Rexx's Reliquary


Rex Imperialis
SWRP Writer
Apr 26, 2018
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Sith Empire
· Special Operations
· Unconventional Warfare

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· Empress Andraste
· War Master Kravos
· Commander Kalladrrl

· Sith Empire
The Blackguards

Overview · Culture · Role · Intent

The Blackguards are an Imperial battalion trained in special operations, unconventional warfare, and other dirty tactics.



The Experimental Infantry Force, colloquially known as the Blackguards, were an Imperial battalion whose order of battle was designed by Commander Kalladrrl of the Imperial Foreign Legion. Composed of fifteen platoons of Imperial Shock Corps troopers and one platoon of Imperial Foreign Legion mercenaries, the Blackguards have a punishing training regime. Prospective recruits into the Blackguards were to demonstrate peak physical fitness by marching for a full day in body armor, then running a 10K in said armor in under one hour’s time. Recruits were to demonstrate the ability to resist torture, perform amphibious operations, and deploy via drop pod – even Foreign Legionnaires. In order to standardize tactics across a mixed unit of ISC and IFL soldiers, Blackguards underwent a rigorous four-week training course called the Gauntlet, at the end of which all prospectives were evaluated by the Commander or his Lieutenants. This evaluation took place inside a 36 square meter chain-link cage and wass performed via fisticuffs.


In addition to their brutal training, the Blackguards were unique among military units for several reasons. Blackguard recruits were profiled for the lowest empathy quotient and highest operational efficiency. In short, the Blackguards accepted only the most ruthless and deadly of recruits from both Shock Corps and Foreign Legion. Kalladrrl provided his Blackguards plenty of good food, alcohol and cigarras to keep them placated and feeling valued, and they had a reputation for being the rowdiest motherfarkers when on liberty.

Blackguards did not take minor disputes to military police or the judge advocacy corps of the Imperial military, instead preferring to settle their differences the old-fashioned way: by stepping into the Cage for all the Blackguards to see, to duke it out for superiority. The spectators were expected to bet on their pick for the winner with cigarras and liquor rations, and at the end of the fight the winner and loser were encouraged to settle amicably while the dispute was adjudicated in the victor’s favor. What kept bigger or rowdier members of the Blackguards in line is the prospect of the Commander calling them into the Cage if they abused this system.


The Blackguards were a special operations unit that fit firmly outside the order of conventional armies. They were trained to perform reconnaissance, direct action, sabotage, high-value target elimination, insurgent actions, and covert operations. Blackguards all received high levels of hand-to-hand combat training in a regime specifically formulated by the Commander to improvise combat in case of disarmament or capture. The Blackguards rely on surprise and deception when deploying, and when arriving in open battle prefer to be deployed via drop pod to apply maximum force to sensitive areas. They were conditioned further than normal soldiers and understood that there was an extra commitment to excellence expected of them.


This entry serves as codified information on my character Kalladrrl's Imperial military battalion obtained via Imperial mission rewards, and also serves as a resource for players whose Imperial PCs may be interested in deploying with the Blackguards.

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