Sable's Workshop


A zealous goody-two-shoes
SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2017
Reaction score


AGE: 14
FACTION: Jedi Guardians
RANK: Jedi Knight
HEIGHT: 1.60m
HAIR: Dark, medium short
EYES: Blue
FORCE: Yes, trained.

■■■■■■■■■■ (STRENGTH)
■■■■■■■■■■ (DEXTERITY)
■■■■■■■■■■ (STAMINA)
■■■■■■■■■■ (INTELLIGENCE)
■■■■■■■■■■ (WISDOM)
■■■■■■■■■■ (CHARISMA)

A light springs from the darkness


At first glance, there isn't much remarkable about Asa. He stands no significant measure taller or shorter than any of his human peers, nor is he any stronger or broader than one might suspect a trained Jedi to be. On closer inspection however, he isn't wholly average. There is a hint of boyish musculature in his arms and chest, and many of his features are sharp and well-defined. His brows are thin and angular, his eyes sharp and cautious of the world, his lips thin and frowning, and his jaw strong and defined. The only softness in him resides in his cheeks and button nose which leaves no doubt about his age.

There is a lightness to the way he carries himself, a happy, confident skip in his step that speaks of the energy brimming within. His skin glows with the faintest shade of bronze and bears few bruises from lightsaber practice, for he's always light on his feet and adheres to the nimble and defensive form II. He's less precise in managing his messy, dark hair, hovering just above his eyebrows.


Asa stands in sharp contrast to his mentor, Calvyn Eltros. Where Calvyn is gloomy and serious, Asa is light-hearted, free-spirited, and brimming with energy. Where Calvyn is guarded and reserved, Asa wears his heart on his sleeve and often acts impulsively. Yet, despite their stark differences, the two get along surprisingly well.

His carefree attitude comes at a price however, for he struggles to comprehend the fine art of diplomacy and often runs his mouth, even at those far outranking him. This has earned him no shortage of disciplinary actions and was the sole reason he wasn't knighted sooner. His control of the force is also hampered by his impatient, fidgeting nature and some concern exists regarding his susceptibility to the dark side.

Despite his attitude, Asa can be surprisingly disciplined if he puts his mind to it. What he lacks in skill with the Force, he makes up for with promising lightsaber prowess.

On the whole, Asa is a free and light soul doing his best to adhere to the Jedi code when and where he can. His shielded upbringing on Jedha has rendered him naive to the sorrows of the world and it remains to be seen if his optimism will last for much longer.


Asa's birth is veiled in mystery. Only three people in the galaxy know who he was born to, and only two of them are still alive.

Natara Eltros, sister to Calvyn Eltros had never intended to break the Jedi code and mother children. When she discovered she was pregnant after a brief and short encounter with a charming rogue, she considered medically eliminating the life that had settled inside of her. No one, not her flighty lover nor her dear brother, knew she had ever considered having the child removed, but as she sensed the live growing within her, she couldn't go through with her decision. For nine months she vanished and broke all contact, hiding in shame for breaking the code and fearful of what would become of her should she be found out. The war between Jedi and Exiles was raging in full by now and for a while she was simply listed as missing in action, thought to have been captured or killed.

In truth, Natara hid on Coruscant near the end of her pregnancy where she finally gave birth to Asa. She sensed his force sensitivity almost immediately and knew it would only be a matter of time before a Jedi or Exile would too. Unwilling to risk her son growing up to be an Exile she did what no mother should have to do and left Asa on the doorstep of a Jedi temple on Jedha under the cover of night. Overcome with grief at having to part from her son she contacted and located the only person she knew she could trust: her brother Calvyn.

They met under the worst of circumstances, with thr battle of Ilum looming close. And yet, she could not bring herself to tell him. Shame and guilt weighed heavily on her and she could not tell him , not until the very end, not until her head rested in her brother's lap after she had been struck in battle. The light was already fading from her eyes when she opened her mouth to utter the truth. "Asa," she croaked, "your nephew... Jedha." She made peace with death in that moment, knowing that he brother would find her forbidden son and look after him. "No one can know," where her last words.

And so Asa came under the tutelage of his uncle with neither the Jedi nor the boy himself knowing that his mentor was related by blood. Nor was he ever given any reason to believe that Calvyn was anything more than his mentor. The war veteran was a stern teacher, warning against the horrors of war at every juncture. And so Asa's studies became skewed toward only using the force defensively and for purposes of healing, never for purposes of war. The boy's greatest asset was certainly his determination. No matter how often he failed, he always got back up. Like any good Jedi Guardian, Asa soon became proficient in the use of a lightsaber and specialized in the defensive form II. His skill with the force came far less naturally, but through sheer determination he grew somewhat attuned to it.

As time went by, Calvyn seemed to soften a little and Asa started to make such strides in his studies that he was given the chance to go through his trials at the spritely age of thirteen. Little did he know that the Jedi were on the back foit and desperate to recruit more Jedi knights, despite the inexperience of such younglings. Asa, being one of the few force sensitives to have been raised practically from birth under Jedi supervision, was a primary target for the hastened recruitment. While his results were far from glorious, he proved himself worthy of the title of Jedi regardless.

He was knighted at thirteen, a proud accomplishment that further deepened the bond between student and teacher. Despite no longer being his student, Asa remains under Calvyn's watchful gaze until he's old enough to perform missions by himself.


  • Jedi Dueling Armor
  • Lightsaber (Blue)
  • Jedi Robes


  • Optimism - Often mistaken for discipline, Asa's optimism and inability to give up is possibly his greatest asset and continues to serve him well.
  • Inexhaustible - When a student's raw determination and a mentor's unforgiving training clash, the result is an almost inexhaustible student. Asa has developed great stamina over many years of training.
  • Humble - Despite his apparent brashness, Asa is very self-aware of his shortcomings and tends to understate his own capabilities.


  • Inexperienced - Perhaps Asa's greatest flaw. Despite being trained from an early age, Asa is still young and relatively inexperienced, not merely in combat, but in all Jedi teachings.
  • Impulsive - Asa often acts before he thinks, a habit standing in almost direct opposition to the Jedi teachings.
  • Unfiltered - Asa speaks his mind, whether appreciated or not.
  • Impatient - Asa has little patience and often fidgets. Slowly but surely he is learning to calm his mind and control himself, but he is still a long way off from achieving any degree of mastery in meditation practices.
  • Uncertain - Asa's thoughts often dwell on the past and future. He wonders who his parents are and if they loved him as well as where he came from and where he's headed. He also wonders about the future of the Jedi and his role in the order.


  • Thread link - description.
  • Thread link - description.
  • Thread link - description.
  • Thread link - description.

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