Rian shattonan

Rian Shattonan

Jedi knight
SWRP Writer
May 26, 2011
Reaction score
Name: Rian Shattonan
Faction: Jedi Order
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 175
Eyes: Green
Hair: Sandy Blonde
Skin: Caucasian
Credits: 1,000
Distinguishing Marks: None
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strength: Could benchpress around 150 so normal strength.
Dexterity: Fast and and agile, but not super fast
without the use of the force.
Constitution: Average can handle some broken
bones and even a concussion.
Intelligence: Brillant, was the star pupil at the
academy when he was a youngling.
Wisdom: Wiser than others his age but is also more
likely to fall into the dark side because of his raw knowledge.
Charisma: Very likable and was popular among his
fellow students as a rebel that got into trouble with the masters very often.
Force Powers: Force grab(push pull etc.)
Skills: Can handle a blaster as well as a lightsaber and flies a ship with usual Jedi expertise.
Lightsaber Form: Basic down slash upward slash spinning slice into thrust.
Strenghts and Weaknesses: Strong areas are lightsaber skills and piloting. Weaknesses are in discipline and understanding of visions.
Gear: Wears normal Jedi robes with a lightsaber on right side and blaster on the other.
Ship: Sleek Y-Wing colored black and red. Rear thrusters and lasers with 5 rockets on each side.
Pets: None
Personality: Rian is a very complex teenager. He is focused when he sets his mind on something, and didn't even eat while he leared his first form. However Rian is also laid back. He is usually relaxed and a funny person, but he has a deep protective instinct. Rian has even been known to flirt with female Jedi, which is forbidden. He once threw an underground party for student fourteen and older, and almost got caught. He seems to know how to charm or fight his way out of everything.
Rian falls in love easily, which is a terrible thing for Jedi. He tries to surround himself with friends because he is unsure about himself and his abilities. Rian loves to listen to any music in the galaxy, even if he doesn't understand the language. He is mainly an insecure kid who needs to feel cared about, and doesn't feel that will happen at the order but is giving it every shot.
Biography: Born on a fleet ship to a refugee of a planet unknown to Rian, his mother died in birth. Handed over from the ship to the order almost immediately, mainly because of an abusive father, he was raised in the temple walls. Rian always tried to sneak out, knowing there was more to the world the the temple. The first time he ever got out he was shot at for being in Jedi robes. That didn't stop him. A star pupil as well as leading weekly raids on the food pantries, Rian always either found trouble, or it found him.
One of the only male students to ever have a girlfriend and one of two, the other being the one he kissed, that have kissed. It was during a nightly raid and they had been becoming closer and closer and got lost in the moment. The next week she was sent off as a padawan. Rian continued on, training during the day, partying at night.
Kills: None
Dueling Ring Matches: None
Grand Tournament Matches: None
Role-plays: None