[Rebel] Trip to Corellia

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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OOC: Skipping druchi for inactivity

Aaron had claimed the datapad from the hacker and avoiding the patrols had been difficult but he managed to dump the datapad in front of the same cafe in which they had left. It would look as if the admiral's son in his drunken stupor had forgotten to get the datapad when he was leaving the cafe. Aaron had initially thought to get a room at the dank tavern, but was now beginning to think it would be a better idea to return to the ship and sleep. They met back up with Sabrina, whom he had found out had been searched rather thoroughly by an imperial patrol. They had found nothing, as nothing incriminating was on any of the three of them, nor on the ship. Nothing they had could be tied to their loyalties or plans but what was in their head. They made their way back down the main street, again attempting to avoid any imperial patrols, but he knew it would be impossible once into the spaceport. As suspected, the entrance to the spaceport a patrol was searching everyone on the way in and out of the crowded building. They stepped up to submit to a search but knew that they would find nothing. Assuming the search was uneventful they would return to the ship, sweep it for bugs, they were on an imperial world after all, bar the doors, and sleep for the night. Aaron looked forward to the bed he had grown accustomed to sleeping in.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Those entering the space port were greeted by two Storm Troopers who were armed with scanners and side arms. One would simply ask the civilian they were searching to empty their pockets on a table and to put them and any bags or cases they had there as well. Surprisingly, the two troops were very respectful when searching. When one would find a weapon, mostly a legal one, a permit was requested where so far they had. It was clear though what would happen if someone had a illegal weapon or no permits.


The first trooper said, turning to see the duo as he pointed to the table.

"Empty your pockets onto the table along with any bags and containers you may have."

He said as his partner approached them and ran the scanner down both of them. All it would do it try to detect any weapons, which would then beep.


SWRP Writer
Oct 9, 2013
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Akiara always hated the TSA the Transportation Security Administration always took things so seriously, heck he would not be surprised if his gundark pendant set off some sort of check list. Still it had been largely uneventful trip so far, some rest was needed rather sorely.

When the troopers came up to search them they were more than a tad rough troughing through their belongings and scanning them multiple times - very efficient no precautions must have sent some alarm bells ringing he thought quietly to himself. After the search he picked up his bag and put his coat back on, Corellia could be freezing. Still though the thought of bed was enough to get him through the checkpoint.

"listen you go on ahead to bed I'll check the place over a little before I head upto meet you. Then well head out tomorrow."

Of course he intended to see if he could get anything out the data he had acquired he doubted it and would most probably be sorely disappointed.

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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Aaron having been on Coruscant before had the proper papers from the time for the weapons he was carrying. He did not know if they would be suitable for the imperials, but the scan would show his blade strapped to his back, his blaster at his side in a hip holster, the single vibroknife on the opposite side from the blaster and the three throwing knifes at the back of the belt, tucked neatly into a pouch, but able to be snagged quickly if needed. He expected to be waved through and when he did he would head directly for the ship and up to his bed near the cockpit. He had hit a wall of sorts and had become very tired. He waved at the other man in the group as he concluded his statement. His bed was calling his name. He knew Sabrina would be along shortly which somewhat comforted him with the awkward situation brought on by the patrol.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Before anyone could reboard their ship and get some needed rest, the sound of a door closing was heard as two Imperial Storm Troopers made their presence known in the hangar. They were walking away from their Speeder that they brought into the hangar, and both were armed with their rifles.

"You three, freeze. We have warrants to bring you in for questioning about on goings in town. We prefer you cooperate and come peacefully."

The main trooper lied. The truth was, he and his friend were not Imperials or Soldiers, but rather someone that Aaron and Akiara would want to speak with. But in public, they had to keep their cover could not risk it being blown. They only hoped that the two would come along peacefully, They didn't want to use their rifles on them, even with stun on.

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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Aaron shook his head walking towards the ship as the stormtroopers spoke. Somehow they had discovered it was them that had taken the holopad. He turned around and raised his hands walking slowly towards the stormtroopers. "I don't know what this is about, we did not do anything," he said to the troopers.

He noticed the speeder sitting behind them and the gleaming white armor the troopers were famous for. He stopped directly in front of them with his hands still raised.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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One of the troopers moved behind Aaron and the others, grabbing their hands and put binders on their wrists and moved them towards the speeders.

"You can explain it to the captain, he's eager to know the full story."

The one in charge said, seconds later black sacks were placed on Aaron and the other's heads that prevented them from seeing anything but darkness, but allowed them to still breath. They were, rather harshly, forced into the back seat before the doors closed and locked. With them in tow, The one in charge had them wrap everything up and drove off and out of the hangar. As they approached their final destination, The one in charge turned around in the speeder to face Aaron and spoke to him directly.

"Before we arrive, I have a few of my own questions. I expect you to answer honestly, otherwise... well, you get the idea. Are we clear?"

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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Aaron felt claustrophobic under the bag as he was roughly shoved into the speeder. He grumbled in disagreement to their treatment but remained silent. The trooper spoke of a captain they would be going to see and questions that they had for him.

"I feel I will answer as best I can. I have nothing to hide. Ask me what you will," he replied to the inquiry.

"However, I do expect some answers of my own as I am a galactic citizen and your imperium cannot hold me," he added silently wishing that were true.

He had heard stories of others locked away for several years before seeing another human being or talking. He could not handle that and did not look forward to whatever was going to happen next.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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"Interesting choice of words, and a good choice at that. Good, now onto my second question."

The One in Charge started, his image illuminated in darkness from Aaron's view. He leaned back in his seat while keeping his professional tone.

"Rather you get your answers and your freedom really determines your own answers to our questions. Now, as I was saying..."

He spoke as the feeling of the speeder they were in was slowing down to a stop as the engine was shut off."

"What is your business here on Corellia, or more specifically, what exactly is your mission here?"

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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"You are an imperial stormtrooper, your star destroyers gave us clearance to land. I would hope that the communication is not that poor between orbit and here. So more to the point, exactly who are you," he questioned the one in charge.

Unfortunately, the hood covering his head blocked almost all the light from his eyes. He wondered who these people were and what their true intentions were. He had a feeling this outcome would not be what he expected based on the first line of questions.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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"Alright, let's skip around to the point of it then. I can tell you're going to be a fun one to question."

The sounds of doors were opening, and Aaron was forced out of his seat and out of the speeder, though the Troops made sure he was still standing. After a moment, the sounds of the cuffs coming off was heard and felt around his wrists, followed by his vision being restored. The One in Charge was revealed to be the Storm Trooper who arrested him, but without his helmet and had on a smile like he was about to laugh his ass off. He was a middle aged man with a brown buzz cut, mild stubble and brown eyes.

"Sorry about that, I had to put on a show for the cameras. My name's Bartrand, Bart for short. Me and my friends aren't really Imperials, but we do have to put on a show so they don't get suspicious, Mister Aaron Corinth. We know who you are, we just had to make sure of it first. Seems like you and your friend made some... friends last night, and it got our attention."

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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He was marched through doors and into a room and he felt his hands be freed from the cuffs and the hood pulled off of his head. The man they had said was in charge was standing before him and was the same stormtrooper that had been trying to get him to answer his questions. He introduced himself and began to speak on their experience and that they knew who he was. He shook his head, only Akiara and the rebels knew who he truly was. "Ok Bart, and who is it that you think I am? You say you are not imperials. Who are you? Corsec? Ex Corsec," he said, trying to pry information from them.

He still didn't know who these people were. He was always skeptical and the imperium stopped at nothing to deal with traitors and the activity he had been doing was exactly that. He wanted a bit of reassurance before he began to tell them who he was and what he was here to do.

He rubbed his wrists where the cuffs were on a bit too tightly and glanced at the "stormtroopers" behind him. What are the chances of these guys truly not being imperials, he wondered as he awaited the man's response.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Bart raised his eyebrow some, then laughed some as he folded his hands behind his back as the other "Storm Troopers" started to relax as they removed their own helmets.

"Oh, I think you know who we are. You don't like the imperials, neither do we. We simply try to make life easier for the Corellians here that are submitted to some harsh penalties by the Imperials. After we acquired some outfits and fake identities, we infiltrated into the ranks here in Corellia. Some hate us, but we try to make it easier for them, and it turns out some Imperials may be feeling the same way."

"Put bluntly, We are the reason you've come to Corellia. Off the record, we don't belong to the Imperials and are just a small piece of those who are trying to put an end to our current overlords. But I feel you may want more then my word."

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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He watched the remaining stormtroopers dispose of their despicable shiny white helmets and the man apparently in charge began to speak again. He followed the words and they were beginning to make sense. "You are a smart man. If you were in my position what would you think? I could say I was a Sith Lord too but would you believe it," following the comment he became a bit more serious.

"So tell me, Bart, what is this resistance you are describing? What do these imperials think? What do your citizens think? You say you are trying to help them, how is terrorizing them as we saw earlier helping,"
he asked the man directly.

He believed that they weren't imperial, but he was still curious as to what exactly they were and where they came from. He didn't recognize any of them and he had spent many years on the planet, both in his childhood and while in CorSec.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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"Well, to start, you're not handcuffed to a table in an interrogation room. Second, as I've stated, not all Imperials agree with how... harsh they are supposed to be. We've always tried to do what is best for the people, and we've learned other troops are more caring for their people for ourselves. We have files and audio logs from our helmets to show that."

Taking a moment, he reached into his pocket for a smoke as he struck a match on his pant leg and lit his smoke. He offered Aaron one before he continued on.

"As for our resistance... what resistance? We're just a small group of neighbors who are trying to help our fellow Corellians. We have people, information and possible Imperials who may help us in return, though the latter can be... hard to grasp. We simply know we won't be able to do anything on our own, not at the cost of imprisonment or execution. You follow?"

One of the other troops then placed some data pads and documents on a table that Bart had mentioned, allowing Aaron himself to examine them.

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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Aaron noted the man's point and nodded along with him. He politely declined the smokes, but he did step up to glance over the information on the datapads It was just what he had mentioned, information on the imperials, their bases, the commanders, the ships, and other information that could have only come from an imperial. He was right imperials helping them was hard to believe. After glancing at the information he stepped back and began to speak, "Well, now that I feel more comfortable with you gentlemen. I appreciate your hospitality. I am Aaron Corinth, a member of the rebellion. We are going to take down the empire and I was sent to make contact with the "resistance" on Corellia and gain as much information as possible concerning the imperials on the planet without being detected, which as you know we almost blew that one. What is it the rebellion can help you with? Knowing there is a friendly presence on the planet would provide reassurance to our cause and we could provide supplies and intelligence from outside the system."

He concluded his talk, hoping his judgment of the men was right and some officer didn't enter and arrest him. He knew if that were the case, chances were he would be executed on the planet. He glanced back at the other "stormtroopers" to see their reaction.

"Wait..wait...wait, you said there is no resistance? Who attempted to make contact with us then," he asked the gentlemen plugging a holodrive into one of the datapads pulling the message they had received up for the men to hear.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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"What Bart meant to say, Sir, is that he doesn't consider a small hand full of friends and neighbors to be much of a resistance." The Tech said, hooking up the cords as he checked for a good connection.

"What we could use though..." Bart started as he took a blow from his smoke. "Is some more people. Ones who are good at keeping their cool and know how to keep a cover. As well as maybe some new tech to better help our situations. In return, we'll make monthly reports of anything your friends would find interesting. As well as trying to ensure that the civilians here are no longer oppressed, and anything else you may want in return."

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
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"Well to start with, I know you must be familiar with the planet and the imperial presence. What kind of control do they have here? What does the base look like? Are there any other bases on the planet? Is there any other space defenses besides the two star destroyers and the third grounded here," he asked in rapid fire.

He was excited to find anyone that would fight against the empire, but he was at the same time disappointed to find that his parents were not a part of the group and they appeared to be a small ragtag bunch blending in with the imperials. He glanced around the room again at the men prepared for a harder question. "Do you know what might have possibly happened to my parents, the Corinths lived outside the city. Also, what happened to the members of the old CorSec," he again asked almost dreading the response.

He had a feeling the empire had killed them all but would like to at least have it confirmed.


The Black Sheep of SWRP
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2005
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Bart hesitated at first, but felt he should answer the important question first.

"You won't like the answer, but we're heard... nothing from the Corinths, or too many outside the city. They may be keeping a low profile, low enough that none of us know about it anyways."

He said, putting out his cigarette.

"If you're talking about main bases of operations, they have roughly twenty seven on the whole planet, one being in this city. We've only been in this one city, however, so what goes on beyond it is beyond our own knowledge. Though I would hope that there are others like us, ones willing to stand against the Imperials. Here, they've just replaced all of CorSec and integrated those already employed."

Before he could answer anymore questions, there was a beeping on his waist. He knew what it meant.

"Alright, I'm running low on time here before I have to "Get back out there". But I can answer a few more questions. As for the Star Destroyers, the three have always been here, sometimes four when one circles the planet before moving onto the next system."

Aaron Corinth

The Shadow
SWRP Writer
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
He shook his head. He had figured as much. He whistled as the man described the bases on the planet. The CorSec absorption surprised him little. He had heard of the atrocities the imperium had committed and he knew the old agency couldn't fight them alone.

As the beeping on his waist sounded, he nodded as the man said it was time to wrap things up. "I can't think of anything further. I appreciate your help. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. If you need anything further from us, this is our holonet frequency," he concluded as he rattled off a brief sequence of numbers.

"Now, if you would escort me back to our ship and I believe we will be on our way. The information you provided is invaluable," he told him as he awaited the man to lead him back to the speeder.