RF&F - Exploring Options

Jul 19, 2018
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The Republic First & Finest was, on paper at least, a battallion of men. In actuality, it was six people - all with rather shoddy looking equipment, standing in a hanger bay on Corellia and pretending like they had some sort of plan. Senator Antilles, or as he was 'officially known' Lieutenant Antilles was nervous thanks to that fact, and although he was doing his best to hide it, no doubt it was noticable.

"Right then," he began as he addressed the men "...our task today is two-fold, equipment - of which I have laid on samples - and recruitment avenues." he stopped, checked to make sure the small group was OK with that plan and commed in the waiting droids, to bring in the sample gear. It was going to be a long day.

Clicking the comm unit, a small train of droids entered, dropping down three crates in front of him, and opening them, displaying a series of rifles, and more importantly - three sets of uniform from which the group was expected to pick one model for the regiment. Box One contained a plain but practical looking ste, Box Two was more menacing, whilst Box Three was a mid point between the two.

He said nothing, and waited for one of the team to chip in.

OOC - Objective: Explore possible equipment and recruitment options on Corellia ahead of a plot submission. @Luster @Great Jamie @Faded Truth @Minuteman75 @Korvo


Misha Errat

SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2018
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For once in her life Misha Errat was at a loss for words. She had come up through the ranks over the length of near a decade, she knew how to be a fine soldier. She even knew how to lead a platoon, no thanks to a sniper that had dropped her last Lieutenant and left her in nominal command. After that and a recommendation from her CO she had decided to apply for the Command Academy, and barring one slight misunderstanding she had earned her own Lieutenant's bars. Three days later she received her orders to ship out to Corellia and report for an officer's meeting of the Republic First & Finest, first battalion.

To say that she had been expecting something different was a mild understatement.

The meeting was taking place in an unused hangar, which was not unusual for forward deployed units who had to make do with what they could. But this was Corellia, she had thought the command would have he a small conference room set aside at the very least. And then it turned out that the battalion only existed on paper. Not only was she expected to lead a portion of it, but to build it, from scratch. So maybe that little mistake at the Academy was going to haunt her for a while. But her new comrades looked promising, if a little eclectic. She could tell by the way they moved that most of them were a solid bunch of fighters, even if some were a little unsure of themselves at that moment like she was. There was even a Jedi it seemed, not a bad start at all.

Then the dapper Lieutenant spoke of and explained their purpose, having his droids lay out some equipment and leaving the floor open for the rest of them to come up with suggestions and get the ball rolling. Once silence reigned for a moment she sighed and stood up from the toolbox she was sitting on and moved forward to inspect the armor and uniforms. Mum and Da Errat didn't raise her to just let life or anyone run over her.

"They are all nice as far as standard equipment goes." She said looking between the boxes. "But I honestly prefer this one." She said pointing to the first box with the simple uniform "I have done a whole lot of work in hazardous environments. Ash wastes, chemical spills, industrial sectors, you name it. So having the mask and full body coverage is nice. And while the others are a little more flashy this is simpler to clean and had less stuff that can get snagged on jagged cover."

Talos Barrenfist

SWRP Writer
May 12, 2018
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Talos was back on Corellia. Last time had involved recusing kidnapped children from a gang and getting shot. Every so often he still felt the old wound in the right arm from that episode. Today was going to be vastly different though made evident by the gathering here in the hanger. Deck out in the blueish uniform of a marine, he grimaced at how small this ‘battalion’ really was but wasn’t completely surprised by it. Just because we’re called an army in name dosen’t make us one overnight.

Well they have to start somewhere he concluded. Glancing around the circle, the segreant would at least admit most of them seem capable enough. When the snow haired lieutenant began to address them all, Talos listened carefully before several droids appeared bringing in boxes. Once on display the dark bearded man examined each three options for equipment. Being a Decaluian Talos would prefer to be intimidating and was about to choose the second box when the lady officer spoke up first.

Her statement caused him to pause in reflection. “She’s got a point, option one would be the way to go. We will need to be practical, especially with the raw recruits.” Sergeant Barrenfist said in agreement with Lt. Errat.
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SWRP Writer
Aug 5, 2018
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The young Jedi Knight had decided to accompany this battalion of men on their mission. It was one of the first few times the emissary would be going out on tasks that were not fully political in nature. Her body was dressed in the usual jedi duelist medium armor while a series of elegant light blue cloaks covered her fully but yet tightly fitting to not show encumbrance as well as perhaps purposefully reveal the hidden lithe figurine.

Delicate fingers reached upwards to unveil the cloak, nodding before the Lieutenant. "Greetings, Lieutenant Antilles, thanks for accepting my invitation.." @Nor'baal The pantoran moved towards the boxes, studying the contents before grabbing just the rifle with a slight look of contempt. The single light saber hilt slung at her waist as she moved about in the hangar; slowly coming to stand near the other female, Misha. "Hello, were you commissioned to this unit recently? I'm jedi knight Theresia." @Luster