Royal Petition


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Greybok was pissed. He had hoped that the negotiations with Mandalore the Chosen would be the last time he would have to see Mon Cala. But not a single standard week had passed and now, Leah Reach in tow, he was not only back on the planet, but stuffed into a poorly-fit environmental suit under its oceans—in the throne room of th enew king, of all places. The ambassador brought him along to help her petition the King of Mon Cala to use his shipwrights to build the rebellion a more powerful fleet, starting with a new type of cruiser that Commander Ion had asked to be put into production. The Wookiee general agreed on pretense that his Star Squadron would get one as payment for him being forced to return to this godsforsaken world.

Still, that didn't keep the Wookiee from complaining the whole time. «This suit is too tight!» he barked in Shyriiwook to Leah. Twobee was anything but waterproof, so it was impossible for his droid translator to accompany him. «Nobody makes Wookiee-sized anything anymore. Xenophobic, racist—» The expletive he had planned to say next was cut off by the swishing of a mechanical door that ushered the two rebel representatives into the vast and spacious throne room. A throne room with an audience of dozens of Mon Cala and squidlike Quarren.

The presence of Quarren immediately drew Greybok's attention. «Were they here the last time we visited?» he asked Leah. He distinctly did not remember any squid-faces around the last time he was on Mon Cala; but he remembered hearing rumors that the Quarren were not exactly friendly with the Mon Cala. He wondered if their presence in the throne room was a good sign or a very, very bad one. He kept his eye on them as a pair of Mon Cala guards ushered them into the throne room into the audience bubble in front of the king. Greybok stifled a groan, then bowed, «Your Majesty.»

Leah would have to translate for him. That one amusing fact was the only thing making this trip worth it so far. @Deviant

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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The capital and home of the new King of Mon Cala was a sight to behold. Of all the worlds and planets the rebel ambassador visited, the undersea civilization was among the most brilliant and unique. Sea creatures roamed and walked beside relaxed natives and soaring speeders. All manners of lights shined and glowed, illuminating the depths of the ocean when the sun might not. Coral reefs clung to glass spires. Buildings and structures melded with the aqueous nature of the world, organic enough to look like it was grown rather than built. Everything about Mon Cala was beautiful. To believe that the surface was all the planet had to offer had been a serious mistake. Because in the deep was something entirely different and new. A memory she would not forget.

Greybok, on the other hand, absolutely dreaded the entire undersea journey. His size made space in the submersible vehicle rather difficult and the suit he was provided could hardly fit him. Since diving beneath the surface, the General had not ceased barking and complaining to her like he was dying. When, in fact, he was merely uncomfortable. As if he hadn’t faced worse situations than simple negotiations. Thankfully, Greybok had the decency to keep his composure and civility the second they entered the throne room. If he hadn’t, Leah would have sooner popped a hole in his suit just to watch him squirm some more. Of course, she would never. At least, before the King. A young Mon Cala she quickly greeted with a deep and sincere bow.

Your Majesty.” She added, and translated. “We are honored that you are willing to host this delegation and hear us out.” The King nodded, a subtle bow but also an indication for her to continue. Straight to the point, like most Mon Cala. She didn’t mind. “We come before you to petition for the use of your shipwrights and your shipyards to help construct a new ship for the Galactic Alliance. A frigate that could withstand the might of the Empire and ensure they never so much as touch your world, or any world for that matter, until they are defeated once and for all.” She kept her head at an incline, maintaining her deference to the King. While it was no simple request, Leah believed the efforts of the Rebellion would be more than enough to persuade Mon Cala to accept.

If not, the rebel ambassador was ready to flex her diplomatic muscles.



SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Greybok had no way of assessing the age of Mon Cala aliens. The king looked young, but, for all the Wookiee knew, he was a young adult or even a full grown one. But he looked benevolent and kind; that was a start, he supposed. The king looked benevolent enough, though... that was for sure, if not a bit weary as if something weighed heavily on his shoulders. Greybok got the sense that the weight was in some way attributed to the Quarren in the chamber. Their agitated stares suggested as much.

"Of course, Master Jedi," the Mon Cala king said. "You are always welcome here. I would immediately grant your petition, but... there are some that express concern about your—"

"You would bring war here!" one of the Quarren shouted, interrupting his king. "The Sith Empire has had dominion over this planet for five centuries. Has their occupation always been pleasant? No. But have been free of war because of them! Now, you Jedi have 'liberated' us and want to use our shipyards to build machines of war for your insurrection! You will bring the wrath of the Empire down upon us! Mark my words!"

"Watch your tongue, Saqquish! These are the king's guests, and you will treat them with respect!" barked a Mon Cala soldier at the king's side. Greybok suspected that this Mon Cala was a general like himself. He wore regal armor and a far nicer trident than the others.

"As you can see, Master Jedi, General, the Quarren question our role in this alliance. There are some among them that would have me return us to the Empire for fear of their safety." The king's eyes drooped. Greybok knew he must be tired. So much responsibility on such young shoulders. He could relate to the poor boy-king. "I don't agree with them, but I am one voice that deigns to speak for many. I was hoping you might be able to alleviate their concerns?"

He looked hopeful. Pleading, even. Greybok knew if there was anyone to convince the Quarren, it would be Leah. SHe had convinced many a world to join the cause of the rebellion, and he did not expect her to fail them now. @Deviant

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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So young yet so much responsibility set on his shoulders. The King of Mon Cala could pass for half her human age. She worried for him. Ahead of his reign, the Sith Empire waited, and when they realized what was pulled from under their feet, they would do whatever it takes to steal it back. As long as he stood tall, strong, and never caved in to the Sith nor their sympathizers, then Mon Cala would prevail. Especially with the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorians behind them. There was nothing to fear but fear itself. The Jedi Master hoped the King understood that, but struggled to welcome the idea once she saw how quick the King allowed the interruption from a Quarren representative.

Indeed, the rebel ambassador had never met with the Quarren during her many visits to the planet. Although she was not unfamiliar with the species, culture or presence, she had assumed it was the Mon Cala that possessed the shipyards and therefore held the reins of the planet. Why else was the King that of Mon Cala? However, she should have known that their word carried as much weight as the other natives. She should have known there were those among them that did not like the idea of liberation, instead calling it a deal with the devil, as if they weren’t already under him for the past five centuries. Of course, calmer minds would prevail. Leah would not be intimidated by the likes of the Quarren or the King’s own doubts. She would make sure they understand.

Listen to me, people of Mon Cala.” Her gaze drifted between the King, his delegates, and the representatives set against them. “Quarren or Mon Calamari. You are all people of this world. You know and understand what it was like under the Sith Empire here more than anyone else. I understand your desire for peace, but remember what the Empire had done to you. They enslaved your people, regardless of species or class. They poisoned your seas. Perverted your cities, your ships and designs with weapons made only to subjugate and strike fear to anyone who opposed them. You must see that the Sith cannot be allowed to continue else we condemn the galaxy to another century of submission. Nobody can stand idle.

What we want from your people are not simply machines of war. They represent the hope that, one day, the Empire will no longer oppress any species, of any kind, on any world. Mon Cala can embody that hope.” She bowed to the Quarren, proud but humbled and with the utmost respect. “Even then, this Alliance, and our coalition with the Mandalorians, will do whatever it takes to defend your world. No matter the cost. You will remain free, and the Sith will never touch this planet again, so long as I live and breath. So long as the spark of rebellion is alive.



SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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"Spoken like a true politician," the Quarren, Saquesh, bit back. "Mon Cala is deep within Sith territory. If the Empire decides to take us back, the whole of your fleet couldn't save us from their wrath. We've seen what the Sith were capable of at Nathema." Nathema, Greybok knew, was how the Imperial worlds recognized Medriass after the late Emperor Elix changed the name in his propaganda campaigns. "Should the Empire decide to glass us for our treachery," the Quarren went on, "our seas would boil, our people cooked alive... it would be the end of all of us."

Here, Greybok finally stepped in. «That is why we needed to begin building ships at once,» the Wookiee general said in his native tongue. «Why do you think the Empire banned Mon Cala from manufacturing its cruisers? Even the Imperial Navy would think twice about picking a fight with a fully-tooled Mon Cala cruiser. Rebuilding Mon Cala's fleet and supplementing our own with ships from this world will keep the Sith wary of attacking us here.»

The king raised a fin to quell the arguments. "The Sith won't turn their sights to us while they deal with one another," the king surmised. "I don't know how much time that will buy us, but I think we should take this one step at a time." He turned to Leah. "You mentioned your Mandalorian allies. How can we trust them? The Mandalorians are crusaders and conquerers. When the Empire first rose to power, it was the Mandalorian boot that put the galaxy down and destroyed the Jedi. Are you so certain that we Mon Cala can trust them to defend our world when the chips are down?"

Greybok thought that the Mandalorians could be trusted, but he was beginning to realize that his occupation as a non-Force-sensitive skewered his view of them. The Jedi Order had a very different perspective of the Mandalorians, and he thought it best not to speak for Leah on the subject. She could answer the king's question, and he was curious to see how she decided to do so. @Deviant

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Thank you, General.” She nodded to Greybok. There was no smile, but her eyes glinted with respect. She was glad to have brought the Wookiee along. Whether or not he was an experienced diplomat did not matter. The fact was, Greybok understood the concerns of the Mon Cala, the need for a coalition with the Alliance, and the assurances that came with it. While Leah shared the sentiment and recognized Mon Cala had every right to be worried, she remained skeptical of the Quarren. What was done, was already done. There was no going back. Surrender would not save them from the consequences of their liberation. Punishment was inevitable. The matter was if they would go quietly into the night, or burn bright in a galaxy shrouded in darkness.

Leah already made her decision years ago. She trusted the people of Mon Cala would too. The Sith Empire could not stand to subjugate and oppress any longer. The Drast dynasty, the false Emperor, the whole Sith— they needed to go. With Mon Cala, their fleet and shipyards on the Rebellion’s side, the Jedi could already see that victory on the horizon, albeit far. The journey ahead would not be an easy one, she knew as much, as would anyone in the room, but the destination? Worth it. Every loss, casualty, consequence. The restoration of peace, justice and democracy was an ideal anyone with the right mind should strive for. Of course, despite the sympathy of the King in that case, there were still several questions left to answer. The Mandalorians, for instance.

No, you’re right.” She confessed and chalked up a weak smile. “The Mandalorians are a people of warriors. They fight for honor and glory. But—“ She raised a finger. “They fight for freedom too. Mandalore was under subjugation of the Sith Empire too, before the split. Although they helped lead their conquests, all of which were many centuries ago by ancestors who knew no better, they were oppressed too. Reduced to cannon fodder, smothered under the weight of the Empire, like Mon Cala. However, they fought, broke from the chains of the Sith, and even now have led the greatest effort against the Sith. They hate the Empire as much as the Rebellion, as much as you. There is no reason for Mandalore not to fight them here, for Mon Cala.

Knowing the inherent passion of Mandalore could not be enough to persuade the King or the Quarren, she continued, “Even then, on a strategic standpoint, the Mandalorians cannot afford for the Empire to regain the shipyards needed to expand their fleet. I don’t believe they would abandon the opportunity for ships of their own too.” It seemed cold of her to say, but it was the truth. Nobody seriously looking to defeat the Sith would pass up one of the only advantages against them. “They will defend Mon Cala. Even if you don’t believe they would do it for your people— they will do it for theirs. Because your world is vital to the fight. As I’ve said, Mon Cala embodies the hope this galaxy needs. You and your people are the future. For your children’s children, and for ours.

She placed a hand over her heart. Although she was starting to monologue, Leah merely wanted to drive the point home. “The Jedi have even less of a reason to trust Mandalore. Especially after what they did. But that centuries ago, by different people, under different circumstances. Now, we fight side by side against the Empire. I trust the Mandalorians, their Mand’alor, and you can too.



SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Leah was good at this in a way that Greybok was not. He was a fighter. He preferred to let his bowcaster do his speaking for him, so he was glad the Commander had opted to send Leah rather than himself as the Alliance's chief envoy to the Mon Cala people. All the same, the Wookiee general couldn't help the few chuckles that escaped his snout. Leah sure talked a convincing game, but only Greybok—at least, in this room—knew that she had just weeks ago been in a cattish brawl with the Manda'lor that had nearly leveled the bar it took place in. Over a man, no less.

"The Jedi speaks truth, Your Grace," said a Mon Cala member of the king's court. "The HoloNet reports that the Mandalorians just carried out a raid on Coruscant itself! The Imperial Palace is ashes there! Anyone who can do that is a friend of Mon Cala indeed!"

Greybok was stunned by the news. Imperial Republica had been on the decline for months. With Hutta stripped away and the invasion of Al'doleem lost, the Wookiee general had oft wondered when it would fall and only the so-called Old Empire remain. Now, it seemed as though Republica was in its last death twitches. It was just a matter of who got pieces of its corpse. Greybok decided to use that uncertainty to his advantage as the news brought loud murmurs to the king's halls.

«Then now is the moment! The province of Imperial Hutta has fallen. Imperial Republica has been dealt a fatal wound and is now bleeding out! The Empire will soon die and, from its ashes, the Republic can be reborn!» Hopefully less corrupt than when it had died, Greybok failed to add but nonetheless thought.

It was still an important symbol to use, though. The Republic was often romanticized as the "golden age" of the galaxy now that it was five centuries gone. Many would rally behind the idea of its return. Even out here in the Outer Rim Territories, where it had not reached in the past.

"A friend to the Mon Cala, this Mandalorian might be," the Quarren from earlier cut in. "But a friend to the Quarren, methinks, this rebellion may not. When you 'liberated' this world of the Empire, Master Jedi, you installed a Mon Cala king. Did you not deign we Quarren worthy of your trust? Where do we fit in this so-called 'alliance'?" @Deviant

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Coruscant, Mandalorians. While Leah exhibited surprise, she wasn’t so stunned. The Jedi Master would have expected as much out of Raz Solus, especially after the invasion of Al’doleem. Mandalore would need to take out their anger somewhere after the death of Daniel Solus, a man she never met but had come to respect due to his actions on Kuat and elsewhere. A part of her blamed herself for his death. It was she who allowed a skeleton crew to remain on the planet to defend, and his loss, as well as the loss of several others, weighed heavy on her. Still, she fought through. Nothing could be done about the past, but the future? Always. It was what brought her to Mon Cala in the first place. The Alliance needed a fleet to retaliate too.

Unfortunately, and frankly, the Quarren was being a surprising pain in her ass. She came to bring good news, persuade a sympathetic King, and leave within a moment’s notice. Instead, she had met unpredictable opposition out of the other side of the native population. The rebel ambassador would have expected anyone to be happy being free from the chains of the Empire, but the Quarren were indignant. Stubborn. Refusing to see the obvious truth: the Sith were evil, and there was no excuse to stand by and watch. The time to fight was now. Petty politics, shallow jealousy and silent reluctance would not save Mon Cala from the enemy. Only hope, unity and strength. And right now, her resolve could not be any stronger.

We did not install a King.” She said, sharp and without hesitation. “We dethroned one— the former Mon Cala puppet, the human governor, the Sith. We are not here to rule through you. We are here to help, and only ask for your help in return.” A pause. “The Empire installed a Mon Cala puppet. They enslaved your people, poisoned your seas, Quarren and Mon Cala alike. Species did not matter to them, because they saw you all the same: as tools for their regime. The Alliance does not see you as tools, but as friends. Allies in the fight against the same enemy that has trampled and subjugated one world after another.

When we came to Mon Cala, it was the Mon Cala that reached out first. It was they who fought, and bled, to overcome their oppressors. And now, for the first time in five hundred years, you have a voice. Your people, Quarren or Mon Cala, can live and speak freely, as you do now.” She glanced from the King to the delegate in question. “While the Quarren did little to aid in the liberation of this world— there is still a chance. An opportunity to help. There are others out there, without a voice, trampled and smothered, by the Sith. Whether or not your King looks like you does not matter. We are one people. United against the Empire. That is what the Alliance is.

The Quarren are worthy of our trust— so is anyone willing to see the Sith as they really are. But you need to trust us too. It is a leap of faith, but look at where it’s taken us.” She gestured around. “Freedom, democracy, and one step closer to the Republic. One step closer to the end of the Empire.” Chin raised, she eyed the Quarren delegate with deep respect. Her say was done. The rebel ambassador had nothing more to add. If the delegation refused, no matter. The Rebellion would find a way. They always did.



SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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"You ask too much of us, Master Jedi," Saquesh replied bitterly. "The trust you require of us to give freely requires us to also trust in a king we did not elect, making decisions of us that put our world in considerable danger. It is true that the Sith poisoned our oceans and installed a puppet, but at least our people were safe from extermination and murder. Your rebellion has ensured that is no longer the case." The squid-face glanced at the king, then to Leah, then the Wookiee, and then back to Leah. "But, I can see that I am outnumbered in his court room. The king may do as he likes, but he does so without the consent of the Quarren. With any luck, that will spare us when the Empire inevitably comes to take us back."

The Quarren departed and the Mon Cala king sighed deeply once they were gone. "I apologize to you both," he said to Leah and Greybok. "The Quarren and the Mon Cala have been adversaries for millennia. They weren't going to listen to you no matter what you said. So long as I sit the throne, they will oppose every action I make; but that they go along with my decisions regardless shows just how much they too hate the Empire." He closed his large, lidded eyes for a moment and sighed again. Then, he opened them and added, "But while your argument has not swayed the Quarren, it has swayed me. I accept your proposal. Our shipyards are yours to use, and I will assign my personal shipwrights to oversee the task you ask of me out of gratitude for what you have done for my people. You shall have your ships and whatever crew we can scrape together."

The news was a relief to Greybok, as he was sure it was to Leah, as both of them had endured too much bad news these last few weeks. Out of respect and gratitude, the Wookiee bowed for the king. The king nodded in reply, then spoke up again, "If you have the designs with you, please hand them to my steward. He will make sure they are safely seen to the shipyards." The king folded his golden fins in front of him. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Master Jedi, General Greybok?"

The Wookiee shook his head. He was ready to leave this water ball behind and never gaze upon it again. He hoped Leah felt the same way, because he was genuinely beginning to experience anxiety over the amount of water surrounding him right now. @Deviant

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Leah sighed. It was disappointing to see the Quarren leave. The ambassador tried her best, but no matter how many words she spoke or how hard she flexed her diplomatic muscles, they refused to concede. They would rather stand their ground, allow the Empire to continue in their atrocities, and watch the war with a blind eye. She hoped no species in their right mind would do the same. Nevertheless, Leah made no more effort to persuade the Quarren to stay. Their mind was made up, and apparently, before the discussion even began. If they wanted to sit in the back or sympathize with the enemy that enslaved their people, so be it. They would see how wrong they were eventually. Later, or when the Republic was restored, and the Mon Cala honored.

Her mixed feelings disappeared as she turned to the King. A smile broke through her uncertainty when he acknowledged the blind determination of the Quarren, and announced an agreement to their request. Heart lifted, the Jedi Master presented a deep, respectful bow. “Indeed, it is unfortunate the Quarren delegation could not be swayed, but I am grateful that you might see reason in these trying times. The Alliance is forever indebted to you, Your Majesty. As is the galaxy.” Head still slanted purely out of reverence, Leah took one step back, rose her chin and eyed the King. “We do have designs ready for use. I will make sure they are personally delivered to your steward at our earliest convenience.” With one last nod, she answered, “But there is nothing more to add— except, again, thank you. For everything.

And may the Force be with you.” By that final goodbye, Leah beckoned Greybok out of the throne room. She could tell the Wookiee was about to burst in his suit, whether it was the pressure of the negotiations or the pressure of the water, she couldn’t tell. But she could see enough that he was desperate to go, and she would gladly oblige. After all, there was much work to be done. Ships to build, a fleet to expand, and a galaxy to liberate. Mon Cala was only the start. A single spark to light the fringes of the Old Empire into an inferno that would consume the Emperor and bring an end to his reign of terror. For when injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. And it was her duty to see true law restored in the form of the Republic and the Jedi Order.

But the road ahead was rough. There was no telling what it had in store for Leah Reach.

End Thread.​