Plot and Roleplay ideas (9.29.18)

Kur Harwutma

Yo-Yo Enthusiast
SWRP Writer
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
The way forward

Type: Open
PvP: Maybe
Planet: Wayland
Location: Outer Rim Territories

The empire has sent two of their own to Wayland; an underdeveloped world located on the cusp of outer and inner rim. Simply a scouting mission to find areas of interest for future encampments. They were surprised to find a republic anti-air tower tucked away in the northern mountain range. Unfortunately, their ship couldn’t escape in time. They crash landed, losing all long distance communication and their only way home.

Now the two must make their way to the Anti-aircraft Emplacement. Scouting parties are after them, the planets natives hate terrestrials, and it’s a long trip to the mountain range.

Empire scouting party:
- Ongye @Kur Harwutma
- Empty
- Optional

(Optional) Republic Forces
- Empty
- Empty
- Optional

Ghost of our past

Type: Open/Plot
PvP: No
Planet: Belkadan
Location: Outer Rim

After searching through the unorganized cache of Holocrons and Scrolls on Korriban, Ongye discovered something strange. The elderly figure that appeared from its pyramid shaped prison began to recite a list of ingredients with instructions for cooking. Researching these select items found they were all from a similar planet, Belkadan. What’s here may be of use, either for the empire or a well balanced meal.

(We’ll be retrieving a ancient Rakata stealth drive. I’ll need to create a Tech article for it but as advanced tech it should be okay. We can begin the plot ASAP)

Research Team

- Ongye @Kur Harwutma
- Risha @Nyxova
- Optional

Unsatisfiable Hunger

Type: Ask
PvP: Yes
Planet: Any
Location: Any

Ongye is hunting, dare you be his next meal?

(Must be force sensitive)

- Ongye @Kur Harwutma

- Empty
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Kur Harwutma

Yo-Yo Enthusiast
SWRP Writer
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score

Awesome! Let me know when your character is ready and I’ll post the opening afterwards.

Kur Harwutma

Yo-Yo Enthusiast
SWRP Writer
Dec 11, 2016
Reaction score
Is that rhetorical? Lol If you’re ready, let’s do it! Seeing as your character hasn’t been approved yet just keep in mind that some of your skills/abilities may not be allowed at your starting rank.

I’ll start an OOC for it so we can talk about it there.