Risha Sharro


SWRP Writer
Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score


► 26​
► Sith Pureblood​
► 5' 9"​
► 160 lbs​
► Amber​
► Black Crimson​
► Korriban​
► Female​
► Sith Empire​
► Sith Knight​
► Yes and Trained​

Risha Sharro, Knight Sharro, Scholar of Shadows


An attentive pupil, the young female Sith studied the rituals of her elders as they channeled the Force in and through the world around them. Enamored by the skill her elders displayed, she resolved exceed expectations as a young Sith. Risha would not only learn what was taught, but set her course toward rediscovering what had been lost or finding new techniques in order to leave her own mark on the world.

At the cusp of adulthood and the end of her apprenticeship, Risha joined a master on an off-world trip aboard a ship full of strange creatures she'd never seen before. Their return voyage was met with disaster, however, with all hands abandoning ship and plummeting to the surface of a barren world below. After a long trek through the wastes, Risha found refuge in a maze of tunnels; and after an exploration plagued with the pain of ordeals that led to this place, came upon a sword surrounded by the Dark Side. The sight ensnared her senses and drew her to claim the blade. As if on cue her master emerged as well and sought to claim the sword for himself, only for Risha to plunge it into his body with surprising ease.

A few years passed before another vessel picked up the weak distress signal. And in that time learned that the Sith'ari had been defeated and a fledgling Sith Empire had stretched out its hand to the stars. Risha returned home to learn the fate of her people and from there begin to forge her own destiny.


Risha has prominent bone spurs that slope back away from the center of her red face as hairless brows for her eyes; other bone spurs extend down under her jawline, and provide ridges behind and over her cheekbones. Aside from the uniquely Sith characteristics, most then notice her pointed ears, amber eyes, and black lips. Such things are impossible not to notice given the drab nature of the inferior species of the galaxy.

Even before her fateful crash, Risha was in fit condition. Little choice is given to Sith that seek to survive in their culture. Her time in isolation failed to diminish her physique; in fact, the trials and dark energies she'd fed on manage to sustain and allow her to bolster her physical fitness. While not buff, Risha has solid abdominal muscles, and toned limbs with little excess body fat.


There are predators, and then there are prey. Choose which you will be, and know the Sith will rule you all.

Risha believes in the strength of the Sith Bloodline without reservation. While she believes the strong rule, she does not believe in taunting or pushing over the weak and helpless. Such pitiful beings are beneath her notice, but the conduct of those proclaiming to be Sith never goes unnoticed. Strength doesn't come from beating something that has no ability to fight back; if there's weakness to be culled its in the thugs pretending to claim authority when they have none. On the other hand, those attempting to stand up against their betters deserve whatever trampling they've earned.

Any committed to becoming stronger can earn a sliver of respect, which may grow as their potential increases. Those with usefulness or potential can also with time engender what is referred to in Galactic Basic as friendship. It is, however, difficult to associate with inferior species in such an equal manner. In order to move among their kind to uncover the secrets Risha seeks, however, she has resolved to... endure.


Brought up among other Sith Purebloods, Risha learned how to weild both a blade and a saber, as well as received instruction and observed many masters of Sith Alchemy (how to perform rites, rituals, and the beginning techniques of imbuement). As a result of her years on the desolate world where she found a former Sith Warrior's sword, Risha's skills in a Sith Sword are greater than those of a lightsaber, but she is quite capable of wielding the lighter weapon. Those years of hardship also ingrained lessons in survival and tracking that kept her alive until salvation finally returned her to the stars.

Since her return to the stars, Risha has learned how to pilot a hyperspace-capable craft with average skill that grows each time she narrowly avoids crashing on a new, forlorn planet.

From both study and travel, she is versed in Balc, Galactic Basic, Old Balc, and a yet-identified written language (found while exploring several ruins).

While trained in several of the common uses of the Force as most students are, a standout ability that Risha has developed is in the art of Psychometry. Her talent for psychometry may have compelled her to take the Sword of Kyanthr, and it is a talent that has helped her explore many places -- uncovering hidden truths both wondrous and revolting. She has high hopes it might lead her to increasingly beneficial (and powerful) artifacts or knowledge. If nothing else, exploitable information used to sway those around her.


The Subject designated Risha Sharro, Sith Knight, exhibits a considerable strength of will and threshold of pain. She appears able to adapt to hostile conditions, and uses whatever is available in order to survive. Her drive to learn more Force and Sith techniques by exploring ruins and conversing with those more talented than herself could prove useful to the Empire...

...it could also be indicative to a growing threat to the Empire. Further observation is recommended. The Subject's tendency to evaluate her own species above that of any other may be an exploitable weakness; as is her preference of the Sith Sword over that of the lighter and more concealable lightsaber. In fact, this unit observed the Subject nearly kill a fellow observer when they attempted to retrieve the blade form her person. While capable of self-control, there are obvious signs of barely restrained violence in the Subject that could prove either beneficial or detrimental were the trigger identified. Note: identify trigger.


Ship: 820-Series Light Freighter + Smuggling Compartments
Vessel: CEC Titan X3
Armor: K6 Light Armor, Black & Orange

Melee: Sword of Kyanthr (Sith Sword)
Lightsaber: Red Crystal
Arms: 4-C Custom
Arms: 2-L Blaster Rifle

Misc: EVA Suit
Droid: Astromech


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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
Neat character. I'm gonna give you the link for the lore article on sith swords sith swords just in case you haven't seen it yet, definitely worth a read.
