Role Call!

Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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The monastery’s population had been steadily growing since more and more padawans knew about it. Some didn’t stay there permanently, as it was used for training, meditation, and as a safe place for the Jedi. Theodosia had to be very careful in contacting other Padawans, so she left it to her Jedi Master, Aurora, to disperse the information about the “pilgrimage” to Ilum.

She of course was weary of the trip. So many places in the Galaxy that were held sacred and significant to the Jedi were destroyed and desecrated. The Pantoran had done her research beforehand. And as she heard more and more, she felt disgust towards the Empire as if they commited a crime against her personally. Theodosia found herself more welcome to empathy as her journey with the Force was slowly changing how she saw the Galaxy.

The hallways and corridors were slowly more and more trafficked through, the dust was less and the air seemed cleaner. The monastery itself seemed happier, Theodosia had noted, as she tread through on her way to the courtyard. Her backpack bounced with every step.

The courtyard of the monastery was superbly green and serene. A stream trickled through towards the many rivers on the moon. Rivercane and ferns sprung up, the trees were covered in lichen and moss. Stone benches sat in a circle, maybe in the past was used for gatherings. Theodosia flicked her wrist and the time displayed.


She was early, but just so. She half wondered, hoped, that all of the ones that said they were coming were showing up, including the Jedi Masters. Theodosia, not being accustomed to interacting with this many people at the same time, felt her gut begin to twist. She practiced in her head, “Hi, my name is Theodosia. You can call me Theo. I’m Jedi Master Aurora’s padawan. Yourselves?” She had been rehearsing that all morning. The Pantoran scratched her golden tattoos lightly, tucked her legs underneath her body in a criss cross fashion. She closed her eyes, awaiting the other Padawans.

@Braden Drake @Bran @Cazar @Killa Ree @TheMorrigan @Valen Pelora @Wit @Wolf

Horus Tempest

Rebel Rebel
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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And here he was. A Jedi Monastery, deep in the expansion region of the Galaxy. A collection of Jedi hopefuls and padawans would soon arrive to greet each other in a meeting he had been waiting for, for some time. He was always curious to see what kind of training the others went through, all the information only helped his view of the Jedi Order grow. And, of course, it helped him grow personally and truly experience the rebirth of an age-old Order. He hadn't actually been taken as a Padawan by any Jedi personally, he was simply a hopeful, but he considered their teachings to be just as important as the cleanliness of his person or weapons. He was clad in his usual leather jacket, atop his Rebel armor, with his blaster pistol and a single vibrosword at his side. The second sword was clasped to a custom harness on his back, one that allowed for him to draw the weapon with ease. Not that he expected to be using it. His cautious nature, however, came first and foremost in his mind.

He approached the main courtyard with his Hallisket in hand. It had been a while since he used the instrument, and found the moment to be appropriate. Gently humming, he would strum it softly enough not to disturb anyone who was meditating. To his surprise, he found a Pantoran greeting himself and those around him, eliciting a smile. The pleasant expression crossed his features as he put the Hallisket up, slinging it across his shoulder with a shrug. There was always time later for that sort of thing.

"Horus Tempest. I'm one of Master Luy's Hopefuls. It's a pleasure to see you all, again or not. It's good to see we're expanding."

Saying we was a push. He wasn't even considered a Padawan yet, it was perhaps not his right to claim a 'we' until such time as he attempted the initiate trials. But he viewed himself as a Jedi at this point, he followed what he had learned of his code and tried to act like the stories his father had regaled him with. The mighty warrior Jedi Knights, who stood against the Sith nearly five hundred years ago. His music book even contained some hymns to the Order, and as one of his most precious possessions, he was fond of singing them. His personal favorites where 'Stalker of the Shadows' and 'Alius' Ride'. He found himself singing the lyrics in his mind as he awaited the others.

...And this is the entire collection. From what I understand, something from nothing is hard to create. This really is impressive.

Nikka Toren

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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The journey here was a test of wills at best.

Normally, the social Miraluka would be leaping at the opportunity to socialize and meet those like her beyond those under Luy's tutelage; but the entire trip there was spent in somewhat quiet contemplation. She had been waiting for this meeting for a long time; since her wandering beyond Alpheridies and Kotarr, she had wanted a place where she truly belonged. And though the being did not see as others did, she could feel it, humming in her bones. The whole river moon upon approach had seemed to glow; the spark of the Vision Path was ablaze.

It didn't take her long to make her way to the temple from the landing post. She couldn't say it, but everything that flowed here almost tasted of anticipation. The feeling that hummed in her blood and bones seemed to agree; this was right. There were others like her, so many others... but would they be like her, really? One hand tapped over her veil, suddenly self-conscious. But it was too late to turn back; she wanted to know what the summons were about, beyond a pilgrimage. Were all Jedi so cautious about information? She grinned at the thought; no longer did she pace with the restless, impatient energy of old. This Nikka paced up slowly, deliberately to the temple, and took a deep breath in.

Needless to say, the fem got lost a few times within the halls, often needing redirection and bumping into a few walls, grumbling on the negations of those sighted beings. Why not keep things simple? She turned her head right and left. To most, it seemed a blind woman, pacing around and finding a door or an archway, sneezing a few times at dust before finally...

All glowed with the Force. But especially concentrated, to the source of the most energy, came to her west. Slowly, she paced over, mindful of her feet. Others would arrive soon, so many others. Not bad for an Order that was meant to be extinguished. And another feeling, that whispered in the back of her mind...

Hope. Yes. there was hope here...

Though she couldn't appreciate color as others did, the form of the structure, the feelings that swirled in it, made the Miraluka sigh with relief. This was the right place, after all, with one familiar form...

"Horus!" The fem's grin widened, as she waved heartily. "I'd know that voice anywhere. It's good to.. well. It's good to hear you again." Her grin was then directed to the whole room, as she offered a bow. "Forgive my intrusion, I hope I am not late." The voice was light, almost birdlike in tone, yet without any traceable accent in Basic.

"I am Nikka Toren, another of Luy's. To see so many of us... I agree. It is good." She cocked her head at the curiously silent female that was sitting cross-legged, and made to follow suit. Until others arrived... well, what else was there to talk about? The socializing could come later, perhaps... But meantime, she was relaxed in her element. The grin widened. She especially looked forward to meeting others like her... and perhaps someone could finally answer why having sight was such an apparent boon.
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Ayasha Waya

SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2018
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The gentle light that spilled over the monastery was warm and inviting in a setting that Ayasha found awkward and uncomfortable. Until now, all she knew of the galaxy outside of Galtea was Vu'thari, SawDip and the Equinox. The padawan understood how important this journey was on her path as a Jedi but truth be told, she was less than eager to go.

Leaving behind what little familiarity she knew, the young woman found herself forced to step out on her own to the very perimeter of her comfort zone. Ayasha stood apart from the gathering group as her golden eyes studied each that approached. She could feel the excitement, the nerves...even the fear that inhabited her fellow students of the Force.

“You'll be fine. It's important to meet other padawans,” Vu'thari's words echoed in the young woman's mind. She sighed and placed a hand upon the broad trunk of a nearby tree. The memories and emotions that lived within told of the rich history of this land and those that had come here long before the small collective that now descended upon the sanctuary.

A gentle gust of wind whipped through the grounds and kicked up the caramel skinned woman's waist length coal colored hair. The dark locks danced behind her like the flames of a candle. She was clad in an inky black tunic secured at the waist with a heavy belt, slate colored leggings and a pair of black boots that stopped just below the knee. “What we wear does not dictate who we are,” Vu'thari had taught her early on. He emphasized the impracticality of dressing as the Jedi of old and the risk it posed on the fledgling Order of today.

The padawan leaned against the nearby tree and shifted the thigh holster holding her blaster pistol. She was unsure of the threats, if any, that they might face but she was prepared. Tucked out of sight beneath her tunic was the borrowed lightsaber which had belonged to Vu'thari's grandfather, the Jedi Master that had trained him. Ayasha was proud to wear the weapon and honor the twi'lek's memory. As thankful as she was for the was not her own. This was another reason her Master had for encouraging her participation on the pilgrimage to Ilum.

“It is time,” the woman thought to herself as she straightened and slowly approached the small gathering. A forced smile crossed her lips as she made eye contact with a few of the group's members. Social situations were not something that Ayasha did, not before she became a Jedi and not since. She was rather introverted and enjoyed keeping to herself on most occasions. The padawan found she could only truly be herself with Vu'thari...and this was the first mission it seemed she would be attending without him.

As introductions went around, a hint of anxiety nagged at Ayasha's heart. She wanted to hit rewind and go back to standing beside the tree. She silently hoped that she would be skipped. Suddenly there were multiple sets of eyes upon her face and she swallowed hard while searching for the words. “I am padawan Ayasha Waya of Galtea. Vu'thari is my Master,” she chimed in while her caramel cheeks quickly transitioned to a bright crimson. The familiar burning sensation beneath her skin was an unwelcome guest and the woman hoped that nobody noticed.

She replayed her greeting in her mind, studying the tone of her voice and her word choice. “It was too formal...I should have greeted them like friends...” Ayasha thought to herself, careful to guard her internal dialogue from anyone in the group that may have been walking the path of mentalism as she was. It was too late to retract her introduction now and so she looked to the stranger beside her, hoping that they would speak and interrupt the awkward silence that now engulfed the space among the gathered students.

Aurora Blackwood

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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The Force sang in harmony. The tranquil river world of Al’doleem had once housed the Jedi Order before their fall. A powerful Lightside nexus beat within the heart of the serene setting. It had been centuries since the Jedi called Al’doleem home. Centuries since that nexus could sing to the souls of the Jedi. That chorus finally rose again. Jedi Master Aurora Thaylena Blackwood walked the dusty halls of the forgotten monastery on Al’doleem. The former Jedi outpost needed some serious work. It had not seen inhabitants in a very long time and was suddenly being slowly filled with students. Well, Aurora didn’t plan to do any of the work herself. Maybe that would be a good task for some of these new students. Alliance High Command still did not know the exact location of the Jedi training grounds. Command Ion’s headquarters were kept carefully apart.

Oh, Aurora trusted Hugo. The Jedi trusted Hugo, but not everyone in the Alliance was worth their trust. She had to protect the fledgling Jedi Order. The Morellian Jedi was feeling immensely proud. Her first Padawan, Theodosia, had organizing a pilgrimage to Ilum. The ancient frozen world where their ancestors had gotten their Kyber crystals. It was a right of passage for young Jedi. Aurora intended to see them on their way. She knew Theo, Val, Freyja, and Alysanne would all be going. The pit of anxiety in her stomach couldn’t be help. This was something they needed to do alone, but she would still worry.

Aurora could not protect them away from home. She needed to try and come to terms with that. The Force poured from her as she entered the courtyard. There was no need to hide herself her. Thank the Force for that. Her eyes immediately fell on Theo. A wide smile spread across her face. “You have assembled quiet the gathering my young Padawan. Impressive.” Her smile widened. “When the rest have arrived, I will send you all on your way.” She made a shooing motion. “Go. Mingle. You talk to me enough as it is.” Aurora needed to push Theo outside her comfort zone. It was good for the young Pantoran. @Wit @Iridescence @Braden Drake @Bran


SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Al'doleem Temple

It was hard for the twi’lek to not just stand among the trees, with his eyes closed, and drink in the feeling that he had within the grounds of the Al'doleem Temple. For Vu’thari, the Force felt like a river, rushing rapidly past him and through him. The feeling was euphoric and mesmerizing. Reminding himself that he was here for a reason, the Jedi opened his emerald eyes and briskly made his way through the forest and padded his way toward the small crowd of Padawans and those close to earning that name. While the connection to his own students was very strong, he could feel small ties to each and every one of the gathered. The atmosphere was quietly electric and this feeling provided yet another feeling of hope and peace in the decision to walk this path and rebuild the Jedi Order.

The task was a daunting one. Vu’thari could not help but think that he was quite possibly the worst Jedi Master to ever step foot into the galaxy. However, looking over at his Padawan Ayasha, he realized just how far she had come in such a short amount of time. There was no phase where she was nudged into this lifestyle—the lifestyle of a Jedi in this era: obscurity, secrecy, discretion, but full of hope, determination, adaptability and grit. She was thrust into it immediately and soared in response to it.

Well…maybe I am not the worst…ever. There had to someone worse…right?

A mischievous grin crossed his handsome face as he walked up to the group thinking on himself not being the worst. Blacks, grays, and dark brown hues made up his form-fitting ensemble. The robes of the Jedi simply were not practical in this era. Wearing such nostalgic garments gained attention that no one needed. As he walked up, he smiled genuinely at the gathering of the Jedi before they began their path. It was an important step to becoming a Jedi Knight—gathering the items and resources needed to construct their own lightsaber. His grandfather tasked him to find a kyber crystal when he was very young—he remembered it fondly.

Locking eyes with Ayasha, he gave her a reassuring nod and smile, then looked at the rest of the gathered ‘soon to be Jedi’ and said quietly, “I do not mean to disturb you. I am Vu’thari…I just wanted to wish all of you well on the path you will walk today. I also look forward to hearing all about it when you return. May the Force be with all of you…”

Stepping away from their gathering, he gave a wink to Ayasha and made his way over next to Aurora, watching the Padawans talk among themselves. Out of earshot, he inquired quietly, “Did you expect to see this happen so fast?”
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Pho Gorcru

SWRP Writer
Dec 30, 2018
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Pho hesitated before entering the gathering of... whatever they were. The Zabrak had adopted a newer look lately too; he was a hobo to the lazy observer. Tattered cloth hung from his... armor... and had he not lowered his hood he would have been the perfect old bum in the alleyway. Instead, Pho was a very young man with a stern look to him. This whole Jedi thing was still new to him and he was uncertain what to think of them. It was hard to take myth and propaganda from the Sith and separate it from the truth. He had a lot to learn about the Jedi still.

"Hey. I'm Pho. I learn under Aurora too..."
He was shy about it for some reason, which was not like the usual Pho. "Hey Theo..."

The last bit was quieter and meant more for the other girl who studied under Aurora. Pho had not really gotten to know her or talk to her directly at all. She was interesting. Not that he found her interesting, or would admit to it out loud. Their Master, as apparently that's what they called Aurora, was here which made him feel both relieved and stressed out. This band of people were supposed to be the next Jedi to help defeat the Sith Empire. Pho couldn't help feeling a bit underwhelmed at their numbers and appearances. Tales of Sith were terrifying and they were numerous. Hope was a hard thing to grasp onto when faced with such things. The Zabrak boy had to work hard to remember that hope was growing and he was part of that first step.

Tatooine had taught him that there was more to these powers than just Sith magic. It was something else. It was the force. Pho had a weak grasp of what that was so far. He was a stubborn learner. Many here seemed eager and understanding of what this was while he was still recovering from shock. A glimmer of light in a dark well was something, Pho had to keep reminding himself. The Force was with him and it would guide him. He hoped.


Freyja Storm

SWRP Writer
Dec 16, 2018
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Freyja had been shown the location of the Al'doleem temple by Aurora only a few days earlier, she was still new to the location as well as the planet itself. It had been kept from the data banks of the Imperial Agents, either on purpose or the last act of defiance of the Jedi Order she was not sure. Only that she had never heard of this planet before and its location on any map she, Kara or The Vanir had on file. It was now programmed into their Astromech droid, for safe keeping the droid would wipe itself if it ever left the confines of her ship.

She stood in one of the halls, looking up at a great half destroyed mural on the wall, it showed the Jedi of old fighting against a coming darkness. 'The Darkness was here.' She thought to herself, but if she meant the Sith or herself she couldn't be one hundred percent. Unlike many of those around her in the temple she was not excited to become a Jedi, fate had put her here, on this side of the sand instead of the other. She was now fighting against the Sith instead of for them. Against everything she had been brought up to believe, her mother and Sister were Sith, her Father an Imperial Agent, for twenty years she lived withing the core of Imperial Republica now she fought to throw it down.

Freyja turned away from the mural, the small clock on her comm bleeping to tell her it was time for the meeting. She was dressed in a pair of black long boots and trousers with a cream jacket over her top. Her blaster pistol was slung at her side, ready just encase, you never knew what could happen out int the galaxy. She walked through the building and out into the open where the other wannabe Jedi gathered, she spotted Aurora to one side and gave her a quick nod and smile, she was stood next to a Twi'lek, looking around the room she noticed a number of Alien's. 'They must need to scrape the barrel.' She thought as she moved to one side of the gathering, she was not hear to make friends, no she was here for her own reasons.

Alysanne Drast

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2018
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Alys had never been to Al’doleem, hadn't even known about the planet till a few weeks ago, but now that she was here she had spent every waking moment taking in everything she could. There was so much history here, so much that was thought forgotten but had been preserved by generations of Jedi like Aurora.

But while the history of the monastery had her spellbound, the presence of so many Jedi, both Masters and students, had her on edge. She was worried, so far she had only faced two Jedi, Aurora and Valentine, and some indirect interactions with the ones she had met on Kashyyyk, padawans and hopefuls like her. She had shared her past with them on her own terms, letting them process that in a more private setting. But this was different, there were so many. And it wasn't like she could keep it hidden from them, not when a simple search on the holonet could reveal exactly who she was. No, if she was going to be one of them they she was not going to start with a lie. Her very presence here might be putting their lives at risk, she owed them the truth.

Stepping out of the shadows, she moved towards the group, slow and cautious. Nervous. "I am Alysanne.." She should have smiled but somehow the right combination of muscle movements that could achieve that action eluded her, "Alysanne Drast. I'm with Aurora."

And with that bombshell dropped she waited, not really sure of what came next.


Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Theodosia almost felt herself disassociating, so well, she barely noticed the gathering of the Padawans. She didn’t open her eyes until a voice spoke, close to her ear. It was hard not to jump, surely she would have flinched if her eyes were open. One of her amber eyes opened, then the other followed. She turned her head.

“I was getting to that,” Theodosia mumbled to the Jedi Master, locking eyes for a short moment. She did, however, feel the rush of the praise, and it was hard to be snarky in response. Grinning, she glanced around at the surroundings, seeing the group of Padawans. From what she could tell, the amount of Padawans that responded to the original message, seemed to show up. “Thank you for coming,” Theodosia added quickly. “And thank you for the praise.” However, Theodosia was also thankful that it was not said louder.

The Pantoran felt suddenly very aware of herself, physically. Anxiety threatened to turn her guts around and to dry her throat. She listened intently to the ones that had spoken, smiling softly in return and occasionally dipping her head. Theodosia knew her turn to speak was next.

She pulled her tunic she was wearing to straighten it. She felt her hair sticking out in odd places. Theodosia knew that this group was probably just as nervous, but her heart intended to beat as fast as it could. Theo stood up, and glanced around one more time. “My name is Theodosia. I am one of Jedi Master Aurora’s Padawans. It’s nice to meet all of you,” The Pantoran spoke with a smile. She recognized one or two of the other Padawans, and tried to focus on their friendly faces. She was the last one to introduce herself to the others. There was one that didn’t speak, and another that spoke to her. Theodosia turned to the boy who introduced himself as Pho. Did Aurora ever mention him? She narrowed her eyes, blinking once. “Uh, hi,” Theo replied, feeling awkward, but she resolved it with a smile.

“I reached out to all of you, and thank you all for coming. I-I do not know how dangerous it will be, and I did not want to make the journey alone,” the Pantoran’s tongue felt strange in her mouth, rolling over some of the syllables clumsily. Growth. This is Growth.

“We’ll be boarding the shuttle soon to Ilum. As you all probably know it is cold, so you hope--hopefully brought, um, warm clothes.” Did she sound overbearing? She felt like she sounded overbearing. Most of these Padawans were just as old as she was, if not older. Theodosia grimaced. “Sorry, all of you most likely already known--know--knew this.” Her cerulean cheeks turned a deep indigo as she was feeling heat rush to them. A little bit of sweat began to make her underarms feel clammy. She wished she could have shed a layer. Of skin.

She blew out some air. She couldn’t deny the awkwardness that was, indeed, her. “We have some time and I think we are all here, so until the shuttles are ready, we can all talk more.” Theodosia had no idea what to do next. There were two curious characters for obvious reasons, the silent one, and the Drast. So she sat again, crossing her ankles, waiting for the conversations to spark.

OOC: Sorry for the awkward ass post and for the length of it. This is my first time doing a plot and I didn't know how to organize both the announcement and conversation...soo /

@Braden Drake @Cazar @Mithias @Killa Ree @TheMorrigan @Wit @Wolf @Valen Pelora

Aurelian Keth

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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He couldn’t believe he was late! Aurelian had been made aware of the coming meeting a few days prior by Aurora, organised by another of her students, and he’d arrived with plenty of time to spare. The scholar’s academic interest and obsession with the histories of the Jedi had been triggered like never before. He’d spent hours walking across the fascinating world. Al’doleem was amazing. It felt so alive but that description didn’t do it justice, there was a warmth and a tranquillity that he’d never experienced previous to this day. A Lightside Nexus Aurora had told him. The world was also a great secret, one that Aurelian felt honoured to be allowed to visit. However it was the remnants of the old monastery that had blinded him to the passing of time. He’d been walking around while furiously making notes in his book, sketching the most amazing parts of the temple while scribbling down annotations of his observations. He’d been copying down a mural in, what he assumed to be, a meditation chamber when he realised the time.

‘Oh no.’

With a surge of panic the robed man swiftly ran down the abandoned corridors, this was an opportunity to meet others of his Order and he was going to be late! The Padawan came to a sliding stop at the doorway he needed to go through to meet the others. Smoothing out his robes and tucking his book under his arm he continued at a calmer pace. He walked briskly and looking over to Aurora he mouthed the word “Sorry” towards her. He needed to be more careful about getting distracted. Glancing at Vu’thari he give the Twi’lek a warm smile, happy to see the other Master once more and giving a quick nod he continued without breaking pace.

Joining with the other Padawans he cursed himself for missing the introductions. Oh well he’d have to pay catch up. He recognised a few of them at least. There was Ayasha of course, he grinned at the Padawan he was already familiar with. To Freyja, and the far more familiar Alys, he give a look of surprise. It appeared he’d met more Jedi than imagined!

“We’ve been keeping secrets from one another Star One.” he whispered to the woman, he’d missed her introduction but then he’d already learnt of her Drast heritage and even then hadn't really cared.

He was openly relieved to be well acquainted with some of others. Freyja he knew far less well, having met during the Life Day celebrations but still he give the woman a smile and nod in greeting.

Well that meant he only didn’t know a few of these students. Luckily he arrived in time to hear Theodosia speak and he was aware that it was she who had organised this gathering.

“Sorry I’m only arriving now Theodosia.” he said softly to her, a little embarrassed by it all. It faintly registered with the man that this was the first Pantoran he’d ever met. “I got a little caught up in studying the monastery…” he admitted and tapped the notebook pinned against his arm and torso. It was no real excuse and he seemed truly repentant. If there was one thing Aurelian couldn’t abide it was tardiness but yet here he was.

Clearing his throat he turned to the others giving a warm, if somewhat reserved, smile. “I am Aurelian Keth, a Padawan of Aur- Jedi Master Blackwood.“ he said. It felt odd being so formal with the woman, but he supposed it was the correct thing to do at a time like this… right?

“I apologise for running a little late… got distracted by… well all of this.” he said gesturing around them.

OOC: Thanks to @Iridescence for letting me join in!

Horus Tempest

Rebel Rebel
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2018
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Even among the greatest of occasions there appeared to be stragglers. Horus was pleased to see Nikka again, he had learned much fighting against her superior senses in their training bout. And altogether knew she was the trustworthy sort, marked not only by her tutelage beneath Eldrin Luy but his own opinion of her was quite high. Still, he could almost feel the approach of the Masters as they separated from the students, looking over towards them for a moment only. It was strange to see this many Jedi in one place, and it seemed they kept on piling in. The young Pho introduced himself, some Deucalian looking girl did not bother with greetings - something that put a twist in his jacket - and finally one who introduced herself as a Drast.

Good. There's was a powerful family in the Force, and if the Jedi trusted Alysanne so would he. It would not take long to go back and point out the failings of his own family should the desire be there, and he had no such desire or ill intent towards her. She was her own person. There were all their own people, as it appeared many had their own reservations. What reservations existed within his mind had been silenced by focusing on the moment at hand, an occasion that he could only have dreamt about in passing. Theodosia began to speak, and he listened intently, raising an eyebrow slightly at how nervous she seemed to be. They were among allies here, surely there was no need to have such concern. He agreed to the journey, knew of its possible perils, and was more than ready to traipse headlong into a crystal cave regardless.

"It's good to... hear you too, Nikka. Hopefully, nothing bruised.

Well said, Theo. I think we're all ready for the risk this entails. What a day, to think we'll be leaving this beautiful sun for the frozen wastes of a cave."

They where then graced by yet another padawan or hopeful, this one by the name of Aurelian Keth, who elicited a smile from Horus as he apologized for being late. Thinking back, he remembered plenty of his own tardiness. His father had been more than annoyed with Horus' proclivity for forgetting things and it was promptly taught out of him. Now, if he wasn't early he felt nervous. If he was late he was mortified. He supposed he understood the man's sentiments. Nodding to him, Horus looked over them all with a look of wonder. Certainly not weak, that wasn't what this fledgling Order had become. It was growing in strength. But Horus remembered the age-old tales of strength and numbers not being enough. The had hope. And that was far more powerful than anything the Dark Side could throw at them. He had heard rumors crystal caves tested the mind, and he did not look forward to finding out what that meant.

"So... what have you guys been studying so far? History has always been a fascinating point for me, though the architecture of this place is lost to me."

@Braden Drake @Bran @Cazar @Killa Ree @Iridescence @Valen Pelora @Wit @Wolf

Ayasha Waya

SWRP Writer
Dec 21, 2018
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The gathering of strangers had always been an awkward occasion for Ayasha, but this perhaps more so than any other. She knew nobody present and everything in side of her cried for familiarity. Just as she felt herself losing the battle with the social anxiety that made its home within her mind, her eyes locked with Vu'thari's. Though he had brought her to this place, she had not expected to see him upon leaving the ship. He truly was a sight for sore eyes. His smile and reassuring nod were like a wave of peace that knocked back the anxiety within her.

The twi'lek greeted the group and Ayasha beamed with pride at her Master. She delighted in being his student and was thankful that he thought she was ready to take this next step on her journey toward Knighthood. “May the Force be with all of you...” Vu'thari added to the end of his salutation. He stepped away from the group, giving a wink to the young woman before making his way to Aurora, the other Jedi Master that had come to see the group off.

More and more padawans approached the group and gave their introductions. Ayasha remained silent, nodding and smiling at those that continued to add themselves to their ever growing numbers. There was one face that the padawan's eyes lingered upon for longer than the others. As Freyja entered, she brought an undeniable darkness with her. The empath could feel the woman's guarded demeanor. It was apparent to Ayasha that she was not excited to be there...not in the least. The Galtean native nodded and smiled warmly at the stranger who came with quite a chip on her shoulder.

Ayasha's thoughts were interrupted as Theo gave the group an awkward greeting. This eased the tension within the padawan's chest as she was thankful to know that the anxiety lived in others as well. Theo informed the group that some time remained before the shuttles would be ready...which meant that there would be an opportunity for more conversation. Awkward conversation. The young woman's eyes shifted from face to face within the gathered group. She was just about to give up hope of finding anyone to speak with when suddenly there was another moment of familiarity.

The padawan smiled widely as Aurelian approached the group. He returned her silent greeting with a grin of his own. The anxiety that had lingered after Vu'thari stepped away was now diminished further as Ayasha's friend joined. She moved behind a few of the others that stood beside her and found a spot beside the man. He greeted the group and the young woman stifled a giggle as she recalled their time on Kashyyyk. “Always so formal,” Ayasha gave Aurelian a lopsided grin before shifting her gaze to Horus as he spoke.

He questioned the group about what they had been studying and the young woman thought this could be her moment to open up and possibly make some friends in the process. “Staying alive...” she quipped with a laugh while shooting an amused look in Vu'thari's direction. “If only they knew the context of that statement...” the padawan's voice slipped into her Master's mind like a quiet thought. She did not wish to interrupt his conversation, but the hilarity of the moment would likely be lost on everyone else, save for him.

@Braden Drake @Bran @Cazar @Killa Ree @Iridescence @Valen Pelora @Wit @Lazy Swordsman @Mithias @TheMorrigan

Nikka Toren

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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A chuckle rose from her chest as she shifted and rolled upright from her cross-legged position, stretching once she had reached her rather diminutive height. "A bit stiff, actually, no idea why..." came the grin, a playful arch of one eyebrow emphasizing an impish grin as arms were lowered and crossed.

So many beings... she didn't expect to see so many here. But at least there was one familiar presence... she respected the male. He was far the better in combat, as her ribs and shoulders could attest, but because of their training she was faster, stronger, and capable of so much more than what she had expected. Most of them were unfamiliar... for now. But, she hoped to become more so, especially before Ilum and the inevitable parting ways. So she gave a wide grin to the group, setting her hands on her hips.

"So! ...Um. I don't know much about the history..." she coughed a bit, the grin turning a bit sheepish. "Unfortunately, we haven't had much time for lessons of the illustrious background... and to me, all this..." Her hands lifted from her hips, encompassing the entire space with a sharp gesture, "seems like something from legend! I spent my time with 'droids, not books... and though they love chatter about frozen parts and territory jaunts, I haven't had much time for learning."

Her face turned to the later arrival, and shrugged. "I don't think formality is a necessity right this moment... we're strangers, sure, but we're connected here in a way that I've never imagined." Here, the Miraluka was being actively candid, trying to engage them all. If they were going to an icy planet to harvest crystals, surely some degree of barrier had to be lowered, even that... stranger lurking off to the side. She tilted her head only slightly to where the taciturn fem seemed to linger, and mentally shrugged. It wasn't that they had to socialize... but a measure of it would ease tensions before the shuttles would come.

"Pardon my ignorance, but if my feelings are correct... no two of us are the same, and yet we are all here together." She would have winked at the seated Theodosia, but instead a cheeky version of her previous grin would substitute. "That is no small feat, I'm impressed. To reach out so far was a great risk, and I'm honored to meet so many here."

This was the most Nikka had talked for a very long time. But as her hands settled back onto her hips, there was that familiar feeling again. Hope. Yes.. she hoped for the best. But with her trusty stun baton strapped in with her other tools at her hips... she always prepared for the worst.

@Wolf @TheMorrigan @Lazy Swordsman @Iridescence @Wit @Braden Drake @Cazar @Mithias @Valen Pelora

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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The Jedi monastery of Al’doleem had never been more lively than it was now. For much of Leah’s stay, the only company she had was either Master Rayth or the surrounding wildlife. The shrill of insects, chorus of birds, every whisper of the wind. Today was different. She could hear voices and see a gathering in the main courtyard. Where they came from and how she failed to notice them before was a question for later. The Jedi Master was more curious to see what they were doing. She made no attempt to hide behind the nearest stone pillar and eavesdrop, however, tempting as it was. Rather, she strode out of the neighboring corridor and drifted beside Aurora and Vuthari, each of whom were tight in conversation.

Sorry to interrupt, but mind if I ask what’s going?” Her voice came suddenly as she emerged behind both of the other Jedi. She glanced between the pair. Hands behind her back and a welcoming smile pressed against her lips, she waited for an answer. To her surprise, she didn’t need to wait for either of them to answer. Instead, a young Pantoran female, the same one she observed during the Life Day celebrations on Kashyyyk, stepped forward from the crowd. A student of Aurora? Leah paused to listen, thoughts buzzing. Like she had originally intended, the Jedi Master was there only to observe.

Ignoring the young woman’s shy and awkward poise, she held onto a single word: Ilum. For a split second, Leah glanced to Aurora and wondered if she had encouraged the girl to venture there with the group of Jedi hopefuls. The Jedi understood the importance of the faraway world, but also its dangers. Home to the largest known deposit of kyber crystals, the planet was one of the many sources to creating a Jedi’s lightsaber. Was that the purpose of the strange congregation? Leah leaned toward Aurora and whispered. “I can’t tell whether this was your doing or hers.” Her words carried no ill will. Only curiosity.

@Valen Pelora

Aurora Blackwood

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Aurora kept her arms folded across her chest. Her pale green eyes surveying the growing crowd of hopefuls. Aurora could not help but feel proud at the little gathering. They had come so far in such a short period of time, it was as close to a miracle as she had ever seen. The students appeared to come from all walks of life, and with all manners of personalities. She nodded approvingly as the Force hummed with the mixture of life. Aurora leaned in as Vu’thari spoke. “Kriff, I didn’t think we’d make it pass week one.” The soft smile on her face betrayed her true thoughts.

Her eyes shifted back to Theo as her young student climbed a difficult mountain. Public speaking. She sensed Leah slightly before Theo opened her mouth. Damn woman sneaking up on them. Aurora very strongly resisted the urge to jump when Leah spoke. Kark. At least the human Jedi Master had the good sense not to interrupt Theo. Hand’t they talked about this little excursion? Kriff it was hard to keep track of things these days. “The Force provides Master Reach.” The same wry smile she offered Vu’thari continued to bless her face. Aurora clicked her tongue. “It was the girl’s idea, with a little help from her Master.”

She kept her voice low so only her fellow Masters could hear. “I know it is dangerous Leah, but everything we are asking of them is dangerous. They need to be able to defend themselves, and blasters won’t do.” A Lightsaber was perhaps the galaxies most dangerous weapon. There was no comparison and if the future generation was to survive, they needed them. “Besides, we aren’t actually going to let them go alone.” Aurora wouldn’t risk a dozen students on a lark. She would never be so foolish. Aurora took a few steps forward to join Theo. She spoke, wrapping the Force around her words to amplify her speech. “Ilum is a holy world, and finding your kyber crystal is a right of passage every Jedi must endure…each of you are here for a reason. You are here because we believe in you…because you are chosen by the Force. Be smart. Be strong. Be safe.” Aurora turned and winked at Leah and Vu’Thari. There were a few bones of wisdom rattling around her mind. @Iridescence @Deviant @Mithias

Leah Reach

Jedi Master
SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Indeed.” The woman exchanged the same thin smile with Aurora. She was every bit right. Even if her Jedi Padawan was not trained in all facets of the Force, that didn’t mean she wasn’t ready for what was to come. The Sith were a threat that subjugated a thousand worlds. Their shadow was cast long over the galaxy. If they were to be defeated and the balance restored, they needed to be more aggressive. They had to take action. Leah was glad to see Aurora was encouraging her students to prepare themselves for the approaching, inevitable battle. She had done the same with her own pupils. A lightsaber was a weapon and tool vital to becoming a true Jedi.

And I agree. We can’t play the ambassador or the freedom fighter forever. We’re Jedi.” She corrected herself as she looked to the others. “They’re Jedi.” The other Master clasped her hands together over her waist and patiently observed the gathering. With Aurora’s last remark, she could only manage to answer, “Oh?” She was surprised to see the Morellian suddenly step forward and join her Padawan’s side. So, it seemed they were not going alone. Wise, because there was no way the Order could bank the survival of a dozen inexperienced students on themselves, in the Unknown Regions, on an icy and desolate world. Although Leah had been a little interested to see how they might fare if they did.

As Aurora spoke to the others and finalized the congregation, she grinned at her final wink. The Jedi Master was glad Valentine convinced her to join the Galactic Alliance. She had grown to become a defining force in the Rebellion and had risen to be the most powerful of the Jedi. More than Leah herself, she confessed. Not that she cared about her standing. She was only happy to know the Jedi who had sacrificed their lives, whether on Dantooine or at Coruscant five hundred years ago, had not died in vain. The Sith may have ruled the galaxy, but the fires of rebellion was rising. So long as the torch of Light burned, the darkness would never truly win.

Aurelian Keth

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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Aurelian folded his arms as he observed the others with a warm smile. He was a little nervous about meeting such a loud group and the idea of chatting with them. If this was a professional meeting he could overcome such worries but these Jedi-type interactions always felt more intimate than that. He let his gaze slide over the others and his gaze when Ayasha moved over to stand next to him. Aurelian shot the young woman an appreciative look. When she spoke he chuckled softly. “I’ve been working on it I promise.” he murmured with a wink.

As he looked more closely at the others he realised there was another amongst their number that he was familiar with, it was the veiled woman. She was the Miraluka from the bar on Savareen that he’d met during that night which had become half-forgotten from all the spirits he’d consumed. Smiling and nodding in her direction he give her a sign that he’d recognised her.

Aurelian could feel the energy in the air. If the planet had been alive with the Force then the presence of so many Jedi and Jedi in training here together was stirring up the song of the Light. It was an incredibly calming feeling and it helped abate much of the man’s anxiety. He could only wonder what it was like to live in the Jedi Temples of old. Hundreds of Jedi, Champions of the Light, dwelling in one place must have been a wondrous thing to feel through the Force. Especially if such a place lay upon, or was, a vergence like Al’doleem.

Turning his attention to the amber eyed man as he spoke Aurelian focused on his words. He smiled at the question he asked and nodded. Ayasha answered first, her response cause him to raise his an eyebrow in her direction before smirking faintly and looking back towards the others.

“I am a historian and philosopher by trade.” he said after the Nikka spoke. “I spent a great many years hunting down any knowledge I could of the Jedi, a task made difficult by the Empire’s attempts to wipe such evidence from the Galaxy, but it is only recently that I became aware that the Oder was not extinct.” Aurelian paused and his smile broadened slightly. “It is now becoming much easier to sort fact from fiction.” Aurelian had compiled scraps of ancient texts, discovered abandoned ruins with little to them that could teach him of the Jedi of old. Many of the times it was simply oral tales that he scribbled down into his notes but it had been hard to work out which of those where accurate retellings and which where simply made up stories. There had been a few successes of course, the Kyber Crystal, the antique lightsaber, the Tomb out on the outer-rim and of course there was Iktotch.

The last thought brought Aurelian’s gaze over to Aurora just as she approached. Over her shoulder he saw Vu’thari of course but it seemed a third figure had joined the Masters. It was Leah Reach of the Alliance Council. He smiled and shook his head slightly. Ever since Aurora had made him aware of the Jedi he’d come to suspect that Leah, clearly no military officer like Commander Ion, was one of their numbers. Now that was confirmed and he assumed she was another of the secret masters. Well that made three, he wondered how many more there might be.

Listening silently as his Master spoke he felt the smile on his face grow even wider at the mention of finding their Kyber Crystal. The one Aurelian wore, usually wore for he’d chosen not to today, had been an option for the creation of his lightsaber but it had felt… wrong to do so. That crystal had once resided in the blade of another Jedi long dead whoever he or she was. He wasn’t confident enough to wield such a thing, it would be disrespectful. Besides seeking out a crystal to forge the weapon of a Jedi was a trial of its own and it felt wrong to not participate in such an important aspect of a Jedi’s growth.

When Aurora finished speaking he nodded to her and grinned. He couldn’t wait for to begin.

Theodosia Acatia

SWRP Writer
Dec 15, 2018
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As everyone began to speak, the former anxiety began to wilt away. A small dose remained in her belly. But, that would soon be dissolved in her bloodstream as well. She watched in anticipation as all the Padawans began to converse. She didn’t recognize...most of them. It was almost a sad thought. Was Theo that out of the loop? The thought made her want to shift uncomfortably. It was tempting to flee, but she knew she had to hold her ground.

When the newcomer, Aurelian, made his presence and apologized, Theodosia waved him off in dismissal. “All is well, you did no harm by arriving late...except for the little creatures you may have stepped on,” she said with a smile in her alto, quiet voice of hers. The Pantoran acknowledged that the addition was a little weird immediately, but she could be herself, a little bit. She was very interested in what he seemed to be carrying, remembering the former notebook she had found in her quarters. Theodosia had to pry her eyes from the notebook.

Theodosia wanted to make sure that this mission to obtain the kyber crystals was welcome to all. She noticed that the first to arrive, Horus, was one of the first to speak and asked what they were all studying. “Honestly, I am so new to this, I do not even know where to begin…” Theodosia admitted, lifting her palms in another shrug. Ideas had flown all around her brain but not much thought was ever given. Her dreams would certainly be a way to start. Theodosia, after speaking, looked around once more, her amber eyes taking in the environment.

She raised her eyebrows at Nikka, who had grinned at her. Her eyes hovered. The Pantoran was certainly not the greatest at reading body language. She shrugged and continued to simply follow conversations. Normally witty and bubbly, Theodosia had to break people in before showing herself. She accepted her own awkardness at first, but it took some time to let others see beyond it.

A small bell chimed, alarming Theo. Her heart rate sped up, then slowed down when she realized that it was just an alarm for the time. She swept her greenish gray cloak behind her as she stood up.

“Everyone..the shuttles are ready. We will be splitting up according to who our Jedi Masters are. Thank you for coming, and it was wonderful to meet all of you.” It was refreshing to get a statement out without stuttering. And... it was time to get this adventure started.

@Braden Drake @Cazar @Deviant @TheMorrigan @Killa Ree @Lazy Swordsman @Valen Pelora @Wit @Wolf
OOC: Exit Thread; Next Thread will be up in a couple days; Exit Posts in replies are optional (if you just want more credits)