

Force Sensitive: Yes

Strength: 7/10

Dexterity: 3/10

Constitution: 8/10

Intelligence: 7/10

Wisdom: 3/10

Charisma: 5/10

Intuitive translation
Force Lightning
Force Persuasion
Force Choke
Force Cloak

Skills: smithing, unarmed fighting

Sword/Lightsaber forms: Shii – Cho, improvised

Strengths-Weaknesses: has a short temper, & can be stubborn at times. Conversely, his stubbornness can be an asset & when he focuses on something, he doesn't give up.

Gear: hooded charcoal grey shirt, black pants, lightsaber clipped to his belt.

Ship: one-man fighter he stole from his father called the Blokk. Old, only basic forward lasers, not much of a shield. More of a transport vehicle than anything he could use in a fight.

Personality: He is extremely driven & ambitious, due in part to his father pigeonholing him from a very young age as a blade smith. Out to prove his father wrong, he spends most if not all of his time trying to improve himself in one aspect or another. On the other hand, he has a keen sense of humor & is quick to laugh & make jokes, even if they are lame sometimes, just to cut tension. Saryn is slow to trust people, but once trust is earned, he makes for a loyal & helpful ally.

Biography: Saryn's father, Solon, was a blade smith, as was his father, as was his before that. This made Saryn's apprenticeship under his father an unavoidable outcome from birth. Saryn was diligent in his apprenticeship, but also studied more cerebral subjects such as mathematics and history in secret. Whenever his father found him studying, he was beaten severely.

Saryn had a natural talent at the forge, which came as a surprise to no one. While his talents made him a shoo-in to be a notable smith, Saryn always felt he was being held back. One day, while Solon watched his son at the anvil, he let slip that when Saryn was a toddler, the Jedi had approached Solon to take Saryn for training, & Solon had refused. This brought a lifetime of repressed emotions screaming to the surface. Saryn took his smithing hammer & brought it down on his father's head, killing him instantly. His mother, Triz, came out to see the commotion, & Saryn, blind with rage, murdered her as well. Seeing no other course of action, he stole his father’s ship and headed to what was to become his new home.

Arriving at the Sith temple on Korriban, Saryn quickly learned the ways of the Sith Order and flourished in his new position as a Sith Acolyte. Forging himself a lightsaber imbued with a unique focusing crystal from his homeland, as well as learning the customs of the Sith and gaining power in The Force. After several years he was sent on a mission to rendezvous with a powerful, influential Chiss politician. Apparently, she had specifically asked for him. When he met the politician, she sent him on a series of missions where he was cooperating with members of the Fire Force, Force-using allies of the Chiss Ascendancy. Gradually, the Chiss mastermind poisoned the Zabrak’s mind, whittling away at the foundations of his life as a Sith.

Finally, the Four Flames of the Fire Force approached the Warrior with an offer... To join their ranks. Saryn had let himself become so indoctrinated that he eagerly accepted. Once inside the Fire Force, he rose through the ranks quickly, finding himself risen to the rank of Lord of Burning quickly.

Kills: none, yet

Bounties Collected: none

Dueling Matches:

Grand Tournament Matches: none

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Aluminum Falcon

Republic AFL
SWRP Writer
Sep 6, 2010
Reaction score
Though I didn't read the bio, my only suggestion is to put spaces between sections. It looks like a giant wall of words haha. If you add the spaces it will make it easier to read :)


The Faceless Shachath
SWRP Writer
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
The only issue I can see with it is his knowledge of Juyo. The way I understand it, Juyo requires at least knowledge and understanding of the previous 6 forms, and without any Force training whatsoever yet I just find it unlikely that any proficiency with such a difficult form can be warranted.



SWRP Writer
Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
I can change it & make it just Shii-Cho for now. No big deal.