Parker Tam


SWRP Writer
Mar 5, 2018
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NAME: Capt. Parker "Maverick" Tam (Alias- Captain Daniel "Ace" Millard)
FACTION: Rebel Alliance
RANK: Pilot/ Soldier
AGE: 25
HOME PLANET: Coruscant

HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 190 lbs.
HAIR COLOR: short cropped black hair and short black beard
EYE COLOR: brown

STRENGTH: 6 of 10
DEXTERITY: 5 of 10
STAMINA: 5 of 10
CHARISMA: 9 of 10

Parker comes across as a very confident person. You would even think of him as arrogant and brash. He is meticulous about his looks and practices his skills as often as he can. He also loves to socialize and can usually be found in a cantina when not flying.
Sometimes he finds himself getting into more trouble than he can get out of on his own...
He is friendly, but he can be loud and a bit boastful as he loves talking about himself, and he won’t hesitate to have a chat with anyone willing.

But underneath the "ego façade" is a very caring human who wants to help the Alliance fight against the Empire.

To say that Parker was a "privileged" child would be a severe understatement. The pre-verbial silver spoon was in his mouth from the moment he was conceived...
He was born Daniel Millard, his parents (William and Penelope Millard) were both well respected and highly involved in the social scene on their home planet of Coruscant. His father was a successful surgeon, and his mother was an interior designer who had designed the inside of houses for even the most influential people and popular celebrities.

Daniel went to the finest schools and had the finest tutors to help shape his childhood, according to his parent's wishes, and was considered the "popular" kid in most of the schools he attended. He played sports (which he lettered in every year he played), he had great grades (graduating among the top of his classmates), and had several colleges vying for him to attend their respective institutions. But he disregarded everything just to go out and have fun. He had money and time... and he spent a lot of both on parties, girls, and just having fun.
In time he lost the scholarships and ended up living at home while taking advantage of his parents at every chance.

But for all the "great" things he had going for him, Daniel also had quite the ego. He was pretty much spoiled, good at everything he did, and it seemed that he had the world by the tail... but his ego got in the way time and time again.
Because of his arrogance, he didn't have very many close friends, which made him hang out more at home, and his parents were getting tired of all his "crap".
So they decided to do something about him... They took his credit cards away, landlocked his speeder, and then did the only thing they thought would end up helping their son...they sent him into the Imperial military.

Daniel was devastated, how could his parents do this to him.
At first boot camp was difficult, but he soon learned that obedience was far better than punishment. And so he resolved himself to make the most of where he was at... He soon reached the top of the class once again, and because of his "curbed" ego, he actually made friends as well.
And because of his intelligence and skill, his superiors took notice and sent him to officers school, and then to be trained as a pilot. He excelled in pilot's school, graduating with honors and earning the rank of Lieutenant, as well as his call-sign "Ace".
His parents were so proud of their son and how he had succeeded in his position.

Months upon months came and went as Lt. Millard was deployed to several planets to help the Imperial cause...It was during these missions that he saw first hand how the Imperials really treated those who opposed them. He didn't like what he saw. Too many species were being pretty much wiped out for the Imperial "cause" and too many innocent lives were snuffed out because of his Imperials. So he made the decision to leave the Imperials and to try to fight back. People deserved to be free, not under the thumb of an Empire.

But to defect was to invite a bounty and then ultimately a death sentence. So Daniel had to figure something out...
During a particular difficult situation on Nar Shaddaa, Parker found his chance to leave the Imperials. It was late at night, and he was in a speeder chasing some "citizens" who weren't complying with Imperial law, and on one somewhat challenging corner, he somehow "lost control" and crashed into a nearby building. The speeder was engulfed in flames, obvious to everyone that the pilot was killed instantly... But in reality, Daniel had bailed at the last second and was able to escape the crash and the scene before anyone was the wiser.

As he made his way through the streets of Nar Shaddaa, he met some "interesting" people who were nice enough to capture him and "employ" him in their crew. When the pirates asked his name, he made up the name Parker Tam (he certainly couldn't go by his real name), and it stuck.
Within months, it became evident that the life of a pirate fit him nicely, and soon, he was able to prove his worth as a pilot, and was therefore freed to become a paid employee and part of the crew, earning the nickname "Maverick" in the process.

After some time with the pirates, Parker was able to strike out on his own and left the crew. It was time to do something about the Empire...
He ended up doing odds jobs here and there, but is always searching for the rumored Rebels, and would like to join them in their cause against the Imperials.

Parker is a trained and highly skilled pilot, and can fly or operate pretty much anything.

Parker is proficient with a blaster

Grey flight suit, black vest over it.
Black boots
blaster pistol (ZA-44 pistol)
Repeating Blaster (acquired in plot

Dubbed "Top-Gun"
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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Reminder, force sensitivity can't be possibility or anything vague. Put an explicit yes or no.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
That was just a FYI comment, haven't really reviewed the character. Will come to it when it's next in line.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
You should change his rank from Captain to something lower, all former imperial officials at level 1 were lieutenant or lower. Rest looks good. Approved!


SWRP Writer
Mar 5, 2018
Reaction score
Ah ok. Can he refer to himself as a Captain tho?