Research and Development

Gunner Stahl

Imperial Foreign Legion
SWRP Writer
Jun 27, 2018
Reaction score



This entire charade was growing somewhat cumbersome, however, he knew that the price of excellence would demand hard work and sacrifice. If he were to become feared, he would need to have the armament to display it. After purchasing and building the Devastator rifle, his next goal would be to design the ultimate battle armor for use in a wide variety of operations. His current suit had grown obsolete and as the rising threat of Jedis and other independent force users grew, he would require an upgrade to deal with them accordingly.

Arriving early in the morning, he made sure he left plenty of time to discuss the matters with the chief engineer. He was clad in his imperial uniform today, no weapons in sight as the starfighter slowly docked into the hangar and he navigated through halls into the more secure corridors. An access key granted to officers was used as twin doors opened and gave him access to the series of testing platforms and prototypes currently in development. Eyes shifting to the side, his approached slowed as he lingered across several interactive designs, glancing at everything from new blasters to droid weaponry.

It would be years and numerous credits before any of these could see production; but still, technology always had a calming effect on him and visiting this place had always been enjoyable. Stopping by a service droid, he took a cup of coffee, unsweetened with him into the next room. Alongside him was a briefcase as he settled it to the floor and claimed a seat for himself in the waiting room. As the natuloan secretary asked for his name, he simply replied. "Lieutenant Stahl here, I have an appointment with Chief Engineer Rickas".



The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

The secretary typed his name into the computer, logging his information and then the natuloan frowned, "Looks like no one contacted you about Rickas..." she said, her large eyes blinking, looking slightly worried and nervous as though she has had previous instances of Imperials giving her a hard time for being the messenger. "Let me go see if our new chief engineer is available...she would be more than happy to." she nodded and stood up, disappearing behind the door. Gunner would find himself waiting just long enough for his patience to start to wear and the natuloan returned along with another. She was a short middle-aged woman, black hair, cut into a short bob that stopped at her ears; she wore a black Imperial uniform, her skirt sharply stopped just above the knees, heels, and large round black glasses.

"Darlin', I apologize, I am Chief Engineer Debra Code." she folded her arms leisurely under her bosom, slightly leaning as she placed her weight on her right leg, "Rickas is forever indisposed...but I would be happy to help you, come now, lets not waste anymore time, the Empire needs her best out in the field, not in here." she gave a small smile and beckoned for him to follow.

Debra Code's heels clicked quickly as her small, yet fast, steps took them to her office. It was a large room with several large windows, but minimally decorated. There was a desk and in the center of the office were two contemporary designed couches with a table in the middle. Debra took a seat, gesturing for Gunner to sit as well while she fixed another cigarrate to a long holder, slowly taking a drag as she became more comfortable.

"So, Lieutenant, what can I help you with?" she asked, wisps of cigarette smoke danced into the air before her.

@Faded Truth

Gunner Stahl

Imperial Foreign Legion
SWRP Writer
Jun 27, 2018
Reaction score

Gunner nodded as the secretary scampered off to find Rickas' replacement. Perhaps he had not been as thorough in making sure the proper personnel were at display when he had initially arrange this meeting. While he didn't show any form of concern outwardly, deep down he was a bit concerned regarding the talent level of the newcomer and whether she would be up to the task. As she was introduced, he extended a hand in greeting along with a warm smile. "Greetings chief engineer, thank you for seeing me. I was unaware that Rickas' has not been around in some time..."

As they were lead into the second room, he claimed a seat on the couch for himself before opening a datapad and gently sliding it over to her. "Well, I had messaged Rickas some time ago regarding numerous upgrades I wished upon a suit of armor. As the Empire cannot commission the actual manufacturing, I will find a third party to build the platform. However, I wanted your recommendations on the material suggested as well as the various functions I would like to have on it." The datapad would show a three-dimensional image with intricate details, displaying a prototype durasteel armor made from zersium as well as having multiple functionality upgrades including jetboots, wrist mounted missile launcher, bola launcher, pneumatic fists, and scatterweave coating. Such an armor would be extremely expensive and not in the Empire's budget. However, Gunner did manage to secure a private consulting fee with Rickas for the actual design, something he hoped that Debra Code would agree to. "I understand this will take some time, I am happy to compensate appropriately.."



The Storyteller

Dungeon Master
Dec 24, 2017
Reaction score

Debra accepted the datapad with her free hand, leaning forward to take the device before relaxing once more in her spot. She crossed her leg over her knee and let the datapad balance there while she studied the designs while Gunner spoke. Taking a draw form her cigarette, she remained quiet for a long time after Gunner finished speaking, slowly turning the models on the device, her mind configuring what exactly would be needed to complete his request as well as the costs.

She flicked her cigarette and flecks of ash fell into a small dish on the table. Leaning forward once more, Debra switched the cigarette to her other hand and pressed some buttons on the side of the table, illuminating a blank holo screen. "Credits aren't an issue with you, then it can be done, darlin'" she said hooking the datapad to the table console to upload the schematics to the armor the Imperial was requesting.

"Zersium is going to cost you the most, we can get everything else, scatterweave, no problem, missile launcher, who wouldn't want one of those..." she took a draw from her cigarette, blowing out the smoke slowly. "Jetboots, we'll need to have you come back for some trials, don't gain anymore weight or else we'll have to reprogram. It'll be heavy, I suggest upping your workout in the meantime." she explained, now taping in notes to his data pad, which also displayed on the holo on her table. "Droid reactor cores are easy enough to come by..." with each piece she added the numbers it would cost him, giving him a running total at the bottom.

@Faded Truth

Gunner Stahl

Imperial Foreign Legion
SWRP Writer
Jun 27, 2018
Reaction score

Gunner nodded at her discussion, keeping a single finger tapped underneath his chin as she analyzed the blueprints he had delivered her. He chuckled lightly at her weight comment though he knew that she wasn't half joking. "Very well, I will keep that in mind. I'll return next week for the initial programming session." He stated, gently taking the datapad from her when she was finished going through the schematics. He glanced down at the price at the bottom, slight smile coming to his face as he expected the damage to be greater. "Sounds good, I'll need two separate suits though, the second won't have Scatterweave but I'd prefer if you can add another wrist mounted weapon, perhaps a flame thrower. I'll have the credits delivered to you shortly. As for Zersium and Droid reactor cores, I have some resources on where I can locate the pieces, shouldn't be too hard to find."

He said with a smile before shaking the engineer's hand. "Thank you once again for your time Debra, we'll be in touch." He nodded to her as he prepared to exit the compound.

// end thread