Riz'kacha's Reputation Tracker


New Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Bounty Hunting days:
The Biggest Iron in all of the Sands - Dead
A Drunken declaration in a cantina begins a contest to see who has the best shot.
Trouble in Paradise - Complete
Riz'kacha tries to hunt down a bounty on a smuggler that has a ship owned by Oren Zapan, but ends up getting recruited to the Jedi Order instead.
Jedi Missions:
You Gotta be Queshing Me! - Complete
A team of three Jedi and a five syndicates member go to Quesh to stop Jawas from mass producing clone wars era battle droids.
A Humanitarian Effort - In Progress?
When a humanitarian mission goes wrong, Riz'kacha and her new master attempt to track down the missing supplies they were meant to give villagers.
Black Tidings - In Progress
An important announcement is given to the Jedi regarding their position in the world.
Not All that Glitters is Gold - Complete
When a BD droid stumbles across Riz'kacha meditating in the cave, the two team up to discover sinister remnants of the Empire.
Is This Legal? - In Progress
Riz’kacha travels to Corellia with BD-9 to learn more about his droid type.
Epilogue to A Calamity - In Progress
Riz’kacha and BD-9 assist a Sector Ranger, Lorcan, in interrogating a Jedi who was present at the time of the attack on the Ranger HQ.
A Fate Worse than Death? - In Progress?
A distress call is sent in open channels near the Jedi Temple on Ajan Kloss, prompting Riz'kacha, her droid, and another Jedi to investigate.
Training Arcs:
The Gathering - In Progress
A time honored tradition, a group of Padawans descend into a cave led by a remnant of the Galactic Republic to get their own kyber crystals.
Practice Makes Perfect - In Progress
Riz'kacha gets tutored in the use of her lightsaber by another Jedi, Mila Tesara.
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