Sith Order Ruckus


SWRP Writer
Sep 19, 2021
Reaction score



"Who I am, according to me anyway"

I'm Ruckus, I'm force sensitive and I think I'm about 172 galactic centimeters, 72 galactic kilograms and twenty one years old. Got shaggy dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and stubble on my face - at least every time I look in the mirror. I like to keep my clothes simple. Shirt, pants, boots, pair of gloves, lightsaber hidden in my satchel if I can help it. Most folks say I always look uncomfortable or nervous and that's pretty accurate. I can't speak without a quaking stutter and I've never known myself to be brave or particularly charming.

I picked up the Sith way because I don't want to be a boring, stuttering, charmless mess. I don't want to die or get stuck here on Nar-Shadda, I want to experience the universe. I want to be apart of fantastic and grand adventures, to be apart of daring heists and exciting battles, to be something more than a bartender who knows when to run, when to bribe, and when to beg. To do that, I need power, I need freedom.

The Sith Ways let me pursue that freedom, the Force will let me break my chains and experience everything this incredible universe has to offer. You might be wondering why I chose a Sith Saber rather than a Lone-Star's blaster or a Smuggler's ship and the answer to that Is . . . Well, I think the red saber suits me more. I can't exactly articulate why, but training in the ancient ways of lightsaber battle, jumping into battle with a saber in hand and a roar on my lips . . . It just feels so right. . . I can't quite put it into words, so you'll have to forgive me if that explanation don't really help you out.

Maybe the more I explore the universe will give me that answer, if I ever get the chance.

I don't dislike the Galactic Senate or Sector Rangers, but I do dislike the Jedi, especially the really lawful ones who are quite faithful to their order and it's tenants. As far as I understand it, the Jedi set aside their emotions and their joys and their personal feelings to maintain order and peace and balance in the force, to protect those who can't protect themselves and such. I think that's absolutely dumb.

I hate people who serve a higher purpose that brings them nothing but melancholy and doesn't care about their emotions or happiness. The universe is unpredictable, uncontrollable, and should be experienced to bring enjoy and excitement to one's self. The Galactic Senate and Sector Rangers protect because you gotta' have peace keepers, part of the universal machine, it's a job niche that's gotta be fulfilled. The Jedi do it because of their grand Force protecting purpose, leave the protecting of the innocents to the Galactic Senate and Rangers, and leave the Force and the Freedom it brings to those who actually want to be happy.


"Where I'm from and what I'm willing to tell you."

I think my parents are a good start. My father runs a cantina on Nar Shadda, he's a gruff, cheeky piece of work. Quick with words and quicker at losing his credits, but smart enough to keep enough for us to buy edible food and sleep someplace we don't have to worry about dying. My mother worked with the Syndicate, Entrepreneurs and such, got my dad's cantina involved and made us all a lot of credits. When she got bored of him she went and bought herself someone far prettier and far more powerful, been like that since I was ten. If I told you anymore about her I'm at a risk of getting blasted, so that's all you get to hear.

Ever since I was little I helped my father run his bar. Boring and thankless work, but keeping the old man happy and working for him gets me food and a bed, so I don't mind it too much. That said if he could sell me, he likely would. He never much cared for how I felt and I really don't care about him. I'm practically his live-in employee, except instead of credits I get a bed, food, and he doesn't sell me the first chance he gets. Otherwise I never got out much, always at the apartment, sleeping, or working at the Cantina. A simple, boring life.

I wanted more. Always read on holopads about the fantastic nature of foreign and far worlds, what the universe had to offer . . I wanted to experience it so badly. What the fields of Naboo were like, the dunes and deserts of Tatooine, the forests Kashyyyk. Yet all I could do was dream about going to these places from my apartment bedroom. Dad never cared to stop me from dreaming, we both sort'a knew that I'd never have a chance to leave anyway. Nar Shadda was a vacuum if you were born there. You could practically never get out unless you had credits or power, which I lacked. so I sought the Force.

So, when one sunless day a gang of Sith Cult members come in and absolutely establish their dominance over my dad's cantina while they drank and gambled unbothered and uncharged, I wanted in. As they were leaving I chased after them out the door, told them I wanted to be powerful. They asked me why. I told them I wanted to be free like them, I didn't want to listen to anybody, I wanted power and to break my chains. I had read on some holopad those were key aspects of the Sith Order, and that seemed to impress them enough to recruit me. I think that was the day I believed the Force wasn't so bad.

Been riding with them now ever since, long enough at least to get a Red lightsaber from our cult leader. One of our Sith Marauders got killed, so I got his weapon of destruction. I'll tell you, it was love at first sight.

That's all you get to hear anyway.

"What I'm good at"

I'll break it down into a bullet list, seems like an efficient way to tell y'all what I'm good at.
  1. I'm trained in the ways of Light-Saber combat, and while I don't like to brag, I'm pretty capable at Forms V. Both Shien and Djem-So. I built kind'a thicker and sturdier, so the brutce-force based combat of Djem so works better for me. Not to mention I adore Shien. Plenty of people can shoot down a Jedi or a Sith, and we're less impervious to Blaster Fire than we like to think. So, I practiced the forms that protect me against marksman blaster-slingers and could push back stuffy and faster fighters.

  2. Force Sensative, but that's a given. I can use the force to levitate, push, pull, etc. etc. Basic stuff. My true Sith capability lies with the Light-saber stuff.

  3. I'm familiar with Syndacite traditions, common practices, and how to navigate a criminal underworld of any kind. I was born and raised on Nar Shadda, and crime was practically invented and perfected there.

  4. Traps. I'm really familiar with most booby-traps, rigged explosives, trip-wires, or anything you might set up to kill someone when they aren't expecting it. Half of this comes from paranoia, the other half comes from their frequent application on Nar Shadda.

  5. I'm a Sith Marauder, which is a fancy way of saying I'm a Sith Footsoldier. I get all the perks and responsibilities of being that rank in our order.

I'd tell you my weaknesses . . . If I was an idiot. Besides, I ain't a badass, you'll see for yourself all of them if you ever talk to me or spend any sort'a time with me.

"My Tools of the Trade"

  1. A Single Bladed Red Lightsaber

  2. Civilian Clothing

  3. Sith Robes

  4. Slightly dated Holopad

  5. Anti-Flashbang Goggles

  6. A Satchel - of which holds.
    Three Flash Bangs
    Three Smoke Grenades
    Two Sonic Land Mines
    One Shrapnel Grenade
    Three Trip Wires

"What I've been up to"

Dude, is this Your Flash Bang? Ruckus robs an explosives store! [LINK] ● (On Going)

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