

Lost in the World Over Yonder
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score

  • Name: Phlàigh
  • Biology: The Phlàigh is a beast born of Sith Alchemy through a recipe and ritual created by Kir Vidaay-on. They stand one to seven feet tall, the size varying based on materials and desire. A majority of the Phlàigh's body is covered in hardened scales dense enough to absorb minor blaster fire from weaker projectile weapons such as light to medium power blaster pistols. Higher power pistols, rifles, and explosives are much more effective against this organic armor. They are also covered in spikes made of bone and coated in a nuero-toxin, along with pustules filled with acid. Their maw is filled with acidic saliva along with rows and rows razor sharp teeth, with their eyes on either side protruding away from their body to provide a wider field of vision for the beasts. The hind legs are tough and spike-like while the front boast a trio of vicious claws. When killed the Phlàigh's body becomes unstable and soon explodes in a shower of acidic gore; as well as sending their poisonous spikes flying in random directions.
  • Breeding: Phlàigh are only made through an alchemical process.
  • Strengths: Varying degrees of strength and speed based on their size, making fighting them unpredictable especially in larger numbers. Pack beasts, nuero-toxin covered spikes, acidic saliva, pustules of acid to discourage melee, thick hide/scales, wide field of vision, and power jaw.
  • Weaknesses: Larger Phlàigh are slower, but very strong. Smaller Phlàigh are very fast, but weaker compared to their larger brethren. A small blind spot directly behind them, have difficulty running down hills, can kill members of their pack when killed causing chain reactions if unlucky, and can take days to make larger Phlàigh.
  • Diet: Phlàigh have a ravenous hunger for meat, any meat, but can curiously eat random things.
  • Behavior/Temperament: All Phlàigh demonstrate a pack mentality but even when alone are dangerous to their prey. Highly aggressive and territorial, Phlàigh work well at guarding areas along with flushing prey out for their master to which they are extremely loyal. Whatever their creator wills; is what drives them.
  • Communication: Phlàigh communicate through body language and gruttal sounds.
  • Culture: N/A
  • History: Phlàigh were created through Sith Alchemy by the Energy Vampire, Kir Vidaay-on.
  • Planet: Any.
  • Technology: N/A
  • Intent: Phlàigh were made to show Kir's skill in Sith Alchemy. Used as guardians and attack dogs in certain situations if ICly viable, bolstering him in larger scale combat situations in which he may be outnumbered or to lead into an attack in larger battles. Of course it also opens up opportunities for a new aggressive species to move in certain areas they are unleashed. Opening missions to people of all factions. They can be used for a lot honestly, I see a lot of potential. Sith can have a new weapon in their arsenal and alchemy to practice. Some may lose control and die, prompting more missions. There's no lack of potential. I've toyed with this idea, an alchemical beast, since last timeline on my old profile, so I'd really like them to pass is possible.


Lost in the World Over Yonder
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
Bump! I wanna use them in story soon o3o


All Indie, All the Time
SWRP Writer
Jun 9, 2014
Reaction score
Bump! I wanna use them in story soon o3o

Just a tip: Bumping tech, species, or planets usually gets them approved later the more it's done.


Lost in the World Over Yonder
SWRP Writer
Sep 1, 2015
Reaction score
Oh, well darn. Thanks for the info! Won't be doing that anymore then.


Mech Fan
SWRP Writer
May 1, 2012
Reaction score
We are not, and will not be, approving any Sith Alchemy created monsters. It is a poorly conceived and even more poorly explained/explored branch of the Dark Side of the Force that has always been subject to extreme levels of abuse by numerous players in the past.

Even if these critters weren't Alchemy beasties, I wouldn't approve them. Pack hunters that can grow huge and even stronger, with neurotoxin spikes, acid saliva, acid-filled blisters that erupt to SPRAY acid on you, blaster proof scales, powerful jaws... and their main weakness? A small blind spot directly behind them.

Due to the reasons outlined above, I'm archiving the Phlàigh.
