Redneck's Character Workshop


Down and Dirty Country Girl
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score

Rosalin Jareme
[fancybox4=""]Full Name: --- Rosalin Jareme
Age: --- 22
Species: --- Human

Height: --- 5'5''

Weight: --- 120 lbs

Eye Color: --- Golden

Hair Color: --- Brunette
Skin Color: --- White
Markings: ---None

Faction: --- Sith Brotherhood

Rank: --- Sith Priestess

Credits: ---1,000
Force Sensitive: ---Yes

Strength: --- 4/10: Rosalin has always been weak in physical strength. For years she has pushed herself to train every day. While this has certainly strengthened her body significantly, she continues to strive for better results.
Constitution: --- 2/10: Rosalin very nearly died several times as a baby and small child. Her body never truly recovered from these traumas and she is still weak and prone to sickness.
Dexterity: --- 6/10: The best thing to come of her training regiment is that Rosalin has become increasingly agile.
Intelligence: --- 10/10: She is very likely a genius. Her mind is always working, solving puzzles or plotting clever ways to use those around her.

Wisdom: --- 8/10: Rosalin knows how the world works. She has lived in the gutters quite long enough to understand the ambitions, weaknesses, strengths, hopes, and vices of those around her.
Charisma: --- 3/10: Rosalin Jareme loathes others. She has just enough cunning to keep this from turning her allies against her, though usually from logic rather than loyalty.

Rosalin does not play well with others. She feels superior to everyone around her and seeks to use them to her advantage, one way or another. She is intense when spoken to, though she says very little. She speaks quietly, knowing most people have to lean in just to hear what she is saying and enjoying even that little bit of power over them that she gains. She is always serious, taking nothing lightly. When things are going on around her, she is processing, looking at possible outcomes, how those outcomes might affect her and what or who she might use to ensure a positive outcome that will advance her own plans. She cares little for anyone but herself, but does have the ability to gain favor from others usually by giving them something they want or need.


[fancybox4=""]The Orphanage

Rosalin was abandoned at an orphanage on Coruscant when she was only three months old. In addition to her young age, she had an awful fever. As poor as St. Mary's Haven for Children was, the OverSeers simply left her be, unable to help her in any way. After a few days, she came through it and was taken in and fed with the others. Throughout the first few years of her life there were many times she was left on her own to live or to die of her own accord. A few of the OverSeers felt that even when she was healthy she was a waste of resources and they would be better off tossing her into the streets.

She survived through it all, however the sicknesses had ravaged her health and left her perpetually weak and prone to sickness. At age five, she began schooling with the other children. There were 42 children in total at the orphanage, divided into two classes. The younger class consisted of children aged 5-12. Rosalin was the only girl who had been there since she was a baby. Most of the babies got adopted right away, Rosalin only remained because she was always sick and no one wanted a sick child. Because of this fact, all of the other children figured there must be something very wrong with her. They teased her and bullied her. There was one girl in particular, named Ellia Malo who relentlessly picked on her. She took Rosalin's meals, she put itching leaves in her pillow case, she pushed her chair over, took her homework, spit on her, and generally humiliated her in front of the other children.

Her Revenge

Rosalin took this all with as much grace as possible. She ducked her head and turned from the stares and the mocking laughter. She found deserted corners to be by herself, away from them. She was an excellent student, studying much more complex lessons than others in her own age group. Even so, she would simmer with rage at night, hands clenched in fists, trying to think of some clever way to get back at Ellia. The rage clouded her mind. She could think of nothing save simple violence and Rosalin knew she could never best the girl in a fight. It took years, but eventually she was able to think clearly. She learned to immerse herself in her studies. She went to libraries and began learning on her own. She felt superior to everyone in the orphanage, even the teachers. She knew she was smarter than all of them. With this knowledge came confidence. She was smarter than them. Than Ellia. Now she would get her revenge.

She was eleven at this point, and Ellia was sixteen. The bullying wasn't as bad as it had been. Ellia mostly forgot about Rosalin. But Rosalin remembered. She remembered it all. The idea came to her one day, that she might procure rat poison and slip it into Ellia's food. She thought about it, but would rather have had some personal touch. Something that would tell Ellia why she was dying. She thought about stealing a steak knife and stabbing her, but wasn't sure Ellia wouldn't be able to get it out of her hands before she made a killing stroke. She wasn't strong enough to strangle her, even with a pillow. And then it happened.

Rosalin had made a friend for once, a boy named Th'yall. He was nice to her and paid attention to her. No one did that. He made her forget her rage, if momentarily. He was the only friend she'd ever made at the orphanage. It was a particularly bad day. On this particularly bad day she had been going to one of her distant corners of the building that were rarely occupied, intending to start a new book she'd gotten from the library earlier that week. Before she got there, she stopped short just around the corner. She heard people, two of them, and they weren't talking. Of course she knew what they were doing and she knew she should have turned right around and left them to it. But Rosalin had heard the boy's voice. Th'yall's voice. She peeked around the corner and saw them. It was Th'yall and Ellia.

Such intense rage as she had never felt before bubbled up inside her like a writhing snake. Red and black spots clouded her vision. A high pitched screeching filled her ears, but she wasn't aware of being the source of it. The tingling smell of ozone filled her nostrils, soon accompanied by a sickly sweet smell that almost smelled of roasting meat.

Rosalin was found unconscious in the hallway. Black scorch marks covered the walls all down the length of it. At the far end were two corpses, blackened and burned almost to nothing. No one knew just what had happened, not even Rosalin herself. The official story was that one of the gas lines must have ruptured and ignited somehow. Of course there were whispers that wondered how that could be. Whispers that wondered how Rosalin had survived such a blast, unmarked, when the other two had been so horridly burnt.

Lessons Learned

Rosalin didn't have to worry about being left alone any more. All of the children feared and loathed her. True, no one knew just what had happened down in that distant hallway, but somehow everyone knew that she had had something to do with it. Meanwhile, Rosalin puzzled over the incident with academic interest. Try as she might, she never could discern exactly what had transpired. After many hours pondering, she finally decided that there was power in her. Power she had never felt before. She began to experiment.

She had heard of the Force, of course. Always in the past she had largely dismissed the notion, figuring it to be a religious belief rather than a real thing. Now it was different. She got her hands on books describing various aspects of the Force, she studied everything she could. Studying was nothing compared to experience, however. Slowly, she began to learn how to connect with the living power of the Force. She meditated, she used her emotions, she imagined the great power this connection might give her. She was obsessed, intoxicated with the power. She went away as often as she could to practice and to learn. Soon she was able to control the lightning sparks in her palm. Then she was able to lift chairs and tables high into the air and slam them back down where she chose. The feeling she got whenever she successfully controlled the power was pure ecstasy.

While she was learning to use the power, she was also maturing into a woman. Though she had always been sickly, she was never a homely child. Now others who looked on her saw beauty. Her breasts and hips had filled out, her face was losing the baby fat of childhood. She did nothing to enhance her beauty, nor to hide it. For a long time, she wasn't even aware of it, so lost was she in her lust for power through the Force. The day came when she was told of it, forcefully.

She was requested by the Dean of the orphanage to accompany his dinner. While nothing like that had ever happened to her, this wasn't anything largely uncalled for either. The Dean had favorite students who excelled past the others and often had them dine with him. It was something Rosalin knew about, but never much paid attention to. When given the request, she sneered at the boy who was sent as messenger. Nodding consent and following him up the stairs to the Dean's chambers, she thought how honored other students were for this chance. She could care less. She was smarter and more powerful than anyone in this wretched place. In fact, she only stayed because she hadn't yet decided where she should travel or how to get there. She had plans in place to leave, but wasn't ready to choose a place.

These thoughts and more were at the front of her mind all through the tedious dinner with the Dean. He chattered at her and she made polite noises indicating she was listening, though she wasn't really. She was surprised, therefore, when suddenly she became aware that he had gotten up and was standing directly behind her. His hand gently stroked her hair and he started whispering things in her ear. At first rigid with rage, her first thought was to strike him dead where he stood. She knew she probably could, if she tried.

Something struck her as odd, however. She had never lain with a boy, hadn't had the chance of course. But she never would have expected the reaction the mere thought of bedding her was having on the Dean. He was thinking about it, of course. She could see that plainly now. His hands were shaking and his breathing was coming in rapid gasps. Slowly, she relaxed her body. He must have sensed the difference, for he started pulling at her to stand. Her mind working quickly, she did what he wanted. She allowed him to lead her from the dining area into a bedroom. He was getting worse. His hand on hers was hot, almost feverish, and she could feel his pulse jumping irregularly through his skin. This was where she must make a decision.

She turned to face him and put her hands on her hips. "What do I get from you?" she asked bluntly. That startled him. She hid a sneer, thinking that he was pathetic to assume she'd just go along with his games like all the others did. He sputtered and tried to push her over to the bed. She deftly slipped out of his way and turned to face him again. "I need credits. Give me what I need, and I will return the favor."

The Dean had gotten over the shock of being addressed so by a young student, a girl at that. He glared at her with a calculating eye. He was not stupid. He had been there those few years ago when two students had died mysteriously and Rosalin had been in the same hallway, completely unharmed. He wasn't afraid of her, but he was wary. He knew the other students stayed away from her. Some primal instinct told him he ought to as well, but she was so beautiful... He simply couldn't help himself. He had extra credits anyway, it wasn't like he couldn't afford... Decision made, he left the room for a moment. When he returned, he placed a small stack of credits on the table and turned to face her. Rosalin eagerly counted the credits, then turned back with a sweet smile on her face. She gave him what he wanted, then left with her new wealth.

She did not enjoy her encounters with the Dean. She felt filthy afterward and washed several times to cleanse her body and her soul. However, he did give her the answer to one of the problems she had been having about leaving the orphanage. She was old enough to make it on her own in the universe, but she had no real skills. She didn't know what she could do to make money, and therefore couldn't book passage on a ship nor buy supplies or clothing. She would only have to endure the old man's fancies a handful of times and she would be able to go with plenty of credits in her purse.

The Next Chapter

After months of searching the libraries and databases for information on various planets, religions, sects, cults, and mercenary groups, Rosalin finally decided where she would go. She would travel to the remote planet of Korriban and there the Sith would teach her to use the Force and to grow in her power. They were her best chance to become the best, the most powerful of them all. She would use them as a tool to further her own means.

And so she undertook the journey. She left the miserable orphanage without a backwards glance, in the middle of the night when she was a week away from turning 16. She was taken in and there she learned. As an acolyte she was pushed hard, almost past her limits. She was beaten down and forced to take action on her own. She surpassed the abilities of her teachers and rose to the rank of Sith. She knows she is becoming more powerful than she ever could have by simply exploring her powers on her own. There are many others she must surpass, however. She knows she is not without faults. She knows she is not the most powerful Sith. Not yet. Supplementing her Force training, she also does extensive daily workout routines. She has always been frail in body and seeks to remedy this. She works to strengthen her muscles and lengthen her endurance. She works hard at it, but can only do so much in one day before tiring.

One thing that changed Rosalin greatly was the sense of family and religion on the planet of Korriban. Here were others who understood her, who did not shy from her gaze or whisper fearfully of her in the night. Here she found others she could actually talk to, if perhaps not become friends with. She is enthralled by the religious aspects of the Sith community and takes great pains to show reverence and to pray when it is appropriate. Finding strength in her beliefs, she has become loyal to the Sith cause. She still wishes to be the single most powerful... but that is not so important as it once was. She enjoys spending time on the planet, feels as if she is understood and accepted for the first time in her life. And now that she is stronger, she almost feels safe.


Skills and Assets

Lightsaber Forms: Rosalin has studied extensively in the Niman lightsaber form of combat. Though she prefers to focus her energies on the execution of Force abilities, she knows there is of course always a chance she will be forced to combat an enemy with a saber.

Strengths: Rosalin is strong in the Force and she is very clever. Her raw power is great, but with training and guidance she has become and could still become more powerful yet. She knows this, which is why she feels so superior to those around her. Yet she bides her time, knowing she cannot progress on her own. She sees the inner thoughts of people she meets by looking into their eyes. She knows what they want from her and what they might be willing to do for her. She is ruthless when it comes to something she wants and will stop at nothing to get it. She is constantly weaving plans and plotting to put to use anyone who comes in contact with her.

Weaknesses: Rosalin's physical body is her biggest weakness. She often catches illnesses and is never in perfect health. She speaks softly and must sit frequently. She is unsettling to most people, even among the Sith. She has a way of looking at people like a piece of meat or a chess piece to be used that doesn't sit right with most people. Because of this, she still finds it difficult to talk to people.

Gear: At the moment, Rosalin owns a few sets of robes, all black of course, a datapad where she keeps her research, a single red bladed lightsaber, and a necklace with a handmade charm that she secretly keeps always around her neck.

Ship: --- None

Droids: --- None

Pets: --- None

Kills: --- 0

Bounties Collected: --- 0

Dueling Ring Matches: ---

Grand Tournament Matches: ---


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Down and Dirty Country Girl
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score

Whiskey River
[fancybox4=""]Full Name: --- Whiskey River
Age: --- 17
Species: --- Human

Height: --- 5'7''

Weight: --- 140 lbs

Eye Color: --- Brown

Hair Color: --- Red
Skin Color: --- White
Markings: --- Small white brand below her left collar bone in the shape of a star with a circle around it - her tribe's holy symbol for the Chosen One.

Faction: --- Fulcrum

Rank: --- Tyro

Credits: ---1,000
Force Sensitive: ---Yes

Strength: --- 4/10: Whiskey doesn't focus on physical strength in her regiment, though she knows it is an important aspect of overall health.
Constitution: --- 5/10: She is not overly prone to illness, nor is she always sick.
Dexterity: --- 7/10: She has worked heavily on her ability to evade and dodge incoming attacks.
Intelligence: --- 6/10: Whiskey is very smart and remembers almost everything anyone tells her.

Wisdom: --- 7/10: While young yet, it is clear that she knows how to utilize the knowledge she possesses and she can sense the feelings and needs of those around her.
Charisma: --- 8/10: Whiskey is a charming young lady who is kind to those she meets and motivating to those she has already befriended.

Whiskey is youthful, happy and cheerful virtually all of the time. She isn't bubbly or overly excited, but always has a quiet sense of serenity and peacefulness around her. She is usually very calm and enjoys spending time alone, especially if there is a body of water nearby (she loves to swim as much as possible). She is helpful and will offer advice if such seems needed. She values nature and the lives of all creatures and shows reverence to them. She often will consider a problem for a long time before making a decision on how best to solve it. She is a great mediator when others disagree, always seeing and understanding both sides of the issue. Above all, she desires peace and harmony with nature and each other.

[fancybox4=""]The Beginning

The first part of Whiskey's childhood years were spent in a small community on Dantooine. This community revered a Goddess of Life and as such was ruled by the Mother Priestess of the community. Whiskey was the daughter of the Mother Priestess and as such was the Chosen One to replace her mother when the time came. Because of the importance of the females of the River line, the Mother Priestess only kept and raised her female children, the males were given to other mothers in the community to become part of the adoptive mother's family. Whiskey and her two younger sisters were kept in the Sacred Temple with their mother, away from the rest of the children, and taught the rituals of their culture. The importance of their safety was such that they were seldom allowed to leave the Temple except for specific every day tasks. They were all to be the religious leaders of their community when they made the ascent into adulthood. Unfortunately they did not make it that far.

When Whiskey was twelve years old, tragedy struck. One of the wells that the community used to gather water had unknowingly become contaminated by some toxin. Almost the entire village died within a single day. They died horribly. Both of her young sisters and their Mother were among the dead. The small handful of people that were left unharmed physically by the incident didn't have the heart to continue in the same place. They buried their dead and held a ceremony, at which Whiskey acted as the Mother Priestess.

Moving On

Those that were left of her people had decided to simply move to another village on the same planet. She knew that she wasn't meant to stay with them. She had strong powers in her, she knew. Powers that could not be utilized in a village where she was not the Priestess or where men ruled and would stifle her. She was too young to go on her own, and besides had no means to leave the planet, so she went with them at first.

None of her people understood her any longer. She had been kept away from them and so didn't know how to live with them, how to act or what to say. One of the men built her a small house on the lake that pooled at the boundaries of their new tribe's village. She remained there on her own, most of the time. She ate with the children of the tribe, but she did not play with them or learn or hunt with them. She stayed in her small house and she prayed. She practiced over and over the rituals her Mother had shown to her and her little sisters. She would remember them always.

She aged past the time she would customarily have taken a man and lain with him. This would have been the time she would have passed through childhood and into adulthood. She could not perform the sacred ritual, not without her Mother, not without her tribe. They were all gone. She saved herself, deciding that to stay pure was the only way for the Goddess of Life to recognize her as the Chosen One still.

On the dawning of her sixteenth year, she went to the eldest of her old tribe. A woman who had known her since she was born, she listened with sad eyes as Whiskey stated her wishes and explained why she felt she must go. The old woman, having known since the day the tragedy struck that this would eventually come to pass, simply nodded and hugged the girl to her chest. She gave Whiskey the credits needed to get passage off the planet. And so the young girl turned from her home planet and left it, in search of a purpose.

Skills and Assets
[fancybox4=""]Force Powers: Whiskey is very good at moving things around with the Force and has an understanding but not mastery of healing with the Force. Some of the rituals her mother taught her use the Force in very strange ways, often with unbelievable results...

Skills: She swam a lot during her alone time and thus is a very skilled swimmer. She is quite agile and quick with her hands. Whiskey is also very talented at meditating, which often increases her Force powers and focuses her concentration.

Lightsaber Forms: At this time, Whiskey has never so much as held a lightsaber.

Strengths: Force abilities are strong, very charming, introspective, active/healthy, intelligent.

Weaknesses: Thinks she knows about the world because of her loss, in reality she has seen no true horrors, she does not read people well, has a child like innocence.

Gear: Whiskey carries with her several talismans of her Mother's religion, basic supplies like water, food, and a healing kit, has a small stash of credits, two sets of clothing (one from Dantooine, homespun and light, and another she bought for space travel with heavier materials, pants instead of a skirt, and a jacket), and her most precious possession of all - the ceremonial hides used in the ritual of a girl's ascent into womanhood.

Ship: --- N/A


Pets: --- N/A

Kills: --- N/A

Bounties Collected: --- N/A

Dueling Ring Matches: --- N/A

Grand Tournament Matches: --- N/A


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Down and Dirty Country Girl
SWRP Writer
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score

Aria Diruno
[fancybox4=""]Full Name: --- Aria Diruno
Age: --- 26
Species: --- Kiffar

Height: --- 5'6''

Weight: --- 150 lbs

Eye Color: --- Hazel

Hair Color: --- Blonde
Skin Color: --- White
Markings: --- Red facial tattoos: two vertical lines on right forehead and one horizontal line on right cheek

Faction: --- Sacred Band of Ziost

Rank: --- Sister

Credits: ---1,000
Force Sensitive: --- No

Strength: --- 7/10: Aria is pretty strong for a human girl, she has a daily regiment of strength training that she completes religiously (this being something learned and enforced throughout her teenage and adult years).
Constitution: --- 6/10: She can take physical abuse, rarely gets sick, and has a good endurance.
Dexterity: --- 8/10: Agility training being another daily regiment strictly reinforced, Aria is also very agile. Particularly when it comes to weapons training, her hands are very quick.
Intelligence: --- 5/10: Aria isn't stupid, but she isn't terribly bright either. She can problem solve if a mission doesn't go as planned, but doesn't normally have to think much further than that.

Wisdom: --- 3/10: She has always survived by trusting one other person and following their orders and their lead implicitly. Because of this, she can't read people well, nor does she understand how politics or other such complicated matters work.
Charisma: --- 7/10: Despite some of these shortcomings, Aria is a very sweet and charming girl. Many secondary members of her previous flight team regarded her as a little sister to be doted on and many of them loved her fiercely.

Personality: Aria is a sweet, fun loving woman. She enjoys playing games (and pranks) on her friends and always sees the happiest outcome of things. No matter what happens, she never stays sad or angry long. However, she has another side that can be vicious, unrelenting, and even cruel under certain circumstances. There is always one single person in her life that Aria is implicitly and fiercely loyal to. If this person is in danger, she will lay her life down to protect them. If that person orders her to do something - anything - she will do it with no hesitation at all, even if that order is something heinous or cruel. Some might even call her level of devotion akin to worship of a god. Regardless, nothing this person does or says or makes her do will ever cause her to doubt, hate, or leave them. And if anyone ever questions her relationship with that person, they do so at their own risk.


[fancybox4=""]Nar Shadaa
The story of Aria's life begins on the busy planet of Nar Shadaa. Here is where she was born and here is where her parents died. Both were murdered for their meager belongings when Aria was still an infant. Her older sister, Rayda, was nine and managed to care for her well enough that they both survived. Growing up, they only had each other from that point forward. Rayda became well connected with the various thieves, black market merchants, underground cantina owners or bartenders, and many other crime oriented individuals. Being so young, she couldn't earn much money from any one of these people, but she learned to do many small tasks for many different people. Once Aria was old enough, Rayda taught her to do these small tasks as well. Bringing items to drop off points, exchanging discreet messages, spying on a street or corner and relaying that information, even inserting modified chips into certain datapads or droids brought in for repair. In this way, the two young sisters made their way in the world. It wasn't much, but they were content enough with their lives as long as they had each other.

There came a day when this bond would sever, however. One of Rayda's principles was never to sell her body or to allow her sister to. She knew several women who were forced into that life and knew one could never feel happy or fulfilled with such a rotten position in life. So it was not uncommon for her to refuse the advances men seeking her pleasure. She was, after all, a beautiful woman, 19 by this time. On this particular day, it was a group of men and they wanted both of the sisters. It was late in the evening and they had all been drinking and eyeing the two girls for several hours. When Rayda and Aria left the cantina for their home, the men followed them.

Cornered in an alley, Rayda tried to refuse them. Usually a few barbed comments and swift maneuvers were enough to evade groups like this. These men were seasoned mercenaries, however, come in from a mission in the outer rim that had apparently paid very well. Rayda could not evade them or dissuade them. She had a pair of hidden knives in her boots. Screaming for Aria to run away, she pulled them and slashed viciously at the closest enemy. She slashed the first man's throat with deadly accuracy, but was hard pressed with the remaining five. After dealing a few minor injuries, they had surrounded her and easily took the weapons away from her. Aria hadn't gone far to hide, but the men had lost interest in her anyway. She was close enough to hear her sister's sobs as the men took turns at her. Aria couldn't take it and ran through the streets screaming for someone to help.

Of a sudden, she found herself lying on the ground still sobbing and peering through tear blurred eyes. She'd run into a man. A big man. He had with him several other people, all tough looking, but not mean or unkind. The man she'd run into leaned down and asked her what the trouble was. After a few questions and Aria's somewhat incoherent blubbering revealed what was happening, the man picked her up and slung her small body up over his shoulders. Aria was too anguished by what was happening to her sister to complain or argue, instead simply directing the man through the streets until the neared the alley she'd left. The man put her down outside the alley and told her to stay there. He and the others went into the alley and were gone for several minutes. Aria heard nothing but the blood pounding in her temples the entire time she was alone.

When they returned, her sister was not with them. None of the others would look at her and an air of disturbance seemed settled on them all. Aria looked at each one of them with growing panic. The man knelt down next to her and put a big hand on her small shoulder. She shook with grief when he spoke to her. "Your sister asked me to take you in. She says you are very quick with your hands and learn well. Is this true?" And so Aria was adopted into the crew of the Wayward Dozen.

The Wayward Dozen

Nataar Kzatlan was the man's name. He was the owner and commander of his ship and thus the official leader of the mercenary band, the Wayward Dozen. This group of twelve were varied in skills and assets and hired out their collective talents to any willing to pay their fees. Nataar was a kind, strong and fair leader and so was never questioned by his soldiers or his crew. Aria absolutely adored him. He was her savior. Her sister had been all she had in the world and when she died, Aria would certainly have been lost without Nataar. She followed his every word with worshipful intensity. She obeyed every command unthinkingly. When he originally took Aria in, she was only nine and therefore could not fight with them. He had her cook and clean, look after his men's gear and learn maintenance on the ship. From the beginning, however, she was taught in daily training sessions the skills of combat.

Nataar had one of his men or women train with Aria daily. She was taught everything at first, only to begin focusing on her talents and strengths when she reached puberty. Thus, she learned basics of hand to hand, knives, blasters, snipers, and slugthrowers. She learned how to fight one enemy and several, how to defend against and attack force users with lightsabers and how to use deception in battle to throw off an enemy. She also learned computer hacking and programming, droid building and modifying, ship piloting and maintenance, handling and using explosives, and weapon repair and modifying. At length it was decided she excelled at combat with knives and sniper blasters and computer hacking and programming was her other best skill.

The day came when Aria turned 14 years old. This was the day Nataar would send her on her first ever mission. Five others went with her, as much to teach her as to protect her. The job was a simple one. They were to land in a spaceport and quietly infiltrate a particular ship in a neighboring docking bay. Those inside would be dispatched quickly and the hold would be emptied and transported to the Wayward's hold immediately. Barring any incident, they would depart at once and make their way to a somewhat distant planet where they would drop off the cargo and collect the bounty for it. Nothing went wrong. It was the first time Aria had ever used a weapon with lethal intent, but she did not back away from it. Nataar had been training her all these years for this very purpose. She would never let him down.

An unexpected side effect of this first enemy encounter was the discovery of a certain blood lust in Aria Diruno. Nataar was pleased to hear from his shipmates of the gleam in her eye and the smile on her face as she quietly and efficiently dispatched two of the guards that had been aboard the enemy ship. That night was to be another first for Aria. Nataar had her dine with him in his private chamber, to celebrate he said. He congratulated her on her fine work that day and promised there would be more where that came from. When their dinner was finished and several glasses of wine had been drunk, Nataar led her to his bed. Aria thoroughly enjoyed their exploits that night, and there was always more where that came from as well.


As the years went by, Aria came to be known by her own name. Nataar developed a special weapon for her that she became proficient with and known for throughout the worlds they frequented. They were a pair of claws. Held in her hand, each had four retractable long knives extended above her fist and could be used with deadly efficiency. He had even gotten hold of some cortosis and edged the blades with it so she could fend off lightsabers. Nataar joked that he had perfected the best attack dog a man could ask for. Aria never objected, hearing only pride and praise in his voice.

After being raised on board the ship, all the others came to know Aria very well and many loved her like family. She was always very kind and fun loving, playing pranks or devising games to play during down time. She also turned out to be the best cook on board, and thus was often coerced into making dinner over anyone else. Nataar and Aria became an official and inseparable couple when Aria turned 16 and he moved her things into his personal chambers. He told her it was just so he could keep a closer eye on her, but their intimate relationship became an even more important part of their lives. Aria always believed he loved her unconditionally, even when he beat her for doing wrong or making a mistake. Even when she saw him go off with some other woman when in a spaceport, arm around her waist. Even when he smacked her then laughed at the face she made. Many of the others on board the mercenary ship disliked the way Nataar treated Aria, but everyone knew there was nothing they could do even IF Aria had wanted their help or even realized his treatment of her was wrong. But Aria never doubted Nataar, not ever.


They say all good things must come to an end, and this part of Aria Diruno's life was no exception. It happened because of Nataar's choice to take a certain job. Most of the time the Wayward Dozen kept to the sidelines of the war, staying away from any big job that would noticeably affect one side or the other. The gains for this job were too much to pass up, however. The job itself wasn't a difficult one, but dangerous in the proximity to powerful enemies. The Border Alliance was going to pay them enough that every member could retire and live comfortably off the money for the rest of their days. Because of this, they took the job.

It was to be a raid much like Aria's first ever mission. There was a certain ship with certain cargo that they were to commandeer and bring back to the Border Alliance. The soldiers on board were members of the Sith Brotherhood. The plan still could have worked well, as it had so often in the past, except for one fluke of chance. They waited until the ship had been docked for a while, expecting that most of the crew would leave and go have a drink or some other such enjoyment while in port. Unfortunately, the ship's captain had orders that none other than those necessary to the mission on planet were to be allowed to leave while docked.

The Wayward Dozen snuck in silently and efficiently took out a few of the guards. Everything was going well until four Sith closed in on them from all directions, having sensed their presence as soon as they boarded the ship. Aria, Nataar, and all the others were trapped and they knew it. Still, they outnumbered the enemy and so they fought. The fighting brought others, SBZ among them. Lightsabers swung every which way among blaster fire and knives flashed in the lights. Every member of the Wayward Dozen was present that day. Only one managed to survive.

The Sacred Band of Ziost

Aria had been shot in the head with a blaster at close range during the fighting on the Sith vessel. Miraculously, she didn't immediately die and so was somewhat cared for and eventually recovered. The commander of the ship kept her with them until they went back to Korriban, at which point he handed her over to the Sacred Band of Ziost (Aria not being force sensitive). She was put through rigorous training and trials, some of which nearly killed her all over again. The masters at the "school" could have cared less if she died, knowing that only the strong survive.

A long lasting side effect of the head wound she had suffered was that on occasion she "went droid", or so she called it to herself. During these times she would sort of zone out and stand or sit for hours unless told to do otherwise. On first discovering this occurence, the school masters wanted to end her life for her weakness. It was decided to let her live, however, and eventually they decided it was an asset to them. The reason being that while she would do nothing for hours, she would also do anything if ordered to.

Aria went through these trials stoically. She felt lost, but knew that Nataar would never give up fighting for his life and would always expect the same of her. Because of that reason alone, she continued. She had been trained well and after a while had no difficulties with the trials set forth by the school masters. It wasn't long before she was promoted to the elite group among the SBZ and named sister. Suddenly given freedom with her time, Aria almost panicked. She wouldn't know what to do with herself if left to her own devices. Thankfully, she was saved from this dilemma by a man. A man had been her savior once, she thought it fitting for another to be her savior again. The day she met Alistair Stroud was the first day since the disaster that her life finally made sense again. She would serve him, as she had served Nataar and Rayda before.


Skills and Assets

Skills: Aria is extremely skilled in close combat with knives and in particular, her vibro-claws. She's a dead shot at long range with sniper blasters and she is pretty good at hacking and programming computer systems.

Strengths: Close combat with knives (vibro-claws especially), long range combat with sniper blasters, hacking and programming computers, charming men, being loyal and honest to those she's close to, having fun, cooking, and being the center of attention.

Weaknesses: Understanding the ways of the world, judging the honesty of people she doesn't know, ability to care about anyone not in her inner circle of friends, combat with short or mid range blasters, doesn't trust easily, could be handicapped by her need to be told what to do and to have someone other than herself to be the guiding force of her life.

Gear: Custom made cortosis edged claws, medium weight armor, a datapad, street clothes and jewelry (most notably a large locket encrusted with rubies), several types of knives, one generic sniper blaster, various computer components, a two week supply of food rations, a canteen, a bed roll, firemaking kit, small supply of bacta along with various emergency aid components like bandages and cloth for slings, several hard copy photos, and a large pack in which all of her belongings are carried.

Ship: --- N/A


Pets: --- N/A

Kills: --- N/A

Bounties Collected: --- N/A

Dueling Ring Matches: --- N/A

Grand Tournament Matches: --- N/A


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The one you happily follow if he asks you
SWRP Writer
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score

Whiskey River
[fancybox4=""]Full Name: --- Whiskey River
Age: --- 17
Species: --- Human

Height: --- 5'7''

Weight: --- 140 lbs

Eye Color: --- Brown

Hair Color: --- Red
Skin Color: --- White
Markings: --- Small white brand below her left collar bone in the shape of a star with a circle around it - her tribe's holy symbol for the Chosen One.

Faction: --- Fulcrum

Rank: --- Tyro

Credits: ---1,000
Force Sensitive: ---Yes

Strength: --- 4/10: Whiskey doesn't focus on physical strength in her regiment, though she knows it is an important aspect of overall health.
Constitution: --- 5/10: She is not overly prone to illness, nor is she always sick.
Dexterity: --- 7/10: She has worked heavily on her ability to evade and dodge incoming attacks.
Intelligence: --- 8/10: Whiskey is very smart and remembers almost everything anyone tells her.

Wisdom: --- 6/10: While young yet, it is clear that she knows how to utilize the knowledge she possesses.
Charisma: --- 7/10: Whiskey is a charming young lady who is kind to those she meets and motivating to those she has already befriended.



[fancybox4=""]The Beginning

The first part of Whiskey's childhood years were spent in a small community on (PLANET?). This community revered a Goddess of Life and as such was ruled by the Mother Priestess of the community. Whiskey was the daughter of the Mother Priestess and as such was the Chosen One to replace her mother when the time came. Because of the importance of the females of the River line, the Mother Priestess only kept and raised her female children, the males were given to other mothers in the community to become part of the adoptive mother's family. Whiskey and her two younger sisters were kept in the Sacred Temple with their mother, away from the rest of the children, and taught the rituals of their culture. The importance of their safety was such that they were seldom allowed to leave the Temple except for specific every day tasks. They were all to be the religious leaders of their community when they made the ascent into adulthood. Unfortunately they did not make it that far.

When Whiskey was twelve years old, tragedy struck. One of the wells that the community used to gather water had unknowingly become contaminated by some toxin. Almost the entire village died within a single day. They died horribly. Both of her young sisters and their Mother were among the dead. The small handful of people that were left unharmed physically by the incident didn't have the heart to continue in the same place. They buried their dead and held a ceremony, at which Whiskey acted as the Mother Priestess.

Moving On

Those that were left of her people had decided to simply move to another village on the same planet. She knew that she wasn't meant to stay with them. She had strong powers in her, she knew. Powers that could not be utilized in a village where she was not the Priestess or where men ruled and would stifle her. She was too young to go on her own, and besides had no means to leave the planet, so she went with them at first.

None of her people understood her any longer. She had been kept away from them and so didn't know how to live with them, how to act or what to say. One of the men built her a small house on the lake that pooled at the boundaries of their new tribe's village. She remained there on her own, most of the time. She ate with the children of the tribe, but she did not play with them or learn or hunt with them. She stayed in her small house and she prayed. She practiced over and over the rituals her Mother had shown to her and her little sisters. She would remember them always.

She aged past the time she would customarily taken a man and lain with him. This would have been the time she would have passed through childhood and into adulthood. She could not perform the sacred ritual, not without her Mother, not without her tribe. They were all gone. She saved herself, deciding that to stay pure was the only way for the Goddess of Life to recognize her as the Chosen One still.

On the dawning of her sixteenth year, she went to the eldest of her old tribe. A woman who had known her since she was born, she listened with sad eyes as Whiskey stated her wishes and explained why she felt she must go. The old woman, having known since the day the tradgedy struck that this would eventually come to pass, simply nodded and hugged the girl to her chest. She gave Whiskey the credits needed to get passage off the planet. And so the young girl turned from her home planet and left it, in search of a purpose.

Skills and Assets
[fancybox4=""]Force Powers:


Lightsaber Forms:




Ship: --- N/A


Pets: --- N/A

Kills: --- N/A

Bounties Collected: --- N/A

Dueling Ring Matches: --- N/A

Grand Tournament Matches: --- N/A

